blob: 42f18b17d731170350f9178c12c6bdfb27899afe [file] [log] [blame]
-- org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/nist/readme --
This suite includes files from the SQL Test Suite version 6.0 from the
National Insitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the
U.S. Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg MD 20899 available in full
Pursuant the Software Acknowledgement and Redistribution agreement at changes to the original
NIST suite should be documented.
The following changes were made:
- no use is made of the NIST testing harness. Instead, suiteable .sql files from
the original sql directory have been placed in a separate (this) directory of
the Derby functionTests package. The scripts are run using the NistScripts
JUnit test.
Expected output for Derby is placed in (../../master/*).
- sections of the tests - i.e. selected test cases - not applicable to Derby
have been commented out, for instance all tests using TRIM.
- VALUES USER statements have been added to relevant test files to check the
correct user is used
- properties files have been added where needed to ensure the tests run with expected
user and database settings as per the Derby database authentication scheme
- AUTOCOMMIT OFF has been added to relevant tests to ensure proper sequencing,
transaction management, and improve performance
- SET SCHEMA statements have been added to ensure proper behavior with Derby
- Date, time, and timestamp literals have been changed to match the Derby date/time constant syntax.
- The HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DAY, MONTH, and YEAR functions have been replaced by the equivalent EXTRACT function.
- CREATE VIEW syntax has been changed to Derby syntax
- JOIN syntax using USING has been modified to use ON keyword.
- CREATE TABLE statements have been changed to have columns participating in a primary or unique
index be created NOT NULL.
- CHAR_LENGTH has been changed to LENGTH
- exit commands removed from basetab.sql, schema1.sql and schema5.sql (possibly
were not in original scripts)
- Constraint names have been added to various constraints to ensure consistent
output when running the tests.