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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.CreateTableFromQueryTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test for creating tables using a query expression.
public final class CreateTableFromQueryTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
* Public constructor required for running test as standalone JUnit.
public CreateTableFromQueryTest(String name)
* Factored out for reuse in other TestCases which add
* the same test method in their suite() method.
* Currently done for a few testcases reused in replication testing:
* o.a.dT.ft.tests.replicationTests.StandardTests.
public static void decorate(Statement stmt)
throws SQLException
// create base tables t1 and t2
"create table t1(i int not null, s smallint, f float, dp "
+ "double precision, v varchar(10) not null)");
stmt.executeUpdate("create table t2 (a int, s varchar(5))");
* Create a suite of tests.
public static Test suite()
Test test = TestConfiguration.embeddedSuite(CreateTableFromQueryTest.class);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(test) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException
* Test basic table creation.
* @throws Exception
public void testBasicTableCreation() throws Exception
positiveTest("create table t3 as select * from t1 with no data",
new String [] {"I", "S", "F", "DP", "V"},
new String [] {"NO", "YES", "YES", "YES", "NO"},
new String [] {"INTEGER", "SMALLINT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "VARCHAR"});
* Test creating table with a list of column names.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableWithColumnList() throws Exception
"create table t3 (a,b,c,d,e) as select * from t1 with no data",
new String [] {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"},
new String [] {"NO", "YES", "YES", "YES", "NO"},
new String [] {"INTEGER", "SMALLINT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "VARCHAR"});
* Test creating a table with a subset of the base table's columns.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableWithSubsetOfColumns() throws Exception
positiveTest("create table t3 as select v,f from t1 with no data",
new String [] {"V", "F"},
new String [] {"NO", "YES"},
new String [] {"VARCHAR", "DOUBLE"});
* Test creating a table with a subset of the base table's columns
* and a column list.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableWithSubsetOfColumnsAndColumnList() throws Exception
"create table t3 (a,b,c) as select v,dp,i from t1 with no data",
new String [] {"A", "B", "C"},
new String [] {"NO", "YES", "NO"},
new String [] {"VARCHAR", "DOUBLE", "INTEGER"});
* Test creating a table with multiple base tables.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableWithMultipleBaseTables() throws Exception
positiveTest("create table t3 (one, two) as select x.s, y.v from "
+ "t1 y, t2 x where x.a = y.i with no data",
new String [] {"ONE", "TWO"},
new String [] {"YES", "NO"},
new String [] {"VARCHAR", "VARCHAR"});
* Test creating a table with a column list and system generated
* column names in the query.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableWithDerivedColumnName() throws Exception
"create table t3 (x,y) as select 2*i,2.0*f from t1 with no data",
new String [] {"X", "Y"},
new String [] {"NO", "YES"},
new String [] {"INTEGER", "DOUBLE"});
* Test creating a table from a values statement.
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateTableFromValues() throws Exception
"create table t3 (x,y) as values (1, 'name') with no data",
new String [] {"X", "Y"},
new String [] {"NO", "NO"},
new String [] {"INTEGER", "CHAR"});
public void testCreateTableWithGroupByInQuery() throws Exception
"create table t3 (x, y) as " +
" (select v, sum(i) from t1 where i > 0 " +
" group by i, v having i <= " +
" ANY (select a from t2)) with no data",
new String[] {"X", "Y"},
new String[] {"NO", "YES"},
new String[] {"VARCHAR", "INTEGER"});
* Test error when base table does not exist.
* @throws Exception
public void testBaseTableDoesNotExist() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42X05", createStatement(),
"create table t3 as select * from t4 with no data");
* Test error when parameters are supplied in the query expression.
* @throws Exception
public void testParametersNotAllowed() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42X99", createStatement(),
"create table t3 as select * from t1 where i = ? with no data");
* Test error when duplicate column names are specified in the column list.
* @throws Exception
public void testDuplicateColumnName() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42X12", createStatement(),
"create table t3 (c1,c2,c1) "
+ "as select i, s, f from t1 with no data");
* Test error when the number of columns in the column list does
* not match the number of columns in the query expression.
* @throws Exception
public void testColumnCountMismatch() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42X70", createStatement(),
"create table t3 (c1,c2,c3) as select i,s from t1 with no data");
* Test error when the query expression contains system generated
* column names and no column list was provided.
* @throws Exception
public void testSystemGeneratedColumnName() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42909", createStatement(),
"create table t3 as select i, 2*i from t1 with no data");
* Test error when the column type can not be determined.
* @throws Exception
public void testNullValues() throws Exception
assertStatementError("42X07", createStatement(),
"create table t3 (x) as values null with no data");
* Test error for unimplemented WITH DATA clause.
* @throws Exception
public void testUnimplementedWithDataClause() throws Exception
assertStatementError("0A000", createStatement(),
"create table t3 as select * from t1 with data");
* Test error for creating table where the data type is invalid.
public void testInvalidDataType() throws Exception
Statement stmt = createStatement();
// USER (Java Object)
assertStatementError("42X71", stmt,
"create table t as select aliasinfo from sys.sysaliases with no data");
// DECIMAL(44,0)
assertStatementError("42X71", stmt,
"create table t(x) as values 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 with no data");
private void positiveTest(String sql, String [] columnNames,
String [] nullability, String [] types) throws Exception
Statement stmt = createStatement();
// create table
// check column's name, nullability, and type
DatabaseMetaData dmd = getConnection().getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = dmd.getColumns(null, null, "T3", null);
int col = 0;
while ( {
Assert.assertEquals("Column names do not match:",
columnNames[col], rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
Assert.assertEquals("Nullability incorrect:",
nullability[col], rs.getString("IS_NULLABLE"));
Assert.assertEquals("Column type incorrect:",
types[col], rs.getString("TYPE_NAME"));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected column count:",
columnNames.length, col);
stmt.executeUpdate("drop table t3");
* Set the fixture up with base tables t1 and t2.
protected void setUp() throws SQLException