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* Derby - Class JDBCPerfTestCase
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.derbyTesting.junit;
* Base Class for performance tests. It is useful for a performance test
* framework to have ability to run a test for I iterations , and repeat the
* test R times. This class provides this functionality of timing the test for I
* iterations and repeating the test in the same jvm for R number of
* times.
* For JDBCPerfTestCase with R repeats and I iterations
* This cycle is repeated R times
* {
* setUp run once
* fixture method is run I times(and timed)
* tearDown is run once
* }
* Results are printed out to System.out currently. For each repeat of the test,
* the elapsed time is printed out and after R repeats of the test, the average
* elapsed time is also printed.
* If a test has R repeats and (R>1), then the average elapsed time of the
* (R-1) runs is printed out and the timing info collected as part of the first
* testrun is ignored.
* If R=1, then the average elapsed time prints time for that
* only run.
* To see the current output that is printed out, see methods runBare() and
* runTest()
* To write a performance test, extend the JDBCPerfTestCase
* In the example below, ScanCoveredIdxTest is a performance test that
* extends JDBCPerfTestCase. See below code snippet on how
* these tests will be added/used.
* <CODE>
* // Add a test fixture 'scanAllRows' in ScanCoveredIdxTest
* // and to run this test for 100 iterations and to
* // repeat the test 4 times.
* int iterations = 100;
* int repeats = 4;
* BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite();
* suite.addTest(new ScanCoveredIdxTest("scanAllRows",iterations,repeats));
* // To add client tests.
* BaseTestSuite client = new BaseTestSuite("Client");
* client.addTest(new ScanCoveredIdxTest("scanAllRows",iterations,repeats));
* client.addTest(new ScanCoveredIdxTest("scanAndRetrieveAllRows",iterations,repeats));
* // This will add the server decorator that will start the
* // server on setUp of the suite and stop server on tearDown
* // of the suite.
* suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(client));
* </CODE>
* Some improvement areas/ideas:
* -- Can we use TestResult ,and our own TestRunner to improve on how the
* results are reported.
* -- write the perf results to a file that can be easily consumed for reporting purposes
* and further analysis against different builds.
* -- Maybe even write the results out in xml format,and then using xsl the results
* could be rendered into html reports
public class JDBCPerfTestCase extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
* store timing information
private long startTime,endTime;
* Store info on how many times the test fixture should be run
* also see runTest() on how iterations is used
private int iterations = 1;
* Store info on how many times should the test be repeated
* default value is 1
private int repeats = 1;
* Hold the elapsedtime info for the testRun
* given by testRunNum
private int testRunNum = 0;
* store the elapsed time info for the test runs.
private long[] runs;
public JDBCPerfTestCase(String name)
runs = new long[repeats];
* @param name testname
* @param iterations iterations of the test to measure at one shot.
* @param repeats is the number of times the entire test be repeated
* @see JDBCPerfTestCase class level comments
public JDBCPerfTestCase(String name,int iterations, int repeats)
this.iterations = iterations;
this.repeats = repeats;
runs = new long[repeats];
* runBare, do the whole thing - setup, runTest, cleanup
* 'repeats' times.
* If test was run for more than one time, then ignore the
* first testrun results and print the average elapsed time
* for the remaining runs.
protected void runBareOverridable() throws Throwable
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
println("Repeat ="+i);
// For a single run no point in printing a summary that's
// identical to the one run output.
if (repeats == 1 && iterations == 1)
long total=0;
if ( repeats > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < repeats; i++)
total += runs[i];
total = runs[0];
System.out.println("Test-" + getName() +
": framework:"+ getTestConfiguration().getJDBCClient().getName()+
":iterations: " + iterations
+ " : Avg elapsedTime(ms): " +
total / (repeats > 1 ? (long) (repeats - 1) : (long) repeats));
* Overrides runTest from TestCase, in order to gather
* elapsed time information.
* Run the testfixture for 'iterations' times and store the time
* taken for the particular testrun and print it to System.out
* Note: this method will NOT time the setUp or tearDown methods
protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++)
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
runs[testRunNum] = (endTime-startTime);
System.out.println("Test-" + getName() +
": framework:"+ getTestConfiguration().getJDBCClient().getName()+
": run#" + testRunNum
+ " iterations: " + iterations + " : elapsedTime(ms): "
+ (endTime - startTime));