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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.ExistsWithSubqueriesTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* This test contains a variety of cases of EXISTS predicates with subqueries.
* Several tests ensure that an EXISTS predicate which wraps a set operation--
* meaning a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT node--returns the correct results.
* For example:
* select * from ( values 'BAD' ) as T
* where exists ((values 1) intersect (values 2))
* should return zero rows. Prompted by DERBY-2370.
* A somewhat unrelated test verifies the DERBY-3033 behavior, which
* involves flattening of subqueries with NOT EXISTS predicates. The
* issue here is that a flattened NOT EXISTS subquery cannot be used
* to perform equi-join transitive closure, because the implied predicate
* that results from the flattening is a NOT EQUALS condition.
public class ExistsWithSubqueriesTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
private static final String EXISTS_PREFIX_1 =
"select * from ( values 'GOT_A_ROW' ) as T where exists (";
private static final String EXISTS_PREFIX_2 =
"select j from onerow where exists (";
* Create a test with the given name.
* @param name name of the test.
public ExistsWithSubqueriesTest(String name)
* Return suite with all tests of the class.
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("EXISTS with SET operations");
/* This is a language/optimization test so behavior will be the
* same for embedded and client/server. Therefore we only need
* to run the test against one or the other; we choose embedded.
/* Wrap the suite in a CleanDatabaseTestSetup that will create
* and populate the test tables.
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite)
* Create and populate the test table.
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException
s.executeUpdate("create table empty (i int)");
s.executeUpdate("create table onerow (j int)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into onerow values 2");
s.executeUpdate("create table diffrow (k int)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into diffrow values 4");
s.executeUpdate("create table tworows (p int)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into tworows values 2, 4");
s.executeUpdate("create table onerow2col (j1 int, j2 int)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into onerow2col values (2, 2)");
* Test queries where the set operation just involves VALUES
* expressions.
public void testSetOpsWithVALUES() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
String [][] expRS = new String [1][1];
expRS[0][0] = "GOT_A_ROW";
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 + "values 1 union values 1)");
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 + "values 1 intersect values 1)");
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 + "values 1 except values 0)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 + "values 1 intersect values 0)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 + "values 1 except values 1)");
* Test queries where the set operation has subqueries which are not
* correlated to the outer query. It's important to check for cases
* where we have explicit columns _and_ cases where we have "*" because
* the binding codepaths differ and we want to verify both.
public void testNonCorrelatedSetOps() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
String [][] expRS = new String [1][1];
expRS[0][0] = "GOT_A_ROW";
// Expect 1 row for the following.
// Simple UNION with "*".
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from diffrow union select * from onerow)");
// Simple UNION with explicit columns.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select k from diffrow union select j from onerow)");
// Simple INTERSECT with "*".
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from diffrow intersect select 4 from onerow)");
// Simple INTERSECT with explicit columns.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select k from diffrow intersect select 4 from onerow)");
// Simple EXCEPT with "*".
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from diffrow except select * from onerow)");
// Simple EXCEPT with explicit columns.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select k from diffrow except select j from onerow)");
// EXCEPT with "*" where left and right children have their
// own preds.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2) except " +
"(select * from tworows where p <> 2))");
// INTERSECT with "*" where left and right children have their
// own preds.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2) intersect " +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2))");
// Expect 0 rows for the following. Similar queries to
// above except modified to return no rows.
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select i from empty union select * from empty)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from onerow intersect select * from empty)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select j from onerow intersect select i from empty)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from empty except select * from onerow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select i from empty except select j from onerow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from onerow intersect select * from diffrow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select j from onerow intersect select k from diffrow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select * from onerow except select * from onerow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"select j from onerow except select j from onerow)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2) intersect " +
"(select * from tworows where p <> 2))");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2) except " +
"(select * from tworows where p = 2))");
// Negative cases. These should fail because "oops" is not
// a valid column in ONEROW.
assertCompileError("42X04", EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from onerow where j = 2) intersect " +
"(select oops from onerow where j <> 2))");
assertCompileError("42X04", EXISTS_PREFIX_1 +
"(select * from onerow where j = 2) intersect " +
"(select * from onerow where oops <> 2))");
* Test queries where the set operation has subqueries which are
* correlated to the outer query. Subqueries should still be able
* reference the outer query table and execute without error.
public void testCorrelatedSetOps() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
String [][] expRS = new String [1][1];
// "2" here is the value that was inserted into "onerow".
expRS[0][0] = "2";
// Expect 1 row for the following.
// Right child of UNION has "*" for RCL and references table
// from outer query.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select * from diffrow where onerow.j < k)");
// Right child of UNION has qualified "*" for RCL and references
// table from outer query.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select diffrow.* from diffrow where onerow.j < k)");
// Right child of UNION has explicit RCL and references
// table from outer query.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select k from diffrow where onerow.j < k)");
/* Right child of UNION is itself another EXISTS query whose
* child is another set operator (INTERSECT). The INTERSECT in
* turn has a right child which references a table from the
* outer-most query.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from diffrow intersect " +
" select 2 from diffrow where onerow.j < k))");
/* Right child of UNION is itself another EXISTS query whose
* child is another set operator (INTERSECT). The INTERSECT in
* turn has a right child which references a table from the
* outer-most query. In this one the INTERSECT returns zero
* rows.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from empty intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < i))");
/* Right child of UNION is itself another EXISTS query whose
* child is another set operator (INTERSECT). The INTERSECT in
* turn has a right child which references 1) a table from the
* outer-most query, and 2) a table from the INTERSECT node's
* "parent" subquery (i.e. from the UNION's right subquery).
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from onerow2col intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < diffrow.k))");
/* Right child of UNION is itself another EXISTS query whose
* child is another set operator (INTERSECT). The INTERSECT in
* turn has a right child which references 1) a table from the
* outer-most query, and 2) a table from the INTERSECT node's
* "parent" query. In addition, add another predicate to the
* UNION's right subquery and make that predicate reference
* both 1) a table from the outer-most query, and 2) a table
* in the subquery's own FROM list. All of this to ensure
* that binding finds the correct columns at all levels of
* the query.
checkQuery(st, expRS, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from onerow2col intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < k) " +
" and (onerow.j < diffrow.k))");
// Expect 0 rows for the following. Similar queries to
// above except modified to return no rows.
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where onerow.j > k)");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from diffrow intersect " +
" select 3 from diffrow where onerow.j < k))");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from empty intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < i))");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from onerow2col intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < diffrow.k))");
checkQuery(st, null, EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from diffrow where exists " +
" (select 2 from onerow2col intersect " +
" select 3 from empty where onerow.j < k) " +
" and (onerow.j < diffrow.k))");
// Negative cases.
// Should fail because left and right children of the UNION
// have different RCL sizes. (NOTE: Would have passed prior
// to DERBY-2370, but that was incorrect).
assertCompileError("42X58", EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 union " +
"select * from onerow2col where onerow.j < j)");
/* Should fail because there is an explicit subquery ("SELECT *")
* within the EXISTS query and such a subquery is not allowed to
* reference outer tables. So we will be unable to find the
* column "onerow.j" in this case.
assertCompileError("42X04", EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select * from (select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 0 " +
"union select * from diffrow where onerow.j < k) x)");
/* Should fail because the UNION's right subquery is trying to
* select from an outer table. While the subquery is allowed
* to reference the outer table in expressions, it cannot
* include the outer table in its RCL.
assertCompileError("42X10", EXISTS_PREFIX_2 +
"select 1 from diffrow where 1 = 1 union " +
"select onerow.* from diffrow where onerow.j < k)");
* Simple helper method to assert the results of the received
* query. If the array representing expected results is null
* then we assert that the query returns no rows.
private void checkQuery(Statement st, String [][] expRS,
String query) throws Exception
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);
if (expRS == null)
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS);
* Regression test for Derby-3033.
* This method constructs a query with the property that it:
* - contains a NOT EXISTS condition against a correlated subquery
* - such that if that subquery is flattened, the result is 3 tables
* which all have join predicates on the same key.
* The point of the test is that it is *not* correct to construct
* a new equijoin predicate between table d3033_a and d3033_c via
* transitive closure, because the join condition between d3033_b and
* d3033_c is NOT EXISTS.
* In the original bug, the compiler/optimizer erroneously generated
* the extra equijoin predicate, which caused NPE exceptions at
* runtime due to attempts to reference the non-existent (NOT EXISTS) row.
* So this test succeeds if it gets the right results and no NPE.
public void testDerby3033()
throws Exception
PreparedStatement pstmt = prepareStatement(
"select c1, c2_b " +
"from (select distinct st.c1,st.c2_b,dsr.c3_a,st.c3_b " +
" from " +
" d3033_a dsr, " + // Table order matters here!
" d3033_b st " +
" where dsr.c4_a is null " +
" and dsr.c2 = ? " +
" and dsr.c1 = st.c1 " +
" and not exists ( " +
" select 1 " +
" from d3033_c " +
" where d3033_c.c1 = st.c1 " +
" and d3033_c.c2 = ? " +
" and d3033_c.c3_c = ? " +
" ) " +
") temp "
pstmt.setInt(1, 4);
pstmt.setInt(2, 4);
pstmt.setInt(3, 100);
String [][]expected = {
{ "1", "100" },
{ "2", "200" },
{ "3", "300" },
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expected);
* Ensure that the #rows statistics are updated
private void updateStats(Statement st, String tName)
throws Exception
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from " + tName);
int numRows = 0;
while (
numRows ++;
private void setupDerby3033()
throws Exception
// The pattern of inserting the data is fairly important, as we
// are going to do a combination of joins between the three tables
// and we want both matching data and non-matching data. We load:
// d3033_a d3033_b d3033_c
// -------- -------- --------
// 1 1 1
// 2 2 3
// 3 3
// 4
// We also load a whole pile of irrelevant data into tables a and c
// so that the index becomes relevant in the optimizer's analysis,
// then we create some constraints and indexes and delete the rows
// from table d3033_c (the NOT EXISTS table).
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table d3033_a "+
"(c1 int, c2 int, c3_a int, c4_a date)");
s.executeUpdate("create table d3033_b "+
"(c1 int primary key not null, c2_b int, c3_b date)");
s.executeUpdate("create table d3033_c (c1 int, c2 int, c3_c int)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_a (c1,c2,c3_a) values(1, 4, 10)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_a (c1,c2,c3_a) values(2, 4, 20)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_a (c1,c2,c3_a) values(3, 4, 30)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_b values(1, 100, CURRENT_DATE)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_b values(2, 200, CURRENT_DATE)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_b values(3, 300, CURRENT_DATE)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_b values(4, 400, CURRENT_DATE)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_c values(1, 4, 100)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into d3033_c values(3, 4, 100)");
PreparedStatement pstmt2 = prepareStatement(
"insert into d3033_a (c1, c2, c3_a) values (?,?,?)");
PreparedStatement pstmt = prepareStatement(
"insert into d3033_b (c1, c2_b, c3_b) values (?,?,?)");
java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();
java.sql.Timestamp nowTS = new java.sql.Timestamp(now.getTime());
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
pstmt.setInt(1, 100+i);
pstmt.setInt(2, 100+i);
pstmt.setTimestamp(3, nowTS);
for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
pstmt2.setInt(1, 1000+j);
pstmt2.setInt(2, 100+i); // note "i" here (FK)
pstmt2.setInt(3, 1000 + (j+1)*10);
s.executeUpdate("alter table d3033_a add constraint " +
"d3033_a_fk foreign key (c2) references d3033_b(c1) " +
"on delete cascade on update no action");
s.executeUpdate("alter table d3033_c add constraint " +
"d3033_c_fk foreign key (c1) references d3033_b(c1) " +
"on delete cascade on update no action");
s.executeUpdate("delete from d3033_c");
// Update the statistics on the 3 tables:
updateStats(s, "d3033_a");
updateStats(s, "d3033_b");
updateStats(s, "d3033_c");
* Some EXISTS subqueries (and IN subqueries transformed to EXISTS)
* returned NULL instead of TRUE or FALSE before DERBY-6408. This test
* case verifies the fix.
public void testDerby6408() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// This statement used to return only NULLs.
s.executeQuery("values (exists(select * from empty), "
+ "not exists (select * from empty), "
+ "not (exists (select * from empty)), "
+ "not (not exists (select * from empty)))"),
new String[][] {{"false", "true", "true", "false" }});
// This similar statement worked even before the fix.
s.executeQuery("values (exists(select * from onerow), "
+ "not exists (select * from onerow), "
+ "not (exists (select * from onerow)), "
+ "not (not exists (select * from onerow)))"),
new String[][] {{"true", "false", "false", "true" }});
// Now put the same expressions in the SELECT list. Used to return
// only NULLs.
s.executeQuery("select exists(select * from empty), "
+ "not exists (select * from empty), "
+ "not (exists (select * from empty)), "
+ "not (not exists (select * from empty)) from onerow"),
new String[][] {{"false", "true", "true", "false" }});
// Check the returned value when used in a WHERE predicate. All of
// these queries returned one row, but they should return no rows
// because EXISTS shouldn't return null.
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (exists (select * from empty)) is null"));
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (not exists (select * from empty)) is null"));
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (not (not exists (select * from empty))) is null"));
// The results were correct even before the fix if the subquery
// wasn't empty. Verify that they still are.
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (exists (select * from onerow)) is null"));
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (not exists (select * from onerow)) is null"));
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from onerow "
+ "where (not (not exists (select * from onerow))) is null"));
// Similar problems were seen in IN subqueries that were rewritten
// to EXISTS subqueries internally. For example, this query used
// to return NULL.
s.executeQuery("values 1 in (select j from onerow)"), "false");
// If it should evaluate to TRUE, it worked even before the fix.
s.executeQuery("values 2 in (select j from onerow)"), "true");
// DERBY-6409: Quantified comparisons can also be rewritten to EXISTS,
// and these two queries returned wrong results before the fix.
s.executeQuery("values 1 > all (select 2 from tworows)"), "false");
s.executeQuery("values 1 < all (select 2 from tworows)"), "true");
// Verify that EXISTS works in INSERT and UPDATE.
s.execute("create table d6408(id int generated by default as identity,"
+ " b boolean not null)");
// This used to fail with
// ERROR 23502: Column 'B' cannot accept a NULL value.
s.execute("insert into d6408(b) values exists (select * from empty), "
+ "not exists (select * from empty), "
+ "exists (select * from onerow), "
+ "not exists (select * from onerow)");
s.executeQuery("select b from d6408 order by id"),
new String[][] {{"false"}, {"true"}, {"true"}, {"false"}});
// These used to fail with
// ERROR 23502: Column 'B' cannot accept a NULL value.
s.execute("update d6408 set b = exists (select * from empty)");
s.executeQuery("select distinct b from d6408"), "false");
s.execute("update d6408 set b = not exists (select * from empty)");
s.executeQuery("select distinct b from d6408"), "true");
// These passed even before the fix.
s.execute("update d6408 set b = exists (select * from onerow)");
s.executeQuery("select distinct b from d6408"), "true");
s.execute("update d6408 set b = not exists (select * from onerow)");
s.executeQuery("select distinct b from d6408"), "false");