blob: e6971b17c0d4fe63fdeeb57e9a8a7b3485b2cbda [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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-- limitations under the License.
-- this test shows some ij abilities against an active database
create table t (i int);
insert into t values (3), (4);
prepare s as 'select * from t';
execute s;
remove s;
-- now it won't find s
execute s;
prepare s as 'select * from t where i=?';
-- fails, needs parameter
execute s;
-- works, finds value
execute s using 'values 3';
prepare t as 'values 3';
-- same as last execute
execute s using t;
-- same as last execute
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'values 3';
-- same as last execute
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using t;
-- param that is not needed gets out of range message
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'values (3,4)';
-- ignores rows that are not needed
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'values 3,4';
-- with autocommit off, extra rows are processed and no warning results
autocommit off;
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'values 3,4';
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'values 3';
autocommit on;
-- will say params not set when no rows in using values
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'select * from t where i=9';
-- will say params not set when using values is not a query
execute 'select * from t where i=?' using 'create table s (i int)';
-- note that the using part was, however, executed...
drop table s;
-- DERBY-2558: Verify that we get a reasonable message when the 'dimension'
-- of the 'using-set' does not match the 'dimension' of the prepared statement:
create table t2558 (i int);
insert into t2558 values (3), (4);
-- First two statements below should fail. Third one should work.
execute 'select * from t2558 where i = ?' using 'values (3,4)';
execute 'select * from t2558 where i in (?,?,?)' using 'values (3,4)';
execute 'select * from t2558 where i = ? or i = ?' using 'values (3,4)';
-- bug 5926 - make sure the using clause result set got closed
drop table t;
create table t(c1 int);
insert into t values(1);
execute 'select * from t where c1=?' using 'select * from t where c1=1';
drop table t;
create table t(c1 int);
insert into t values(1);
insert into t values(2);
execute 'select * from t where c1=?' using 'select * from t where c1>=1';
drop table t;
-- Bug 4694 Test automatic rollback with close of connection
-- in ij
connect 'wombat';
autocommit off;
create table a (a int);
select count(*) from a;
set connection connection0;
select count(*) from a;
create table t ( c char(50));
insert into t values('hello');
select cast(c as varchar(20)) from t;
drop table t;
-- DERBY-3408: Unknown command error should suggest referring to server docs:
show schema;