blob: cefc77dcf9b87564ef68d8a49d22539083275e4c [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- this test shows the current supported comparison operators
-- first, do comparisons on the int type
-- create a table with couple of int columns
create table inttab (c1 int, c2 int);
-- insert some values
insert into inttab values (0, 0);
insert into inttab values (null, 5);
insert into inttab values (1, 1);
insert into inttab values (2147483647, 2147483647);
-- select each one in turn
select c1 from inttab where c1 = 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 = 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 = 2147483647;
-- now look for a value that isn't in the table
select c1 from inttab where c1 = 2;
-- now test null = null semantics
select c1 from inttab where c1 = c1;
-- test is null semantics
select c1 from inttab where c1 is null;
select c1 from inttab where c1 is not null;
select c1 from inttab where not c1 is null;
-- now test <>
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <> c2;
-- now test !=
select c1 from inttab where c1 != 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 != 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 != 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 != 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 != c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 != c2;
-- now test <
select c1 from inttab where c1 < 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 < 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 < 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 < 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 < c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 < c2;
-- now test >
select c1 from inttab where c1 > 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 > 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 > 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 > 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 > c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 > c2;
-- now test <=
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 <= c2;
-- now test >=
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= 0;
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= 1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= 2;
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= 2147483647;
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= c1;
select c1 from inttab where c1 >= c2;
-- now test not
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 = 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 <> 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 != 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 < 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 <= 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 > 0);
select c1 from inttab where not (c1 >= 0);
-- create a table with a couple of smallint columns. All smallint vs. smallint
-- comparisons must be done between columns, because there are no smallint
-- constants in the language
create table smallinttab (c1 smallint, c2 smallint);
-- insert some values
insert into smallinttab values (0, 0);
insert into smallinttab values (null, null);
insert into smallinttab values (1, 1);
insert into smallinttab values (32767, 32767);
insert into smallinttab values (0, 9);
insert into smallinttab values (null, 8);
insert into smallinttab values (1, 7);
insert into smallinttab values (32767, 6);
-- select the ones where the columns are equal
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 = c2;
-- test smallint = int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 = 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 = 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 = 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 = 65537;
-- test int = smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 = c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 = c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 = c1;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 = c1;
-- Now test <>
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 <> c2;
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 != c2;
-- test smallint <> int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <> 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <> 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <> 32767;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 != 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 != 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 != 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <> 65537;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 != 65537;
-- test int = smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 <> c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 <> c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 <> c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 != c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 != c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 != c1;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 <> c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 != c1;
-- Now test <
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 < c2;
-- test smallint < int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 < 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 < 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 < 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 < 65537;
-- test int < smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 < c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 < c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 < c1;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 < c1;
-- Now test >
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 > c2;
-- test smallint > int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 > 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 > 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 > 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 > 65537;
-- test int > smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 > c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 > c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 > c1;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 > c1;
-- Now test <=
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 <= c2;
-- test smallint <= int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <= 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <= 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <= 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 <= 65537;
-- test int <= smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 <= c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 <= c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 <= c1;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 <= c1;
-- Now test >=
select c1, c2 from smallinttab where c1 >= c2;
-- test smallint >= int semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 >= 0;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 >= 1;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 >= 32767;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 >= 65537;
-- test int >= smallint semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where 0 >= c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 1 >= c1;
select c1 from smallinttab where 32767 >= c1;
-- test is null semantics
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 is null;
select c1 from smallinttab where c1 is not null;
select c1 from smallinttab where not c1 is null;
-- test that the smallint gets promoted to int, and not vice versa. 65537
-- when converted to short becomes 1
select c1 from smallinttab where 65537 >= c1;
-- create a table with a couple of bigint columns.
create table biginttab (c1 bigint, c2 bigint, c3 int, c4 smallint);
-- insert some values
insert into biginttab values (0, 0, 0, 0 );
insert into biginttab values (null, null, null, null);
insert into biginttab values (9223372036854775807,
insert into biginttab values (-9223372036854775808,
-- select the ones where the columns are equal
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 = c2;
-- test bigint = int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 = 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 = c3;
-- test int = bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 = c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 = c1;
-- test bigint = smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 = c4;
-- test smallint = bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 = c1;
-- Now test <>
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 <> c2;
-- test bigint <> int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <> 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <> c3;
-- test int <> bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 <> c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 <> c1;
-- test bigint <> smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <> c4;
-- test smallint <> bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 <> c1;
-- Now test <
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 < c2;
-- test bigint < int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 < 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 < c3;
-- test int < bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 < c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 < c1;
-- test bigint < smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 < c4;
-- test smallint < bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 < c1;
-- Now test >
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 > c2;
-- test bigint > int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 > 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 > c3;
-- test int > bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 > c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 > c1;
-- test bigint > smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 > c4;
-- test smallint > bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 > c1;
-- Now test <=
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 <= c2;
-- test bigint <= int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <= 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <= c3;
-- test int <= bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 <= c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 <= c1;
-- test bigint <= smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 <= c4;
-- test smallint <= bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 <= c1;
-- Now test >=
select c1, c2 from biginttab where c1 >= c2;
-- test bigint >= int semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 >= 0;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 >= c3;
-- test int >= bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where 0 >= c1;
select c1 from biginttab where c3 >= c1;
-- test bigint >= smallint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 >= c4;
-- test smallint >= bigint semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c4 >= c1;
-- test is null semantics
select c1 from biginttab where c1 is null;
select c1 from biginttab where c1 is not null;
select c1 from biginttab where not c1 is null;
-- create a table with char columns of different lengths
create table chartab (c1 char(1), c2 char(5));
-- insert some values
insert into chartab values (' ', ' ');
insert into chartab values ('a', 'a ');
insert into chartab values ('b', 'bcdef');
insert into chartab values (null, null);
-- select each one in turn
select c1 from chartab where c1 = ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 = 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 = 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 = '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 = ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 = 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 = 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 = 'bcde ';
-- now check null = null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 = c2;
-- test is null semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 is null;
select c1 from chartab where c1 is not null;
select c1 from chartab where not c1 is null;
-- Now test <>
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> 'bcdef';
select c1 from chartab where c1 != ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 != ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 != 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 != 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 != 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 != 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <> 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <> 'bcde ';
-- now check null <> null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 <> c2;
-- Now test <
select c1 from chartab where c1 < ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 < 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 < 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 < '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 < ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 < 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 < 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 < 'bcde ';
-- now check null < null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 < c2;
-- Now test >
select c1 from chartab where c1 > ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 > 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 > 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 > '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 > ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 > 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 > 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 > 'bcde ';
-- now check null > null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 > c2;
-- Now test <=
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 <= 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 <= 'bcde ';
-- now check null <= null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 <= c2;
-- Now test >=
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= 'a';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= 'b';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= 'bcdef';
-- now check for end-of-string blank semantics
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= '';
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= '';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= ' ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= ' ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= 'a ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= 'a ';
select c1 from chartab where c1 >= 'b ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= 'bcdef ';
select c2 from chartab where c2 >= 'bcde ';
-- now check null >= null semantics
select c1, c2 from chartab where c1 >= c2;
-- create a table with a few varchar columns. All varchar vs. varchar
-- comparisons must be done between columns, because there are no varchar
-- constants in the language
create table varchartab (c1 varchar(1), c2 varchar(1), c3 varchar(5),
c4 varchar(5));
-- insert some values
insert into varchartab values ('', '', '', '');
insert into varchartab values ('a', 'a', 'a', 'a');
insert into varchartab values ('b', 'b', 'bcdef', 'bcdef');
insert into varchartab values (null, null, null, null);
insert into varchartab values ('', null, '', null);
insert into varchartab values ('a', 'b', 'a', 'b');
insert into varchartab values ('b', '', 'b', 'bcdef');
-- select the ones where the columns are equal
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = c4;
-- test varchar = char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 = 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 = 'bbbb';
-- test char = varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' = c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' = c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' = c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' = c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' = c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' = c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' = c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' = c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' = c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' = c3;
-- Now test <>
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> c4;
-- test varchar <> char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <> 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <> 'bbbb';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 != ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 != '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 != 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 != 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 != 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 != ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 != '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 != 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 != 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 != 'bbbb';
-- test char <> varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' <> c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' <> c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' <> c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' <> c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' <> c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' <> c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' <> c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' <> c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' <> c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' <> c3;
-- Now test <
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < c4;
-- test varchar < char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 < 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 < 'bbbb';
-- test char < varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' < c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' < c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' < c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' < c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' < c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' < c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' < c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' < c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' < c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' < c3;
-- Now test >
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > c4;
-- test varchar > char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 > 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 > 'bbbb';
-- test char > varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' > c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' > c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' > c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' > c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' > c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' > c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' > c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' > c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' > c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' > c3;
-- Now test <=
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= c4;
-- test varchar <= char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 <= 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 <= 'bbbb';
-- test char <= varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' <= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' <= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' <= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' <= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' <= c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' <= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' <= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' <= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' <= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' <= c3;
-- Now test >=
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= c2;
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= c4;
-- test varchar >= char semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= ' ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= '';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= 'a ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= 'b ';
select c1 from varchartab where c1 >= 'bb';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= ' ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= '';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= 'a ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= 'bcdef ';
select c3 from varchartab where c3 >= 'bbbb';
-- test char >= varchar semantics. Test with trailing blanks.
select c1 from varchartab where ' ' >= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where '' >= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'a ' >= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'b ' >= c1;
select c1 from varchartab where 'bb' >= c1;
select c3 from varchartab where ' ' >= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where '' >= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'a ' >= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bcdef ' >= c3;
select c3 from varchartab where 'bbbb' >= c3;
-- test is null semantics
select c1 from varchartab where c1 is null;
select c1 from varchartab where c1 is not null;
select c1 from varchartab where not c1 is null;
-- clean up
drop table inttab;
drop table smallinttab;
drop table biginttab;
drop table chartab;
drop table varchartab;