blob: 969bc2350413f850e90a7056f0050b60b8c3b58b [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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-- Script for creating the 'wombat' test database
-- that will be used for testing the 'dblook'
-- messages. Basically, we just create a database
-- that has one of every possible type of object
-- (table, index, key, etc) and then run dblook
-- to check that all of the messages related to
-- those objects are correct.
-- NOTE: Because order of DDL statements is NOT
-- guaranteed within a specific category of
-- objects (ex. tables), this test should ONLY
-- have ONE of each kind of object; otherwise,
-- intermittent diffs might occur.
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Schemas
-- ----------------------------------------------
create schema bar;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Jars:
-- Note: a jar file called 'dblook_test.jar'
-- must exist in the current directory (it is
-- put there by the harness).
-- ----------------------------------------------
call sqlj.install_jar('file:dblook_test.jar', 'bar.barjar', 0);
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Stored Procedures.
-- ----------------------------------------------
create procedure proc1 (INOUT a CHAR(10), IN b int) language java external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest.inoutparams3' parameter style java dynamic result sets 4 contains sql;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Functions.
-- ----------------------------------------------
create function gatp(SCH VARCHAR(128), TBL VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VARCHAR(1000) EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.TestPropertyInfo.getAllTableProperties' LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA CONTAINS SQL;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Tables
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Includes one primary key, foreign key, and check constraint.
create table bar.t1 (c char(5) not null PRIMARY KEY, i int, vc varchar(10) constraint notevil check (vc != 'evil'), fkChar char(5) references bar.t1 (c) on delete no action);
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Indexes.
-- ----------------------------------------------
create index ix1 on bar.t1 (i desc);
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Views
-- ----------------------------------------------
create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.c, a.i, from bar.t1 as a;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Synonyms
-- ----------------------------------------------
create synonym syn1 for bar.t1;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Triggers
-- ----------------------------------------------
create trigger trigOne after insert on bar.t1 for each row update bar.t1 set i = 4 where i = 2;
-- trigger with WHEN clause (DERBY-534)
create trigger trigTwo after insert on bar.t1 referencing new as new for each row when (new.i > 4) delete from bar.t1 where i = 2;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- UDTs
-- ----------------------------------------------
create type price external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.Price' language java;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Sequences
-- ----------------------------------------------
create sequence sequence_1;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Aggregates
-- ----------------------------------------------
create derby aggregate mode for int external name '';
create derby aggregate mode2 for bigint returns double external name '';