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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ManyMethods
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
* This class is for testing method calls on user-defined types. It has
* many different methods for testing different cases.
public class ManyMethods implements Serializable
int value;
protected int protectedValue;
private int privateValue;
public int publicValue;
public short publicshort;
public Short publicShort;
public byte publicbyte;
public Byte publicByte;
public int publicint;
public Integer publicInteger;
public long publiclong;
public Long publicLong;
public boolean publicboolean;
public Boolean publicBoolean;
public float publicfloat;
public Float publicFloat;
public double publicdouble;
public Double publicDouble;
public String publicString;
public Date publicDate;
public Time publicTime;
public Timestamp publicTimestamp;
public ManyMethods myself;
public static int NONOVERLOADED_INTSTATIC = 1;
public static int OVERLOADED_INTSTATIC = 1;
public static int OVEROVERLOADED_INTSTATIC = 1;
public ManyMethods(int value)
this.value = value;
this.myself = this;
protectedValue = value;
privateValue = value;
publicValue = value;
publicint = value;
publicInteger = value;
publicshort = (short) value;
publicShort = (short) value;
publicbyte = (byte) value;
publicByte = (byte) value;
publiclong = (long) value;
publicLong = (long) value;
publicboolean = booleanMethod();
publicBoolean = BooleanMethod();
publicfloat = floatMethod();
publicFloat = FloatMethod();
publicdouble = doubleMethod();
publicDouble = DoubleMethod();
publicString = StringMethod();
publicDate = DateMethod();
publicTime = TimeMethod();
publicTimestamp = TimestampMethod();
** The following methods are for testing signature matching. Each method
** takes a single parameter. The parameter types vary by method. All
** of the Java primitive types are covered as well as their wrapper classes.
** All of the Java classes corresponding to the currently supported SQL
** types are covered.
public String parmType(byte value)
return "byte parameter";
public String parmType(byte[][][] value)
return "byte[][][] parameter";
public String parmType(Byte value)
return "java.lang.Byte parameter";
public String parmType(char value)
return "char parameter";
public String parmType(Character value)
return "java.lang.Character parameter";
public String parmType(double value)
return "double parameter";
public String parmType(Double value)
return "java.lang.Double parameter";
public String parmType(BigDecimal value)
return "java.math.BigDecimal parameter";
public String parmType(float value)
return "float parameter";
public String parmType(Float value)
return "java.lang.Float parameter";
public String parmType(int value)
return "int parameter";
public String parmType(Integer value)
return "java.lang.Integer parameter";
public String parmType(long value)
return "long parameter";
public String parmType(Long value)
return "java.lang.Long parameter";
public String parmType(short value)
return "short parameter";
public String parmType(Short value)
return "java.lang.Short parameter";
public String parmType(boolean value)
return "boolean parameter";
public String parmType(Boolean value)
return "java.lang.Boolean parameter";
public String parmType(String value)
return "java.lang.String parameter";
public String parmType(Date value)
return "java.sql.Date parameter";
public String parmType(Time value)
return "java.sql.Time parameter";
public String parmType(Timestamp value)
return "java.sql.Timestamp parameter";
** The following methods return all of the java primitive types and
** their wrapper classes, plus all of the types corresponding to the
** built-in SQL types.
public byte byteMethod()
return 1;
public byte[][][] byteArrayArrayArrayMethod()
return new byte[3][][];
public Byte ByteMethod()
return (byte) 1;
public char charMethod()
return 'a';
public Character CharacterMethod()
return 'a';
public double doubleMethod()
return 1.5;
public Double DoubleMethod()
return 1.5;
public BigDecimal BigDecimalMethod()
return new BigDecimal(1.4d);
public float floatMethod()
return 2.5F;
public Float FloatMethod()
return 2.5F;
public int intMethod()
return 2;
public Integer IntegerMethod()
return 2;
public long longMethod()
return 3L;
public Long LongMethod()
return 3L;
public short shortMethod()
return (short) 4;
public Short ShortMethod()
return (short) 4;
public boolean booleanMethod()
return true;
public Boolean BooleanMethod()
return true;
public String StringMethod()
return "A String";
public Date DateMethod()
/* July 2, 1997 */
// deprecated...note, that it was actually august, not july.
// return new Date(97, 7, 2);
return new Date(870505200000L);
public Time TimeMethod()
/* 10:58:33 AM */
// deprecated...
// return new Time(10, 58, 33);
return new Time(68313000L);
public Timestamp TimestampMethod()
/* July 2, 1997 10:59:15.0 AM */
// deprecated...note, actually August, not July, 1997
// return new Timestamp(97, 7, 2, 10, 59, 15, 0);
return new Timestamp(870544755000L);
public ManyMethods ManyMethodsMethod()
return this;
** The following methods are for testing null arguments. These methods
** return Strings with the names of the parameter types, so we can be
** sure the right method was called.
public String isNull(Boolean value)
if (value == null)
return "Boolean is null";
return "Boolean is not null";
public String isNull(String value)
if (value == null)
return "String is null";
return "String is not null";
public String isNull(Double value)
if (value == null)
return "Double is null";
return "Double is not null";
public String isNull(BigDecimal value)
if (value == null)
return "BigDecimal is null";
return "BigDecimal is not null";
public String isNull(Integer value)
if (value == null)
return "Integer is null";
return "Integer is not null";
public String isNull(Float value)
if (value == null)
return "Float is null";
return "Float is not null";
public String isNull(Short value)
if (value == null)
return "Short is null";
return "Short is not null";
public String isNull(Date value)
if (value == null)
return "Date is null";
return "Date is not null";
public String isNull(Time value)
if (value == null)
return "Time is null";
return "Time is not null";
public String isNull(Timestamp value)
if (value == null)
return "Timestamp is null";
return "Timestamp is not null";
/* Methods with more than one parameter */
public String integerFloatDouble(Integer parm1, Float parm2, Double parm3)
return "integerFloatDouble method";
public String stringDateTimeTimestamp(String parm1, Date parm2, Time parm3,
Timestamp parm4)
return "stringDateTimeTimestamp method";
/* Static methods */
public static int staticMethod()
return 1;
public static int overloadedStaticMethod()
return 1;
public static int overOverloadedStaticMethod()
return 1;
public static Byte staticByteMethod()
return (byte) 1;
public static Character staticCharacterMethod()
return 'a';
public static Double staticDoubleMethod()
return 1.5;
public static BigDecimal staticBigDecimalMethod()
return new BigDecimal(1.1d);
public static Float staticFloatMethod()
return 2.5F;
public static Long staticLongMethod()
return 3L;
public static Short staticShortMethod()
return (short) 4;
public static Integer staticIntegerMethod()
return 2;
public static Boolean staticBooleanMethod()
return true;
public static String staticStringMethod()
return "A String";
public static Date staticDateMethod()
/* August 2, 1997 */
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(1997, Calendar.AUGUST, 2, 0, 0, 0);
return new Date(cal.getTimeInMillis());
public static Time staticTimeMethod()
/* 10:58:33 AM */
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 10, 58, 33);
return new Time(cal.getTimeInMillis());
public static Timestamp staticTimestampMethod()
/* August 2, 1997 10:59:15.0 AM */
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(1997, Calendar.AUGUST, 2, 10, 59, 15);
return new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis());
public static ManyMethods staticManyMethods(Integer value)
return new ManyMethods(value.intValue());
/* "Cast to sub class" */
public SubClass subClass()
if (this instanceof SubClass)
return (SubClass) this;
return null;
public int[] getIntArray() {
return new int[0];
public Object[] getObjectArray() {
return new String[0];
/* Methods for negative testing */
protected int protectedMethod()
return 1;
private int privateMethod()
return 1;
int packageMethod()
return 1;
public int exceptionMethod() throws Throwable
throw new Throwable("This exception should be caught by the runtime system.");
** Some methods for testing interface resolution
public static NoMethodInterface getNoMethodInterface() {
return new SubInterfaceClass(67);
public static Runnable getRunnable() {
return new SubInterfaceClass(89);
public static ExtendingInterface getExtendingInterface() {
return new SubInterfaceClass(235);