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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.RestrictedTableVTI
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.apache.derby.vti.VTITemplate;
import org.apache.derby.vti.RestrictedVTI;
import org.apache.derby.vti.Restriction;
* <p>
* This class contains a table function which can be used to read data
* from a Derby table.
* </p>
public class RestrictedTableVTI extends VTITemplate implements RestrictedVTI
private String _schemaName;
private String _tableName;
private Connection _connection;
private String[] _columnNames;
private Restriction _restriction;
// this maps table function columns (0-based) to table column numbers (1-based) in
// the actual query
private int[] _columnNumberMap;
private PreparedStatement _preparedStatement;
private ResultSet _resultSet;
private static String _lastQuery;
protected RestrictedTableVTI
String schemaName,
String tableName
throws Exception
_schemaName = schemaName;
_tableName = tableName;
_connection = getDerbyConnection();
* <p>
* Table function to read a table in Derby.
* </p>
public static RestrictedTableVTI readTable
String schemaName,
String tableName
throws Exception
return new RestrictedTableVTI( schemaName, tableName );
* <p>
* Scalar function to retrieve the last query generated by this machinery.
* </p>
public static String getLastQuery() { return _lastQuery; }
// ResultSet BEHAVIOR
public void close() throws SQLException
if ( !isClosed() )
_schemaName = null;
_tableName = null;
_connection = null;
_columnNames = null;
_restriction = null;
_columnNumberMap = null;
if ( _resultSet != null ) { _resultSet.close(); }
if ( _preparedStatement != null ) { _preparedStatement.close(); }
_resultSet = null;
_preparedStatement = null;
public boolean next() throws SQLException
if ( !isClosed() && (_resultSet == null) )
_preparedStatement = prepareStatement( _connection, makeQuery() );
_resultSet = _preparedStatement.executeQuery();
public boolean isClosed() { return (_connection == null); }
public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.wasNull(); }
public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getMetaData(); }
public InputStream getAsciiStream(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getAsciiStream( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBigDecimal( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int i, int scale) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBigDecimal( mapColumnNumber( i ), scale ); }
public InputStream getBinaryStream(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBinaryStream( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Blob getBlob(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBlob( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public boolean getBoolean(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBoolean( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public byte getByte(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getByte( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public byte[] getBytes(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getBytes( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Reader getCharacterStream(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getCharacterStream( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Clob getClob(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getClob( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Date getDate(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getDate( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Date getDate(int i, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getDate( mapColumnNumber( i ), cal ); }
public double getDouble(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getDouble( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public float getFloat(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getFloat( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public int getInt(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getInt( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public long getLong(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getLong( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Object getObject(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getObject( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public short getShort(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getShort( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public String getString(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getString( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Time getTime(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getTime( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Time getTime(int i, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getTime( mapColumnNumber( i ), cal ); }
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int i) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getTimestamp( mapColumnNumber( i ) ); }
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int i, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
{ return _resultSet.getTimestamp( mapColumnNumber( i ), cal ); }
// RestrictedVTI BEHAVIOR
public void initScan
( String[] columnNames, Restriction restriction )
throws SQLException
_columnNames = columnNames;
_restriction = restriction;
int columnCount = _columnNames.length;
_columnNumberMap = new int[ columnCount ];
int foreignColumnID = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ )
if ( columnNames[ i ] != null ) { _columnNumberMap[ i ] = foreignColumnID++; }
// Connection MANAGEMENT
private static Connection getDerbyConnection() throws SQLException
return DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" );
* <p>
* Build the query which will be sent to the nested connection.
* </p>
private String makeQuery()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append( "select " );
int possibleCount = _columnNames.length;
int actualCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < possibleCount; i++ )
String rawName = _columnNames[ i ];
if ( rawName == null ) { continue; }
if ( actualCount > 0 ) { buffer.append( ", " ); }
buffer.append( doubleQuote( rawName ) );
buffer.append( "\nfrom " );
buffer.append( doubleQuote( _schemaName ) );
buffer.append( '.' );
buffer.append( doubleQuote( _tableName ) );
if ( _restriction != null )
String clause = _restriction.toSQL();
if (clause != null)
clause = clause.trim();
if ( clause.length() != 0 )
buffer.append( "\nwhere " + clause );
_lastQuery = buffer.toString();
return _lastQuery;
private static String doubleQuote( String text ) { return '"' + text + '"'; }
private static String singleQuote( String text ) { return '\'' + text + '\''; }
private static PreparedStatement prepareStatement
( Connection conn, String text )
throws SQLException
return conn.prepareStatement( text );
* <p>
* Map a 1-based Derby column number to a 1-based column number in the
* query.
* </p>
private int mapColumnNumber( int derbyNumber )
return _columnNumberMap[ derbyNumber - 1 ];