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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients.Runner
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Class used for running a performance test from the command line. To learn
* how to run the tests, invoke this command:
* <pre>
* java org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients.Runner
* </pre>
public class Runner {
private static final String DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER =
private static final String DEFAULT_URL = "jdbc:derby:db;create=true";
/** The JDBC driver class to use in the test. */
private static String driver = DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER;
/** The JDBC connection URL to use in the test. */
private static String url = DEFAULT_URL;
/** Username for connecting to the database. */
private static String user = "test";
/** Password for connecting to the database. */
private static String password = "test";
* Flag which tells whether the data needed by this test should be
* (re)created.
private static boolean init = false;
/** The name of the type of load to use in the test. */
private static String load; // required argument
/** Map containing load-specific options. */
private final static HashMap<String, String> loadOpts =
new HashMap<String, String>();
/** The name of the load generator to use in the test. */
private static String generator = "b2b";
/** The number of client threads to use in the test. */
private static int threads = 1;
* The number of requests to issue to the database per second (for the
* load generators that take that as an argument).
private static int requestsPerSecond = 100;
/** The number of seconds to spend in the warmup phase. */
private static int warmupSec = 30;
/** The number of seconds to collect results. */
private static int steadySec = 60;
* Main method which starts the Runner application.
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(driver);
if (init) {
DBFiller filler = getDBFiller();
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
System.out.println("initializing database...");
Client[] clients = new Client[threads];
for (int i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
clients[i] = newClient();
LoadGenerator gen = getLoadGenerator();
System.out.println("starting warmup...");
Thread.sleep(1000L * warmupSec);
System.out.println("entering steady state...");
Thread.sleep(1000L * steadySec);
System.out.println("stopping threads...");
* Parse the command line arguments and set the state variables to
* reflect the arguments.
* @param args the command line arguments
private static void parseArgs(String[] args) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].equals("-driver")) {
driver = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-url")) {
url = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-user")) {
user = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-pass")) {
password = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-init")) {
init = true;
} else if (args[i].equals("-load")) {
load = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-load_opts")) {
} else if (args[i].equals("-gen")) {
generator = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-threads")) {
threads = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-rate")) {
requestsPerSecond = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-wt")) {
warmupSec = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-rt")) {
steadySec = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else {
throw new Exception("invalid argument: " + args[i]);
if (load == null) {
throw new Exception("required parameter -load not specified");
* Parse the load-specific options. It's a comma-separated list of options,
* where each option is either a keyword or a (keyword, value) pair
* separated by an equals sign (=). The parsed options will be put into the
* map {@link #loadOpts}.
* @param optsString the comma-separated list of options
private static void parseLoadOpts(String optsString) {
String[] opts = optsString.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
String[] keyValue = opts[i].split("=", 2);
if (keyValue.length == 2) {
loadOpts.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
} else {
loadOpts.put(opts[i], null);
* Checks whether the specified option is set.
* @param option the name of the option
* @return {@code true} if the option is set
private static boolean hasOption(String option) {
return loadOpts.keySet().contains(option);
* Get the {@code int} value of the specified option.
* @param option the name of the option
* @param defaultValue the value to return if the option is not set
* @return the value of the option
* @throws NumberFormatException if the value is not an {@code int}
static int getLoadOpt(String option, int defaultValue) {
String val = (String) loadOpts.get(option);
return val == null ? defaultValue : Integer.parseInt(val);
/** String to print when there are errors in the command line arguments. */
private static final String USAGE =
"Valid parameters:\n" +
" -driver: JDBC driver class, default: " + DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER + "\n" +
" -url: JDBC connection url, default: " + DEFAULT_URL + "\n" +
" -user: JDBC user name, default: test\n" +
" -pass: JDBC user password, default: test\n" +
" -init: initialize database (otherwise, reuse database)\n" +
" -load: type of load, required argument, valid types:\n" +
" * sr_select - single-record (primary key) select from table with\n" +
" 100 000 rows. It accepts the following load-specific\n" +
" options (see also -load_opts):\n" +
" - blob or clob: use BLOB or CLOB data instead of VARCHAR\n" +
" - secondary: select on a column with a secondary (non-unique)\n" +
" index instead of the primary key\n" +
" - nonIndexed: select on a non-indexed column instead of the\n" +
" primary key\n" +
" * sr_update - single-record (primary key) update on table with\n" +
" 100 000 rows. It accepts the same load-specific\n" +
" options as sr_select.\n" +
" * sr_select_big - single-record (primary key) select from table with\n" +
" 100 000 000 rows\n" +
" * sr_update_big - single-record (primary key) update on table with\n" +
" 100 000 000 rows\n" +
" * sr_select_multi - single-record select from a random table\n" +
" (32 tables with a single row each)\n" +
" * sr_update_multi - single-record update on a random table\n" +
" (32 tables with a single row each)\n" +
" * index_join - join of two tables (using indexed columns)\n" +
" * group_by - GROUP BY queries against TENKTUP1\n" +
" * bank_tx - emulate simple bank transactions, similar to TPC-B. The\n" +
" following load-specific options are accepted:\n" +
" - branches=NN: specifies the number of branches in the db\n" +
" (default: 1)\n" +
" - tellersPerBranch=NN: specifies how many tellers each branch\n" +
" in the database has (default: 10)\n" +
" - accountsPerBranch=NN: specifies the number of accounts in\n" +
" each branch (default: 100000)\n" +
" * seq_gen - sequence generator concurrency. Accepts\n" +
" the following load-specific options (see also -load_opts):\n" +
" - numberOfGenerators: number of sequences to create\n" +
" - tablesPerGenerator: number of tables to create per sequence\n" +
" - insertsPerTransaction: number of inserts to perform per transaction\n" +
" - debugging: 1 means print debug chatter, 0 means do not print the chatter\n" +
" - identityTest: 1 means do identity column testing, any other number \n" +
" means do sequence generator testing. If no identityTest is specified \n" +
" then sequence generator testing will be done by default \n" +
" -load_opts: comma-separated list of load-specific options\n" +
" -gen: load generator, default: b2b, valid types:\n" +
" * b2b - clients perform operations back-to-back\n" +
" * poisson - load is Poisson distributed\n" +
" -threads: number of threads performing operations, default: 1\n" +
" -rate: average number of transactions per second to inject when\n" +
" load generator is \"poisson\", default: 100\n" +
" -wt: warmup time in seconds, default: 30\n" +
" -rt: time in seconds to collect results, default: 60";
* Print the usage string.
* @param out the stream to print the usage string to
private static void printUsage(PrintStream out) {
* Get the data type to be used for sr_select and sr_update types of load.
* @return one of the {@code java.sql.Types} data type constants
private static int getTextType() {
boolean blob = hasOption("blob");
boolean clob = hasOption("clob");
if (blob && clob) {
System.err.println("Cannot specify both 'blob' and 'clob'");
if (blob) {
return Types.BLOB;
if (clob) {
return Types.CLOB;
return Types.VARCHAR;
* Find the {@code DBFiller} instance for the load specified on the
* command line.
* @return a {@code DBFiller} instance
private static DBFiller getDBFiller() {
if (load.equals("sr_select") || load.equals("sr_update")) {
return new SingleRecordFiller(100000, 1, getTextType(),
} else if (load.equals("sr_select_big") ||
load.equals("sr_update_big")) {
return new SingleRecordFiller(100000000, 1);
} else if (load.equals("sr_select_multi") ||
load.equals("sr_update_multi")) {
return new SingleRecordFiller(1, 32);
} else if (load.equals("index_join")) {
return new WisconsinFiller();
} else if (load.equals("group_by")) {
return new WisconsinFiller(getLoadOpt("numRows", 10000));
} else if (load.equals("bank_tx")) {
return new BankAccountFiller(
getLoadOpt("branches", 1),
getLoadOpt("tellersPerBranch", 10),
getLoadOpt("accountsPerBranch", 100000));
} else if (load.equals("seq_gen")) {
return new SequenceGeneratorConcurrency.Filler();
System.err.println("unknown load: " + load);
return null;
* Create a new client for the load specified on the command line.
* @return a {@code Client} instance
private static Client newClient() {
if (load.equals("sr_select")) {
return new SingleRecordSelectClient(100000, 1, getTextType(),
hasOption("secondary"), hasOption("nonIndexed"));
} else if (load.equals("sr_update")) {
return new SingleRecordUpdateClient(100000, 1, getTextType(),
hasOption("secondary"), hasOption("nonIndexed"));
} else if (load.equals("sr_select_big")) {
return new SingleRecordSelectClient(100000000, 1);
} else if (load.equals("sr_update_big")) {
return new SingleRecordUpdateClient(100000000, 1);
} else if (load.equals("sr_select_multi")) {
return new SingleRecordSelectClient(1, 32);
} else if (load.equals("sr_update_multi")) {
return new SingleRecordUpdateClient(1, 32);
} else if (load.equals("index_join")) {
return new IndexJoinClient();
} else if (load.equals("group_by")) {
return new GroupByClient();
} else if (load.equals("bank_tx")) {
return new BankTransactionClient(
getLoadOpt("branches", 1),
getLoadOpt("tellersPerBranch", 10),
getLoadOpt("accountsPerBranch", 100000));
} else if (load.equals("seq_gen")) {
return new SequenceGeneratorConcurrency.SGClient();
System.err.println("unknown load: " + load);
return null;
* Create a load generator for the load specified on the command line.
* @return a {@code LoadGenerator} instance
private static LoadGenerator getLoadGenerator() {
if (generator.equals("b2b")) {
return new BackToBackLoadGenerator();
} else if (generator.equals("poisson")) {
double avgWaitTime = 1000d * threads / requestsPerSecond;
return new PoissonLoadGenerator(avgWaitTime);
System.err.println("unknown load generator: " + generator);
return null;
* Shut down the database if it is a Derby embedded database.
private static void shutdownDatabase() throws SQLException {
if (driver.equals(DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER)) {
try {
DriverManager.getConnection(url + ";shutdown=true");
System.err.println("WARNING: Shutdown of database didn't " +
"throw expected exception");
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!"08006".equals(e.getSQLState())) {
System.err.println("WARNING: Shutdown of database threw " +
"unexpected exception");