blob: 99d2d453bf572fd43ec41683fb2d4325b70571c1 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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-- testing Transaction table
maximumdisplaywidth 9000;
connect 'wombat' as c1;
set isolation to rr;
-- Only look at user transactions. Depending on timing of background
-- threads for post commit and checkpoint there may be system and
-- and internal transactions that vary from machine to machine.
create view xactTable as
select username, type, status,
case when first_instant is NULL then 'readonly' else 'not readonly' end as readOnly, cast(sql_text as varchar(512)) sql_text
from syscs_diag.transaction_table
where type = 'UserTransaction';
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
create table foo (a int);
create index fooi on foo (a);
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
autocommit off;
select * from foo;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table ;
insert into foo values (1), (3), (5), (7), (9);
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table;
insert into foo values (6), (10);
-- make another connection
connect 'wombat' as c2;
set isolation to rr;
autocommit off;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
autocommit off;
select * from foo where a < 2;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
insert into foo values (2), (4);
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
-- this should block and result in a timeout
select * from foo;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
-- when last statement finished rolling back, this transaction should be IDLE;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
-- this should also block
drop table foo;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
set connection c1;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table
where tableType <> 'S'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
drop table foo;
select * from xactTable order by username, sql_text, status, type;
select l.type, lockcount as cnt, mode, tablename, lockname, state
from syscs_diag.lock_table l right outer join syscs_diag.transaction_table t
on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' and t.type='UserTransaction'
order by lockname, mode, cnt, state;
-- ensure the system vti can not be modified.
drop table syscs_diag.transaction_table;
alter table syscs_diag.transaction_table add column x int;
update syscs_diag.transaction_table set xid = NULL;
delete from syscs_diag.transaction_table where 1 = 1;
insert into syscs_diag.transaction_table(xid) values('bad');
-- ensure the old syntax still works until it is deprecated
select xid from new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() AS t where 1 = 0;
update new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() set xid = NULL;
delete from new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() where 1 = 0;