blob: 0a2f86a10a5c556f1f68f49875f3d9cd9cf612d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.RuntimeStatisticsParser
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.derbyTesting.junit;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class RuntimeStatisticsParser {
private int isolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE;
private boolean distinctScan = false;
private boolean eliminatedDuplicates = false;
private boolean tableScan = false;
private final boolean indexScan;
private final boolean indexRowToBaseRow;
private final boolean lastKeyIndexScan;
private String statistics = "";
private boolean scrollInsensitive = false;
private final HashSet<Qualifier> qualifiers;
private String [] startPosition = {"None"};
private String [] stopPosition = {"None"};
* Create a RuntimeStatistics object to parse the text and extract
* information.
* @param rts
* Runtime Statistics string
public RuntimeStatisticsParser(String rts) {
statistics = rts;
if (rts.indexOf(" at serializable isolation level ") != -1)
isolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
else if (rts.indexOf("at read uncommitted isolation level") != -1)
isolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
else if (rts.indexOf("at read committed isolation level") != -1)
isolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
else if (rts.indexOf("at repeatable read isolation level") != -1)
isolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ;
if (rts.indexOf("Distinct Scan ResultSet") > 0) {
distinctScan = true;
if (rts.indexOf("Table Scan ResultSet") > 0) {
tableScan = true;
indexScan = (rts.indexOf("Index Scan ResultSet") >= 0);
indexRowToBaseRow =
(rts.indexOf("Index Row to Base Row ResultSet") >= 0);
lastKeyIndexScan = (rts.indexOf("Last Key Index Scan ResultSet") >= 0);
if (rts.indexOf("Eliminate duplicates = true") > 0) {
eliminatedDuplicates = true;
if (rts.indexOf("Scroll Insensitive ResultSet:") > 0)
scrollInsensitive = true;
qualifiers = findQualifiers();
startPosition = getStartPosition();
stopPosition = getStopPosition();
* Class which represents a qualifier used in a scan.
private static class Qualifier {
String operator;
boolean negated;
Qualifier(String operator, boolean negated) {
this.operator = operator;
this.negated = negated;
public int hashCode() {
if (negated) {
return ~(operator.hashCode());
return operator.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Qualifier) {
Qualifier q = (Qualifier) o;
return (negated == q.negated) && operator.equals(q.operator);
return false;
* Represent the qualifier as a string for debugging.
public String toString() {
return (negated ? "\u00ac" : "" ) + operator;
* Find all qualifiers in a query plan.
* @return set of <code>Qualifier</code>s
private HashSet<Qualifier> findQualifiers() {
HashSet<Qualifier> set = new HashSet<Qualifier>();
int startPos = statistics.indexOf("qualifiers:\n");
if (startPos >= 0) {
// start search after "qualifiers:\n"
String searchString = statistics.substring(startPos + 12);
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(searchString, "\n");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String s = t.nextToken();
StringTokenizer t2 = new StringTokenizer(s, "\t ");
if (t2.nextToken().equals("Operator:")) {
String operator = t2.nextToken();
t.nextToken(); // skip "Ordered nulls: ..."
t.nextToken(); // skip "Unknown return value: ..."
s = t.nextToken();
t2 = new StringTokenizer(s, "\t ");
String neg = t2.nextToken();
if (!neg.equals("Negate")) {
throw new AssertionError(
"Expected to find \"Negate comparison result\", " +
"found: " + neg);
t2.nextToken(); // skip "comparison"
t2.nextToken(); // skip "result:"
boolean negated =
set.add(new Qualifier(operator, negated));
return set;
* @return Isolation level from parsed RuntimeStatistics
public int getIsolationLevel() {
return isolationLevel;
* Return whether or not a Distinct Scan result set was used in the
* query.
public boolean usedDistinctScan() {
return distinctScan;
* Return whether or not a Table Scan result set was used in the
* query.
public boolean usedTableScan() {
return tableScan;
* @param tableName
* @return true if a Table Scan ResultSet was used for tableName
public boolean usedTableScan(String tableName){
return (statistics.indexOf("Table Scan ResultSet for " +
tableName + " ")!= -1);
* @param tableName
* @param indexName
* @return true if passed indexName was used for Index Scan ResultSet
* for the passed tableName
public boolean usedSpecificIndexForIndexScan(
String tableName, String indexName){
return (statistics.indexOf("Index Scan ResultSet for " +
tableName + " using index " + indexName + " ")!= -1);
* @param tableName
* @return true if an Index Scan ResultSet was used for tableName
public boolean usedIndexScan(String tableName){
return (statistics.indexOf("Index Scan ResultSet for " +
tableName + " ")!= -1);
* @param tableName
* @return true if passed indexName was used for Index Scan ResultSet
* for the passed tableName
public boolean usedConstraintForIndexScan(String tableName){
return (statistics.indexOf("Index Scan ResultSet for " +
tableName + " using constraint")!= -1);
* Return whether or not an index scan result set was used in the query.
public boolean usedIndexScan() {
return indexScan;
* Return whether or not a last key index scan result set was used
* in the query. A last key index scan is a special optimization for
* MIN and MAX queries against an indexed column (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM T).
public boolean usedLastKeyIndexScan() {
return lastKeyIndexScan;
* Return whether or not an index row to base row result set was used in
* the query.
public boolean usedIndexRowToBaseRow() {
return indexRowToBaseRow;
* @param tableName
* @return true if Index Row to Base Row ResultSet was used for tableName
public boolean usedIndexRowToBaseRow(String tableName) {
return (statistics.indexOf("Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for " +
tableName + ":")!= -1);
* @param tableName
* @return true if Used Distinct Scan ResultSet for tablenName
public boolean usedDistinctScan(String tableName) {
return (statistics.indexOf("Distinct Scan ResultSet for " +
tableName + " ")!= -1);
* Return whether or not the query involved a sort that eliminated
* duplicates
public boolean eliminatedDuplicates() {
return eliminatedDuplicates;
public boolean isScrollInsensitive(){
return scrollInsensitive;
* Return whether or not the query used a &gt;= scan qualifier.
public boolean hasGreaterThanOrEqualQualifier() {
// < negated is equivalent to >=
return qualifiers.contains(new Qualifier("<", true));
* Return whether or not the query used a &lt; scan qualifier.
public boolean hasLessThanQualifier() {
return qualifiers.contains(new Qualifier("<", false));
* Return whether or not the query used an equals scan qualifier.
public boolean hasEqualsQualifier() {
return qualifiers.contains(new Qualifier("=", false));
* Return whether there are no qualifiers (i.e. qualifiers: None)
public boolean hasNoQualifiers() {
int startPos = statistics.indexOf("qualifiers:\n");
if (startPos >= 0) {
// start search after "qualifiers:\n"
String searchString = statistics.substring(startPos + 12);
if (searchString.indexOf("None")>1)
return true;
System.out.println("statistics.substring: " + searchString);
return false;
else {
throw new AssertionError(
"Expected to find \"qualifiers: None\", " +
"but didn't even find 'qualifiers'");
* Return whether or not the query plan includes a line of the form
* "Number of rows qualified=n"
* where "n" is the received qualRows argument. Note that this
* method will return true if the above string is found anywhere
* in the query plan. For queries which specifying more than one
* table, more advanced parsing will be required to associate the
* number of rows qualified with the correct table.
public boolean rowsQualifiedEquals(int qualRows)
return (statistics.indexOf("Number of rows qualified=" +
qualRows + "\n") != -1);
* @return true if a hash join was used
public boolean usedHashJoin()
return (statistics.indexOf("Hash Join ResultSet") != -1);
* @return true if a nested loop left outer join was used
public boolean usedNLLeftOuterJoin()
return (statistics.indexOf("Nested Loop Left Outer Join") != -1);
* Check if an exists join (or a not exists join) was used.
* @return {@code true} if the query used a (not) exists join
public boolean usedExistsJoin() {
return statistics.indexOf("Exists Join ResultSet") != -1;
* Search the RuntimeStatistics for a string. It must occur
* at least instances times.
* @param stringToFind the string to search for
* @param instances the minimum number of occurrences of the string
* @return true if stringToFind is found at least {@code instances} times
public boolean findString(String stringToFind, int instances)
int foundCount=0;
int currentOffset=0;
String stat = statistics;
for (int i = 0; i < instances; i++) {
currentOffset = stat.indexOf(stringToFind);
if (currentOffset != -1) {
stat = stat.substring(currentOffset + stringToFind.length());
} else {
return (foundCount >= instances);
* Check if sorting node was added for the query.
* @return true if sorting node was required
public boolean whatSortingRequired() {
return (statistics.indexOf("Sort information: ") != -1 );
public boolean usedExternalSort() {
return (statistics.indexOf("Sort type=external") != -1 );
public String toString() {
return statistics;
* Find the start position ; sometimes using a scan start / stop is
* a way of doing qualifiers using an index
* @return the String array following start position:
public String [] getStartPosition() {
int startStartIndex = statistics.indexOf("start position:");
int endStartIndex = statistics.indexOf("stop position:");
if (startStartIndex >= 0 && endStartIndex >= 0)
String positionLines = statistics.substring(startStartIndex, endStartIndex);
return Utilities.split(positionLines, '\n');
return null;
* Find the stop position ; sometimes using a scan start / stop is
* a way of doing qualifiers using an index
* @return the String array following start position:
public String [] getStopPosition() {
int startStopIndex = statistics.indexOf("stop position:");
int endStopIndex = statistics.indexOf("qualifiers:");
if (startStopIndex >= 0 && endStopIndex >= 0)
String positionLines = statistics.substring(startStopIndex, endStopIndex);
return Utilities.split(positionLines, '\n');
return null;
* Assert that a sequence of string exists in the statistics.
* <p>/
* The strings in the argument are each assumed to start a line. Leading
* underscores are converted to tab characters before comparing.
* @param strings The sequence of string expected to be found.
public void assertSequence(String[] strings) {
// Make strings ready for comparison:
for (int i=0; i < strings.length; i++) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int j=0; j < strings[i].length(); j++) {
if (strings[i].charAt(j) == '_') {
// this would mess up if the string has an _ somewhere in
// the middle, e.g. if a table name has an _ in it. So,
// only do this for the first 15 characters.
if (j < 15)
} else {
strings[i] = sb.toString();
String window = statistics;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
int pos = window.indexOf(strings[i]);
if (pos == -1) {
throw new AssertionError(
"Sequence " + strings[i] + "not found in statistics");
window = window.substring(pos + 1);