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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.CheckConstraintTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
public final class CheckConstraintTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
// poached from GeneratedColumnsTest
private static final String IMPORT_FILE_NAME = "t_bi_1.dat";
* Public constructor required for running test as standalone JUnit.
public CheckConstraintTest(String name)
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("checkConstraint Test");
return new SupportFilesSetup(
new String [] { "functionTests/tests/lang/" + IMPORT_FILE_NAME });
public void testNotAllowedInCheckConstraints() throws Exception
Statement st = createStatement();
// negative The following are not allowed in check
// constraints: ?, subquery, datetime functions
assertStatementError("42Y39", st,
"create table neg1(c1 int check(?))");
assertStatementError("42Y39", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(c1 in (select c1 "
+ "from neg1)))");
assertStatementError("42Y39", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(CURRENT_DATE = "
assertStatementError("42Y39", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(CURRENT_TIME = "
assertStatementError("42Y39", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = "
// The check constraint definition must evaluate to a boolean
assertStatementError("42X19", st,
"create table neg1(c1 int check(c1))");
assertStatementError("42X19", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(1))");
assertStatementError("42X19", st,
" create table neg1(c1 int check(c1+c1))");
// All column references are to target table
assertStatementError("42X04", st,
"create table neg1(c1 int check((c2 = 1)))");
// verify that a check constraint can't be used as an
// optimizer override
"create table t1(c1 int constraint asdf check(c1 = 1))");
assertStatementError("42Y48", st,
" select * from t1 --derby-properties constraint = asdf ");
// alter table t1 drop constraint asdf
// alter table t1 drop constraint asdf forward references
// should fail
assertStatementError("42621", st,
"create table neg1(c1 int check(c2 = 1), c2 int)");
assertStatementError("42621", st,
" create table neg2(c1 int constraint asdf check(c2 "
+ "= 1), c2 int)");
public void testCheckConstraints() throws SQLException{
Statement st = createStatement();
// positive multiple check constraints on same table
"create table pos1(c1 int check(c1 > 0), constraint "
+ "asdf check(c1 < 10))");
// verify both constraints are enforced
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into pos1 values 0");
" insert into pos1 values 1");
" insert into pos1 values 9");
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" insert into pos1 values 10");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from pos1");
String[] expColNames = {"C1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String[][] expRS = {
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// verify constraint violation rolls back entire statement
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"update pos1 set c1 = c1 + 1");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" update pos1 set c1 = c1 - 1");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// conflicting constraints, should fail
"create table negcks(c1 int constraint ck1st "
+ "check(c1 > 4), c2 int constraint ck2nd check(c2 > "
+ "2), c3 int, constraint ckLast check(c2 > c1))");
// constraint ck1st fails
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into negcks values (1, 3, 3)");
// constraint ckLast fails (ck2nd fails too)
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into negcks values (5, 1, 3)");
// constraint ck1st fails (ckLast fails too)
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into negcks values (2, 3, 3)");
// same source and target tables
"create table pos1(c1 int, c2 int, constraint ck1 "
+ "check (c1 < c2))");
" insert into pos1 values (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)");
// these should work
"insert into pos1 select * from pos1");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select count(*) from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertUpdateCount(st, 6,
" update pos1 set c2 = (select max(c1) from pos1), "
+ "c1 = (select min(c2) from pos1)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"2", "3"},
{"2", "3"},
{"2", "3"},
{"2", "3"},
{"2", "3"},
{"2", "3"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// these should fail
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into pos1 select c2, c1 from pos1");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select count(*) from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" update pos1 set c2 = (select min(c1) from pos1), "
+ "c1 = (select max(c2) from pos1)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from pos1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "2"},
{"2", "3"},
{"3", "4"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
" drop table pos1");
// union under insert
"create table t1(c1 int, c2 int, constraint ck1 "
+ "check(c1 = c2))");
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" insert into t1 values (1, 1), (2, 1)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from t1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);
// normalize result set under insert/update
"insert into t1 values (1.0, 1)");
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" insert into t1 values (2.0, 1)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from t1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "1"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertUpdateCount(st, 1,
" update t1 set c2 = 1.0");
assertStatementError("23513", st,
" update t1 set c2 = 2.0");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from t1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "1"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertUpdateCount(st, 1,
" update t1 set c1 = 3.0, c2 = 3.0");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from t1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"3", "3"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
public void testPositionalUpdate() throws SQLException{
Statement st = createStatement();
// positioned update
"create table t1(c1 int, c2 int, constraint ck1 "
+ "check(c1 = c2), constraint ck2 check(c2=c1))");
" insert into t1 values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)");
" create index i1 on t1(c1)");
Statement st1 = createStatement();
ResultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(
"select * from t1 where c2=2 for update of C1");;
// this update should succeed
"update t1 set c1 = c1 where current of \"c1\"");
// this update should fail
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"update t1 set c1 = c1 + 1 where current of \"c1\"");
Statement st2 = createStatement();
ResultSet rs2 = st2.executeQuery(
"select * from t1 where c1 = 2 for update of c2");;
// this update should succeed
"update t1 set c2 = c2 where current of \"c2\"");
// this update should fail
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"update t1 set c2 = c2 + 1 where current of \"c2\"");
Statement st3 = createStatement();
ResultSet rs3 = st3.executeQuery(
"select * from t1 where c1 = 2 for update of c1, c2");;
// this update should succeed
assertUpdateCount(st, 1,
"update t1 set c2 = c1, c1 = c2 where current of \"c3\"");
// this update should fail
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"update t1 set c2 = c2 + 1, c1 = c1 + 3 where current of \"c3\"");
// this update should succeed
assertUpdateCount(st, 1,
"update t1 set c2 = c1 + 3, c1 = c2 + 3 where current of \"c3\"");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from t1");
String[] expColNames = {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String[][] expRS = {
{"1", "1"},
{"5", "5"},
{"3", "3"},
{"4", "4"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// complex expressions
"create table t1(c1 int check((c1 + c1) = (c1 * c1) "
+ "or (c1 + c1)/2 = (c1 * c1)), c2 int)");
// this insert should succeed
"insert into t1 values (1, 9), (2, 10)");
// these updates should succeed
assertUpdateCount(st, 2,
"update t1 set c2 = c2 * c2");
assertUpdateCount(st, 1,
" update t1 set c1 = 2 where c1 = 1");
assertUpdateCount(st, 2,
" update t1 set c1 = 1 where c1 = 2");
// this update should fail
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"update t1 set c1 = c2");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select * from t1");
expColNames = new String [] {"C1", "C2"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
{"1", "81"},
{"1", "100"}
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
public void testBuiltInFunctions() throws SQLException{
Statement st = createStatement();
// built-in functions in a check constraint
"create table charTab (c1 char(4) check(CHAR(c1) = c1))");
" insert into charTab values 'asdf'");
" insert into charTab values 'fdsa'");
// beetle 5805 - support built-in function INT should fail
// until beetle 5805 is implemented
"create table intTab (c1 int check(INT(1) = c1))");
" insert into intTab values 1");
// this insert should fail, does not satisfy check constraint
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into intTab values 2");
" create table maxIntTab (c1 int check(INT(2147483647) > c1))");
" insert into maxIntTab values 1");
// this insert should fail, does not satisfy check constraint
assertStatementError("23513", st,
"insert into maxIntTab values 2147483647");
// verify that inserts, updates and statements with forced
// constraints are indeed dependent on the constraints
"create table t1(c1 int not null constraint asdf primary key)");
" insert into t1 values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5");
PreparedStatement pSt1 = prepareStatement(
"insert into t1 values 1");
PreparedStatement pSt2 = prepareStatement(
"update t1 set c1 = 3 where c1 = 4");
PreparedStatement pSt3 = prepareStatement(
"select * from t1");
// the insert and update should fail, select should succeed
assertStatementError("23505", pSt1);
assertStatementError("23505", pSt2);
ResultSet rs = pSt3.executeQuery();
String[] expColNames = {"C1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
String[][] expRS = {
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
" alter table t1 drop constraint asdf");
// rollback and verify that constraints are enforced and
// select succeeds
assertStatementError("23505", pSt1);
assertStatementError("23505", pSt2);
rs = pSt3.executeQuery();
expColNames = new String [] {"C1"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
" drop table t1");
// check constraints with parameters
"create table t1(c1 int constraint asdf check(c1 = 1))");
PreparedStatement pSt = prepareStatement(
"insert into t1 values (?)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
"values (1)");;
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++)
pSt.setObject(i, rs.getObject(i));
assertUpdateCount(pSt, 1);
// clean up
"drop table t1");
" create table t1(active_flag char(2) "
+ "check(active_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "araccount_active_flag char(2) "
+ "check(araccount_active_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "automatic_refill_flag char(2) "
+ "check(automatic_refill_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "call_when_ready_flag char(2) "
+ "check(call_when_ready_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "compliance_flag char(2) check(compliance_flag IN "
+ "('Y', 'N')), delivery_flag char(2) "
+ "check(delivery_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "double_count_flag char(2) check(double_count_flag "
+ "IN ('Y', 'N')), gender_ind char(2) check(gender_ind "
+ "IN ('M', 'F', 'U')), geriatric_flag char(2) "
+ "check(geriatric_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "refuse_inquiry_flag char(2) "
+ "check(refuse_inquiry_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "animal_flag char(2) check(animal_flag IN ('Y', "
+ "'N')), terminal_flag char(2) check(terminal_flag IN "
+ "('Y', 'N')), unit_flag char(2) check(unit_flag IN "
+ "('Y', 'N')), VIP_flag char(2) check(VIP_flag IN "
+ "('Y', 'N')), snap_cap_flag char(2) "
+ "check(snap_cap_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "consent_on_file_flag char(2) "
+ "check(consent_on_file_flag IN ('Y', 'N')), "
+ "enlarged_SIG_flag char(2) check(enlarged_SIG_flag "
+ "IN ('Y', 'N')),aquired_patient_flag char(2) "
+ "check(aquired_patient_flag IN ('Y', 'N')))");
// bug 5622 - internal generated constraint names are
// re-worked to match db2's naming convention.
"drop table t1");
" create table t1 (c1 int not null primary key, c2 "
+ "int not null unique, c3 int check (c3>=0))");
" alter table t1 add column c4 int not null default 1");
" alter table t1 add constraint c4_unique UNIQUE(c4)");
" alter table t1 add column c5 int check(c5 >= 0)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select c.type from "
+ "sys.sysconstraints c, sys.systables t where "
+ "c.tableid = t.tableid and tablename='T1'");
expColNames = new String [] {"TYPE"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertUnorderedResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertStatementError("42Y55", st,
" drop table t2");
" create table t2 (c21 int references t1)");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select c.type from "
+ "sys.sysconstraints c, sys.systables t where "
+ "c.tableid = t.tableid and tablename='T2'");
expColNames = new String [] {"TYPE"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertStatementError("42Y55", st,
" drop table t3");
" create table t3 (c1 int check (c1 >= 0), c2 int "
+ "check (c2 >= 0), c3 int check (c3 >= 0), c4 int "
+ "check (c4 >= 0), c5 int check (c5 >= 0), c6 int "
+ "check (c6 >= 0), c7 int check (c7 >= 0), c8 int "
+ "check (c8 >= 0), c9 int check (c9 >= 0), c10 int "
+ "check (c10 >= 0), c11 int check (c11 >= 0), c12 int "
+ "check (c12 >= 0), c13 int check (c13 >= 0))");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select c.type from "
+ "sys.sysconstraints c, sys.systables t where "
+ "c.tableid = t.tableid and tablename='T3'");
expColNames = new String [] {"TYPE"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
assertStatementError("42Y55", st,
" drop table t4");
" create table t4(c11 int not null, c12 int not "
+ "null, primary key (c11, c12))");
rs = st.executeQuery(
" select c.type from "
+ "sys.sysconstraints c, sys.systables t where "
+ "c.tableid = t.tableid and tablename='T4'");
expColNames = new String [] {"TYPE"};
JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);
expRS = new String [][]
JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);
// Cleanup:
st.executeUpdate("drop table t4");
st.executeUpdate("drop table t3");
st.executeUpdate("drop table t2");
st.executeUpdate("drop table t1");
// DERBY-2989
public void testJira2989() throws SQLException{
Statement st = createStatement();
"CREATE TABLE \"indicator\" (c CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N')");
+ "my_constraint CHECK ((c IN ('Y','N')))");
" INSERT INTO \"indicator\" VALUES ('N')");
" ALTER TABLE \"indicator\" DROP CONSTRAINT my_constraint");
" DROP TABLE \"indicator\"");
public void testJira4282() throws SQLException
// This test doesnt work properly in the embedded configuration.
// The intent of the test is to expose the DERBY-4282 problem, and
// this test case does do that in the client/server configuration, so
// we only run the test in that configuration. In the embedded
// configuration, the UPDATE statement unexpectedly gets a
// "no current row" exception.
if (usingEmbedded())
Statement st = createStatement();
"create table t4282(c1 int, c2 int, constraint ck1 "
+ "check(c1 = c2), constraint ck2 check(c2=c1))");
st.executeUpdate("insert into t4282 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)");
Statement st1 = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st1.executeQuery("select * from t4282 for update");
assertTrue("Failed to retrieve row for update",;
// DERBY-4282 causes the next statement to fail with:
// Column 'C2' is either not in any table in the FROM list or
// appears within a join specification and is outside the scope
// of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and
// is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE
// statement then 'C2' is not a column in the target table.
st.executeUpdate("update t4282 set c1 = c1 where current of \"c1\"");
// If we get here, all is well, and DERBY-4282 did not occur.
// This test verifies that if the PRIMARY KEY constraint mentions a
// column which is potentially large, then Derby will automatically
// choose a large pagesize for the index's conglomerate (DERBY-3947)
public void testPrimaryKeyPageSizeDerby3947()
throws SQLException
Statement st = createStatement();
st.executeUpdate("create table d3947 (x varchar(1000) primary key)");
char[] chars = new char[994];
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into d3947 values (?)");
ps.setString(1, new String(chars));
checkLargePageSize(st, "D3947");
st.executeUpdate("drop table d3947");
// A second variation is to add the PK constraint using ALTER TABLE;
// A third variation is to add a FK constraint
st.executeUpdate("create table d3947 (x varchar(1000) not null, " +
" y varchar(1000))");
st.executeUpdate("alter table d3947 add constraint " +
"constraint1 primary key (x)");
st.executeUpdate("alter table d3947 add constraint " +
"constraint2 foreign key (y) references d3947(x)");
checkLargePageSize(st, "D3947");
// Ensure we still get the right error message when col doesn't exist:
assertStatementError("42X14", st,
"alter table d3947 add constraint " +
"constraint3 foreign key (z) references d3947(x)");
st.executeUpdate("drop table d3947");
private void checkLargePageSize(Statement st, String tblName)
throws SQLException
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
"select * from TABLE(SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE('"+tblName+"')) T");
while (
if ("1".equals(rs.getString("isindex")))
assertEquals(32768, rs.getInt("pagesize"));
assertEquals(4096, rs.getInt("pagesize"));
//System.out.println(rs.getString("conglomeratename") +
// ","+rs.getString("isindex")+
// ","+rs.getString("pagesize"));
* Test that CHECK constraint works if it contains unqualified names and
* the current schema when the constraint is defined is different from the
* schema in which the table lives. Regression test case for DERBY-6362.
public void testDerby6362() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
s.execute("create schema d6362_s1");
s.execute("create schema d6362_s2");
s.execute("set schema d6362_s1");
s.execute("create function f(x int) returns int deterministic "
+ "language java parameter style java external name "
+ "'java.lang.Math.abs' no sql");
s.execute("create type typ "
+ "external name 'java.util.ArrayList' language java");
// Create the table with the constraints in a different schema than
// the current schema. Before DERBY-6362, unqualified names would be
// resolved to the current schema at definition time and to the
// table's schema during execution, which made them behave unreliably
// if the schemas differed.
s.execute("create table d6362_s2.t(x int, "
+ "constraint c001 check(f(x) < 3))");
s.execute("alter table d6362_s2.t "
+ "add constraint c002 check(f(x) >= 0)");
s.execute("alter table d6362_s2.t "
+ "add constraint c003 check(cast(null as typ) is null)");
// Use a function that lives in the SYSFUN schema.
s.execute("alter table d6362_s2.t add constraint c004 "
+ "check(f(x) > cos(pi()))");
// ABS is an operator, not a function, so it will not be qualified.
s.execute("alter table d6362_s2.t add constraint c005 "
+ "check(abs(f(x)) < pi())");
// Add some constraints that reference the table. See that table
// names are qualified. Unqualified column names will not be qualified
// with schema and table.
s.execute("set schema d6362_s2");
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c101 check(x < 3)");
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c102 check(t.x < 4)");
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c103 "
+ "check(x <= d6362_s1.f(t.x))");
// Add some fully qualified names to see that they still work.
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c201 check(d6362_s2.t.x < 5)");
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c202 check(d6362_s1.f(x) < 5)");
s.execute("alter table t add constraint c203 "
+ "check(cast(null as d6362_s1.typ) is null)");
// Verify that the constraints were stored with fully qualified names.
String[][] expectedConstraints = {
{"C001", "(\"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(x) < 3)"},
{"C002", "(\"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(x) >= 0)"},
{"C003", "(cast(null as \"D6362_S1\".\"TYP\") is null)"},
{"C004", "(\"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(x) > \"SYSFUN\".\"COS\"(\"SYSFUN\".\"PI\"()))"},
{"C005", "(abs(\"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(x)) < \"SYSFUN\".\"PI\"())"},
{"C101", "(x < 3)"},
{"C102", "(\"D6362_S2\".\"T\".x < 4)"},
{"C103", "(x <= \"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(\"D6362_S2\".\"T\".x))"},
{"C201", "(\"D6362_S2\".\"T\".x < 5)"},
{"C202", "(\"D6362_S1\".\"F\"(x) < 5)"},
{"C203", "(cast(null as \"D6362_S1\".\"TYP\") is null)"},
"select constraintname, checkdefinition from sys.syschecks "
+ "natural join sys.sysconstraints natural join sys.sysschemas "
+ "where schemaname = 'D6362_S2' and type = 'C' "
+ "order by constraintname"),
// Verify that constraints can be executed. Used to fail because
// unqualified functions and types were resolved to the table's schema
// instead of the current schema at the time the constraint was defined.
s.execute("insert into t values 1,2");
assertStatementError("23513", s, "insert into t values -10");
assertStatementError("23513", s, "insert into t values 10");
private void setupForBulkInsert(Statement s, int limit)
throws SQLException {
"create table t_bi_1( a int, b int check (b < " + limit + "))");
"create function func () returns int " +
" language java parameter style java deterministic no sql " +
" external name '" + this.getClass().getName() + ".func'");
* DERBY-6453. Exercise hitherto untested code path in
* InsertResultSet (call to evaluateCheckConstraints from
* preprocessSourceRow used by bulkInsert) and verify IMPORT with
* trigger (which would a priori mandate bulk insert, but is
* changed due to normal inserts due to the presence of a
* trigger).
public void testbulkInsert() throws SQLException {
Statement s = createStatement();
setupForBulkInsert(s, 0);
"23513", s,
"call syscs_util.syscs_import_data( " +
" null, " +
" 'T_BI_1', " +
" 'A, B', " +
" '1, 2', " +
" 'extin/" + IMPORT_FILE_NAME + "', " +
" null, null, null, 0 )");
setupForBulkInsert(s, 10);
"create trigger dagstrigger no cascade before insert on t_bi_1 " +
" values func() ");
funcWasCalled = false;
"call syscs_util.syscs_import_data( " +
" null, " +
" 'T_BI_1', " +
" 'A, B', " +
" '1, 2', " +
" 'extin/" + IMPORT_FILE_NAME + "', " +
" null, null, null, 0 )");
static boolean funcWasCalled;
public static int func()
funcWasCalled = true;
return 0;