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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients.SingleRecordFiller
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.UniqueRandomSequence;
* Class which generates and populates tables that can be used by
* {@code SingleRecordSelectClient} and {@code SingleRecordUpdateClient}.
* This tables contain rows with an int column (id) and a varchar(100) column
* (text). The id column is declared as primary key.
public class SingleRecordFiller implements DBFiller {
/** The number of tables to distribute the load over. */
private final int numberOfTables;
/** The number of rows in each table. */
private final int tableSize;
* The data type of the text column (a constant from
* {@code java.sql.Types}).
private final int dataType;
/** SQL name of the data type specified by {@code dataType}. */
private final String dataTypeString;
* Whether or not the table includes an integer column with unique values
* in random order. A UNIQUE index will be created for the column.
private final boolean withSecIndexColumn;
* Whether or not the table includes an integer column with unique values
* in random order not backed by an index.
private final boolean withNonIndexedColumn;
static final int TEXT_SIZE = 100;
* Generate a filler that creates the specified number of tables, each of
* which contains the specified number of records. When this constructor
* is used, the table only contains two columns: a primary key column (INT)
* and a text column (VARCHAR(100)).
* @param records the number of records in each table
* @param tables the number of tables to create
public SingleRecordFiller(int records, int tables) {
this(records, tables, Types.VARCHAR, false, false);
* Generate a filler that creates the specified number of tables, each of
* which contains the specified number of records.
* @param records the number of records in each table
* @param tables the number of tables to create
* @param type which SQL type to store the text as (one of
* {@code java.sql.Types.VARCHAR}, {@code java.sql.Types.BLOB} and
* {@code java.sql.Types.CLOB}.
public SingleRecordFiller(int records, int tables, int type,
boolean withSecIndex, boolean withNonIndexed) {
tableSize = records;
numberOfTables = tables;
dataType = type;
switch (type) {
case Types.VARCHAR:
dataTypeString = "VARCHAR";
case Types.BLOB:
dataTypeString = "BLOB";
case Types.CLOB:
dataTypeString = "CLOB";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("type = " + type);
withSecIndexColumn = withSecIndex;
withNonIndexedColumn = withNonIndexed;
public void fill(Connection c) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
for (int table = 0; table < numberOfTables; table++) {
String tableName = getTableName(tableSize, table, dataType,
withSecIndexColumn, withNonIndexedColumn);
WisconsinFiller.dropTable(c, tableName);
"CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(ID INT NOT NULL, " +
(withSecIndexColumn ? "SEC INT, " : "") +
(withNonIndexedColumn ? "NI INT, " : "") +
"TEXT " + dataTypeString + "(" + TEXT_SIZE + "))");
String extraCols = "";
String extraParams = "";
if (withSecIndexColumn) {
extraCols += ", SEC";
extraParams += ", ?";
if (withNonIndexedColumn) {
extraCols += ", NI";
extraParams += ", ?";
PreparedStatement ps =
c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableName +
"(ID, TEXT" + extraCols +
") VALUES (?, ?" + extraParams + ")");
UniqueRandomSequence secIdSequence = null;
if (withSecIndexColumn) {
secIdSequence = new UniqueRandomSequence(tableSize);
UniqueRandomSequence nonIndexedSequence = null;
if (withNonIndexedColumn) {
nonIndexedSequence = new UniqueRandomSequence(tableSize);
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
int col = 1;
ps.setInt(col++, i);
if (dataType == Types.VARCHAR) {
ps.setString(col++, randomString(i));
} else if (dataType == Types.CLOB) {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(randomString(i));
ps.setCharacterStream(col++, reader, TEXT_SIZE);
} else if (dataType == Types.BLOB) {
ByteArrayInputStream stream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(randomBytes(i));
ps.setBinaryStream(col++, stream, TEXT_SIZE);
if (withSecIndexColumn) {
ps.setInt(col++, secIdSequence.nextValue());
if (withNonIndexedColumn) {
ps.setInt(col++, nonIndexedSequence.nextValue());
if ((i % 1000) == 0) {
s.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD CONSTRAINT " +
tableName + "_PK PRIMARY KEY (ID)");
if (withSecIndexColumn) {
tableName + "(SEC)");
private static final String[] RANDOM_STRINGS = new String[16];
private static final byte[][] RANDOM_BYTES = new byte[16][TEXT_SIZE];
static {
final String alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
final Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_STRINGS.length; i++) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(TEXT_SIZE);
for (int x = 0; x < TEXT_SIZE; x++) {
RANDOM_STRINGS[i] = buf.toString();
for (int j = 0; j < TEXT_SIZE; j++) {
RANDOM_BYTES[i][j] = (byte) RANDOM_STRINGS[i].charAt(j);
* Pick a random string.
* @param seed a seed used to decide which random string to pick
* @return a (somewhat) random string
static String randomString(int seed) {
return RANDOM_STRINGS[(seed & 0x7fffffff) % RANDOM_STRINGS.length];
* Pick a random byte string.
* @param seed a seed used to decide which random string to pick
* @return a (somewhat) random sequence of bytes
static byte[] randomBytes(int seed) {
return RANDOM_BYTES[(seed & 0x7fffffff) % RANDOM_BYTES.length];
* Get the name of a table generated by this class.
* @param records the number of records in the table
* @param table the number of the table, between 0 (inclusive) and the
* total number of tables (exclusive)
* @param dataType the {@code java.sql.Types} constant specifying the
* data type of the text column
* @return the name of the table specified by the arguments
static String getTableName(int records, int table, int dataType,
boolean withSecIndex, boolean withNonIndexed) {
String name = "SINGLE_RECORD_" + records + "_" + table;
if (withSecIndex) {
name += "_SECIDX";
if (withNonIndexed) {
name += "_NONIDX";
if (dataType == Types.VARCHAR) {
name += "_VARCHAR";
} else if (dataType == Types.BLOB) {
name += "_BLOB";
} else if (dataType == Types.CLOB) {
name += "_CLOB";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataType = " + dataType);
return name;