blob: 5c7b7eb9e4ca50d8c4459f9e7380e16bd227bc28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.SysDiagVTIMappingTest
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SecurityManagerSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SystemPropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
public final class SysDiagVTIMappingTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
// Name of the log file to use when testing VTIs that expect one.
private static final String testLogFile = "sys_vti_test_derby.tstlog";
private static final String[] ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS =
private static final String BAD_FROM_LIST_JOIN = "42ZB7";
* Public constructor required for running test as standalone JUnit.
public SysDiagVTIMappingTest(String name)
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite =
new BaseTestSuite("Diagnostic VTI Table Mappings");
Test defaultSetup = TestConfiguration.defaultSuite( SysDiagVTIMappingTest.class );
// turn on statement logging so there will be something in the error log
// to run these vtis against
Properties sysprops = new Properties();
sysprops.put( "derby.language.logStatementText", "true" );
Test verboseTest = new SystemPropertyTestSetup ( defaultSetup, sysprops );
suite.addTest( verboseTest );
/* Some of the VTIs that are tested in this class require a derby.log
* file. We have a test log file stored in the tests/lang directory,
* and since the VTIs are going to try to read it, the test log file
* must be in a directory for which Derby has read access. By
* using a SupportFilesSetup wrapper, we copy the test log file to
* the "extin" directory, which has the required permissions.
return SecurityManagerSetup.noSecurityManager(
new SupportFilesSetup(suite,
new String [] {
"functionTests/tests/lang/" + testLogFile
public void setUp() throws Exception
Statement stmt = createStatement();
stmt.execute("create table app.t1 (i int, c varchar(10))");
stmt.execute("insert into app.t1 values (1, 'one'), "
+ "(2, 'two'), (4, 'four')");
public void tearDown() throws Exception
Statement stmt = createStatement();
stmt.execute("drop table app.t1");
* We use the SpaceTable VTI as our primary test VTI to verify that
* that VTI table mappings in general are working as expected. So
* this method does a lot more than the other VTI test methods;
* the other test methods just do sanity checks to make sure that
* the mapping from "SYSCS_DIAG.<vti_table>" to the actual VTI
* class names in question is working correctly.
public void testSpaceTable() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
// Should fail because SPACE_TABLE is not defined in APP
// schema.
assertStatementError("42ZB4", st,
"select * from TABLE(SPACE_TABLE('APP')) x");
assertStatementError("42ZB4", st,
"select * from TABLE(APP.SPACE_TABLE('APP', 'T1')) x");
// Should fail due to extra "TABLE" keyword.
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from TABLE TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('T1')) x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from TABLE TABLE (select * from t1) x");
// Should fail because the specified schema does not exist.
assertStatementError("42Y07", st,
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('T1', 'APP')) x");
assertStatementError("42Y07", st,
"select * from "
// Should fail because SPACE_TABLE is not defined in APP schema.
st.executeUpdate("set schema SYSCS_DIAG");
assertStatementError("42ZB4", st,
"select * from TABLE(APP.SPACE_TABLE('APP', 'T1')) x");
// All remaining test cases in this method should succeed.
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
// get table id
ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery
"select t.tableid from sys.systables t, sys.sysschemas s\n" +
"where t.schemaid = s.schemaid\n" +
"and s.schemaname = 'APP'\n" +
"and t.tablename = 'T1'"
String tableID = rs1.getString( 1 );
// These should all return 1 row for APP.T1.
// Two-argument direct call.
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('APP', 'T1')) x");
String [] expColNames = ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS;
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String [][] expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Single-argument direct execution.
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('T1')) x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Two-argument prepare and execute.
PreparedStatement pSt = prepareStatement(
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE(?, ?)) x");
pSt.setString(1, "APP");
pSt.setString(2, "T1");
rs = pSt.executeQuery();
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Single-argument prepare and execute.
pSt = prepareStatement(
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE(?)) x");
pSt.setString(1, "T1");
rs = pSt.executeQuery();
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Statment should succeed but there will be no rows
// because the tables do not exist.
rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('APP')) x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
rs = st.executeQuery(
+ "'NOTTHERE')) x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from "
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
// Should see zero rows since LOCK_TABLE does not exist as
// an actual base table (it's another VTI).
rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from "
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
// Similar tests but in the SYSCS_DIAG schema, in which
// case the schema-name for SPACE_TABLE should not be required.
st.executeUpdate("set schema syscs_diag");
// Should see 1 row for APP.T1.
pSt = prepareStatement(
"select * from TABLE(SPACE_TABLE(?, ?)) x");
pSt.setString(1, "APP");
pSt.setString(2, "T1");
rs = pSt.executeQuery();
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Should see zero rows since T1 does not exist within
// schema "SYSCS_DIAG".
pSt = prepareStatement("select * from TABLE(SPACE_TABLE(?)) x");
pSt.setString(1, "T1");
rs = pSt.executeQuery();
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
// Should see zero rows since LOCK_TABLE does not exist as
// an actual base table (it's another VTI).
rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from TABLE(SPACE_TABLE('LOCK_TABLE')) x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
// Simple check to ensure that we we can join with the VTI.
st.executeUpdate("set schema app");
rs = st.executeQuery(
"select cast (conglomeratename as varchar(30)), t1.* from"
+ " t1"
+ " where x.conglomeratename is not null");
expColNames = new String [] {"1", "I", "C"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "1", "one"},
{"T1", "2", "two"},
{"T1", "4", "four"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Make sure old way of calling still works until it is
// deprecated.
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
rs = st.executeQuery(
"SELECT * FROM NEW org.apache.derby.diag.SpaceTable('T1') as x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
rs = st.executeQuery(
+ "org.apache.derby.diag.SpaceTable('APP', 'T1') as x");
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
expRS = new String [][]
{"T1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "4096", "0", tableID}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// verify the syntax showcased in the Reference Guide section on SPACE_TABLE
// (after the changes introduced by DERBY-5554)
rs = st.executeQuery
"select t2.*\n" +
" from\n" +
" sys.systables systabs,\n" +
" table (syscs_diag.space_table()) as t2\n" +
" where systabs.tabletype = 'T'\n" +
" and systabs.tableid = t2.tableid\n"
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
rs = st.executeQuery
"select t1.*\n" +
" from\n" +
" sys.systables systabs1,\n" +
" table (syscs_diag.space_table( systabs1.tablename )) as t1\n" +
" where systabs1.tabletype = 'T'\n" +
"union\n" +
"select t2.*\n" +
" from\n" +
" sys.systables systabs2,\n" +
" table (syscs_diag.space_table( systabs2.tablename )) as t2\n" +
" where systabs2.tabletype = 'T'\n"
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// verify the fix to DERBY-5554: joins to VTIs in the FROM list still
// work when there are more than 1 base tables in the FROM list and
// they join in the WHERE clause
rs = st.executeQuery
"select t2.*\n" +
" from\n" +
" sys.systables systabs,\n" +
" table (syscs_diag.space_table(systabs.tablename)) as t2,\n" +
" sys.sysconglomerates syscgs\n" +
" where systabs.tabletype = 'T' and systabs.tableid = syscgs.tableid\n"
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
rs = st.executeQuery
"select t2.*\n" +
" from\n" +
" sys.sysconglomerates syscgs,\n" +
" table (syscs_diag.space_table(systabs.tablename)) as t2,\n" +
" sys.systables systabs\n" +
" where systabs.tabletype = 'T' and systabs.tableid = syscgs.tableid\n"
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, ALL_SPACE_TABLE_COLUMNS);
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Now do some sanity checking to make sure SPACE_TABLE cannot be
// used in any illegal ways.
checkIllegalUses(st, "space_table", "SpaceTable",
"('APP', 'T1')", "conglomeratename");
// Clean-up.
* Test the 0-arg constructor of the SPACE_TABLE vti. See DERBY-5554.
public void testSpaceTable_0argConstructor() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery
"select conglomeratename, isindex, pagesize, tableid\n" +
"from table(syscs_diag.space_table()) x\n" +
"where conglomeratename like 'SYS%'\n" +
"order by conglomeratename"
String[] columnNames =
JDBC.assertColumnNames( rs, columnNames );
String[][] expRS = new String [][]
{ "SYSALIASES", "0", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-ddbd-08ce-000a0a411400" },
{ "SYSALIASES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-ddbd-08ce-000a0a411400" },
{ "SYSALIASES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-ddbd-08ce-000a0a411400" },
{ "SYSALIASES_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-ddbd-08ce-000a0a411400" },
{ "SYSCHECKS", "0", "4096", "80000056-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCHECKS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000056-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCOLPERMS", "0", "4096", "286cc01e-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSCOLPERMS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "286cc01e-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSCOLPERMS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "286cc01e-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSCOLPERMS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "286cc01e-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSCOLUMNS", "0", "4096", "8000001e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "8000001e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "8000001e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONGLOMERATES", "0", "4096", "80000010-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONGLOMERATES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000010-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONGLOMERATES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "80000010-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONGLOMERATES_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "80000010-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONSTRAINTS", "0", "4096", "8000002f-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONSTRAINTS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "8000002f-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONSTRAINTS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "8000002f-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSCONSTRAINTS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "8000002f-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSDEPENDS", "0", "4096", "8000003e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSDEPENDS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "8000003e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSDEPENDS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "8000003e-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSDUMMY1", "0", "4096", "c013800d-00f8-5b70-bea3-00000019ed88" },
{ "SYSFILES", "0", "4096", "80000000-00d3-e222-873f-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSFILES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000000-00d3-e222-873f-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSFILES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "80000000-00d3-e222-873f-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSFOREIGNKEYS", "0", "4096", "8000005b-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSFOREIGNKEYS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "8000005b-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSFOREIGNKEYS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "8000005b-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSKEYS", "0", "4096", "80000039-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSKEYS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000039-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSPERMS", "0", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e1-a2f5-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSPERMS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e1-a2f5-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSPERMS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e1-a2f5-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSPERMS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e1-a2f5-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSROLES", "0", "4096", "e03f4017-0115-382c-08df-ffffe275b270" },
{ "SYSROLES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "e03f4017-0115-382c-08df-ffffe275b270" },
{ "SYSROLES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "e03f4017-0115-382c-08df-ffffe275b270" },
{ "SYSROLES_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "e03f4017-0115-382c-08df-ffffe275b270" },
{ "SYSROUTINEPERMS", "0", "4096", "2057c01b-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSROUTINEPERMS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "2057c01b-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSROUTINEPERMS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "2057c01b-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSROUTINEPERMS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "2057c01b-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSSCHEMAS", "0", "4096", "80000022-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000022-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "80000022-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSSEQUENCES", "0", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e2-e794-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSSEQUENCES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e2-e794-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSSEQUENCES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0121-c5e2-e794-00000043e718" },
{ "SYSSTATEMENTS", "0", "4096", "80000000-00d1-15f7-ab70-000a0a0b1500" },
{ "SYSSTATEMENTS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000000-00d1-15f7-ab70-000a0a0b1500" },
{ "SYSSTATEMENTS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "80000000-00d1-15f7-ab70-000a0a0b1500" },
{ "SYSSTATISTICS", "0", "4096", "f81e0010-00e3-6612-5a96-009e3a3b5e00" },
{ "SYSSTATISTICS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "f81e0010-00e3-6612-5a96-009e3a3b5e00" },
{ "SYSTABLEPERMS", "0", "4096", "b8450018-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSTABLEPERMS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "b8450018-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSTABLEPERMS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "b8450018-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSTABLEPERMS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "b8450018-0103-0e39-b8e7-00000010f010" },
{ "SYSTABLES", "0", "4096", "80000018-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSTABLES_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "80000018-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSTABLES_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "80000018-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSTRIGGERS", "0", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-c025-4809-000a0a411200" },
{ "SYSTRIGGERS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-c025-4809-000a0a411200" },
{ "SYSTRIGGERS_INDEX2", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-c025-4809-000a0a411200" },
{ "SYSTRIGGERS_INDEX3", "1", "4096", "c013800d-00d7-c025-4809-000a0a411200" },
{ "SYSUSERS", "0", "4096", "9810800c-0134-14a5-40c1-000004f61f90" },
{ "SYSUSERS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "9810800c-0134-14a5-40c1-000004f61f90" },
{ "SYSVIEWS", "0", "4096", "8000004d-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
{ "SYSVIEWS_INDEX1", "1", "4096", "8000004d-00d0-fd77-3ed8-000a0a0b1900" },
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
* Verify that you can't join diagnostic VTIs to one another in the FROM list. See DERBY-5554.
public void test_vti2vtiJoinInFromList() throws Exception
Connection conn = getConnection();
Statement st = createStatement();
// joins to real tables are ok
"select t1.*\n" +
"from \n" +
" sys.systables systabs,\n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( systabs.tablename ) ) as t1\n" +
"where systabs.tabletype = 'T'\n"
"select t1.*\n" +
"from \n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( systabs.tablename ) ) as t1,\n" +
" sys.systables systabs\n" +
"where systabs.tabletype = 'T'\n"
// can't join VTIs to one another in the FROM list
"select t1.*, t2.*\n" +
"from \n" +
" sys.systables systabs,\n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( systabs.tablename ) ) as t1,\n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( t1.conglomeratename ) ) as t2\n" +
"where systabs.tabletype = 'T'\n"
"select t1.*, t2.*\n" +
"from \n" +
" sys.systables systabs,\n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( t1.conglomeratename ) ) as t2,\n" +
" table ( syscs_diag.space_table( systabs.tablename ) ) as t1\n" +
"where systabs.tabletype = 'T'\n"
* Just run a couple of sanity checks to makes sure the table
* mapping for org.apache.derby.diag.StatementDuration() works
* correctly and fails where it is supposed to.
public void testStatementDuration() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
// Do a simple check to make sure the VTI mapping works. logURL = SupportFilesSetup.getReadOnlyURL(testLogFile);
String vtiArg = "('" + logURL.getFile() + "')";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from "
String [] expColNames = new String [] {
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String [][] expRS = new String [][]
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0",
"(DATABASE = ugh), (DRDAID = null), Cleanup action starting",
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Make sure old way of calling still works until it is
// deprecated.
rs = st.executeQuery(
+ "org.apache.derby.diag.StatementDuration" + vtiArg + " as x");
expColNames = new String [] {
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0",
"(DATABASE = ugh), (DRDAID = null), Cleanup action starting",
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// And finally, do the usual checks for invalid uses.
checkIllegalUses(st, "statement_duration", "StatementDuration",
vtiArg, "logtext");
* Just run a couple of sanity checks to makes sure the table
* mapping for org.apache.derby.diag.ErrorLogReader() works
* correctly and fails where it is supposed to.
public void testErrorLogReader() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
// Do a simple check to make sure the VTI mapping works. logURL = SupportFilesSetup.getReadOnlyURL(testLogFile);
String vtiArg = "('" + logURL.getFile() + "')";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from "
String [] expColNames = new String [] {
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String [][] expRS = new String [][]
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0", "ugh",
"null", "Cleanup action starting"},
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0", "ugh",
"null", "Failed Statement is: select * from oops"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Make sure old way of calling still works until it is
// deprecated.
rs = st.executeQuery(
" org.apache.derby.diag.ErrorLogReader" + vtiArg + " as x");
expColNames = new String [] {
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0", "ugh",
"null", "Cleanup action starting"},
{"2006-12-15 16:14:58.280 GMT", "main,5,main", "1111", "0", "ugh",
"null", "Failed Statement is: select * from oops"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// And finally, do the usual checks for invalid uses.
checkIllegalUses(st, "error_log_reader", "ErrorLogReader",
vtiArg, "logtext");
* Tests to make sure that attempts to use the TABLE constructor
* with things other than the VTI diagnostic table functions
* do not work (with the exception of SELECT and VALUES queries,
* which should work as normal).
public void testInvalidTableFunctions() throws Exception
// Sanity check: make sure SELECT and VALUES clauses still work.
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from table (select * from t1) x");
String [] expColNames = new String [] {"I", "C"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String [][] expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "one"},
{"2", "two"},
{"4", "four"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from table (values (1, 2), (2, 3)) x");
expColNames = new String [] {"1", "2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "2"},
{"2", "3"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Use of TABLE constructor with regular tables should fail.
assertStatementError("42X01", st, "select * from table (app.t1) x");
assertStatementError("42ZB4", st, "select * from table (app.t1()) x");
// Use of TABLE constructor with VTI tables (as opposed to VTI
// table *functions*) should fail.
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.lock_table) x");
assertStatementError("42Y03", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.lock_table()) x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.transaction_table) x");
assertStatementError("42Y03", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.transaction_table()) x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.statement_cache) x");
assertStatementError("42Y03", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.statement_cache()) x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.error_messages) x");
assertStatementError("42Y03", st,
"select * from table (syscs_diag.error_messages()) x");
// Clean-up.
* Test that diagnostic VTIs will work correctly when an ORDER BY
* clause appears and/or sort elimination occurs. DERBY-2805.
public void testOrderBy() throws SQLException
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("set schema APP");
// Create a single testing table for this fixture only.
st.execute("create table ob_t1 (i int, c char(250))");
st.execute("create index i_ix on ob_t1 (i)");
st.execute("create index c_ix on ob_t1 (c desc)");
/* Several queries to make sure ORDER BY actually takes effect.
* First execute with just the ORDER BY, then execute with the
* ORDER BY *and* a DISTINCT. The latter leads to sort elimination
* but should still run without error and return the same results
* (prior to the fix for DERBY-2805 the sort elimination would
* lead to an ASSERT failure with sane builds).
String [][] expRS = new String [][]
{"C_IX", "1", "0"},
{"I_IX", "1", "0"},
{"OB_T1", "0", "0"},
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 1");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 1");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
expRS = new String [][]
{"OB_T1", "0", "0"},
{"C_IX", "1", "0"},
{"I_IX", "1", "0"},
rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 2, 1");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 2, 1");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
expRS = new String [][]
{"OB_T1", "0", "0"},
{"I_IX", "1", "0"},
{"C_IX", "1", "0"},
rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 2, 1 desc");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
rs = st.executeQuery(
"table(syscs_diag.space_table('OB_T1')) X order by 2, 1 desc");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
// Cleanup.
st.execute("drop table ob_t1");
* Test that diagnostic VTIs will work correctly when they
* are invoked in a subquery with correlated references to
* outer query blocks. DERBY-3138.
public void testCorrelatedReferences() throws SQLException
Statement st = createStatement();
String [][] expRS = new String [][] {};
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery
"select s.schemaname, t.tableName\n" +
"from sys.sysschemas s, sys.systables t\n" +
"where t.schemaid=s.schemaid\n" +
"and exists\n" +
"(\n" +
" select vti.*\n" +
" from table( syscs_diag.space_table( s.schemaname, t.tableName ) ) as vti\n" +
" where vti.numfreepages < -1\n" +
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
* Basic sanity test for SYSCS_DIAG.CONTAINED_ROLES. See also the
* tools/ij_show_roles.sql test for a test that actually defines and uses
* roles with this VTI.
public void testContainedRoles() throws SQLException
Statement st = createStatement();
// 2-arg version
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery
("select * from table(syscs_diag.contained_roles(null, 0))t");
// 1-arg version
rs = st.executeQuery
("select * from table(syscs_diag.contained_roles(null))t");
* Test date formatting in the vtis which read the error log. This attempts
* to keep us from breaking these vtis if the format of logged timestamps
* changes. See DERBY-5391.
public void test_5391() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery( "select * from table (syscs_diag.error_log_reader( )) as t1" );
vetTimestamp( rs1 );
ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery( "select * from table (syscs_diag.statement_duration()) as t1" );
vetTimestamp( rs2 );
private void vetTimestamp( ResultSet rs ) throws Exception
assertTrue( );
String timestampString = rs.getString( 1 ).trim();
SimpleDateFormat sdf =
new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy", Locale.US);
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp( sdf.parse( timestampString ).getTime() );
println( timestamp.toString() );
/* All statements in this method should fail because a VTI table-
* mapping that takes arguments can only be used as part of the TABLE
* constructor. Any other uses of, or attempts to modify, such a
* VTI table should throw an appropriate error.
private void checkIllegalUses(Statement st, String vtiTableName,
String vtiMethodName, String args, String colName) throws SQLException
assertStatementError("42X05", st,
"select * from syscs_diag." + vtiTableName);
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args + " x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from (syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args + ") x");
assertStatementError("42Y55", st,
"drop table syscs_diag." + vtiTableName);
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"drop table syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args);
assertStatementError("42X62", st,
"drop function syscs_diag." + vtiTableName);
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"drop function syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args);
assertStatementError("42X62", st,
"alter table syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + " add column bad int");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"alter table syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args
+ " add column bad int");
assertStatementError("42X05", st,
"update syscs_diag." + vtiTableName
+ " set " + colName + " = NULL");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"update syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args + " set "
+ colName + " = NULL");
assertStatementError("42X05", st,
"delete from syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + " where 1 = 1");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"delete from syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args + " where 1 = 1");
assertStatementError("42X05", st,
"insert into syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + " values('bad')");
assertStatementError("42X05", st,
"insert into syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + " (" + colName
+ ") values('bad')");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"insert into syscs_diag." + vtiTableName + args
+ " values('bad')");
CallableStatement cSt = prepareCall(
cSt.setString(1, "SYSCS_DIAG");
cSt.setString(2, vtiTableName.toUpperCase());
assertStatementError("42X62", cSt);
cSt = prepareCall(
cSt.setString(1, "SYSCS_DIAG");
cSt.setString(2, vtiTableName.toUpperCase());
assertStatementError("42Y55", cSt);
assertStatementError("42X08", st,
"update new org.apache.derby.diag." + vtiMethodName + args
+ " set " + colName + " = NULL");
assertStatementError("42X08", st,
"delete from new org.apache.derby.diag." + vtiMethodName + args
+ " where 1 = 0");
// Simple check to verify same restrictions hold true if current
// schema is "SYSCS_DIAG".
st.execute("set schema syscs_diag");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from " + vtiTableName + args + " x");
assertStatementError("42X01", st,
"select * from (" + vtiTableName + args + ") x");
st.execute("set schema app");