blob: 8a0d6810a165a4c1d0d7855582a95d1df43af5da [file] [log] [blame]
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
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Test to reproduce DERBY-4577, An expanding update fails with an nospc.U error.
public class Derby4577Test extends StoreBaseTest
* Fields of the class
* Constructors for This class:
* Private/Protected methods of This class:
* Public Methods of This class:
* Public Methods of XXXX class:
public Derby4577Test(String name)
* DERBY-4577 test case
* <p>
* The update error occurs with the following:
* o update of a long row which requires an update on it's overflow page
* o The portion of the long row on the overflow page needs to have
* max(row size, reserved space) + free space on page <= 12
* (12 causes the error, other values might also).
* In order to get to this one needs multiple rows on the overflow page,
* so that they can eat up the free space on the page. This test
* simulates the overflow page state that I got from running the test case
* associated with DERBY-2286. I could only repro on a fast dual core
* linux machine. I repro'd a few times and it always had 3 rows on
* the page: one that had a long column pointer, one that had a long
* row pointer, and one that had the blob on the page eating up most of
* the space on the overflow page.
* The test does the following:
* o drop/create table
* o insert 3 rows of interest that will all fit on 1st page, with 1 byte
* blob columns.
* o insert a dummy row that will fill up the rest of the 1st page.
* o update 1st 3 rows so that they are now all long rows that share the
* same overflow page.
* o update row 1 so that it now has a long column, this actually shrinks
* it on this overflow page.
* o update row 2 so that blob column is bigger, but still less than a page
* this results in row 2 getting another long row pointer to a page that
* holds the new blob value. Again this actually shrinks the row piece
* on the overflow page in question.
* o update row 3 so that it's overflow piece fills up all the remaining
* space on the overflow page.
* o finally update row 1's long column, this update causes the bug. The
* no space error should never be thrown to a user on an update. The only
* time an error of this type is allowed is if the actual disk is full.
public void testDERBY_4577()
throws SQLException
// page 0 - container info/bit map, does not affect test
// page 1 -
// row on it that can never be deleted so this page never can be
// made free.
Statement stmt = createStatement();
PreparedStatement insert_stmt =
prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBadUpdate VALUES(?, ?)");
PreparedStatement update_stmt =
prepareStatement("UPDATE testBadUpdate set value = ? where id = ?");
// insert 3 rows that will fit on same main page.
byte[] pad_blob = new byte[1];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
insert_stmt.setInt( 1, i);
insert_stmt.setBytes( 2, pad_blob);
// insert a row that fills rest of main page
pad_blob = new byte[32000];
insert_stmt.setInt( 1, 3);
insert_stmt.setBytes( 2, pad_blob);
// now expand each of the rows so that each becomes a "long row", with
// first column on main page with a pointer to overflow page, and each
// 2nd column exists in full on the overflow page. Want
// each overflow to end up on same page.
pad_blob = new byte[4000];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, i);
// eat up the rest of space on main page, by expanding the 4th row.
pad_blob = new byte[32566];
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, 3);
// expand row 1 so that it's blob column becomes a long column
pad_blob = new byte[60000];
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, 0);
// expand row 2 so that it's blob column becomes another long row
// pointer.
pad_blob = new byte[32500];
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, 1);
// expand row 3 so that it's blob column becomes 32649 long.
// was 32000
pad_blob = new byte[32646];
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, 2);
// see if we can update the long column of row 1
pad_blob = new byte[120000];
update_stmt.setBytes( 1, pad_blob);
update_stmt.setInt( 2, 0);
public void testSmallRow1()
throws SQLException
Statement stmt = createStatement();
// setup has created:
// CREATE TABLE testSmallRow1 (id char(1))
// should be a 4k page size.
PreparedStatement insert_stmt =
prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testSmallRow1 VALUES(?)");
// insert more than 3 pages of rows.
insert_stmt.setString(1, "a");
for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
// create an index to test btree handling of short key.
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX idx1 on testSmallRow1(id)");
// Check the consistency of the indexes
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
String [][] expRS = new String [][] {{"1"}};
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// now test on new table with an index during the inserts.
// create an index to test btree handling of short key.
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX idx2 on testSmallRow2(id)");
insert_stmt =
prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testSmallRow2 VALUES(?)");
// insert more than 3 pages of rows.
insert_stmt.setString(1, "a");
for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
// Check the consistency of the indexes
rs = stmt.executeQuery(
expRS = new String [][] {{"1"}};
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// DDL that caused a bug while trying to fix derby 4577, data is null
// create an index to test btree handling of short key.
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX idx3 on testSmallRow3(id)");
insert_stmt =
prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testSmallRow3 VALUES(?, ?)");
// insert more than 3 pages of rows.
insert_stmt.setString(1, null);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
insert_stmt.setInt(2, i);
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE testSmallRow3 set id = null where id2 > 1");
// Deleting rows from root of btree which will then force purges on the
// page before it does a split. The purges force the raw store
// through reclaim space on page code path.
stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE from testSmallRow3 where id2 = 40 or id2 = 41 or id2 = 80 or id2 = 81");
insert_stmt.setString(1, null);
for (int i = 101; i < 600; i++)
insert_stmt.setInt(2, i);
// Check the consistency of the indexes
rs = stmt.executeQuery(
expRS = new String [][] {{"1"}};
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
protected static Test baseSuite(String name)
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite(name);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(
DatabasePropertyTestSetup.setLockTimeouts(suite, 2, 4))
* Creates the tables used in the test cases.
* @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException
Connection conn = stmt.getConnection();
// create a table, with blob it will be 32k page size
"CREATE TABLE testBadUpdate (id int, value blob(1M))");
"CREATE TABLE testSmallRow1 (id char(1))");
"CREATE TABLE testSmallRow2 (id char(1))");
"CREATE TABLE testSmallRow3 (id char(20), id2 int)");
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("Derby4577Test");
return suite;