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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.RolesConferredPrivilegesTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* This tests that SQL roles actually confer the correct privileges, that is,
* when privileges are granted to one or more roles and those roles are granted
* to other roles, to one or more users or to PUBLIC, sessions can make use of
* them correctly.
public class RolesConferredPrivilegesTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase
private final static String pwSuffix = "pwSuffix";
/* SQL states */
private final static String NOEXECUTEPERMISSION = "42504";
private final static String NOTABLEPERMISSION = "42500";
private final static String NOCOLUMNPERMISSION = "42502";
private final static String TABLENOTFOUND = "42X05";
private final static String OBJECTNOTFOUND = "42X94";
private final static String FKVIOLATION = "23503";
private final static String CHECKCONSTRAINTVIOLATED = "23513";
private final static String ALREADYCLOSED = "XJ012";
private final static String CONSTRAINTDROPPED = "01500";
private final static String VIEWDROPPED = "01501";
private final static String TRIGGERDROPPED = "01502";
private final static String UNRELIABLE = "42Y39";
private final static String[] users = {"test_dbo", "DonaldDuck", "MickeyMouse"};
* Create a new instance of RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.
* @param name Fixture name
public RolesConferredPrivilegesTest(String name)
* Construct top level suite in this JUnit test
* @return A suite containing embedded and client suites.
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite =
new BaseTestSuite("RolesConferredPrivilegesTest");
// suite.addTest(
// TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(makeSuite()));
return suite;
* Construct suite of tests
* @return A suite containing the test cases.
private static Test makeSuite()
/* Tests running with sql authorization set. First decorate
* with clean database, then with authentication +
* sqlAuthorization.
Test clean = new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(
new BaseTestSuite(RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.class)) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s)
throws SQLException {
* a1 a2 a3
* / | \ | |
* / b +--------> c d
* j | \ /
* e---+ \ /
* \ \ \ /
* \ \---------+ \ /
* \ \_ f
* \ /
* \ /
* \ /
* \ /
* \ /
* \ /
* h
s.execute("create role a1");
s.execute("create role j");
s.execute("create role b");
s.execute("create role e");
s.execute("create role h");
s.execute("create role a2");
s.execute("create role c");
s.execute("create role f");
s.execute("create role a3");
s.execute("create role d");
s.execute("grant a1 to j");
s.execute("grant a1 TO b");
s.execute("grant b TO e");
s.execute("grant e TO h");
s.execute("grant a1 TO c");
s.execute("grant e TO f");
s.execute("grant a2 TO c");
s.execute("grant c TO f");
s.execute("grant f TO h");
s.execute("grant a3 TO d");
s.execute("grant d TO f");
s.execute("create schema s1");
("create function s1.f1( ) returns int " +
"language java parameter style java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang." +
"RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.s1f1' " +
"no sql called on null input");
("create function s1.f2( ) returns int " +
"language java parameter style java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang." +
"RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.s1f1' " +
"no sql called on null input");
("create table s1.t1(" +
"c1 int unique, c2 int unique, c3 int unique, " +
"primary key (c1,c2,c3))");
// We made columns all unique so we can test references
// privilege for all columns.
"create procedure s1.calledNested()" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang." +
"RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.calledNested' " +
" modifies sql data");
("create function s1.getCurrentRole() " +
"returns varchar(30)" +
"language java parameter style java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang." +
"RolesConferredPrivilegesTest.getCurrentRole' " +
" reads sql data");
clean, users, pwSuffix),
// Increase default statementCacheSize since we compile a
// lot:
"derby.language.statementCacheSize", "1000"));
private final static int GRANT = 0;
private final static int REVOKE = 1;
// Action type for assert methods.
private final static int NOPRIV = 0;
private final static int VIAUSER = 1;
private final static int VIAROLE = 2;
// The "guts" of GRANT/REVOKE privilege strings. Prepend GRANT/REVOKE and
// append TO/FROM authorizationId [RESTRICT] as the case may be.
private final static String g_r = "references on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_r_c1 = "references (c1) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_r_c2 = "references (c2) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_r_c3 = "references (c3) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_u = "update on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_u_c1 = "update (c1) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_u_c2 = "update (c2) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_u_c3 = "update (c3) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_u_c1_c2_c3 = "update (c1,c2,c3) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_i = "insert on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_s = "select on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_s_c1 = "select (c1) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_s_c2 = "select (c2) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_s_c3 = "select (c3) on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_d = "delete on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_t = "trigger on s1.t1 ";
private final static String g_e = "execute on function s1.f1 ";
private final static String g_e_f2 = "execute on function s1.f2 ";
// Collections of privileges
private final static String[] g_all =
new String[] {g_r, g_r_c1, g_r_c2, g_r_c3,
g_u, g_u_c1, g_u_c2, g_u_c3,
g_s, g_s_c1, g_s_c2, g_s_c3,
// column level (for privilege types applicable)
private final static String[] g_all_col =
new String[] {g_r_c1, g_r_c2, g_r_c3,
g_u_c1, g_u_c2, g_u_c3,
g_s_c1, g_s_c2, g_s_c3,
// table level
private final static String[] g_all_tab =
new String[] {g_r, g_u, g_i, g_s, g_d, g_t, g_e};
private final static String[][]grantRevokes =
new String[][] {g_all, g_all_col, g_all_tab};
* Basic test that checks that privileges granted to a role are applicable
* when the user sets the current role to that role (or to a role that
* inherits that role).
* @throws SQLException
public void atestConferredPrivileges() throws SQLException
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
// try with role granted to both a user and to public
String[] grantees = new String[] {"DonaldDuck", "public"};
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
for (int gNo = 0; gNo < grantees.length; gNo++ ) {
* Grant a role to a session's user and test that privileges apply
* when granted to any applicable role.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + grantees[gNo]);
String[] applicableFor_h =
new String[] {"h", "a1", "a2", "a3", "b", "e", "c", "f", "d"};
String[] notApplicableFor_h =
new String[] {"j"};
setRole(c, "h");
// Test that all privileges apply when granted to the current role
// or to an inherited role of the current role, cf graph above.
for (int i=0; i < applicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(VIAROLE, c, applicableFor_h[i]);
// Test that no privileges apply when granted to a role NOT
// inherited by the current role.
for (int i=0; i < notApplicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(NOPRIV, c, notApplicableFor_h[i]);
* Test that no privileges apply when we set role to none.
setRole(c, "none");
for (int i=0; i < applicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(NOPRIV, c, applicableFor_h[i]);
* Test that when one link in the graph "cycle" is broken,
* privileges still apply.
s.executeUpdate("grant f to " + grantees[gNo]);
setRole(c, "f");
assertAllforRole(VIAROLE, c, "a1");
// one arc gone
s.executeUpdate("revoke a1 from c");
assertAllforRole(VIAROLE, c, "a1");
// both arcs gone
s.executeUpdate("revoke a1 from b");
assertAllforRole(NOPRIV, c, "a1");
// resurrect other arc
s.executeUpdate("grant a1 to b");
assertAllforRole(VIAROLE, c, "a1");
// restore things
s.executeUpdate("grant a1 to c");
s.executeUpdate("revoke f from " + grantees[gNo]);
* Revoke the role from the current session's user and verify that
* privileges no longer apply when granted to any heretofore
* applicable role.
setRole(c, "h");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + grantees[gNo]);
for (int i=0; i < applicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(NOPRIV, c, applicableFor_h[i]);
* Test when role is dropped when still a current role
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + grantees[gNo]);
setRole(c, "h");
// Test that all privileges apply when granted to the current role
// or to an inherited role of the current role, cf graph above.
for (int i=0; i < applicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(VIAROLE, c, applicableFor_h[i]);
s.executeUpdate("drop role h");
for (int i=0; i < applicableFor_h.length; i++) {
assertAllforRole(NOPRIV, c, applicableFor_h[i]);
// restore the dropped role
s.executeUpdate("create role h");
s.executeUpdate("grant e to h");
s.executeUpdate("grant f to h");
* When a view, a trigger or a constraint requires a privilege by way of
* the current role (or by way of a role inherited by the current role) at
* creation time (SELECT, TRIGGER or REFERENCES privilege respectively), a
* dependency is also registered against the current role. Whenever that
* role (it need no longer be current) - or indeed one of its inherited
* roles - is revoked (from the current user or from a role in the closure
* of the original current role) or dropped, the dependent view, trigger or
* constraint is potentially invalidated (the single dependency is against
* the original current role, not against the potentially n-ary set of
* roles in the closure of the current role used to find the required
* privileges). Due to DERBY-1632, currently the objects are dropped
* instead of being potentially revalidated.
* These tests check that invalidation actually happens and leads to a
* dropping of the dependent view (there are also no revalidation
* possibilities in play here, so even when DERBY-1632 is fixed these tests
* should work).
public void testViewInvalidation() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
SQLWarning w;
* 3-dimensional search space:
* Which role we grant the role to (direct to a role or to a role it
* inherits)
* X
* Whether the role is granted directly to the session user or to PUBLIC.
* X
* Whether we grant the entire underlying table or just the column
* needed.
String[] grantToThisRole = new String[] {"a2", "h"};
String[] roleGrantees = new String[] {"DonaldDuck", "public"};
String[] tabAndColSelectsPerms = new String[] {g_s, g_s_c1};
String createViewString = "create view v as select c1 from s1.t1";
for (int r = 0; r < grantToThisRole.length; r++) {
for (int gNo = 0; gNo < roleGrantees.length; gNo++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < tabAndColSelectsPerms.length; i++) {
* Create a view on the basis of a select privilege via a
* role.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", tabAndColSelectsPerms[i],
setRole(c, "h");
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
* Setting another role does not affect the view once
* defined.
setRole(c, "none");
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
* Remove privileges from role, and the view should be
* gone.
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", tabAndColSelectsPerms[i],
grantToThisRole[r], VIEWDROPPED);
assertViewExists(false, c, "v");
* Revoking the role should also invalidate view
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", tabAndColSelectsPerms[i],
setRole(c, "h");
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
w = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState(VIEWDROPPED, w);
assertViewExists(false, c, "v");
* Check that user privilege and/or PUBLIC privilege is
* preferred over role privilege if available. This is not
* standard SQL, but useful behavior IMHO as long as Derby
* can't revalidate via another path (DERBY-1632) - lest a
* role revoke or drop causes an invalidation when user has
* discretionary privilege. Cf. also comment on priority of
* user vs public in DERBY-1611.
String[] directGrantee = roleGrantees;
for (int u = 0; u < directGrantee.length; u++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
setRole(c, "h");
// Now we have select privilege two ways, via role and
// via user.
// Now revoke role priv and see that view is still
// unaffected.
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
// Take away user privilege, too.
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
assertViewExists(false, c, "v");
// clean up
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",tabAndColSelectsPerms[i],
* Dropping a role should also invalidate a dependent view.
* (We do this test outside the loop above for simplicity of
* reestablish role graph after the drop..)
// drop the current role
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
s.executeUpdate("drop role h");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState(VIEWDROPPED, w);
assertViewExists(false, c, "v");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// re-establish role graph
s.executeUpdate("create role h");
s.executeUpdate("grant e to h");
s.executeUpdate("grant f to h");
// drop an inherited role needed
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "a3");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
assertViewExists(true, c, "v");
s.executeUpdate("drop role a3");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState(VIEWDROPPED, w);
assertViewExists(false, c, "v");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// re-establish role graph
s.executeUpdate("create role a3");
s.executeUpdate("grant a3 to d");
* @see #testViewInvalidation
public void testTriggerInvalidation() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
SQLWarning w;
* 2-dimensional search space:
* Which role we grant the role to (direct to a role or to a role it
* inherits)
* X
* Whether the role is granted directly to the session user or to PUBLIC.
String[] grantToThisRole = new String[] {"a2", "h"};
String[] roleGrantees = new String[] {"DonaldDuck", "public"};
String createTriggerString =
"create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 values 1";
for (int r = 0; r < grantToThisRole.length; r++) {
for (int gNo = 0; gNo < roleGrantees.length; gNo++ ) {
* Create a trigger on the basis of a trigger privilege via a
* role.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, grantToThisRole[r]);
setRole(c, "h");
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
* Setting another role does not affect the trigger once
* defined.
setRole(c, "none");
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
setRole(c, "h");
// Remove privileges from role, and the trigger should be
// gone.
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, grantToThisRole[r],
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
* Revoking the role should also invalidate trigger
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, grantToThisRole[r]);
setRole(c, "h");
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
* Check that user privilege and/or PUBLIC privilege is
* preferred over role privilege if available. This is not
* standard SQL, but useful behavior IMHO as long as Derby
* can't revalidate via another path (DERBY-1632) - lest a
* role revoke or drop causes an invalidation when user has
* discretionary privilege. Cf. also comment on priority of
* user vs public in DERBY-1611.
String[] directGrantee = roleGrantees;
for (int u = 0; u < directGrantee.length; u++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, directGrantee[u]);
setRole(c, "h");
// Now we have trigger privilege two ways,a via role and
// via user.
// Now revoke role priv and see that trigger is still
// unaffected.
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
// take away user privilege, too
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",g_t,directGrantee[u],
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
// clean up
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, grantToThisRole[r]);
* Dropping a role should also invalidate a dependent trigger.
* (We do this test outside the loop above for simplicity of
* reestablish role graph after the drop..)
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, "h");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("drop role h");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, "h");
// re-establish role graph
s.executeUpdate("create role h");
s.executeUpdate("grant e to h");
s.executeUpdate("grant f to h");
* Dropping an EXECUTE privilege used in a trigger body will not drop
* the trigger if the EXECUTE privilege is revoked from a user
* directly, since this currently requires the RESTRICT
* keyword. However, revoking a role does not carry the RESTRICT
* keyword, so any execution privilege conferred through a role is
* revoked, too, and any dependent object, for example a trigger in
* example below, will be dropped.
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
("create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 values s1.f1()");
assertTriggerExists(true, c, "t");
("create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 values s1.f1()");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, "h");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
* Check that dependency on role and subsequent invalidation happens
* for a mix of column SELECT privileges granted to user, public and
* role (due to tricky logic in this implementation,
* cf. DDLConstantAction#storeViewTriggerDependenciesOnPrivileges
// SELECT privileges to {public, role} x
// TRIGGER privilege to {user, role}
String triggerPrivGrantees[] = new String[] {"h", "DonaldDuck"};
for (int i=0; i < triggerPrivGrantees.length; i++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "public");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "h");
("create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 " +
"select c1,c2 from s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "public");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "h");
// SELECT privileges to {user, role} x
// TRIGGER privilege to {user, role}
for (int i=0; i < triggerPrivGrantees.length; i++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "h");
("create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 " +
"select c1,c2 from s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "h");
// SELECT privileges to {user, public, role} x
// TRIGGER privilege to {user, role}
for (int i=0; i < triggerPrivGrantees.length; i++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "public");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s_c3, "h");
("create trigger t after insert on s1.t1 " +
"select c1,c2,c3 from s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertTriggerExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_t, triggerPrivGrantees[i]);
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c2, "public");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s_c3, "h");
* @see #testViewInvalidation
public void testConstraintInvalidation() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
SQLWarning w;
* 3-dimensional search space:
* Which role we grant the role to (direct to a role or to a role it
* inherits)
* X
* Whether the role is granted directly to the session user or to PUBLIC.
* X
* Whether we grant the entire underlying table or just the column
* needed.
String[] grantToThisRole = new String[] {"a2", "h"};
String[] roleGrantees = new String[] {"DonaldDuck", "public"};
String[][] tabAndColReferencesPerms =
new String[][] {{g_r}, {g_r_c1, g_r_c2, g_r_c3}};
String createTableString =
"create table t (i int not null, j int, k int)";
String dropTableString = "drop table t";
String addConstraintString =
"alter table t add constraint fk " +
"foreign key(i,j,k) references s1.t1";
for (int r = 0; r < grantToThisRole.length; r++) {
for (int gNo = 0; gNo < roleGrantees.length; gNo++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < tabAndColReferencesPerms.length; i++) {
* Create a foreign key constraint on the basis of a
* references privilege via a role.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
setRole(c, "h");
assertFkConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
* Setting another role does not affect the constraint once
* defined.
setRole(c, "none");
assertFkConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
// Remove privileges from role, and the constraint should be
// gone.
(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
new String[]{CONSTRAINTDROPPED, null, null});
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
* Revoking the role should also invalidate constraint
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
setRole(c, "h");
assertFkConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
* Check that user privilege and/or PUBLIC privilege is
* preferred over role privilege if available. This is not
* standard SQL, but useful behavior IMHO as long as Derby
* can't revalidate via another path (DERBY-1632) - lest a
* role revoke or drop causes an invalidation when user has
* discretionary privilege. Cf. also comment on priority of
* user vs public in DERBY-1611.
String[] directGrantee = roleGrantees;
for (int u = 0; u < directGrantee.length; u++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
setRole(c, "h");
// Now we have references privilege two ways, via role
// and via user.
// Now revoke role priv and see that constraints is
// still unaffected.
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertFkConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
// take away user privilege, too
(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
new String[]{CONSTRAINTDROPPED, null, null});
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
// clean up
(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
* Dropping a role should also invalidate a dependent constraint.
* (We do this test outside the loop above for simplicity of
* reestablish role graph after the drop..)
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r, "h");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
assertFkConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("drop role h");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// re-establish role graph
s.executeUpdate("create role h");
s.executeUpdate("grant e to h");
s.executeUpdate("grant f to h");
* For FOREIGN KEY constraint, check that dependency on role and
* subesquent invalidation happens for a mix of column privileges
* granted to user, public and role (due to tricky logic in this
* implementation,
* cf. DDLConstantAction#storeConstraintDependenciesOnPrivileges
// {role, role}
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
new String[] {g_r_c1, g_r_c2, g_r_c3}, "h");
("alter table t add constraint fk foreign key(i,j,k) " +
"references s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
new String[] {g_r_c1, g_r_c2, g_r_c3}, "h");
// {public, role}
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "public");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table t add constraint fk " +
"foreign key(i,j,k) references s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "public");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "h");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
// {user, role}
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table t add constraint fk " +
"foreign key(i,j,k) references s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "h");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
// {user, public, role}
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "public");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table t add constraint fk " +
"foreign key(i,j,k) references s1.t1");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertFkConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c1, "DonaldDuck");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c2, "public");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_r_c3, "h");
// Try the same as above but with EXECUTE privilege instead of
// REFERENCES for a CHECK constraint
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table t add constraint ch " +
"check(i < s1.f1())");
assertCheckConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertCheckConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
// Try the same as above but with two EXECUTE privileges
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e_f2, "DonaldDuck");
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table t add constraint ch " +
"check(i < (s1.f1() + s1.f2()))");
assertCheckConstraintExists(true, c, "t");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
w = s.getWarnings();
assertCheckConstraintExists(false, c, "t");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e_f2, "DonaldDuck");
// Try the same as above but with multiple CHECK constraints to verify
// that only those affected by a revoke are impacted.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_e_f2, "DonaldDuck");
("create table tmp(i int constraint ct1 check(i < s1.f1())," +
" j int constraint ct2 check(j < s1.f2()))");
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
// This should only impact ct1
try {
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into tmp values (6, -1)");
} catch (SQLException e) {
fail("expected success", e);
try {
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into tmp values (6, 6)");
fail("ct2 should remain");
} catch (SQLException e) {
cStmt.executeUpdate("alter table tmp drop constraint ct2");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e, "h");
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_e_f2, "DonaldDuck");
cStmt.executeUpdate("drop table tmp");
* DERBY-4191
* There are times when no column is selected from a table in the from
* list. At such a time, we should make sure that we make sure there
* is atleast some kind of select privilege available on that table for
* the query to succeed. eg of such queries
* select count(*) from t1
* select count(1) from t1
* select 1 from t1
* select t1.c1 from t1, t2
* In addition, the subquery inside of a NON-select query should require
* select privilege on the tables involved in the subquery eg
* update dbo.t set a = ( select max(a1) + 2 from dbo.t1 )
* update dbo.t set a = ( select max(b1) + 2 from dbo.t2 )
* For both the queries above, in addition to update privilege requirement
* on dbo.t(a), we need to require select privileges on columns/tables
* within the select list. So for first query, the user should have select
* privilege on dbo.t1 or dbo.t1(a1). Similarly, for 2nd query, the user
* should have select privilege on dbo.t2 or dbo.t2(b1)
* @throws SQLException
public void testMinimumSelectPrivilege() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement stmtDBO = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection cDD = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement stmtDD = cDD.createStatement();
Connection cMM = openUserConnection("MickeyMouse");
Statement stmtMM = cMM.createStatement();
stmtDBO.executeUpdate("create role role1");
stmtDBO.executeUpdate("grant role1 to MickeyMouse");
stmtDD.executeUpdate("create table DDtable1(c11 int, c12 int)");
stmtDD.executeUpdate("insert into DDtable1 values(1, 2)");
stmtDD.executeUpdate("create table DDtable2(c21 int, c22 int)");
stmtDD.executeUpdate("insert into DDtable2 values(3, 4)");
stmtMM.executeUpdate("set role role1");
try {
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
try {
stmtMM.executeUpdate("update DonaldDuck.DDtable1 set c11 = " +
" (select c21 from DonaldDuck.DDtable2)");
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
stmtDD.executeUpdate("grant select(c12) on DDtable1 to role1");
stmtDD.executeUpdate("grant update on DDtable1 to role1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c12 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
try {
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
try {
stmtMM.executeUpdate("update DonaldDuck.DDtable1 set c11 = " +
" (select c21 from DonaldDuck.DDtable2)");
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
stmtDD.executeUpdate("grant select(c11) on DDtable1 to role1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c12 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
try {
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1, " +
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42500", e);
try {
stmtMM.executeQuery("update DonaldDuck.DDtable1 set c11 = " +
" (select c21 from DonaldDuck.DDtable2)");
fail("select should have failed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
stmtDD.executeUpdate("grant select(c21) on DDtable2 to role1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c12 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1");
stmtMM.executeQuery("select c11 from DonaldDuck.DDtable1, " +
stmtMM.executeUpdate("update DonaldDuck.DDtable1 set c11 = " +
" (select c21 from DonaldDuck.DDtable2)");
* Test that a prepared statement can no longer execute after its required
* privileges acquired via the current role are no longer applicable.
public void testPSInvalidation() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
* 3-dimensional search space:
* Which role we grant the role to (direct to a role or to a role it
* inherits)
* X
* Whether the role is granted directly to the session user or to PUBLIC.
* X
* Whether we grant the entire underlying table or just the column
* needed.
String[] grantToThisRole = new String[] {"a2", "h"};
String[] roleGrantees = new String[] {"DonaldDuck", "public"};
String[][] privilegeStmts =
new String[][] {{g_s, "select c1 from s1.t1"},
{g_s_c1, "select c1 from s1.t1"},
{g_e, "values s1.f1()"},
{g_u, "update s1.t1 set c1=0"},
{g_u_c1_c2_c3, "update s1.t1 set c1=0"},
{g_i, "insert into s1.t1 values (5,5,5)"}};
PreparedStatement ps = null;
for (int r = 0; r < grantToThisRole.length; r++) {
for (int gNo = 0; gNo < roleGrantees.length; gNo++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < privilegeStmts.length; i++) {
* Create a ps on the basis of a select privilege via a
* role.
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", privilegeStmts[i][0],
setRole(c, "h");
ps = c.prepareStatement(privilegeStmts[i][1]);
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
* Setting another role should make the ps fail, since we
* no longer have the privilege.
setRole(c, "none");
assertPsWorks(false, ps);
// set it back:
setRole(c, "h");
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
* Remove privileges from role, and the execute should
* fail.
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", privilegeStmts[i][0],
assertPsWorks(false, ps);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", privilegeStmts[i][0],
* Revoking the role should also make the ps fail, since we
* no longer have the privilege.
setRole(c, "h");
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertPsWorks(false, ps);
* Check that prepared statements are reprepared if there
* is another applicable privilege, when the privilege
* granted via a role is used first and that role is
* revoked.
String[] directGrantee = roleGrantees;
// iterate over granting role h to {user, PUBLIC}
for (int u = 0; u < directGrantee.length; u++) {
s.executeUpdate("grant h to " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
setRole(c, "h");
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo",
// Now we have select privilege two ways, via role and
// via user or PUBLIC.
// Now revoke role priv and see that ps is still
// unaffected.
s.executeUpdate("revoke h from " + roleGrantees[gNo]);
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
// Take away user privilege, too.
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",
assertPsWorks(false, ps);
// clean up
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo",privilegeStmts[i][0],
* Dropping a role should also cause a dependent ps fail.
* (We do this test outside the loop above for simplicity of
* reestablish role graph after the drop..)
for (int i=0; i < privilegeStmts.length; i++) {
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", privilegeStmts[i][0], "h");
s.executeUpdate("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
ps = c.prepareStatement(privilegeStmts[i][1]);
assertPsWorks(true, ps);
s.executeUpdate("drop role h");
assertPsWorks(false, ps);
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", privilegeStmts[i][0], "h");
// re-establish role graph
s.executeUpdate("create role h");
s.executeUpdate("grant e to h");
s.executeUpdate("grant f to h");
* Test behavior for when there are open result sets on prepared statements
* that require privileges obtained via the current role and something
* changes in the middle of accessing the result set. We should be able to
* finish using the result set.
public void testOpenRs() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;
String select = "select * from s1.t1";
PreparedStatement ps = dboConn.prepareStatement(
"insert into s1.t1 values (?,?,?)");
for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
ps.setInt(1, i);
ps.setInt(2, i);
ps.setInt(3, i);
* Select privilege revoked
// Auto-commit on
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now remove privilege in middle of rs reading
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// check that we can read the next row;
// Auto-commit off
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now remove privilege in middle of rs reading
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// check that we can read the next row;
* Role privilege revoked
// Auto-commit on
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now remove privilege in middle of rs reading
s.execute("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
// check that we can read the next row;
// Auto-commit off
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now remove privilege in middle of rs reading
s.execute("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
// check that we can read the next row;
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
* Current role changed
// Auto-commit on
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now change role in middle of rs reading
setRole(c, "none");
// check that we can read the next row;
// Auto-commit off
setRole(c, "h");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery(select);;
// Now remove privilege in middle of rs reading
setRole(c, "none");
// check that we can read the next row;
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", g_s, "h");
// clean up
s.executeUpdate("delete from s1.t1");
* Test that DEFAULT CURRENT_ROLE works as expected
* See DERBY-3897.
public void testDefaultCurrentRole() throws SQLException {
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
setRole(c, "h");
("create table t(role varchar(128) default current_role)");
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into t values default");
ResultSet rs = cStmt.executeQuery("select * from t");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs, "\"H\"");
cStmt.executeUpdate("drop table t");
cStmt.executeUpdate("create table t(i int)");
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into t values 1");
("alter table t " +
"add column role varchar(10) default current_role");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery("select * from t");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, new String[][]{{"1", "\"H\""}});
cStmt.executeUpdate("drop table t");
// do the same from within a stored procedure
s.execute("grant execute on procedure s1.calledNested to DonaldDuck");
if (!JDBC.vmSupportsJSR169()) {
// JSR169 cannot run with tests with stored procedures
// that do database access - for they require a
// DriverManager connection to jdbc:default:connection;
// DriverManager is not supported with JSR169.
cStmt.executeUpdate("call s1.calledNested()");
setRole(c, "none");
s.execute("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
s.execute("revoke execute on procedure s1.calledNested " +
"from DonaldDuck restrict");
* Test that CURRENT_ROLE works as expected in some miscellaneous contexts.
* See DERBY-3897.
public void testCurrentRoleInWeirdContexts() throws SQLException {
if (JDBC.vmSupportsJSR169()) {
// JSR169 cannot run with tests with stored procedures
// that do database access - for they require a
// DriverManager connection to jdbc:default:connection;
// DriverManager is not supported with JSR169.
Connection dboConn = getConnection();
Statement s = dboConn.createStatement();
setRole(dboConn, "a1");
s.execute("create table trackCreds(usr varchar(30), role varchar(30))");
s.executeUpdate("create table t(i int)");
s.execute("grant insert on t to DonaldDuck");
s.execute("grant h to DonaldDuck");
// From within a trigger body:
s.execute("create trigger tr after insert on t " +
"insert into trackCreds values (current_user, current_role)");
Connection c = openUserConnection("DonaldDuck");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
setRole(c, "h");
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into test_dbo.t values 1");
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from trackCreds");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, new String[][]{{"DONALDDUCK", "\"H\""}});
setRole(c, "none");
// From within a CHECK constraint, that we get an error
try {
s.execute("create table strange(role varchar(30) " +
"check (role = current_role))");
fail("current_role inside a check constraint should be denied");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState(UNRELIABLE, e);
// From within a function, called from a CHECK constraint
// executed as a substatement as part of ALTER TABLE.
// In this case, the session context stack contains two elements
// referenced from the three activations thus:
// top level "alter table" act. -> top level session context
// substatement (check constraint act.) -> top level session context
// nested connnection in getCurrentRole,
// "values current_role" act. -> pushed session context
// Before DERBY-3897 the call to s1.getCurrentRole would yield null
// because the pushed session context for getCurrentRole would inherit
// a wrong (newly created) session context from the CHECK constraint
// substatement's activation. After DERBY-3897, the substatement
// correctly inherits the session context of "alter table"s
// activation, so the pushed session context for getCurrentRole will
// be correct, too.
s.execute("create table strange(i int)");
s.execute("insert into strange values null");
s.execute("alter table strange " +
"add constraint s check (s1.getCurrentRole() = '\"A1\"')");
s.execute("revoke h from DonaldDuck");
s.execute("revoke insert on t from DonaldDuck");
setRole(dboConn, "none");
s.execute("drop table t");
s.execute("drop table strange");
s.execute("drop table trackCreds");
* stored function: s1.f1
public static int s1f1() {
return 0;
private void assertAllforRole(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String grantee) throws SQLException {
for (int i=0; i < grantRevokes.length; i++) {
doGrantRevoke(GRANT, "test_dbo", grantRevokes[i], grantee);
assertEverything(hasPrivilege, c, null);
doGrantRevoke(REVOKE, "test_dbo", grantRevokes[i], grantee);
// check that when priv is revoked we no longer have it
if (hasPrivilege == VIAROLE) {
assertEverything(NOPRIV, c, null);
private void assertEverything(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
assertEverything(hasPrivilege, c, role);
private void assertEverything(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String role) throws SQLException {
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
String[] columns = new String[] {"c1", "c2"};
String schema = "s1";
String table = "t1";
String function = "f1";
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, null);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, null);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, null);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, null);
(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table);
assertExecutePrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, function);
* Assert that a user has execute privilege on a given function
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param function the name of the function to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertExecutePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String function) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertExecutePrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, function);
* Assert that a user has execute privilege on a given function
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param function the name of the function to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertExecutePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String function) throws SQLException {
Statement stm = c.createStatement();
try {
ResultSet rs =
stm.executeQuery("values " + schema + "." + function + "()");;
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no EXECUTE privilege on function. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, function));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (stm != null) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV)
else {
fail("Unexpected lack of execute privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, function), e);
* Assert that a user has trigger privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertTriggerPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertTriggerPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table);
* Assert that a user has trigger execute privilege on a given table /
* column set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertTriggerPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
String triggerName = table + "Trigger";
try {
int i = s.executeUpdate
("create trigger " + triggerName + " after insert on " +
schema + "." + table + " for each row values 1");
if (hasPrivilege != NOPRIV) {
assertEquals(0, i);
s.execute("drop trigger " + triggerName);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no TRIGGER privilege on table. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of trigger privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table), e);
(hasPrivilege, c, "TRIGGER", schema, table, null);
* Assert that a user has references privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @param columns the name of the columns to check, or null
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertReferencesPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertReferencesPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has references privilege on a given table / column
* set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertReferencesPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
columns = ((columns == null)
? getAllColumns(schema, table)
: columns);
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
try {
s.execute("create table referencestest (c1 int" +
" references " + schema + "." +
table + "(" + columns[i] + "))" );
s.execute("drop table referencestest");
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("Unexpected references privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table,
new String[]{columns[i]}));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of references privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table,
new String[]{columns[i]}),
(hasPrivilege, c, "REFERENCES", schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has update privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @param columns the name of the columns to check, or null
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertUpdatePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertUpdatePrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has update privilege on a given table / column set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertUpdatePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
String[] checkColumns =
(columns == null) ? getAllColumns(schema, table) : columns;
Statement s = c.createStatement();
int columnCount = 0;
boolean checkCount;
for (int i = 0; i < checkColumns.length; i++) {
checkCount = false;
try {
// Try to get count of rows to verify update rows. We may not
// have select privilege on the column, in which case, we
// simply don't verify the count.
try {
ResultSet countRS =
s.executeQuery("select count(" + checkColumns[i] +
") from " + schema + "." + table);
if (! {
fail("Could not get count on " + checkColumns[i] +
" to verify update");
columnCount = countRS.getInt(1);
checkCount = true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
int actualCount =
s.executeUpdate("update " + schema + "." + table +
" set " + checkColumns[i] + "= 0");
if (hasPrivilege != NOPRIV && checkCount) {
// update count should equal select count
assertEquals(columnCount, actualCount);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no UPDATE privilege on " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table,
new String[]{checkColumns[i]}));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of privilege to update. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table,
new String[]{checkColumns[i]}));
(hasPrivilege, c, "UPDATE", schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has insert privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @param columns the name of the columns to check, or null
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertInsertPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertInsertPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has insert privilege on a given table / column set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertInsertPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
int i = s.executeUpdate("insert into " + schema + "." +
table + " values (0,0,0)");
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no INSERT privilege on table, " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of insert privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns), e);
(hasPrivilege, c, "INSERT", schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has select privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @param columns the name of the columns to check, or null
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertSelectPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertSelectPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has select privilege on a given table / column set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertSelectPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns) throws SQLException {
assertSelectPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema,
table, columns, NOCOLUMNPERMISSION);
assertSelectConstantPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema,
assertSelectCountPrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema,
table, columns, NOTABLEPERMISSION);
* Assert that a user has select privilege at the table(s) level or
* atleast on one column from each of the tables involved in the
* query when running a select query which selects count(*) or
* count(constant) from the tables.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns used for error handling if ran into exception
* @param sqlState expected state if hasPrivilege == NOPRIV
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertSelectCountPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns,
String sqlState) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("select count(*) from " + schema + "." + table);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no SELECT privilege on table " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
assertSQLState(sqlState, e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of select privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns), e);
try {
s.execute("select count('a') from " + schema + "." + table);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no SELECT privilege on table " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
assertSQLState(sqlState, e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of select privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns), e);
* Assert that a user has select privilege at the table(s) level or
* atleast on one column from each of the tables involved in the
* query when running a select query which only selects constants from
* the tables.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param sqlState expected state if hasPrivilege == NOPRIV
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertSelectConstantPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String sqlState) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("select 1 from " + schema + "." + table);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no SELECT privilege on table " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
assertSQLState(sqlState, e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of select privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table), e);
* Assert that a user has select privilege on a given table / column set.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @param sqlState expected state if hasPrivilege == NOPRIV
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertSelectPrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns,
String sqlState) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("select " + columnListAsString(columns) +
" from " + schema + "." + table);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no SELECT privilege on table " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
assertSQLState(sqlState, e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of select privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table, columns), e);
(hasPrivilege, c, "SELECT", schema, table, columns);
* Check that a given view exists (select privilege assumed) or not by
* selecting from it. The connection user must supposed to be the owner for
* this to work.
private void assertViewExists(boolean exists,
Connection c,
String table) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("select * from " + table);
if (!exists) {
fail("Table expected not to exist: " + table);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (exists) {
fail("Table expected to exist: " + table, e);
* Check that a given trigger exists (select privilege assumed) or not.
* NOTE: It is destructive, since the test is by dropping the trigger. The
* connection user must supposed to be the owner for this to work.
private void assertTriggerExists(boolean exists,
Connection c,
String trigger) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("drop trigger " + trigger);
if (!exists) {
fail("Trigger expected not to exist: " + trigger);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (exists) {
fail("Trigger expected to exist: " + trigger, e);
* Check that a given foregin key constraint exists by the following
* method: We insert a value that is not present in the referenced table so
* the foreign key constraint will fail if the constraint is present. The
* connection user must be the owner for this to work.
private void assertFkConstraintExists(boolean exists,
Connection c,
String table)
throws SQLException {
assertConstraintExists(exists, c, table, FKVIOLATION);
* Check that a given check constraint exists by the following method: We
* insert a value that does not satify the check constraint. The connection
* user must be the owner for this to work.
private void assertCheckConstraintExists(boolean exists,
Connection c,
String table)
throws SQLException {
assertConstraintExists(exists, c, table, CHECKCONSTRAINTVIOLATED);
private void assertConstraintExists(boolean exists,
Connection c,
String table,
String sqlState)
throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("insert into " + table + " values (6,6,6)");
s.execute("delete from " + table);
if (exists) {
fail("Table expected to have a constraint: " + table);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!exists) {
fail("Table expected not to have a constraint: " + table, e);
assertSQLState(sqlState, e);
* Check that a given prepared statement can be executed.
private void assertPsWorks(boolean works,
PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException {
try {
boolean b = ps.execute();
ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
if (rs != null) {;
if (!works) {
fail("Prepared statement expected to fail.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (works) {
fail("Prepared statement expected to work.", e);
* Assert that a user has delete privilege on a given table
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param role to use, or null if we do not want to set the role
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the name of the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertDeletePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
String user,
String role,
String schema,
String table)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
if (role != null) {
setRole(c, role);
assertDeletePrivilege(hasPrivilege, c, schema, table);
* Assert that a user has delete privilege on a given table.
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param c connection to use
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
private void assertDeletePrivilege(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String schema,
String table) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
s.execute("delete from " + schema + "." + table);
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
fail("expected no DELETE privilege on table " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table));
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (hasPrivilege == NOPRIV) {
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of delete privilege. " +
formatArgs(c, schema, table), e);
(hasPrivilege, c, "DELETE", schema, table, null);
* Assert that a specific privilege exists by checking the
* database metadata available to a user.
* @param hasPrivilege Is != NOPRIV if we expect the caller to have the
* privilege
* @param c user connection
* @param type type of privilege, e.g. SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, etc.
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check, or all columns if null
* @throws SQLException
private void assertPrivilegeMetadata(int hasPrivilege,
Connection c,
String type,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs;
Statement stm = c.createStatement();
rs = stm.executeQuery("values current_user");;
String user = rs.getString(1);
if (isOwner(schema, user)) {
// NOTE: Does not work for table owner, who has no manifest entry
// corresponding to the privilege in SYSTABLEPERMS.
if (hasPrivilege == VIAROLE) {
// No DatabaseMetaData for roles. We could of course check
// SYS.SYSROLES and the privilege tables but then we would have to
// essentially rebuild the whole role privilege computation
// machinery in this test.. ;)
DatabaseMetaData dm = c.getMetaData();
rs = dm.getTablePrivileges
(null, JDBC.identifierToCNF(schema), JDBC.identifierToCNF(table));
boolean found = false;
// check getTablePrivileges
if (columns == null) {
while (
// Also verify that grantor and is_grantable can be
// obtained Derby doesn't currently support the for grant
// option, the grantor is always the object owner - in this
// test, test_dbo, and is_grantable is always 'NO'.
assertEquals("NO", rs.getString(7));
if (rs.getString(6).equals(type)) {
String privUser = rs.getString(5);
if (privUser.equals(user) ||
JDBC.identifierToCNF("public"))) {
found = true;
assertEquals(hasPrivilege == VIAUSER, found);
// check getColumnPrivileges()
ResultSet cp = null;
if (columns == null) {
* Derby does not record table level privileges in SYSCOLPERMS, so
* the following does not work. If it is ever changed so that
* getColumnPrivileges returns proper results for table level
* privileges, this(*) can be reenabled.
* (*) See GrantRevokeTest.
} else {
// or, check that all given columns have privilege or not as the
// case may be
int noFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
cp = dm.getColumnPrivileges(null,
while ( {
// also verify that grantor and is_grantable are valid
// Derby doesn't currently support for grant, so
// grantor is always the object owner - in this test,
// test_dbo, and getColumnPrivileges casts 'NO' for
// is_grantable for supported column-related privileges
assertEquals("NO", cp.getString(8));
if (cp.getString(7).equals(type)) {
String privUser = cp.getString(6);
if (privUser.equals(user) ||
JDBC.identifierToCNF("public"))) {
if (hasPrivilege == VIAUSER) {
assertEquals(columns.length, noFound);
} else {
assertEquals(0, noFound);
if (cp != null) {
private boolean isOwner(String schema, String user) throws SQLException {
Connection c = getConnection();
Statement stm = c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery
("select schemaname, authorizationid from sys.sysschemas " +
"where schemaname='" + JDBC.identifierToCNF(schema) + "'");;
boolean result = rs.getString(2).equals(JDBC.identifierToCNF(user));
return result;
* Get all the columns in a given schema / table
* @return an array of Strings with the column names
* @throws SQLException
private String[] getAllColumns(String schema, String table)
throws SQLException
Connection c = getConnection();
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = c.getMetaData();
ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<String>();
ResultSet rs =
dbmd.getColumns( (String) null, schema, table, (String) null);
return columnList.toArray(new String[columnList.size()]);
* Return the given String array as a comma separated String
* @param columns an array of columns to format
* @return a comma separated String of the column names
private static String columnListAsString(String[] columns) {
if (columns == null) {
return "*";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(columns[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < columns.length; i++ ) {
sb.append("," + columns[i]);
return sb.toString();
* Format the table arguments used by the various assert* methods for
* printing.
private static String formatArgs(Connection c,
String schema,
String table,
String[] columns) throws SQLException {
formatArgs(c, schema, table) +
"(" + columnListAsString(columns) + ")";
* Format the dbObject arguments used by the various assert* methods for
* printing.
private static String formatArgs(Connection c,
String schema,
String dbObject) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs;
Statement stm = c.createStatement();
rs = stm.executeQuery("values current_user");;
String user = rs.getString(1);
rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery("values current_role");;
String role = rs.getString(1);
"User: " + user +
(role == null ? "" : " Role: " + role) +
" Object: " +
schema + "." +
* Set the given role for the current session.
private void setRole(Connection c, String role) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps;
if (role.toUpperCase().equals("NONE")) {
ps = c.prepareStatement("set role none");
} else {
ps = c.prepareStatement("set role ?");
ps.setString(1, role);
* Perform a bulk grant or revoke action for grantee
private void doGrantRevoke(int action,
String grantor,
String[] actionStrings,
String grantee,
String[] warningExpected)
throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(grantor);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
for (int i=0; i < actionStrings.length; i++) {
(action == GRANT ? "grant " : "revoke ") +
actionStrings[i] +
(action == GRANT ? " to " : " from ") +
grantee +
(action == REVOKE && actionStrings[i].startsWith
("execute") ? " restrict" : ""));
if (warningExpected[i] != null) {
assertSQLState(warningExpected[i], s.getWarnings());
* Perform a bulk grant or revoke action for grantee
private void doGrantRevoke(int action,
String grantor,
String[] actionStrings,
String grantee)
throws SQLException {
String[] warns = new String[actionStrings.length];
doGrantRevoke(action, grantor, actionStrings, grantee, warns);
* Perform a bulk grant or revoke action for grantee
private void doGrantRevoke(int action,
String grantor,
String actionString,
String grantee,
String warningExpected) throws SQLException {
doGrantRevoke(action, grantor, new String[] {actionString}, grantee,
new String[]{warningExpected});
* Perform a bulk grant or revoke action for grantee
private void doGrantRevoke(int action,
String grantor,
String actionString,
String grantee) throws SQLException {
doGrantRevoke(action, grantor, new String[] {actionString}, grantee);
private String CNFUser2user(String CNFUser) {
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
if (JDBC.identifierToCNF(users[i]).equals(CNFUser)) {
return users[i];
fail("test error");
return null;
private void assertSQLState(String[] ok_states, SQLException e) {
String state = e.getSQLState();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ok_states.length; i++) {
if (ok_states[i].equals(state)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
b.append("Exception ");
b.append(" found, one of ");
for (int i = 0; i < ok_states.length; i++) {
if (i != ok_states.length - 1) {
b.append(" expected");
public static void calledNested()
throws SQLException
Connection c = null;
try {
c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
("create table t(role varchar(128) default current_role)");
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into t values default");
ResultSet rs = cStmt.executeQuery("select * from t");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs, "\"H\"");
cStmt.executeUpdate("drop table t");
cStmt.executeUpdate("create table t(i int)");
cStmt.executeUpdate("insert into t values 1");
("alter table t " +
"add column role varchar(10) default current_role");
rs = cStmt.executeQuery("select * from t");
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, new String[][]{{"1", "\"H\""}});
cStmt.executeUpdate("drop table t");
} finally {
if (c != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String getCurrentRole()
throws SQLException
Connection c = null;
try {
c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection");
Statement cStmt = c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = cStmt.executeQuery("values current_role");;
String result = rs.getString(1);
return result;
} finally {
if (c != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {