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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GrantRevokeTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements
public class GrantRevokeTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
public GrantRevokeTest(String name) {
* The set of users available for grant/revoke testing
public final static String[] users = new String[] { "TEST_DBO","U1","U2","U3","U4"};
* Most tests run in embedded only, since they are only checking DDL
* statements. Metadata methods test also runs in client/server mode.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite();
// following is useful for debugging the lock timeout seen in rollback tests,
// can connect via network server and look at the lock table.
suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(new GrantRevokeTest("testGrantDatabaseMetaDataMethods")));
return suite;
* One set of grant/revoke tests for either client/server or embedded.
public static Test basesuite() {
Test test = new BaseTestSuite(GrantRevokeTest.class);
// DERBY-6238: Dump the contents of the lock table on lock timeout.
// Helps debug intermittent lock timeouts seen in the test.
test = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.singleProperty(
test, "derby.locks.deadlockTrace", "true");
test = new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(test) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
s.execute("create schema s1");
s.execute("create schema s2");
s.execute("create table s1.t1(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)");
s.execute("create table s2.t1(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)");
s.execute("create table s2.t2(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)");
s.execute("create table s2.t3(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)");
s.execute("create table s2.noPerms(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)");
s.execute("create function s1.f1() returns int" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GrantRevokeTest.s1F1'" +
" no sql called on null input");
* RESOLVE Derby does not implement SPECIFIC names
s.execute("create function s2.f1() returns int" +
" specific s2.s2sp1" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.grantRevoke.s2F1a'" +
" no sql called on null input");
* RESOLVE Derby doesn't seem to support function overloading. It doesn't allow us to create two
* functions with the same name but different signatures. (Though the StaticMethodCallNode.bindExpression
* method does have code to handle overloaded methods). So we cannot throughly test
* grant/revoke on overloaded procedures.
s.execute("create function s2.f1( p1 char(8)) returns int" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.grantRevoke.s2F1b'" +
" no sql called on null input");
s.execute("create function s2.f1( char(8), char(8)) returns int" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.grantRevoke.s2F1c'" +
" no sql called on null input");
s.execute("create function s2.f1( int) returns int" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.grantRevoke.s2F1d'" +
" no sql called on null input");
NOTE: This function definition does not match the s2F2() definition
in this class, and thus is not used.
s.execute("create function s2.f2( p1 char(8), p2 integer) returns int" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GrantRevokeTest.s2F2'" +
" no sql called on null input");
// functions and procedures are supposed to have separate name spaces. Make sure that this does
// not confuse grant/revoke.
s.execute("create procedure s1.f1( )" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GrantRevokeTest.s1F1P'" +
" no sql called on null input");
s.execute("create procedure s1.p1( )" +
" language java parameter style java" +
" external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GrantRevokeTest.s1P1'" +
" no sql called on null input");
// DERBY-5292: Definer's rights in views
s.execute("create schema appl");
"CREATE TABLE appl.\"TBL_Tasks\"" +
"(\"TaskID\" integer NOT NULL " +
" \"Task\" varchar(64) NOT NULL," +
" \"AssignedTo\" varchar(64) NOT NULL," +
"CONSTRAINT \"PK_Tasks\" PRIMARY KEY (\"TaskID\"))");
"CREATE TABLE appl.\"TBL_Priorities\"" +
"(\"TaskID\" integer NOT NULL," +
" \"Priority\" integer NOT NULL," +
" \"SeqNbr\" integer NOT NULL," +
" (\"TaskID\", \"Priority\"))");
"CREATE VIEW appl.\"VW_MyTasks\" AS " +
" SELECT * FROM appl.\"TBL_Tasks\" " +
"WHERE \"AssignedTo\" = SESSION_USER");
"CREATE VIEW appl.\"VW_MyPriorityTasks\" AS " +
" SELECT t.\"TaskID\", t.\"Task\", p.\"Priority\"" +
" FROM appl.\"TBL_Tasks\" AS t," +
" appl.\"TBL_Priorities\" AS p " +
" WHERE p.\"TaskID\" = t.\"TaskID\" " +
" AND t.\"AssignedTo\" = SESSION_USER");
"CREATE VIEW appl.\"VW2_MyPriorityTasks\" AS " +
" SELECT t.\"TaskID\", t.\"Task\", p.\"Priority\" " +
" FROM appl.\"TBL_Tasks\" AS t INNER JOIN " +
" appl.\"TBL_Priorities\" AS p ON " +
" p.\"TaskID\" = t.\"TaskID\" " +
" WHERE t.\"AssignedTo\" = SESSION_USER");
"CREATE VIEW appl.\"VW3_MyPriorityTasks\" AS " +
" SELECT t.\"TaskID\", t.\"Task\" " +
" FROM appl.\"TBL_Tasks\" AS t " +
" WHERE t.\"AssignedTo\" = SESSION_USER " +
" (SELECT * FROM appl.\"TBL_Priorities\" AS p " +
" WHERE p.\"TaskID\" = t.\"TaskID\")");
test = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.builtinAuthentication(
test, users, "grantrevoke");
test = TestConfiguration.sqlAuthorizationDecorator(test);
return test;
public void testSimpleGrant() throws Exception {
grant("select", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "s1", "t1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "s1", "t1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "s2", "t1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "s2", "t2", null);
revoke("select", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
public void testAllPrivileges() throws Exception {
grant("all privileges", "s2", "t1", new String[] {users[2], users[3]});
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertAllPrivileges(true, users[2], "S2", "T1", null);
assertAllPrivileges(true, users[3], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "s1", "t1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "s2", "t2", null);
revoke("all privileges", "s2", "t1", new String[] {users[2], users[3]});
public void testColumnPrivileges() throws Exception {
grant("select(c1),update(c3,c2),references(c3,c1,c2)", "s1", "t1", users[4]);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[4], "s1", "t1", new String[] {"c1"});
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[4], "s1", "t1", new String[] {"c2"});
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[4], "s1", "t1", new String[] {"c3"});
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[4], "s1", "t1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[4], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[4], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C2", "C3"});
assertReferencesPrivilege(true, users[4], "s1", "t1", new String[] {"c1","c2","c3"});
revoke("select(c1),update(c3,c2),references(c3,c1,c2)", "s1", "t1", users[4]);
public void testFunctionWithSameProcedureName() throws Exception {
grant("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertFunctionPrivilege( true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertProcedurePrivilege( false, users[1], "S1", "F1");
assertFunctionPrivilege( false, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
public void testGrantOnProcedure() throws Exception {
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
assertProcedurePrivilege( true, users[1], "S1", "P1");
assertFunctionPrivilege( false, users[1], "S1", "P1", true);
assertProcedurePrivilege( false, users[2], "S1", "P1");
assertFunctionPrivilege( false, users[2], "S1", "P1", true);
revoke("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
public void testPublicTablePrivileges() throws Exception {
grant("select, references(c1)", "s2", "t2", "public");
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[4], "S2", "T2", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T2", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "NOPERMS", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "T2", null);
assertReferencesPrivilege(true, users[4], "S2", "T2",
new String[] {"C1"});
assertReferencesPrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "T2", null);
revoke("select, references(c1)", "s2", "t2", "public");
public void testPublicRoutinePrivileges() throws Exception {
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", "public");
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "P1");
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[4], "S1", "P1");
revoke("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", "public");
// user1 should still have execute privilege
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "P1");
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[4], "S1", "P1");
revoke("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
* Test grant statements before, during, and after a rolled-back
* transaction
public void testGrantRollbackAndCommit() throws SQLException {
// NOTE: originally used S2.F2 for the function
// below, but the signature on the function didn't match the
// declaration, so was not used properly. Have substituted
// function S1.F1 here to get the testcase to pass.
// NOTE 2: executing the grant statements on the owner connection
// leads to a lock timeout when asserting any privilege?
Connection oc = openUserConnection(users[0]);
// set up some privileges and check them
grant(oc, "select", "s2", "t2", "public");
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[3], "S2", "T2", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T2", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2"});
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertTriggerPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T2");
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
// alter some privileges, assert that they were granted.
grant(oc, "select(c2),delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
grant(oc, "trigger", "s2", "t2", "public");
grant(oc, "execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
// the following asserts fail due to lock timeout
//assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "s2", "t3", new String[] {"C2"});
//assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[1], "s2", "t3");
//assertTriggerPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T2");
//assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
// roll it back and assert the privileges were not granted.
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2"});
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertTriggerPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T2");
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
// do it again...
grant(oc, "select(c2),delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
grant(oc, "trigger", "s2", "t2", "public");
grant(oc, "execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
// the following asserts fail due to lock timeout
//assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2"});
//assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3");
//assertTriggerPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T2");
//assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
// commit and ensure the permissions are correct
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2"});
assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertTriggerPrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T2");
assertFunctionPrivilege( true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
// remove any permissions we granted
revoke(oc, "select", "s2", "t2", "public");
revoke(oc, "select(c2),delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
revoke(oc, "trigger", "s2", "t2", "public");
revoke(oc, "execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T2", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T2", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2"});
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertTriggerPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T2");
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
* Test Grant/Revoke related DatabaseMetaData methods.
public void testGrantDatabaseMetaDataMethods() throws Exception{
DatabaseMetaData dm = getConnection().getMetaData();
assertFalse("GrantRevoke: DatabaseMetaData.supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitionSupport", dm.supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions());
assertTrue("GrantRevoke: DatabaseMetaData.supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions", dm.supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions());
/* Revoke test methods begin here */
* Test revoke statements when user already has no permissions.
public void testRevokeWithNoPermissions() throws Exception {
// assert users don't already have these privileges.
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
// no unexpected exception should be thrown revoking these privileges.
revoke("all privileges", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C2"});
revoke("execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
revoke("select(c2), update(c1,c3)", "s1", "t1", users[2]);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
public void testRevokeSingleTableSingleUser() throws Exception {
grant("all privileges", "s2", "t1", users[1]);
grant("update(c3)", "s2", "t1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C3"});
revoke("update", "S2", "t1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege( false, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege( false, users[1], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C3"});
assertInsertPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1");
assertReferencesPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertTriggerPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1");
revoke("all privileges", "s2", "t1", users[1]);
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
public void testRevokeMultiplePermissionsMultipleUsers() throws SQLException {
grant("select", "s1", "t1", new String[] {users[1], users[2], users[3]});
grant("update(c1,c2,c3)", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
grant("update(c3)", "s1", "t1", users[2]);
grant("trigger", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[3], "S1", "T1", null);
// DatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges() returns false for the following
// due to column privileges for table being used, so assert
// with null for columns is disabled
//assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C2", "C3" });
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C3"});
assertTriggerPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1");
assertTriggerPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1");
revoke("select, update(c2,c3)", "s1", "t1", new String[] {users[1], users[2], users[3]});
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[3], "S1", "T1", null);
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C2", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", null);
assertTriggerPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "T1");
assertTriggerPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "T1");
revoke("update", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", new String[] {"C1"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
revoke("all privileges", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
public void testRevokeExecutePrivileges() throws Exception {
grant("execute", "function s1", "f1", new String[] {users[1], users[2]});
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1");
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1");
grant("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
revoke("execute", "procedure s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1");
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", new String[] {users[1], users[2]});
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1");
public void testRevokeWithPublicPrivilege() throws Exception {
grant("select, delete", "s2", "t1", "public");
grant("select, delete", "s2", "t1", new String[] {users[1], users[2]});
grant("update(c1,c3)", "s2", "t1", "public");
grant("update(c1,c3)", "s2", "t1", new String[] {users[1], users[2]});
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1", null);
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1");
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
// revoke from user, should still be able to access via public privilege
revoke("select, update(c1,c3), delete", "S2", "T1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1", null);
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1");
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[1], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[2], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege( true, users[4], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
// now, revoke public permissions
revoke("select, update(c1,c3), delete", "S2", "t1", "public");
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T1", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "T1", null);
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T1");
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "T1");
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[4], "S2", "T1", new String[] {"C1", "C3"});
// clean up
revoke("all privileges", "S2", "t1", users[2]);
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[2], "S2", "T1", null);
public void testRevokeExecuteWithPublicPrivilege() throws Exception {
grant("execute", "function s1", "f1", "public");
grant("execute", "function s1", "f1", new String[] {users[1], users[2]});
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[4], "S1", "F1", false);
//revoke from user, should still be able to execute through public privilege
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[1]);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[4], "S1", "F1", false);
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", "public");
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(true, users[2], "S1", "F1", false);
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[4], "S1", "F1", false);
// clean up
revoke("execute", "function s1", "f1", users[2]);
assertFunctionPrivilege(false, users[2], "s1", "F1", false);
public void testRevokeRollbackAndCommit() throws Exception {
// open a connection as database owner.
Connection oc = openUserConnection(users[0]);
//set up some permissions
grant(oc, "select(c1,c2), update(c1), insert, delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
grant(oc, "select, references", "s2", "t3", users[2]);
grant(oc, "select", "s2", "t3", users[3]);
grant(oc, "execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] { "C1", "C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] { "C1"});
assertInsertPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", null);
assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertReferencesPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[3], "S2", "T3", null);
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "P1");
// revoke the privileges and verify they were revoked.
revoke(oc, "select(c2), update(c1), delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
revoke(oc, "select, references", "s2", "t3", users[2]);
revoke(oc, "select", "s2", "t3", users[3]);
revoke(oc, "execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
// these asserts fail before rollback due to lock timeout
//assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1"});
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C2", "C3"});
//assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1"});
//assertInsertPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertReferencesPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
// rollback and verify that we have them again.
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1", "C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1"});
assertInsertPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", null);
assertDeletePrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertReferencesPrivilege(true, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(true, users[3], "S2", "T3", null);
assertProcedurePrivilege(true, users[1], "S1", "P1");
// revoke again, verify they were revoked.
revoke(oc, "select(c2), update(c1), delete", "s2", "t3", users[1]);
revoke(oc, "select, references", "s2", "t3", users[2]);
revoke(oc, "select", "s2", "t3", users[3]);
revoke(oc, "execute", "procedure s1", "p1", users[1]);
// these asserts fail before commit due to lock timeout
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1", "C2"});
//assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1"});
//assertInsertPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertReferencesPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T3", null);
//assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
//commit and verify again
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1", "C2"});
assertUpdatePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3", new String[] {"C1"});
assertInsertPrivilege(true, users[1], "S2", "T3", null);
assertDeletePrivilege(false, users[1], "S2", "T3");
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertReferencesPrivilege(false, users[2], "S2", "T3", null);
assertSelectPrivilege(false, users[3], "S2", "T3", null);
assertProcedurePrivilege(false, users[1], "S1", "P1");
* TODO - write tests for abandoned views / triggers / constraints
public void testAbandonedView() {
public void testAbandonedTrigger() {
public void testAbandonedConstraint() {
/* Begin standard error cases */
public void testInvalidGrantAction() throws Exception {
try {
grant("xx", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X01", e);
public void testInvalidReservedWordAction() throws Exception {
try {
grant("between", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X01", e);
assertCompileError("42X01", "grant select on schema t1 to " + users[1]);
assertCompileError("42X01", "grant select on decimal t1 to " + users[1]);
public void testGrantOnNonexistantColumn() throws Exception {
try {
grant("select(nosuchCol)", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X14", e);
public void testGrantOnNonexistantSchema() throws Exception {
try {
grant("select", "nosuch", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y07", e);
public void testGrantOnNonexistantTable() throws Exception {
try {
grant("select(nosuchCol)", "s1", "nosuch", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X05", e);
public void testGrantOnFunctionWithBadSchema() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "function nosuch", "f0", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y07", e);
public void testGrantOnNonexistantFunction() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "function s1", "nosuch", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y03", e);
if ( Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("en") ) {
assertEquals("'S1.NOSUCH' is not recognized as a function.", e.getMessage());
public void testGrantOnNonexistantFunctionForProcedure() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "function s1", "p1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y03", e);
if ( Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("en") ) {
assertEquals("'S1.P1' is not recognized as a function.", e.getMessage());
public void testGrantOnProcedureWithBadSchema() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "procedure nosuch", "f0", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y07", e);
public void testGrantOnNonexistantProcedure() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "nosuch", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y03", e);
if ( Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("en") ) {
assertEquals("'S1.NOSUCH' is not recognized as a procedure.", e.getMessage());
public void testGrantOnNonexistantProcedureForFunction() throws Exception {
try {
grant("execute", "procedure s1", "f2", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y03", e);
if ( Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("en") ) {
assertEquals("'S1.F2' is not recognized as a procedure.", e.getMessage());
public void testGrantExecuteOnTable() throws Exception {
"grant execute on table s1.t1 to " + users[1]);
public void testGrantSelectOnRoutine() throws Exception {
"grant select on function s1.f1 to " + users[1]);
"grant select on procedure s1.p1 to " + users[1]);
public void testGrantExecuteWithRestrict() throws Exception {
// restrict invalid in grant statement
"grant execute on function s1.f1 to " + users[1] + " restrict");
public void testGrantRevokeWithoutRestrict() throws Exception {
// restrict invalid in grant statement
"revoke execute on function s1.f1 from " + users[0]);
public void testGrantRevokeSelectWithRestrict() throws Exception {
// restrict invalid in grant statement
"revoke select on s1.t1 from " + users[0] + " restrict");
public void testGrantDeleteWithColumnList() throws Exception {
try {
grant("delete(c1)", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X01", e);
public void testGrantTriggerWithColumnList() throws Exception {
try {
grant("trigger(c1)", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X01", e);
/* End standard error cases */
/* Begin testcases from grantRevokeDDL */
public void testOtherUserCannotRevokeOwnerPrivileges() throws SQLException {
grant("select", "s1", "t1", "public");
grant("insert", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
grant("update", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
grant("delete", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
grant("update(c1)", "s1", "t1", users[2]);
try {
revoke(users[2], "select", "s1", "t1", "public");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42506", e);
try {
revoke(users[2], "select", "s1", "t1", users[0]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42509", e);
try {
revoke(users[2], "insert", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42506", e);
try {
revoke(users[2], "update(c1)", "s1", "t1", users[2]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42506", e);
// clean up
revoke("select", "s1", "t1", "public");
revoke("all privileges", "s1", "t1", users[1]);
revoke("all privileges", "s1", "t1", users[2]);
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[1], "S1", "T1", null);
assertAllPrivileges(false, users[2], "S1", "T1", null);
* DERBY-5292
public void testViewDefinersRights () throws Exception {
grant("select", "appl", "\"VW_MyTasks\"", users[1]);
grant("select", "appl", "\"VW_MyPriorityTasks\"", users[1]);
grant("select", "appl", "\"VW2_MyPriorityTasks\"", users[1]);
grant("select", "appl", "\"VW3_MyPriorityTasks\"", users[1]);
// OK before fix
true, users[1], "appl", "\"VW_MyTasks\"", null);
true, users[1], "appl", "\"VW_MyPriorityTasks\"", null);
// Failed before fix
true, users[1], "appl", "\"VW2_MyPriorityTasks\"", null);
true, users[1], "appl", "\"VW3_MyPriorityTasks\"", null);
/* End testcases from grantRevokeDDL */
/* Begin utility methods specific to grant / revoke */
* Grant a single permission to a single user.
* Utility method that takes a single string for user instead
* of an array of Strings.
* @param perm Permission to grant
* @param schema Schema on which to grant permission
* @param table Table on which to grant permission
* @param user User to grant permission to
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void grant(String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
grant(perm, schema, table, new String[] {user});
* Grant a single permission from a specific user to a single user.
* Utility method that takes a single string for user instead
* of an array of Strings.
* @param grantor Grantor of permission
* @param perm Permission to grant
* @param schema Schema on which to grant permission
* @param table Table on which to grant permission
* @param user User to grant permission to
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void grant(String grantor, String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(grantor);
grant(c, perm, schema, table, user);
* Grant a SQL permission to a set of users.
* @param perm The permission to grant
* @param schema the schema on which to grant the permission
* @param table the table on which to grant the permission
* @param users an Array of users to grant the permission
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void grant(String perm, String schema, String table, String[] users) throws SQLException {
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("grant " + perm + " on " + schema + "." + table + " to " + users[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < users.length; i++ ) {
command.append("," + users[i]);
// default connection is for database owner.
Statement s = getConnection().createStatement();
* Grant a single permission to a single user for a given connection.
* Callers of this method should ensure that they close the Connection
* that is passed in. Used primarily in rollback tests where we want to ensure
* the grant/revoke statements are being called by the database owner.
* @param c the Connection used to execute the grant statement
* @param perm Permission to grant
* @param schema Schema on which to grant permission
* @param table Table on which to grant permission
* @param user User to grant permission to
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void grant(Connection c, String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("grant " + perm + " on " + schema + "." + table + " to " + user);
* Revoke a single permission from a single user.
* Utility method that takes a single string for user instead
* of an array of Strings.
* @param perm Permission to revoke
* @param schema Schema on which to revoke permission
* @param table Table on which to revoke permission
* @param user User to revoke permissions
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void revoke(String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
revoke(perm, schema, table, new String[] {user});
* Revoke a single permission from a specific user to a single user.
* Utility method that takes a single string for user instead
* of an array of Strings.
* @param revoker Grantor of permission
* @param perm Permission to revoke
* @param schema Schema on which to revoke permission
* @param table Table on which to revoke permission
* @param user User to revoke permission to
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void revoke(String revoker, String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(revoker);
revoke(c, perm, schema, table, user);
* Revoke a SQL permission from a set of users.
* @param perm The permission to revoke
* @param schema the schema on which to revoke the permission
* @param table the table on which to revoke the permission
* @param users an array of users to revoke the permission
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void revoke(String perm, String schema, String table, String[] users) throws SQLException {
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("revoke " + perm + " on " + schema + "." + table + " from " + users[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < users.length; i++ ) {
command.append("," + users[i]);
//add restrict to revoke execute...
if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("execute"))
command.append(" restrict");
Statement s = createStatement();
* Revoke a single permission to a single user for a given connection.
* Callers of this method should ensure that they close the Connection
* that is passed in. Used primarily in rollback tests where we want to ensure
* the grant/revoke statements are being called by the database owner.
* @param c the connection to execute the revoke statement
* @param perm Permission to revoke
* @param schema Schema on which to revoke permission
* @param table Table on which to revoke permission
* @param user User to revoke permission
* @throws Exception throws all exceptions
void revoke(Connection c, String perm, String schema, String table, String user) throws SQLException {
Statement s = c.createStatement();
s.execute("revoke " + perm + " on " + schema + "." + table + " from " + user + (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("execute") ? " restrict" : ""));
/* End utility methods specific to grant / revoke */
* Utility function to test grant/revoke
* @return 1
public static int s1F1()
return 1;
* Another utility function to test grant/revoke - placeholder for
* future if SPECIFIC names are implemented.
* @return 1
public static int s2F1a()
return 1;
* Another utility function to test grant/revoke
* @return 1
public static int s2F2()
return 1;
* Utility method to test procedure with identical name to a
* function
public static void s1F1P( )
* A utility method to test procedures with test grant/revoke
public static void s1P1( )
* public methods for asserting privileges begin here
* May move to BaseJDBCTestCase if appropriate.
* Assert all privileges for a given user / schema / table / column set
* @param hasPrivilege whether we expect the given user to have the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check for the user
public void assertAllPrivileges(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException {
assertSelectPrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table, columns);
assertDeletePrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table);
assertInsertPrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table, columns);
assertUpdatePrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table, columns);
assertReferencesPrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table, columns);
assertTriggerPrivilege(hasPrivilege, user, schema, table);
* Assert that a user has select privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertSelectPrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException{
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
boolean b = s.execute("select " + columnListAsString(columns) + " from " + schema + "." + table);
assertTrue("expected no SELECT permission on table", hasPrivilege);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of select privilege", e);
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "SELECT", user, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has delete privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertDeletePrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
boolean b = s.execute("delete from " + schema + "." + table);
assertTrue("expected no DELETE permission on table", hasPrivilege);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42500", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of delete privilege", e);
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "DELETE", user, schema, table, null);
* Assert that a user has insert privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertInsertPrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException {
// NOTE - getColumns returns empty result set if schema / table names not capitalized.
// TODO - should implement asserting insert privilege on a subset of columns at some point
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("insert into " + schema + "." + table + " values (");
ResultSet rs = c.getMetaData().getColumns( null, schema, table, null);
boolean first = true;
first = false;
appendColumnValue(command, rs.getInt(5));
int i = s.executeUpdate(command.toString());
assertTrue("expected no INSERT permission on table", hasPrivilege);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42500", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of insert privilege on " +
JDBC.escape(schema, table) + " by " + user, e);
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "INSERT", user, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has update privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertUpdatePrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException {
String[] checkColumns = (columns == null) ? getAllColumns(schema, table) : columns;
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
int columnCount = 0;
boolean checkCount;
for (int i = 0; i < checkColumns.length; i++) {
checkCount = false;
try {
// if possible, get count of rows to verify update rows
try {
ResultSet countRS = s.executeQuery("select count(" + checkColumns[i] +") from " + schema + "." + table);
if (! {
fail("Could not get count on " + checkColumns[i] + " to verify update");
columnCount = countRS.getInt(1);
checkCount = true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
// may not have select privilege on the column, in
// which case, we simply don't verify the count.
assertSQLState("42502", e);
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("update " + schema + "." + table + " set " + checkColumns[i] + "=");
ResultSet rs = c.getMetaData().getColumns( (String) null, schema, table, checkColumns[i]);
if (!
fail("Could not get column metadata for " + checkColumns[i]);
appendColumnValue(command, rs.getInt( 5));
int actualCount = s.executeUpdate(command.toString());
if (hasPrivilege && checkCount)
// update count should equal select count
assertEquals(columnCount, actualCount);
assertTrue("expected no UPDATE permission on table",
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of privilege to update on " +
JDBC.escape(schema, table) + " by " + user, e);
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "UPDATE", user, schema, table, columns);
* Assert that a user has references privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertReferencesPrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException {
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "REFERENCES", user, schema, table, columns);
/* no way to empirically test any arbitrary column can be
* referenced, as the column that is to be referenced must be
* a primary key or a unique constraint. Leaving this here, as it
* might form the useful basis of another assert method for cases
* where we know this to be certain.
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
// if it works, need to assert this as false.
boolean b = true;
try {
if (columns == null) {
b = s.execute("create table referencestest (c1 " + getColumnDataType(schema, table, columns[i]) + " references " + schema + "." + table + ")" );
} else {
b = s.execute("create table referencestest (c1 " + getColumnDataType(schema, table, columns[i]) + " references " + schema + "." + table + "(" + column + "))" );
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42502", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of references privilege", e);
// no rows updated, so false.
s.execute("drop table referencestest");
* Assert that a user has trigger execute privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertTriggerPrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String table) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
Statement s = c.createStatement();
try {
int i = s.executeUpdate("create trigger \"" + table + "Trig\" after insert on " +
schema + "." + table + " for each row values 1");
if (hasPrivilege)
assertEquals(0, i);
assertTrue("expected no TRIGGER permission on table", hasPrivilege);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege) {
assertSQLState("42500", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of trigger privilege on " +
JDBC.escape(schema, table) + " by " + user, e);
assertPrivilegeMetadata(hasPrivilege, "TRIGGER", user, schema, table, null);
* Assert that a user has function execute privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param function the function to check
* @param forProcedure true if checking for lack of function execute privilege against procedure of same name.
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertFunctionPrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String function, boolean forProcedure) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
String functioncall = "values " + schema + "." + function + "()";
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
ps = c.prepareStatement(functioncall);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
assertTrue("expected no EXECUTE permission on function",
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege){
if (forProcedure)
assertSQLState("42Y03", e);
assertSQLState("42504", e);
} else {
fail("Unexpected lack of function execute privilege", e);
if (ps != null)
if (rs != null)
* Assert that a user has procedure execute privilege on a given table / column
* @param hasPrivilege whether or not the user has the privilege
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param procedure the name of the procedure to check
* @throws SQLException throws all exceptions
public void assertProcedurePrivilege(boolean hasPrivilege, String user, String schema, String procedure) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
String procedurecall = "call " + schema + "." + procedure + "()";
CallableStatement ps = c.prepareCall(procedurecall);
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = ps.getResultSet();
assertTrue("expected no EXECUTE permission on procedure",
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (!hasPrivilege)
assertSQLState("42504", e);
else {
fail("Unexpected lack of procedure execute privilege", e);
if (rs != null)
* Assert that a specific privilege exists by checking the
* database metadata available to a user
* @param hasPrivilege true if we expect the caller to have the privilege
* @param type type of privilege, e.g. SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, etc.
* @param user the user to check
* @param schema the schema to check
* @param table the table to check
* @param columns the set of columns to check, or all columns if null
* @throws SQLException
public void assertPrivilegeMetadata(boolean hasPrivilege, String type, String user, String schema, String table, String[] columns) throws SQLException {
Connection c = openUserConnection(user);
DatabaseMetaData dm = c.getMetaData();
schema = JDBC.identifierToCNF(schema);
table = JDBC.identifierToCNF(table);
ResultSet rs = dm.getTablePrivileges(null, schema, table);
boolean found = false;
// check getTablePrivileges
if (columns == null) {
while (
// also verify that grantor and is_grantable can be obtained
// Derby doesn't currently support the for grant option, the
// grantor is always the object owner - in this test, TEST_DBO,
// and is_grantable is always 'NO'
if (rs.getString(6).equals(type)) {
String privUser = rs.getString(5);
if (privUser.equals(user) || privUser.equals("PUBLIC")) {
found = true;
assertEquals(hasPrivilege, found);
// check getColumnPrivileges()
ResultSet cp = null;
if (columns == null) {
* Derby does not record table level privileges in SYSCOLPERMS,
* so the following does not work. If it is ever changed so that
* getColumnPrivileges returns proper results for table level privileges,
* this can be reenabled.
ResultSet cols = dm.getColumns(null, schema.toUpperCase(), table.toUpperCase(), null);
int foundCount = 0;
int colCount = 0;
while (
String col = cols.getString(4);
//System.out.println("getting column privs for " + col);
cp = dm.getColumnPrivileges(null, schema.toUpperCase(), table.toUpperCase(), col);
while ( {
//System.out.println(schema + "." + table + ": "
// + cp.getString(4) + ", " + cp.getString(5) + ", "
// + cp.getString(6) + ", " + cp.getString(7));
if (cp.getString(7).equals(type)) {
String privUser = cp.getString(6);
if (privUser.equals(user) || privUser.equals("PUBLIC")) {
if (hasPrivilege) {
assertEquals(colCount, foundCount);
} else {
assertFalse(colCount == foundCount);
} else {
// or, check the given columns
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
cp = dm.getColumnPrivileges(null, schema.toUpperCase(), table.toUpperCase(), columns[i].toUpperCase());
found = false;
while ( {
// also verify that grantor and is_grantable are valid
// Derby doesn't currently support for grant, so
// grantor is always the object owner - in this test,
// TEST_DBO, and getColumnPrivileges casts 'NO' for
// is_grantable for supported column-related privileges
assertEquals("TEST_DBO", cp.getString(5));
assertEquals("NO", cp.getString(8));
if (cp.getString(7).equals(type)) {
String privUser = cp.getString(6);
if (privUser.equals(user) || privUser.equals("PUBLIC")) {
found = true;
if (hasPrivilege)
if (cp != null)
/* End assert methods */
/* Begin helper methods */
* Append a particular SQL datatype value to the given StringBuffer
* @param sb the StringBuffer to append the value
* @param type the java.sql.Types value to append
static void appendColumnValue(StringBuffer sb, int type)
case Types.BIGINT:
case Types.DECIMAL:
case Types.DOUBLE:
case Types.FLOAT:
case Types.INTEGER:
case Types.NUMERIC:
case Types.REAL:
case Types.SMALLINT:
case Types.TINYINT:
case Types.CHAR:
case Types.VARCHAR:
sb.append("' '");
case Types.DATE:
case Types.TIME:
case Types.TIMESTAMP:
* Return the given String array as a comma separated String
* @param columns an array of columns to format
* @return a comma separated String of the column names
static String columnListAsString(String[] columns) {
if (columns == null) {
return "*";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(columns[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < columns.length; i++ ) {
sb.append("," + columns[i]);
return sb.toString();
* Get all the columns in a given schema / table
* @return an array of Strings with the column names
* @throws SQLException
String[] getAllColumns(String schema, String table) throws SQLException
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = getConnection().getMetaData();
ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<String>();
ResultSet rs = dbmd.getColumns( (String) null, schema, table, (String) null);
return columnList.toArray(new String[columnList.size()]);
* Given a schema, table, and column as Strings, return the datatype of
* the column as a String.
* @param schema the schema for the table in which the column resides
* @param table the table containing the column to check
* @param column the column to get the data type as a String
* @return the Type of the column as a String
* @throws SQLException
String getColumnDataType(String schema, String table, String column) throws SQLException {
DatabaseMetaData dm = getConnection().getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = dm.getColumns(null, schema, table, column);
int type = 0;
while ( {
type = rs.getInt(5);
return JDBC.sqlNameFromJdbc(type);