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* Derby - org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi.ClosedObjectTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.sql.PooledConnection;
import javax.sql.XAConnection;
import javax.sql.XADataSource;
import junit.extensions.TestSetup;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.J2EEDataSource;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCDataSource;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test that all methods on <code>ResultSet</code>,
* <code>Statement</code>, <code>PreparedStatement</code>,
* <code>CallableStatement</code> and <code>Connection</code> objects
* throw the appropriate exceptions when the objects are closed.
public class ClosedObjectTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
/** The method to test. */
private final Method method_;
/** Test decorator which provides a closed object to invoke a
* method on. */
private final ObjectDecorator decorator_;
/** Name of the test. */
private String name_;
* Creates a new <code>ClosedObjectTest</code> instance.
* @param method the method to test
* @param decorator a decorator which provides a closed object
public ClosedObjectTest(Method method, ObjectDecorator decorator) {
method_ = method;
decorator_ = decorator;
// setting name temporarily, we don't know the real class name yet
name_ = method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName();
* Gets the name of the test.
* @return name of the test
public String getName() {
return name_;
* Runs a test case. A method is called on a closed object, and it
* is checked that the appropriate exception is thrown.
* @exception Throwable if an error occurs
public void testClosedObjects() throws Throwable {
try {
Object object = decorator_.getClosedObject();
String implClassName = object.getClass().getName();
// update name of test with real class name
name_ = implClassName + "." + method_.getName();
// DERBY-6147: If the test runs on a newer version of the JVM
// than the JDBC driver supports, we should skip those methods
// that are not implemented.
// Limit the check to platforms that support JDBC 4 or higher
// since the isImplemented() method uses a method only available
// in Java 5 and higher. We know that all JDBC 3 and JSR-169
// methods are implemented, so no tests need to be skipped on
// those older platforms anyway.
if (JDBC.vmSupportsJDBC4() && !isImplemented()) {
println("Skipping testing of " + method_ + " on " +
implClassName + " because it is not implemented");
name_ += "_SKIPPED";
// If we get here, and we expected an exception to be thrown,
// report that as a failure.
assertFalse("No exception was thrown for method " + method_,
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
// An exception was thrown. Check if we expected that an exception
// was thrown, and if it was the exception we expected.
try {
throw ite.getCause();
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
decorator_.checkException(method_, sqle);
* Check if the JDBC interface method tested by this test case is
* actually implemented by the Derby object being tested.
private boolean isImplemented() throws NoSuchMethodException {
// Check if the method is implemented in one of the Derby classes
// that the JDBC object belongs to.
for (Class<?> c = decorator_.getClosedObject().getClass();
c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
if (c.getName().startsWith("org.apache.derby.")) {
try {
Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(
method_.getName(), method_.getParameterTypes());
if (!m.isSynthetic()) {
// Found a real implementation of the method.
return true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Method was not declared in this class. Try again in
// the superclass.
// No implementation was found.
return false;
/** Creates a suite with all tests in the class. */
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("ClosedObjectTest suite");
return suite;
* Creates the test suite and fills it with tests using
* <code>DataSource</code>, <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>
* and <code>XADataSource</code> to obtain objects.
* @param network whether or not to run tests with the network client
* @return a <code>Test</code> value
* @exception Exception if an error occurs while building the test suite
private static Test baseSuite(boolean network) {
BaseTestSuite topSuite = new BaseTestSuite(
"ClosedObjectTest:" + (network ? "client" : "embedded"));
BaseTestSuite dsSuite = new BaseTestSuite(
"ClosedObjectTest DataSource");
DataSourceDecorator dsDecorator = new DataSourceDecorator(dsSuite);
fillDataSourceSuite(dsSuite, dsDecorator);
// JDBC 3 required for ConnectionPoolDataSource and XADataSource
if (JDBC.vmSupportsJDBC3()) {
// Plain connection pool test.
// The client driver has a variant of connection pool that caches
// and reuses JDBC statements. Test it here by setting the
// maxStatements property.
if (network) {
"maxStatements", Integer.valueOf(5))));
BaseTestSuite xaSuite = new BaseTestSuite("ClosedObjectTest XA");
XADataSourceDecorator xaDecorator = new XADataSourceDecorator(xaSuite);
fillDataSourceSuite(xaSuite, xaDecorator);
return network ?
TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(topSuite) :
* Creates a suite that tests objects produced by a
* ConnectionPoolDataSource.
* @param dsProps properties to set on the data source
* @return a suite
private static Test poolSuite(Map dsProps) {
BaseTestSuite poolSuite = new BaseTestSuite(
"ClosedObjectTest ConnectionPoolDataSource");
PoolDataSourceDecorator poolDecorator =
new PoolDataSourceDecorator(poolSuite, dsProps);
fillDataSourceSuite(poolSuite, poolDecorator);
return poolDecorator;
* Fills a test suite which is contained in a
* <code>DataSourceDecorator</code> with tests for
* <code>ResultSet</code>, <code>Statement</code>,
* <code>PreparedStatement</code>, <code>CallableStatement</code>
* and <code>Connection</code>.
* @param suite the test suite to fill
* @param dsDecorator the decorator for the test suite
private static void fillDataSourceSuite(BaseTestSuite suite,
DataSourceDecorator dsDecorator)
BaseTestSuite rsSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Closed ResultSet");
ResultSetObjectDecorator rsDecorator =
new ResultSetObjectDecorator(rsSuite, dsDecorator);
fillObjectSuite(rsSuite, rsDecorator, ResultSet.class);
BaseTestSuite stmtSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Closed Statement");
StatementObjectDecorator stmtDecorator =
new StatementObjectDecorator(stmtSuite, dsDecorator);
fillObjectSuite(stmtSuite, stmtDecorator, Statement.class);
BaseTestSuite psSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Closed PreparedStatement");
PreparedStatementObjectDecorator psDecorator =
new PreparedStatementObjectDecorator(psSuite, dsDecorator);
fillObjectSuite(psSuite, psDecorator, PreparedStatement.class);
BaseTestSuite csSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Closed CallableStatement");
CallableStatementObjectDecorator csDecorator =
new CallableStatementObjectDecorator(csSuite, dsDecorator);
fillObjectSuite(csSuite, csDecorator, CallableStatement.class);
BaseTestSuite connSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Closed Connection");
ConnectionObjectDecorator connDecorator =
new ConnectionObjectDecorator(connSuite, dsDecorator);
fillObjectSuite(connSuite, connDecorator, Connection.class);
* Fills a suite with tests for all the methods of an interface.
* @param suite the suite to fill
* @param decorator a decorator for the test (used for obtaining a
* closed object to test the method on)
* @param iface the interface which contains the methods to test
private static void fillObjectSuite(BaseTestSuite suite,
ObjectDecorator decorator,
Class iface)
Method[] methods = iface.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
ClosedObjectTest cot = new ClosedObjectTest(methods[i], decorator);
* Takes an array of classes and returns an array of objects with
* null values compatible with the classes. Helper method for
* converting a parameter list to an argument list.
* @param params a <code>Class[]</code> value
* @return an <code>Object[]</code> value
private static Object[] getNullArguments(Class[] params) {
Object[] args = new Object[params.length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
args[i] = getNullValueForType(params[i]);
return args;
* Returns a null value compatible with the class. For instance,
* return <code>Boolean.FALSE</code> for primitive booleans, 0 for
* primitive integers and <code>null</code> for non-primitive
* types.
* @param type a <code>Class</code> value
* @return a null value
private static Object getNullValueForType(Class type) {
if (!type.isPrimitive()) {
return null;
if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (type == Character.TYPE) {
return (char) 0;
if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
return (byte) 0;
if (type == Short.TYPE) {
return (short) 0;
if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
return 0;
if (type == Long.TYPE) {
return 0L;
if (type == Float.TYPE) {
return 0f;
if (type == Double.TYPE) {
return 0d;
fail("Don't know how to handle type " + type);
return null; // unreachable statement
* Abstract decorator class with functionality for obtaining a
* closed object.
private static abstract class ObjectDecorator extends TestSetup {
/** Decorator which provides a connection. */
private final DataSourceDecorator decorator_;
/** The closed object. Must be set by a sub-class. */
protected Object object_;
* Creates a new <code>ObjectDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test a test or suite to decorate
* @param decorator a decorator which provides a connection
public ObjectDecorator(Test test, DataSourceDecorator decorator) {
decorator_ = decorator;
/** Tears down the test environment. */
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
object_ = null;
* Returns the closed object.
* @return a closed object
public Object getClosedObject() {
return object_;
* Checks whether a method expects an exception to be thrown
* when the object is closed. Currently, only
* {@code close()}, {@code isClosed()}, {@code isValid()} and
* {@code abort()} don't expect exceptions.
* @param method a method
* @return <code>true</code> if an exception is expected
public boolean expectsException(Method method) {
String name = method.getName();
return !(name.equals("close") || name.equals("isClosed")
|| name.equals("isValid") || name.equals("abort"));
* Checks whether an exception is of the expected type for
* that method.
* @param method a method
* @param sqle an exception
* @exception SQLException if the exception was not expected
public final void checkException(Method method, SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException
if (!expectsException(method)) {
throw sqle;
if (sqle.getSQLState().startsWith("0A")) {
// method is not supported, so we don't expect closed object
// exception
checkSQLState(method, sqle);
* Checks whether the SQL state is as expected.
* @param method a <code>Method</code> value
* @param sqle a <code>SQLException</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected abstract void checkSQLState(Method method,
SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException;
* Helper method for creating a connection.
* @return a connection
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
return decorator_.newConnection();
* Helper method for creating a statement.
* @return a statement
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected Statement createStatement() throws SQLException {
return decorator_.getConnection().createStatement();
* Helper method for creating a prepared statement.
* @param sql statement text
* @return a prepared statement
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql)
throws SQLException
return decorator_.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
* Helper method for creating a callable statement.
* @param call statement text
* @return a callable statement
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected CallableStatement prepareCall(String call)
throws SQLException
return decorator_.getConnection().prepareCall(call);
* Decorator class for testing methods on a closed result set.
private static class ResultSetObjectDecorator extends ObjectDecorator {
/** Statement used for creating the result set to test. */
private Statement stmt_;
* Creates a new <code>ResultSetObjectDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param decorator decorator used for obtaining a statement
public ResultSetObjectDecorator(Test test,
DataSourceDecorator decorator) {
super(test, decorator);
* Sets up the test. Creates a result set and closes it.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
stmt_ = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt_.executeQuery("VALUES(1)");
object_ = rs;
* Tears down the test. Closes open resources.
* @exception Exception if an error occurs
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
stmt_ = null;
* Checks whether the exception has the expected SQL state
* (XCL16 - result set is closed).
* @param method a <code>Method</code> value
* @param sqle a <code>SQLException</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected void checkSQLState(Method method, SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException
if (sqle.getSQLState().equals("XCL16")) {
// DERBY-4767 - verification test for operation in XCL16 message.
String methodString=method.getName();
if (methodString.indexOf("(") > 1 )
methodString=methodString.substring(0, (methodString.length() -2));
assertTrue("method = " + method.toString() + ", but message: " + sqle.getMessage(),
sqle.getMessage().indexOf(methodString) > 0);
// everything is OK, do nothing
} else {
// unexpected exception
throw sqle;
* Decorator class for testing methods on a closed statement.
private static class StatementObjectDecorator extends ObjectDecorator {
* Creates a new <code>StatementObjectDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param decorator decorator which provides a statement
public StatementObjectDecorator(Test test,
DataSourceDecorator decorator) {
super(test, decorator);
* Sets up the test. Creates a statement and closes it.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = createStatement();
object_ = stmt;
* Checks whether the exception has the expected SQL state
* (statement is closed). When using embedded, XJ012 is
* expected. When using the client driver, XCL31 is expected.
* @param method a <code>Method</code> value
* @param sqle a <code>SQLException</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected void checkSQLState(Method method, SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException
String sqlState = sqle.getSQLState();
if (sqlState.equals("XJ012")) {
// expected, do nothing
} else {
// unexpected exception
throw sqle;
* Decorator class for testing methods on a closed prepared statement.
private static class PreparedStatementObjectDecorator
extends StatementObjectDecorator
* Creates a new <code>PreparedStatementObjectDecorator</code>
* instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param decorator decorator which provides a prepared statement
public PreparedStatementObjectDecorator(Test test,
DataSourceDecorator decorator)
super(test, decorator);
* Sets up the test. Prepares a statement and closes it.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("VALUES(1)");
object_ = ps;
* Checks whether the exception has the expected SQL state
* (statement is closed), or XJ016 indicating it is a
* Statement method not meant to be invoked on a
* PreparedStatement.
* @param method a <code>Method</code> value
* @param sqle a <code>SQLException</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected void checkSQLState(Method method, SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException
if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Statement.class &&
sqle.getSQLState().equals("XJ016")) {
// XJ016 is "blah,blah not allowed on a prepared
// statement", so it's OK to get this one
} else {
super.checkSQLState(method, sqle);
* Decorator class for testing methods on a closed callable statement.
private static class CallableStatementObjectDecorator
extends PreparedStatementObjectDecorator
* Creates a new <code>CallableStatementObjectDecorator</code>
* instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param decorator decorator which provides a callable statement
public CallableStatementObjectDecorator(Test test,
DataSourceDecorator decorator)
super(test, decorator);
* Sets up the test. Prepares a call and closes the statement.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
CallableStatement cs =
object_ = cs;
* Decorator class for testing methods on a closed connection.
private static class ConnectionObjectDecorator extends ObjectDecorator {
* Creates a new <code>ConnectionObjectDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param decorator decorator which provides a connection
public ConnectionObjectDecorator(Test test,
DataSourceDecorator decorator) {
super(test, decorator);
* Sets up the test. Creates a connection and closes it.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
Connection conn = createConnection();
conn.rollback(); // cannot close active transactions
object_ = conn;
* Checks that the exception has an expected SQL state (08003
* - no current connection). Also accept
* <code>SQLClientInfoException</code>s from
* <code>setClientInfo()</code>.
* @param method a <code>Method</code> value
* @param sqle a <code>SQLException</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected void checkSQLState(Method method, SQLException sqle)
throws SQLException
if (method.getName().equals("setClientInfo") &&
method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 &&
method.getParameterTypes()[0] == Properties.class) {
// setClientInfo(Properties) should throw SQLClientInfoException
if (!sqle.getClass().getName().equals(
"java.sql.SQLClientInfoException")) {
throw sqle;
} else if (sqle.getSQLState().equals("08003")) {
// expected, connection closed
} else {
// unexpected exception
throw sqle;
* Decorator class used for obtaining connections through a
* <code>DataSource</code>.
private static class DataSourceDecorator extends TestSetup {
/** Connection shared by many tests. */
private Connection connection_;
* Creates a new <code>DataSourceDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
public DataSourceDecorator(Test test) {
* Sets up the test by creating a connection.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public final void setUp() throws SQLException {
connection_ = newConnection();
* Gets the connection created when the test was set up.
* @return a <code>Connection</code> value
public final Connection getConnection() {
return connection_;
* Creates a new connection with auto-commit set to false.
* @return a <code>Connection</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public final Connection newConnection() throws SQLException {
Connection conn = newConnection_();
return conn;
* Tears down the test and closes the connection.
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
public final void tearDown() throws SQLException {
connection_ = null;
* Creates a new connection using a <code>DataSource</code>.
* @return a <code>Connection</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected Connection newConnection_() throws SQLException {
DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource();
// make sure the database is created when running the test
// standalone
JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "connectionAttributes",
return ds.getConnection();
* Decorator class used for obtaining connections through a
* <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>.
private static class PoolDataSourceDecorator extends DataSourceDecorator {
private final Map dsProps;
* Creates a new <code>PoolDataSourceDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
* @param dsProps data source properties
public PoolDataSourceDecorator(Test test, Map dsProps) {
this.dsProps = dsProps;
* Creates a new connection using a
* <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>.
* @return a <code>Connection</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected Connection newConnection_() throws SQLException {
ConnectionPoolDataSource ds = J2EEDataSource.getConnectionPoolDataSource();
for (Iterator it = dsProps.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
ds, (String) e.getKey(), e.getValue());
PooledConnection pc =
return pc.getConnection();
* Decorator class used for obtaining connections through an
* <code>XADataSource</code>.
private static class XADataSourceDecorator extends DataSourceDecorator {
* Creates a new <code>XADataSourceDecorator</code> instance.
* @param test the test to decorate
public XADataSourceDecorator(Test test) {
* Creates a new connection using an <code>XADataSource</code>.
* @return a <code>Connection</code> value
* @exception SQLException if an error occurs
protected Connection newConnection_() throws SQLException {
XADataSource ds = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
XAConnection xac = ds.getXAConnection();
return xac.getConnection();