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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionsTests.tests.memorydb.MemoryDbManager
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.memorydb;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
* Collection of convenience methods for dealing with in-memory databases.
* The class will keep track of databases, connections and statements
* created through its methods, and will delete / close these when the
* clean up method is invoked. This is very much the same as what
* {@code BaseJDBCTestCase} does, with the exception of deleting the
* databases.
* <p>
* Note: It may be possible to integrate this functionality into the existing
* JUnit framework, for instance if you want to run the entire test suite with
* the in-memory back end.
public class MemoryDbManager {
private static final String ATTR_CREATE = ";create=true";
/** JDBC protocl prefix used for in-memory databases. */
private static final String JDBC_PREFIX = "jdbc:derby:memory:";
/** Shared manager instance. */
private static final MemoryDbManager DBM = new MemoryDbManager();
* Returns a shared manager instance.
* @return The shared manager instance.
public static MemoryDbManager getSharedInstance() {
return DBM;
/** List of openend statements, closed at clean up. */
private final ArrayList<Statement> STATEMENTS = new ArrayList<Statement>();
/** List of openend connections, closed at clean up. */
private final ArrayList<Connection> CONNECTIONS = new ArrayList<Connection>();
/** List of created databases, deleted at clean up. */
private final ArrayList<String> DATABASES = new ArrayList<String>();
public MemoryDbManager() { }
* Creates a new connection to the specified database (url).
* <p>
* Note that the specified URL will be appended to a fixed JDBC protcol
* prefix.
* @param dbNameAndAttributes database name and any JDBC url attributes
* @return A connection to the specified database.
* @throws SQLException if connecting to the database fails
public Connection getConnection(String dbNameAndAttributes)
throws SQLException {
final String url = JDBC_PREFIX + dbNameAndAttributes;
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
// Rely on logic in the default method for obtaining a
// connection to load the driver.
new BaseJDBCTestCase("dummy") {}.getConnection();
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
if (!CONNECTIONS.contains(con)) {
return con;
* Creates a new statement from the given connection and keeps track of
* it and closes it when the clean up is invoked.
* @param con the connection to use for creation
* @return A new statement.
* @throws SQLException if creating the statement fails
* @see #cleanUp()
public Statement createStatement(Connection con)
throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
if (!CONNECTIONS.contains(con)) {
return stmt;
* Creates a new prepared statement from the given connection and keeps
* track of it and closes it when the clean up is invoked.
* @param con the connection to use for creation
* @param sql the sql text to prepare
* @return A new prepared statement.
* @throws SQLException if creating the statement fails
* @see #cleanUp()
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection con, String sql)
throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
if (!CONNECTIONS.contains(con)) {
return pStmt;
* Drops the specified database.
* <p>
* Note that the specified URL will be appended to a fixed JDBC protcol
* prefix.
* @param dbNameAndAttributes the database name and any attributes
* required to access the database (<em>excluding</em> the delete
* attribute, which is added by this method)
* @throws SQLException if deleting the database fails
public void dropDatabase(String dbNameAndAttributes)
throws SQLException {
String url = JDBC_PREFIX + dbNameAndAttributes + ";drop=true";
try {
DriverManager.getConnection(url);"Dropping database should raise exception.");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
if (sqle.getSQLState().equals("08006")) {
// Database was deleted.
} else if (sqle.getSQLState().equals("XJ004")) {
// Database didn't exist. Already dropped?
} else {
BaseJDBCTestCase.assertSQLState("Dropping database failed: (" +
sqle.getSQLState() + ") "+ sqle.getMessage(),
"08006", sqle);
* Creates a new database and keeps track of it to delete it when the
* clean up is invoked.
* <p>
* If the database already exists, a connection to the existing
* database is returned.
* @param dbName the database name
* @return A connection to the database.
* @throws SQLException if creating or connecting to the database fails
public Connection createDatabase(String dbName)
throws SQLException {
return createDatabase(dbName, null, null, null);
* Creates a new database and keeps track of it to delete it when the
* clean up is invoked.
* <p>
* If the database already exists, a connection to the existing
* database is returned.
* @param dbName the database name
* @param dbAttributes database attributes (i.e. encryption)
* @param user user name
* @param password user password
* @return A connection to the database.
* @throws SQLException if creating or connecting to the database fails
public Connection createDatabase(String dbName, String dbAttributes,
String user, String password)
throws SQLException {
String userAttr = "";
if (user != null) {
userAttr = ";user=" + user;
if (password != null) {
userAttr += ";password=" + password;
String url = dbName;
if (dbAttributes != null) {
url += ";" + dbAttributes;
if (!userAttr.equals("")) {
url += userAttr;
if (url.indexOf(ATTR_CREATE) == -1) {
Connection con = getConnection(url);
if (con.getWarnings() != null) {
// See if there are more than one warning.
SQLWarning w = con.getWarnings();
String warnings = w.getMessage();
while ((w = w.getNextWarning()) != null) {
warnings += " || " + w.getMessage();
"Warning(s) when creating database: " + warnings);
// Keep track of the database we just created, so that we can
// delete it.
DATABASES.add(dbName + userAttr);
return con;
* Cleans up database resources by closing known statements and
* connection, and deleting known in-memory databases.
* @throws SQLException
public void cleanUp()
throws SQLException {
// Close all known statements.
for (int i=STATEMENTS.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) {
Statement stmt = STATEMENTS.remove(i);
// Close all known connections.
for (int i=CONNECTIONS.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) {
Connection con = CONNECTIONS.remove(i);
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this exception.
// Delete all known databases.
for (int i=DATABASES.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) {