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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.RenameTableTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Various tests for RENAME TABLE
public class RenameTableTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
private static final String PRIMARY_VIOLATION = "23505";
private static final String FOREIGN_VIOLATION = "23503";
private static final String DEFERRED_PRIMARY_VIOLATION = "23506";
private static final String DEFERRED_FOREIGN_VIOLATION = "23516";
private static final String USER_ERROR = "38000";
public RenameTableTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return TestConfiguration.embeddedSuite(RenameTableTest.class);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Tests that we can't rename a Non-Existing Table.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameNonExistingTable() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertStatementError("42Y55", s, "rename table notexists to notexists1");
* Tests that we can't rename a table with an existed table name
* @exception SQLException
public void testExistedNameForRenameTable() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t1(c11 int not null primary key)");
s.executeUpdate("create table t2(c21 int not null primary key)");
assertStatementError("X0Y32", s, "rename table t1 to t2");
s.executeUpdate("drop table t1");
s.executeUpdate("drop table t2");
* Tests that we cannot rename a System Table.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameSystemTable() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertStatementError("42X62", s, "rename table sys.systables to fake");
* Tests that we cannot rename a View
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameTableWithViews() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t1(c11 int not null primary key)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into t1 values 11");
s.executeUpdate("create view v1 as select * from t1");
assertStatementError("42Y62", s, "rename table v1 to fake");
assertStatementError("X0Y23", s, "rename table t1 to fake");
s.executeUpdate("drop view v1");
s.executeUpdate("drop table t1");
// -- cannot rename a table when there is an open cursor on it
// Bug 2994 ( )
* public void testRenameOpenCursoredTable() throws SQLException { Statement
* s = createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ,
* ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "create table
* t2(c21 int not null primary key)"); assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert
* into t2 values(21)"); assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into t2
* values(22)");
* ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from t2");;
* assertStatementError("X0X95" , s , "rename table t2 to fake"); }
* Tests that We can rename a table when there is an index defined on it
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameWithIndex() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t3(c31 int not null)");
s.executeUpdate("create index i1_t3 on t3(c31)");
// -- can rename a table when there is an index defined on it
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "rename table t3 to t3r");
s.executeUpdate("drop table t3r");
* Test Rename Table With PreparedStatement.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameWithPreparedStatement() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t3(c31 int not null primary key)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into t3 values 31");
s.executeUpdate("insert into t3 values 32");
s.executeUpdate("insert into t3 values 33");
PreparedStatement pstmt = prepareStatement("select * from t3 where c31 > ?");
pstmt.setInt(1, 30);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();;
// -- can rename with no errors
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "rename table t3 to t3r");
// -- but the execute statement will fail
pstmt.setInt(1, 30);
try {
ResultSet rs1 = pstmt.executeQuery();
fail("Table/View t3 Doesn't exists:");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X05", e);
s.executeUpdate("drop table t3r");
// -- creating a table with triggers defined on it
* Test that we can RENAME a TABLE when there is trigger defined on it.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameTableWithTriggersOnIt() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t6 (c61 int default 1)");
s.executeUpdate("create table t7(c71 int)");
// -- bug 5684
.executeUpdate("create trigger t7insert after insert on t7 referencing new as NEWROW for each row insert into t6 values(NEWROW.c71)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into t7 values(1)");
// -- bug 5683. Should fail
assertStatementError("X0Y25", s, "rename table t7 to t7r");
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "select * from t7r");
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from t7");;
// DERBY-2041: Rename of table referenced in a trigger action
// should fail and leave trigger intact.
assertStatementError("X0Y25", s, "rename table t6 to t6r");
s.execute("insert into t7 values(3)");
s.executeQuery("select * from t6 order by c61"),
new String[][] {{"1"}, {"3"}});
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "select * from t7r");
// Clean Up
s.executeUpdate("drop table t7");
s.executeUpdate("drop table t6");
* RENAME TABLE should fail when check constraints on it.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameWithCheckConstraintsOnIt() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table tcheck (i int check(i>5))");
assertStatementError("X0Y25", s, "rename table tcheck to tcheck1");
s.executeUpdate("drop table tcheck");
// - Rename should pass after dropping the check constriant
.executeUpdate("create table tcheck (i int, j int, constraint tcon check (i+j>2))");
assertStatementError("X0Y25", s, "rename table tcheck to tcheck1");
s.executeUpdate("alter table tcheck drop constraint tcon");
s.executeUpdate("rename table tcheck to tcheck1");
// select * from tcheck1;
s.executeUpdate("drop table tcheck1");
* Tests that rename table invalidates stored statement plans (DERBY-4479).
* By issuing the *identical* create table statement after the rename,
* we check to see whether the compiled statements from the first
* create table statement were properly invalidated by the rename.
* @exception SQLException
public void testRenameInvalidation_derby_4479()
throws SQLException
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table a (x int not null primary key)");
s.executeUpdate("rename table a to b");
s.executeUpdate("create table a (x int not null primary key)");
s.executeUpdate("drop table a");
s.executeUpdate("drop table b");
* Test that you can rename a table referenced by a foreign key.
* See DERBY-6672.
public void test_6672_1() throws Exception
Connection conn = getConnection();
conn.setAutoCommit( true );
"create procedure runStatementAndRaiseError( text varchar( 128 ) )\n" +
"language java parameter style java modifies sql data\n" +
"external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.RenameTableTest.runStatementAndRaiseError'\n"
// Basic test. Rename tables and try to violate constraints.
goodStatement( conn, "create table primary1( a int primary key )" );
goodStatement( conn, "create table foreign1( a int references primary1( a ) )" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table primary1 to primary2" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table foreign1 to foreign2" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename column primary2.a to b" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename column foreign2.a to b" );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary2 values 1" );
conn.prepareStatement( "insert into primary2 values 1" )
goodStatement( conn, "insert into foreign2 values 1" );
conn.prepareStatement( "insert into foreign2 values 2" )
// Simple test with deferrable constraints. Rename tables and violate
// constraints.
goodStatement( conn, "create table primary10( a int primary key initially deferred )" );
goodStatement( conn, "create table foreign10( a int references primary10( a ) initially deferred )" );
conn.setAutoCommit( false );
try {
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary10 values 1" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table primary10 to primary20" );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary20 values 1" );
try {
fail( "Commit should not have succeeded!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( DEFERRED_PRIMARY_VIOLATION, se.getSQLState() );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary10 values 1" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table primary10 to primary20" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table foreign10 to foreign20" );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into foreign20 values 2" );
try {
fail( "Commit should not have succeeded!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( DEFERRED_FOREIGN_VIOLATION, se.getSQLState() );
conn.setAutoCommit( true );
// Try to rename the tables in a savepoint which is rolled back.
// See DERBY-6670.
goodStatement( conn, "create table primary100( a int primary key initially deferred )" );
goodStatement( conn, "create table foreign100( a int references primary100( a ) initially deferred )" );
conn.setAutoCommit( false );
try {
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary100 values 1, 1" );
try {
conn.prepareStatement( "call runStatementAndRaiseError( 'rename table primary100 to primary200' )" ).execute();
fail( "Statement should have failed!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( USER_ERROR, se.getSQLState() );
try {
fail( "Commit should not have succeeded!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( DEFERRED_PRIMARY_VIOLATION, se.getSQLState() );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into primary100 values 1" );
goodStatement( conn, "rename table primary100 to primary200" );
goodStatement( conn, "insert into foreign100 values 2" );
try {
conn.prepareStatement( "call runStatementAndRaiseError( 'rename table foreign100 to foreign200' )" ).execute();
fail( "Statement should have failed!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( USER_ERROR, se.getSQLState() );
try {
fail( "Commit should not have succeeded!" );
catch (SQLException se)
assertEquals( DEFERRED_FOREIGN_VIOLATION, se.getSQLState() );
conn.setAutoCommit( true );
public static void runStatementAndRaiseError( String text )
throws SQLException
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" );
conn.prepareStatement( text ).execute();
throw new SQLException( "Oh sorry, an error occurred." );