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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.DeclareGlobalTempTableJavaTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.Connection;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.SampleVTI;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test for declared global temporary tables introduced in Cloudscape 5.2 The
* temp table tests with holdable cursor and savepoints are in
* declareGlobalTempTableJavaJDBC30 class. The reason for a different test class
* is that the holdability and savepoint support is under jdk14 and higher. But
* we want to be able to run the non-jdk14 specific tests under all the jdks we
* support and hence splitting the tests into 2 different classes Global
* Temporary Tables are referenced as GTT to make it easy for Naming.
public class DeclareGlobalTempTableJavaTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
public DeclareGlobalTempTableJavaTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(DeclareGlobalTempTableJavaTest.class);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Test switching to session schema (it doesn't yet exist because no create
* schema session has been issued yet) and then try to create first persistent
* object in it. This used to cause null pointer exception (DERBY-1706).
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testDerby1706() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// the try/catch block ensures to drop the SESSION schema if exists.
try {
s.executeUpdate("drop schema SESSION restrict");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y07", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "set schema SESSION");
// This used to cause NullPointerException before.
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "create table DERBY1706(c11 int)");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "drop table DERBY1706");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "set schema APP");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "drop schema SESSION restrict");
* Test the schema of Golabal Temporary Tables.
* Global Temporary Tables can only be in SESSION schema. Declaring them in Other schemas Should give an Error.
* Global Temporary Tables always goes into SESSION schema. Even if
* the current schema is not SESSION.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testGTTSchemaName() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "set schema APP");
// Global Temporary Tables can only be created in SESSION schema
assertStatementError("428EK",s,"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE APP.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
// temp table t2 is not in APP schema
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "insert into APP.t2 values(7)");
// temp table should be referred as SESSIO.t2
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "insert into t2 values(7)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(7)");
// temp table t2 must be qualified with SESSION
assertStatementError("42Y55", s, "drop table t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "drop table SESSION.t2");
* Some positive Grammar tests for the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testPositiveGrammars() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tA(c1 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tB(c1 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tC(c1 int) not logged on commit delete rows");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tD(c1 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tE(c1 int) not logged on commit preserve rows");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tF(c1 int) on rollback delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0,
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tG(c1 int) not logged on rollback delete rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tH(c1 int) on commit preserve rows not logged on rollback delete rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tI(c1 int) not logged on commit preserve rows on rollback delete rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tJ(c1 int) not logged on rollback delete rows on commit preserve rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tK(c1 int) on commit delete rows not logged on rollback delete rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tL(c1 int) not logged on commit delete rows on rollback delete rows");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tM(c1 int) not logged on rollback delete rows on commit delete rows");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tA");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tB");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tC");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tD");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tE");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tF");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tG");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tH");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tI");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tJ");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tK");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tL");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DROP TABLE SESSION.tM");
* Some Negative Grammar tests for the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testNegativeGrammars() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertStatementError("42X01", s,
assertStatementError("42613", s,
* Test some of the features that are not allowed on temp tables namely
* CREATE VIEW is some what special in that it can't have reference to the
* temp tables. The Other two features are generated always as identity and
* Long datatype.
* @throws SQLException
public void testFeaturesNotAllowedOnGTTs() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) not logged on commit delete rows");
// Alter Table is not allowed on temp tables.
assertStatementError("42995", s,"ALTER TABLE SESSION.t2 add column c22 int");
// Lock Table is not allowed on temp tables.
assertStatementError("42995", s, "LOCK TABLE SESSION.t2 IN SHARE MODE");
// Rename Table is not allowed on temp tables.
assertStatementError("42995", s, "RENAME TABLE SESSION.t2 TO t3");
// Create Index is not allowed on temp tables.
assertStatementError("42995", s, "CREATE index t2i1 on SESSION.t2 (c21)");
// Create view that references temp tables is not allowed
assertStatementError("XCL51", s, "CREATE VIEW t2v1 as select * from SESSION.t2");
// generated always as identity not allowed on temp tables.
assertStatementError("42995",s,"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t1(c21 int generated always as identity) on commit delete rows not logged");
// Long datatypes are not supported.
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t1(c21 int, c22 blob(3k)) on commit delete rows not logged");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t1(c21 int, c22 clob(3k)) on commit delete rows not logged");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t1(c21 int, c22 long varchar) on commit delete rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertStatementError("42Y55", s, "DROP TABLE SESSION.t1");
* Test some features that allowed on physical tables in SESSION Schema
* @throws SQLException
public void testFeaturesAllowedOnPhysicalTablesOfSESSIONSchema()
throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE schema SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int)");
// Alter Table is allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "ALTER TABLE SESSION.t2 add column c22 int");
// Lock Table is allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "LOCK TABLE SESSION.t2 IN EXCLUSIVE MODE");
// Rename Table is allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "RENAME TABLE SESSION.t2 TO t3");
// Lock column is allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "RENAME COLUMN SESSION.t3.c21 TO c23");
// Create Index is allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE SESSION.t2 (c21 int)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE index t2i1 on SESSION.t2 (c21)");
// Create View referencing physical tables in SESSION schema is not
// supported
assertStatementError("XCL51", s,
"CREATE VIEW t2v1 as select * from SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
* Test the various constraints not allowed on temp tables namely primary
* key constraints , Unique constraints , check constraints and foreign key
* constraints.
* @throws SQLException
public void testConstraintsNotAllowedOnGTTs() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// primary key constraints are not allowed on temp tables.
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int not null, constraint pk primary key (c21)) on commit delete rows not logged");
// Unique constraints are not allowed on temp tables.
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int not null unique) on commit delete rows not logged");
// foreign key constraints are not allowed on temp tables.
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t1(c11 int not null unique)");
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int references t1(c11)) on commit delete rows not logged");
// check constraints are not allowed on temp tables.
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int check (c21 > 0)) on commit delete rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE t1");
* Test the constraints allowed on physical tables in SESSION schema.
* @throws SQLException
public void testConstraintsAllowedOnSESSIONPhysicalTables()
throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
// primary key constraints allowed on SESSION physical tables
.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE SESSION.t1(c21 int not null, constraint pk primary key (c21))");
// unique constraints allowed on SESSION physical tables
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int not null unique)");
// check constraints allowed on SESSION physical tables
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE SESSION.t3(c21 int check (c21 > 0))");
// foreign key constraints allowed on SESSION physical tables
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t4(c11 int not null unique)");
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE SESSION.t5(c21 int references t4(c11))");
// cleanUp
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t1");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t5");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE t4");
* Test declared temporary table with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS with and without
* open cursors. Tests with holdable cursor are in a different class since
* holdability support is only under jdk14 and higher.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testOnCommiDeleteRowsWithAndWithoutOpenCursors()
throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// Temp table t2 with not holdable cursor open on it. Data should get
// deleted from t2 at commit time
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(23, 23)");
ResultSet rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// Before commit t2 has 2 columns.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "2");
// eventhough this cursor is open, it is not a hold cursor. Commit
// should delete the rows
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
// Temp table t3 with no open cursors of any kind on it. Data should get
// deleted from t3 at commit time
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t3(c31 int, c32 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t3 values(32, 32)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t3 values(33, 33)");
ResultSet rs3 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t3");
// Before commit t3 has 2 columns.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs3 , "2");
// commiting the above statements
// The 2 rows from t2 got deleted
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "0");
// The 2 rows from t3 got deleted
rs3 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t3");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs3 , "0");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
* Declare a temporary table with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS with and without
* open cursors. Tests with holdable cursor are in a different class since
* holdability support is only under jdk14 and higher.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testOnCommitPreserveRowsWithAndWithoutOpenCursors()
throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// Temp table t2 with not holdable cursor open on it. Data should be
// preserved, holdability shouldn't matter
.executeUpdate("DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into SESSION.t2 values(23, 23)");
ResultSet rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// t2 has 2 rows before commiting.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "2");
// eventhough this cursor is open, it is not a hold cursor.
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
// Temp table t3 with no open cursors of any kind on it. Data should be
// preserved, holdability shouldn't matter
s.executeUpdate("DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t3(c31 int, c32 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("insert into SESSION.t3 values(32, 32)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into SESSION.t3 values(33, 33)");
ResultSet rs3 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t3");
// t3 has 2 rows before commiting.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs3 , "2");
// commit point
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// The rows in t2 got preserved
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "2");
rs3 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t3");
// The rows in t3 got preserved
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs3 , "2");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
* Test that We can't create the temp table twice and we can'd drop a temp
* table that doesn't wxist.
* @throws SQLException
public void testDuplicateAndNullGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
// temp table t2 already exists.
"DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) not logged on commit preserve rows");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// t2 has already been dropped.
assertStatementError("42Y55", s, "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Test That Insert command allowed on temp tables in various conditions.
* @throws SQLException
public void testInsertOnGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 char(2)) on commit delete rows not logged");
// Regular Insertion - Inserting with values.
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into SESSION.t2 values (1, 'aa')");
assertUpdateCount(s, 3, "insert into SESSION.t2 values (2, 'bb'),(3, 'cc'),(4, null)");
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "CREATE TABLE t1(c11 int, c22 char(2))");
assertUpdateCount(s, 3, "insert into t1 values (5, null),(6, null),(7, 'gg')");
// Insert into a table values selected from the Other table.
assertUpdateCount(s, 3, "insert into SESSION.t2 (select * from t1 where c11>4)");
assertUpdateCount(s, 7, "insert into SESSION.t2 select * from SESSION.t2");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select sum(c21) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "56");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t3(c21 int, c22 char(2) not null) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t3 values (1, 'aa')");
// test inserting a null value into a non null column
assertStatementError("23502", s, "insert into SESSION.t3 values (2, null)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t4(c21 int, c22 char(2) default 'aa', c23 varchar(20) default user ) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into SESSION.t4 values (1, 'aa', null)");
// Inserting into a table of which some columns have default values.
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into SESSION.t4(c21) values (2)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t4");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE t1");
* Test Delete Operation on temp tables.
* @throws SQLException
public void testDeleteOnGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 decimal) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(1, 1.1)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(2, 2.2)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// Initially t2 has 2 rows
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 2 , "DELETE FROM SESSION.t2 where c21 > 0");
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// After deletion t2 has nothing
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "0");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Test Update on temp tables in various ways.
* @throws SQLException
public void testUpdateOnGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(1, 1)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(2, 1)");
ResultSet rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2 where c22 = 1");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 2 , "UPDATE SESSION.t2 SET c22 = 2 where c21>0");
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2 where c22 = 1");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "0");
rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2 where c22 = 2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Test CREATE and DROP operations on SESSION schema
* @throws SQLException
public void testSESSIONschema() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// SESSION schema can be created like any other schema
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
// SESSION schema can be dropped like any Other Schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP SCHEMA SESSION restrict");
// We can't drop the In-Memory SESSION schema
assertStatementError("42Y07", s, "DROP SCHEMA SESSION restrict");
* CREATE VIEW in SESSION schema referencing a table outside of SESSION
* schema.
* @throws SQLException
public void testCreateView() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE t2 (c28 int)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 2 , "INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (280),(281)");
// Create a VIEW in SESSION schema referencing a table outside of
// SESSION schema
assertUpdateCount(s, 0, "CREATE VIEW SESSION.t2v1 as select * from t2");
// Drop the view.
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2v1");
// Test the values in View as selected from Table.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP VIEW SESSION.t2v1");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE t2");
* Multiple tests to make sure we do not do statement caching for statement
* referencing SESSION schema tables. CREATE physical table and then DECLARE
* GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE with the same name in session schema.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testStatementCaching() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// Need to do following 3 in autocommit mode otherwise the data
// dictionary will be in write mode and statements won't get
// cached. I need to have statement caching enabled here to make sure
// that tables with same names do not conflict
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE schema SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE SESSION.t2 (c21 int)");
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "INSERT into SESSION.t2 values(21)");
// select will return data from physical table t2
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
// declare temporary table with same name as a physical table in SESSION
// schema
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "INSERT into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "INSERT into SESSION.t2 values(23, 23)");
// select will return data from temp table t2
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
// drop the temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// select will return data from physical table t2 because temp table has
// been deleted
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
// cleanup
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "drop schema SESSION restrict");
* After creating SESSION schema and making it current schema, temporary
* tables should not require SESSION qualification
* @exception SQLException
public void testSESSIONQualifier() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// We have to qualify the temp tables with SESSION qualifier.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(21, 21)");
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "insert into t2 values(23, 23)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
// Create the SESSION Schema Manually
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
// Set the SESSION schema as current schema
s.executeUpdate("SET SCHEMA SESSION");
// we don't need the SESSION qualifier for referencing temp tables.
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "SET SCHEMA APP");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "drop schema SESSION restrict");
* Temporary table created in one connection should not be available in
* another connection.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testOneGTTInConnection() throws SQLException {
Statement s1 = createStatement();
// creating the temp table in connection 1
assertUpdateCount(s1 , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s1, 1, "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
// Getting the Second Connection
Connection con2 = openDefaultConnection();
Statement s2 = con2.createStatement();
// con2 should not find temp table declared in con1
assertStatementError("42X05", s2, "select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
// connection1 will be closed in tearDown() methos automatically.
* Temp table in one connection should not conflict with temp table with
* same name in another connection.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testSameGTTNameForTwoConnections() throws SQLException {
Statement s1 = createStatement();
// creating the temp table t2 in First Connection
assertUpdateCount(s1 , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s1, 1, "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 22)");
// Getting the Second Connection.
Connection con2 = openDefaultConnection();
Statement s2 = con2.createStatement();
// creating the temp table with same name (t2) in the Sesond Connection
assertUpdateCount(s2 , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s2, 1, "insert into SESSION.t2 values(99)");
// dropping temp table t2 defined for con1
assertUpdateCount(s1 , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// dropping temp table t2 defined for con2
assertUpdateCount(s2 , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Prepared statement test - drop the temp table underneath
* @throws SQLException
public void testPreparedStatement1() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
PreparedStatement pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 21);
pStmt.setInt(2, 1);
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
// drop the temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// now try to insert into the table t2 which was dropped
try {
pStmt.setInt(1, 22);
pStmt.setInt(2, 2);
fail(" Table/View 'SESSION.T2' does not exist:");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42X05", e);
* Prepared statement test - drop and recreate the temp table with different
* definition underneath
* @throws SQLException
public void testPreparedStatement2() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// create the temporary table t2 with 2 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
PreparedStatement pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 21);
pStmt.setInt(2, 1);
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(2 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
//JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
// drop the temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// recreate the temp table t2 with 3 columns
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int, c23 int) not logged");
pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ? , ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 22);
pStmt.setInt(2, 2);
pStmt.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(3 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
// drop the temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// recreate the temp table t2 with 4 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int, c23 int, c24 int not null) not logged");
pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ? , ? , ?)");
// try to insert a null value into a non-null column
try {
pStmt.setInt(1, 22);
pStmt.setInt(2, 2);
pStmt.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
pStmt.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
fail("trying to Insert a null value into non null column:");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("23502", e);
* Temporary table create and drop Rollback behaviour
* Tests the basic function of temporary table with holdability
* @throws SQLException
public void testTempTableDDLRollbackbehaviour1() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("declare global temporary table SESSION.t1(c11 int, c12 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t1") , "0");
s.executeUpdate("drop table SESSION.t1");
// we've removed the table, so select should fail
assertStatementError("42X05" , s , "select * from SESSION.t1");
// should still fail after rollback; we don't have savepoints and
// we rolled back entire transaction, incl. creation of temp table
assertStatementError("42X05" , s , "select * from SESSION.t1");
* Temporary table create and drop Rollback behaviour
* Tests drop of temp table and rollback - select should still work
* @throws SQLException
public void testTempTableDDLRollbackbehaviour2() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("declare global temporary table SESSION.t1(c11 int, c12 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
// drop table and rollback - select should still work
s.executeUpdate("drop table SESSION.t1");
assertStatementError("42X05" , s , "select * from SESSION.t1");
// select should work again
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t1") , "0");
* Temporary table create and drop Rollback behaviour
* Tests drop of temp table and commit - select should no longer work
* @throws SQLException
public void testTempTableDDLRollbackbehaviour3() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("declare global temporary table SESSION.t1(c11 int, c12 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t1") , "0");
// drop table and commit - select should no longer work
s.executeUpdate("drop table SESSION.t1");
assertStatementError("42X05" , s , "select * from SESSION.t1");
* Temporary table create and drop Rollback behaviour
* Tests create of temp table and rollback - select should fail
* @throws SQLException
public void testTempTableDDLRollbackbehaviour4() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("declare global temporary table SESSION.t1(c11 int, c12 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t1") , "0");
assertStatementError("42X05" , s , "select * from SESSION.t1");
* Rollback behavior - declare temp table, rollback, select should fail.
* @throws SQLException
public void testRollbackBehavior1() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged");
PreparedStatement pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 21);
pStmt.setInt(2, 1);
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
// RollBack to the last committed point
// Now select from SESSION.t2 should fail
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "select * from SESSION.t2");
* Rollback behavior - declare temp table, commit, drop temp table,
* rollback, select should pass
* @throws SQLException
public void testRollbackBehavior2() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// create a temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
PreparedStatement pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 21);
pStmt.setInt(2, 1);
// commit the changes
// After commiting drop the temp table t2
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// Rollback the last Operation that is the DROP TABBE SESSION.t2 operation
// now select will pass
ResultSet rs2 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs2 , "0");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Rollback behavior - create temp table , commit , drop it and create
* another temp table with samename , rollback select will select from the
* first temp table.
* @throws SQLException
public void testRollbackBehavior3() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// create temp table t2 with 3 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int, c23 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into session.t2 values(1,1,1)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(3 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
// drop the temp table t2 with 3 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "select * from SESSION.t2");
// create temp table with 2 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into session.t2 values(1,1)");
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(2 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
// commit point
// drop the temp table with 2 columns.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// create the temp table with 1 column.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s, 1, "insert into session.t2 values(1)");
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(1 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
// rollback to the last committed point
// Now we have the temp table with 2 columns.
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
rsmd = rs1.getMetaData();
assertEquals(2 , rsmd.getColumnCount());
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Rollback behavior for tables touched with DML
* @throws SQLException
public void testRollbackBehavior4() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// Declare temp table t2 & t3 & t4 & t5 with preserve rows, insert data
// and commit
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit preserve rows not logged on rollback delete rows");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t3(c31 int, c32 int) not logged on commit preserve rows on rollback delete rows");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t4(c41 int, c42 int) not logged on rollback delete rows on commit preserve rows");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t5(c51 int, c52 int) on commit preserve rows not logged");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t2 values(21,1)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t2 values(22,2)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t2 values(23,3)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t3 values(31,1)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t3 values(32,2)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t3 values(33,3)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t4 values(41,1)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t4 values(42,2)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t4 values(43,3)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t5 values(51,1)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t5 values(52,2)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t5 values(53,3)");
// commit point
// create a temp table t6 with preserve rows , insert data.
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t6(c61 int, c62 int) on commit preserve rows not logged on rollback delete rows");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t6 values(61,1)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t6 values(62,2)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.t6 values(63,3)");
// DML Operations.
s.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM session.t2 WHERE c22> (select c52 from session.t5 where c52=2)");
s.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM session.t3 WHERE c32>3");
// rollback to the last commit point
// After rollback t2 should have nothing.
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "0");
// temp table t3 should have no rows because attempt was made to delete
// from it even though nothing actually got deleted from it in the transaction
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t3");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "0");
// temp table t4 should have its data intact because it was not touched
// in the transaction that got rolled back
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t4");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "3");
// temp table t5 should have its data intact because it was only used in
// where clause and not touched in the transaction that got rolled back
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t5");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "3");
// temp table t6 got dropped as part of rollback of this transaction
// since it was declared in this same transaction
assertStatementError("42X05", s, "select * from SESSION.t6");
// CleanUp
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t4");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t5");
* The Test Verifies that there is no entry in system catalogs for temporary
* tables. while physical tables from SESSION schema have an entry.
* @throws SQLException
public void testEntryForSESSIONTablesToSysCatalog() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from sys.systables where CAST(tablename AS VARCHAR(128)) like 'T2'");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "0");
// drop the temp table t2
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
// create a physical table in SESSION schema
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int)");
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from sys.systables where CAST(tablename AS VARCHAR(128)) like 'T2'");
// System Catalog contains the physical tables from SESSION schema.
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "1");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "drop schema SESSION restrict");
* Verify that there is no entry in system catalogs for SESSION schmea after
* declare table.
* @throws SQLException
public void testEntryForSEESSIONtoSysCatalog() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
try {
s.executeUpdate("drop schema SESSION restrict");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("42Y07", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(schemaname) from sys.sysschemas where CAST(schemaname AS VARCHAR(128)) like 'SESSION'");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "0");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* DatabaseMetaData.getTables() should not return temporary tables
* @throws SQLException
public void testDatabaseMetadata() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
int count = 0;
DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData;
databaseMetaData = getConnection().getMetaData();
try {
s.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SESSION");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("X0Y68", e);
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "CREATE TABLE SESSION.t3(c31 int, c32 int)");
ResultSet rs1 = databaseMetaData.getTables("", null, "%", null);
while ( {
if (("T2".equals(rs1.getString(3))) &&
fail("Temporary table Found");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t3");
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "drop schema SESSION restrict");
* Test for delete where current of on temporary tables
* @throws SQLException
public void testDeleteWhereCurrentOfOnGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(21, 1)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 1)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
PreparedStatement pStmt1 = prepareStatement("select c21 from session.t2 for update");
ResultSet rs2 = pStmt1.executeQuery();;
PreparedStatement pStmt2 = prepareStatement("delete from session.t2 where current of "+ rs2.getCursorName());
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(22, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1, rs1.getInt(2));;
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(0, rs1.getInt(1));
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Test for update where current of on temporary tables
* @throws SQLException
public void UpdateWhereCurrentOfOnGTT() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) on commit delete rows not logged");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(21, 1)");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "insert into SESSION.t2 values(22, 1)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(rs1 , "2");
PreparedStatement pStmt1 = prepareStatement("select c21 from session.t2 for update");
ResultSet rs2 = pStmt1.executeQuery();;
PreparedStatement pStmt2 = prepareStatement("update session.t2 set c22 = 2 where current of "+ rs2.getCursorName());
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(21, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(2, rs1.getInt(2));;
assertEquals(22, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1, rs1.getInt(2));;
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(21, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(2, rs1.getInt(2));;
assertEquals(22, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(2, rs1.getInt(2));
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Prepared statement test - DML and rollback behavior
* @throws SQLException
public void testDMLRollback1() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged on commit preserve rows");
PreparedStatement pStmt = prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
pStmt.setInt(1, 21);
pStmt.setInt(2, 1);
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(21, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1, rs1.getInt(2));
pStmt.setInt(1, 22);
pStmt.setInt(2, 2);
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select count(*) from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(0, rs1.getInt(1));
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Prepared statement test - DML and rollback behavior.
* @exception SQLException
* Thrown if some unexpected error happens
public void testDMLRollback2() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t2(c21 int, c22 int) not logged on commit preserve rows");
assertUpdateCount(s , 1 , "INSERT INTO SESSION.t2 VALUES(21, 1)");
ResultSet rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(21, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1, rs1.getInt(2));
prepareStatement("insert into SESSION.t2 values (?, ?)");
rs1 = s.executeQuery("select * from SESSION.t2");;
assertEquals(21, rs1.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1, rs1.getInt(2));
assertUpdateCount(s , 0 , "DROP TABLE SESSION.t2");
* Tests that you can insert data into a GTT with a VTI as the source.
* <p>
* This used to fail because inserting from a VTI would trigger bulk insert,
* but the bulk insert code path is not supported for GTT as the
* destination of the insert.
* <p>
* See DERBY-5614.
public void testVtiInsertIntoGTT()
throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
"c1 varchar(10)) not logged on commit preserve rows");
// Use an empty VTI as the source.
s.executeUpdate("CREATE FUNCTION emptySampleVTI() " +
"RETURNS TABLE(v1 varchar(10))" +
"NO SQL " +
"EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests." +
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.vtitogtt " +
"select * from table(emptySampleVTI()) as v");
JDBC.assertEmpty(s.executeQuery("select * from session.vtitogtt"));
s.executeUpdate("DROP FUNCTION emptySampleVTI");
// Now try to actually insert some data.
s.executeUpdate("CREATE FUNCTION sampleVTI() " +
"RETURNS TABLE(v1 varchar(10))" +
"NO SQL " +
"EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests." +
s.executeUpdate("insert into session.vtitogtt " +
"select * from table(sampleVTI()) as v");
s.executeQuery("select * from session.vtitogtt"),
s.executeUpdate("DROP FUNCTION sampleVTI");
* A Utility method that deletes all the SESSION schema tables before each fixture.
* @exception SQLException
public void dropSchemaTables() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
// Query the meta data to avoid filling the log with lots of
// table-not-found error messages.
ResultSet rs = getConnection().getMetaData().getTables(
null, "SESSION", "%", null);
while ( {
try {
s.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + rs.getString(2) + "." +
} catch (SQLException e) {