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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi.ClobTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.HarmonySerialClob;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.CharAlphabet;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test the methods defined by the {@link java.sql.Clob} interface.
* <p>
* Only methods defined by JDBC 3 or earlier are tested here, and the focus of
* the test is the interface methods. Less attention is given to inserting
* Clobs and fetching Clobs from the database.
public class ClobTest
extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
/** Buffer size to use when transferring data between streams. */
private static final int TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = 4*1024; // 4 KB
/** Constant for Clob.setString method. */
private static final int SET_STRING = 1;
/** Constant for Clob.setAsciiStream method. */
private static final int SET_ASCII_STREAM = 2;
/** Constant for Clob.setCharacterStream method. */
private static final int SET_CHARACTER_STREAM = 4;
* Next unique id for a Clob. Note that this isn't accessed in a thread-
* safe way.
private static int nextUniqueId = 150000;
/** Test data, 18 characters long, containing only Norwegian letters. */
private static final String NORWEGIAN_LETTERS =
"\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5\u00e6\u00f8\u00e5" +
* The Clob used for testing.
* It is reinitialized to a Clob containing the empty string for each test.
private Clob clob = null;
public ClobTest(String testName) {
public void testGetSubString_PosOneTooBig()
throws SQLException {
long length = this.clob.length();
assertEquals("", this.clob.getSubString(length +1, 10));
public void testGetSubString_PosTooBig() {
try {
this.clob.getSubString(999, 10);
fail("getSubString with pos larger than clob length must fail");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("XJ076", sqle);
public void testGetSubString_PosNegative()
throws SQLException {
try {
this.clob.getSubString(-123, 10);
fail("getSubString with negative position should fail");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("XJ070", sqle);
public void testGetSubString_RequestZeroLength_PosValid()
throws SQLException {
// Tests if an exception is thrown or not.
// According to the JDBC spec, 0 is a valid length.
assertEquals("", this.clob.getSubString(1L, 0));
public void testGetSubString_RequestZeroLength_PosTooBig()
throws SQLException {
try {
this.clob.getSubString(999L, 0);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("XJ076", sqle);
* Tests if big strings can be handled.
* <p>
* The motivation for the test is to make sure big buffers are filled with
* the call to read inside a loop. Big in this sense means bigger than some
* internal buffer. This is typically around 8 KB or so, but we try
* something considerably bigger. If a char/byte array is attempted filled
* with a single call to read, the resulting string wil typically contain
* \u0000 at positions after the size of the internal buffer.
public void testGetSubString_BiggerThanInternalBuffer()
throws IOException, SQLException {
int stringLength = 1*1024*1024; // 1 M characters
transferData(new LoopingAlphabetReader(stringLength),
String obtained = this.clob.getSubString(1, stringLength);
assertEquals("Incorrect string length",
stringLength, obtained.length());
// Obtain the string we inserted for comparison.
CharArrayWriter charWriter = new CharArrayWriter();
transferData(new LoopingAlphabetReader(stringLength), charWriter,
assertEquals("String do not match",
charWriter.toString(), obtained);
public void testLengthOnEmptyClob()
throws SQLException {
assertEquals(0, this.clob.length());
public void testInsertStringOnEmptyClob_Singlebyte()
throws SQLException {
String content = "This is the new Clob content.";
this.clob.setString(1, content);
assertEquals("Incorrect length reported",
content.length(), this.clob.length());
assertEquals("Clob content is incorrect",
content, this.clob.getSubString(1, content.length()));
public void testInsertStringOnEmptyClob_Multibyte()
throws SQLException {
String content = "A few Norwegian letters: \u00e6, \u00e5, \u00f8.";
this.clob.setString(1, content);
assertEquals("Incorrect length reported",
content.length(), this.clob.length());
assertEquals("Clob content is incorrect",
content, this.clob.getSubString(1, content.length()));
public void testInsertStringInMiddle_Multibyte()
throws SQLException {
// Add some content to work on first.
this.clob.setString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS);
this.clob.getSubString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.length()));
// Replace a portion with single byte characters.
char[] modifiedContent = NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.toCharArray();
// Replace chars at 0-based indexes 4,5 and 8
modifiedContent[4] = 'a';
modifiedContent[5] = 'b';
modifiedContent[8] = 'c';
String newContent = String.copyValueOf(modifiedContent);
// Do this in a "funny" order, or else it currently fails when running
// with the client driver.
assertEquals(1, this.clob.setString(9, "c"));
assertEquals(1, this.clob.setString(5, "a"));
assertEquals(1, this.clob.setString(6, "b"));
assertEquals("Clob content is incorrect",
newContent, this.clob.getSubString(1, newContent.length()));
* Tests that the length is updated correctly when inserting data.
public void testLengthAfterInsertOnEmpty()
throws IOException, SQLException {
insertDataWithToken("", 0, 0, SET_STRING);
assertEquals(0L, clob.length());
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
assertEquals(4L, clob.length());
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
assertEquals(4L, clob.length());
clob.setString(5, "TEST");
assertEquals(8L, clob.length());
clob.setString(7, "TEST");
assertEquals(10L, clob.length());
assertEquals(4L, clob.length());
clob.setString(4, "TEST");
assertEquals(7L, clob.length());
* Tests that the length is updated correctly when inserting data.
public void testLengthAfterInsertOnLarge()
throws IOException, SQLException {
final String token = "SWEETSPOT";
long curLength = (32+9) * 1024 + token.length();
insertDataWithToken(token, 32*1024, 9*1024, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
assertEquals(curLength, clob.length());
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
assertEquals(curLength, clob.length());
clob.setString(curLength, "X");
assertEquals(curLength, clob.length());
assertEquals(32*1024+1, clob.position(token, 17*1024));
clob.setString(32*1024+1, "FUNNYSPOT");
assertEquals(curLength, clob.length());
assertEquals(-1, clob.position(token, 17*1024));
clob.setString(curLength +1, "TEST");
curLength += 4;
assertEquals(curLength, clob.length());
public void testReplaceMultibyteWithSingleByteForwards()
throws IOException, SQLException {
// Add some content to work on first.
this.clob.setString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS);
this.clob.getSubString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.length()));
// Replace chars one by one from the start.
char[] modifiedContent = NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.toCharArray();
String toInsert = "abcdefghijklmnopqr";
for (int iz=0; iz < toInsert.length(); iz++) {
modifiedContent[iz] = toInsert.charAt(iz);
assertEquals(1, this.clob.setString(iz +1,
toInsert.substring(iz, iz +1)));
this.clob.getSubString(1, 100));
assertEquals(new StringReader(String.copyValueOf(modifiedContent)),
public void testReplaceMultibyteWithSingleByteBackwards()
throws IOException, SQLException {
// Add some content to work on first.
this.clob.setString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS);
this.clob.getSubString(1, NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.length()));
// Replace chars one by one from the end.
char[] modifiedContent = NORWEGIAN_LETTERS.toCharArray();
String toInsert = "abcdefghijklmnopqr";
for (int iz=toInsert.length() -1; iz >= 0; iz--) {
modifiedContent[iz] = toInsert.charAt(iz);
assertEquals(1, this.clob.setString(iz +1,
toInsert.substring(iz, iz +1)));
this.clob.getSubString(1, 100));
assertEquals(new StringReader(String.copyValueOf(modifiedContent)),
* Tests that Derby specific end-of-stream markers aren't passed over to
* the temporary Clob, which doesn't use such markers.
* <p>
* Passing the marker over will normally result in a UTF encoding exception.
* <p>
* ID USAGE: reads id 2, writes id 10002
public void testInsertCharacter_ReadOnlyToTemporary()
throws IOException, SQLException {
// Insert data, a medium sized Clob to store it as a stream.
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into ClobTestData values (?,?)");
int initalSize = 128*1024;
ps.setInt(1, 2);
2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(initalSize), initalSize);
// Select the Clob, and change one character.
PreparedStatement psSelect = prepareStatement(
"select dClob from ClobTestData where id = ?");
psSelect.setInt(1, 2);
ResultSet lRs = psSelect.executeQuery();;
Clob lClob = lRs.getClob(1);
lClob.setString(1, "K");
Reader r = lClob.getCharacterStream();
long length = 1;
while (true) {
// Since we're skipping characters, the bytes have to be decoded
// and we will detect any encoding errors.
long skipped = r.skip(4096);
if (skipped > 0) {
length += skipped;
} else {
assertEquals("Wrong length!", initalSize, length);
// Reports the correct length, now try to insert it.
ps.setInt(1, 10003);
ps.setClob(2, lClob);
// Fetch it back.
psSelect.setInt(1, 10003);
lRs = psSelect.executeQuery();;
Clob lClob2 = lRs.getClob(1);
assertEquals(lClob.getCharacterStream(), lClob2.getCharacterStream());
assertEquals(initalSize, lClob2.length());
public void testPositionWithString_ASCII_SimplePartialRecurringPattern()
throws IOException, SQLException {
String token = "xxSPOTxx";
String inserted ="abcdexxSPxabcdexabxxSPxxxSPOTxabcxxSPOTxxabc";
this.clob.setString(1L, inserted);
assertEquals("Invalid match position",
inserted.indexOf(token, 0) +1, this.clob.position(token, 1L));
public void testPositionWithString_USASCII()
throws IOException, SQLException {
String token = "xxSPOTxx";
final long prefix = 91*1024 +7;
final long postfix = 12*1024;
insertDataWithToken(token, prefix, postfix, SET_ASCII_STREAM);
executeTestPositionWithStringToken(token, prefix);
public void testPositionWithString_IOS88591()
throws IOException, SQLException {
String token = "xx\u00c6\u00c6\u00c6xx";
final long prefix = 67*1024;
final long postfix = 1*1024-2;
insertDataWithToken(token, prefix, postfix, SET_ASCII_STREAM);
executeTestPositionWithStringToken(token, prefix);
public void testPositionWithString_CJK()
throws IOException, SQLException {
final long prefix = 11L;
final long postfix = 90L;
char[] tmpChar = new char[1];
LoopingAlphabetReader tokenSrc =
new LoopingAlphabetReader(1L, CharAlphabet.cjkSubset());;
String token = String.copyValueOf(tmpChar);
insertDataWithToken(token, prefix, postfix, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
//insertDataWithToken(token, prefix, 2*1024-7, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
executeTestPositionWithStringToken(token, prefix);
* Test setString() refuses wrong offset.
public void testSetStringOnWrongOffset() throws SQLException {
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
long upperLimit = clob.length() + 1;
String str = "AGAIN";
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, -1, 2);
fail("setString() refuses negative offset!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ078", e);
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, str.length() + 1, 1);
fail("setString() refuses offset greater than str.length()!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ078", e);
//if (offset + len) == str.length(), it's accepted.
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, str.length() - 1, 1);
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, str.length(), 0);
fail("offset should be smaller than the length of str");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ078", e);
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, str.length() - 1, 2);
fail("setString() refuses offset + len > str.length()!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("22011", e);
* Test setString() refuses wrong len.
public void testSetStringWithWrongLen() throws SQLException {
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
long upperLimit = clob.length() + 1;
String str = "AGAIN";
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, 0, -1);
fail("setString() refuses negative len!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ071", e);
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, str, 0, str.length() + 1);
fail("setString() refuses wrong len out of range!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("22011", e);
* Test setString() refuses pos bigger than clob.length() + 1.
public void testSetStringWithBigPos() throws SQLException {
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
long upperLimit = clob.length() + 1;
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit + 1, "AGAIN", 0, 2);
fail("pos is out of range!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ076", e);
* Test setStrinng() refuses a Null String.
public void testSetStringWithNull() throws SQLException {
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
long upperLimit = clob.length() + 1;
try {
clob.setString(upperLimit, null, 0, 2);
fail("can not accepted null String!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ072", e);
* Test setString() accepts a empty String, and just return 0.
public void testSetStringWithEmptyString() throws SQLException {
clob.setString(1, "TEST");
long upperLimit = clob.length() + 1;
assertEquals(0, clob.setString(upperLimit, "", 0, 0));
* Truncating a Clob to the empty string.
public void testTruncateZeroOnDisk()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 33*1024+7;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
* Truncating a Clob to the empty string.
public void testTruncateZeroInMemory()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 33;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_STRING);
* Truncates the default Clob to zero length and checks some basic
* operations on the empty Clob.
* @param initSize the expected size of the Clob to truncate
private void truncateToZero(long initSize)
throws IOException, SQLException {
assertEquals(initSize, this.clob.length());
assertEquals(0L, this.clob.length());
assertEquals("", this.clob.getSubString(1, 0));
assertEquals("", this.clob.getSubString(1, 1));
assertEquals(-1, this.clob.getCharacterStream().read());
* Truncating a Clob to the current length should work.
public void testTruncateExactOnDisk()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 33*1024+7;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
assertEquals(size, this.clob.length());
assertEquals(size, this.clob.length());
* Truncating a Clob to the current length should work.
public void testTruncateExactInMemory()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 33;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_STRING);
assertEquals(size, this.clob.length());
assertEquals(size, this.clob.length());
* Specify a position that is larger then the Clob length.
* <p>
* This operation should fail and raise an exception.
public void testTruncateTooLongOnDisk()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 44*1024+8;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_CHARACTER_STREAM);
try {
this.clob.truncate(size * 2);
fail("Truncate should have failed, position too large");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("XJ079", sqle);
* Specify a position that is larger then the Clob length.
* <p>
* This operation should fail and raise an exception.
public void testTruncateTooLongInMemory()
throws IOException, SQLException {
long size = 44;
insertDataWithToken("", size, 0, SET_STRING);
try {
this.clob.truncate(size * 2);
fail("Truncate should have failed, position too large");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("XJ079", sqle);
* Tests that the length of a Clob isn't cached in such a way that the
* length isn't updated after truncation.
public void testGetLengthAfterTruncate()
throws IOException, SQLException {
final long initialSize =87*1024-2;
final long truncateOnceSize = 85*1024+9;
final long truncateTwiceSize = 2*1024+17;
insertDataWithToken("", initialSize, 0, SET_ASCII_STREAM);
// Check initial length.
assertEquals(initialSize, clob.length());
assertEquals(truncateOnceSize, clob.length());
// This should bring the Clob over into memory again.
assertEquals(truncateTwiceSize, clob.length());
// Truncate again, same length.
assertEquals(truncateTwiceSize, clob.length());
* Tests that cloning an SQLClob object works when a stream has been set as
* the source of the Clob.
* <p>
* See DERBY-4278
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
public void testCloningThroughAddBatchWithStream()
throws SQLException {
testCloningThroughAddBatch(true, true);
testCloningThroughAddBatch(true, false);
* Tests that cloning an SQLClob object works when a string has been set as
* the source of the Clob.
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
public void testCloningThroughAddBatchWithString()
throws SQLException {
testCloningThroughAddBatch(false, true);
testCloningThroughAddBatch(false, false);
* Adds a series of Clobs into the test table using a batch, then deletes
* the Clobs inserted.
* @param sourceAsStream whether the source shall be specified as a stream
* or a string
* @param autoCommit auto commit mode to run with
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
private void testCloningThroughAddBatch(final boolean sourceAsStream,
boolean autoCommit)
throws SQLException {
final int count = 100;
// Adjust auto commit as specified (and reset when done).
boolean savedAutoCommitValue = getConnection().getAutoCommit();
// Expect execution to return an array with ones.
int[] expectedResult = new int[count];
Arrays.fill(expectedResult, 1);
// Insert a series of Clobs using a batch.
PreparedStatement insert = prepareStatement(
"insert into ClobTestData values (?,?)");
int firstId = nextUniqueId;
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
insert.setInt(1, nextUniqueId++);
String str = "Clob-" + i;
if (sourceAsStream) {
2, new StringReader(str), str.length());
} else {
insert.setString(2, "Clob-" +i);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expectedResult, insert.executeBatch()));
// To avoid keeping the data around, delete it as well.
PreparedStatement delete = prepareStatement
("delete from ClobTestData where id = ?");
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
delete.setInt(1, firstId + i);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expectedResult, delete.executeBatch()));
* Verify that generated columns don't interfere with streaming Clobs.
* See DERBY-4544.
public void test_4544() throws Exception
int streamLength = 100;
String tableName;
( "create table t_4544_0 ( myclob clob )" ).execute();
insertClob( streamLength, "t_4544_0" );
"create function replace_4544( inclob clob, target varchar( 32672 ), replacement varchar( 32672 ) )\n" +
"returns clob\n" +
"language java parameter style java no sql deterministic\n" +
"external name '" + getClass().getName() + ".replace'"
"generated always as (length(myclob))",
Integer.toString( streamLength )
"varchar( 3 ) generated always as ( substr(myclob, 1, 3) )",
" ab"
"generated always as (locate( 'def', myclob ))",
"clob generated always as (upper( myclob ))",
(new DummyReader( streamLength )).toString().toUpperCase()
"clob generated always as (trim( myclob ))",
(new DummyReader( streamLength )).toString().trim()
"clob generated always as (replace_4544( myclob, 'b', 'B' ))",
(new DummyReader( streamLength )).toString().replace( 'b', 'B' )
dropTable( "t_4544_0" );
prepareStatement( "drop function replace_4544" ).execute();
private void vetTable( int streamLength, String gencol, String expectedValue ) throws Exception
String tableName = "t_4544_1";
( "create table " + tableName + "( myclob clob, gencol " + gencol + " )" ).execute();
insertClob( streamLength, tableName );
vetTable( tableName, expectedValue );
vetClob( streamLength, tableName );
prepareStatement( "delete from " + tableName ).executeUpdate();
prepareStatement( "insert into " + tableName + "( myclob ) select myclob from t_4544_0" ).executeUpdate();
vetTable( tableName, expectedValue );
vetClob( streamLength, tableName );
dropTable( tableName );
private void vetTable( String tableName, String expectedValue ) throws Exception
ResultSet rs = prepareStatement( "select gencol from " + tableName ).executeQuery();;
assertEquals( expectedValue, rs.getString( 1 ) );
private void insertClob( int streamLength, String tableName ) throws Exception
PreparedStatement insert = prepareStatement( "insert into " + tableName + "( myclob ) values ( ? )" );
insert.setCharacterStream( 1, new DummyReader( streamLength ), streamLength );
private void vetClob( int streamLength, String tableName ) throws Exception
PreparedStatement select = prepareStatement( "select myclob from " + tableName );
ResultSet rs = select.executeQuery();;
Reader actualReader = rs.getCharacterStream( 1 );
Reader expectedReader = new DummyReader( streamLength );
for ( int i = 0; i < streamLength; i++ )
int actual =;
if ( actual < 0 )
fail( " Read stream was only " + i + " characters long." );
int expected =;
assertEquals( expected, actual );
assertTrue( < 0 );
public static Clob replace( Clob clob, String target, String replacement )
throws Exception
char targetChar = target.charAt( 0 );
char replacementChar = replacement.charAt( 0 );
String originalString = clob.getSubString( 1, (int) clob.length() );
String resultString = originalString.replace( targetChar, replacementChar );
return new HarmonySerialClob( resultString );
/* Test ideas for more tests
* truncate:
* truncate both on in store and from createClob
* truncate multiple times, check length and compare content
* truncate with negative size
* truncate with too big size
* truncate to 0
* truncate to current length
* setString:
* test with null string
* test with offset out of range
* test with length of string to insert out of range
* Insert text into a Clob using {@link java.sql.Clob#setAsciiStream} and
* then search for the specified token.
* <p>
* Some data is inserted before and after the token, and the specified token
* is converted to bytes by using the ISO-8859-1 encoding.
* Note that ascii in JDBC is equivalent to ISO-8859-1, not US-ASCII.
private void executeTestPositionWithStringToken(String token, long prefixLength)
throws IOException, SQLException {
final long TOKEN_POS = prefixLength +1;
// Start searching behind the token.
assertEquals(-1, this.clob.position(token, TOKEN_POS+1));
// Start searching exactly at the right position.
assertEquals(TOKEN_POS, this.clob.position(token, TOKEN_POS));
// Start searching at the start of the Clob.
assertEquals(TOKEN_POS, this.clob.position(token, 1L));
* Obtain a Clob containing the empty string.
protected void setUp()
throws Exception {
// Obtain a Clob containing the empty string ("").
Statement stmt = createStatement();
// Keep reference to the result set to be able to close it.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"select dClob from ClobTestData where id = 1");
this.clob = rs.getClob(1);
// Leave the result set open to keep the Clob alive.
* Nullify reference to Clob.
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception {
this.clob = null;
public static Test suite() {
return new ClobTestSetup(
TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(ClobTest.class, false));
* Transfer data from an input stream to an output stream.
* @param source source data
* @param dest destination to write to
* @param tz buffer size in number of bytes. Must be 1 or greater.
* @return Number of bytes read from the source data. This should equal the
* number of bytes written to the destination.
private int transferData(InputStream source, OutputStream dest, int tz)
throws IOException {
if (tz < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Buffer size must be 1 or greater: " + tz);
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(source);
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(dest, tz);
byte[] bridge = new byte[tz];
int total = 0;
int read;
while ((read =, 0, tz)) != -1) {
out.write(bridge, 0, read);
total += read;
// Don't close the stream, in case it will be written to again.
return total;
* Transfer data from a source Reader to a destination Writer.
* @param source source data
* @param dest destination to write to
* @param tz buffer size in number of characters. Must be 1 or greater.
* @return Number of characters read from the source data. This should equal the
* number of characters written to the destination.
private int transferData(Reader source, Writer dest, int tz)
throws IOException {
if (tz < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Buffer size must be 1 or greater: " + tz);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(source);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(dest, tz);
char[] bridge = new char[tz];
int total = 0;
int read;
while ((read =, 0, tz)) != -1) {
out.write(bridge, 0, read);
total += read;
// Don't close the stream, in case it will be written to again.
return total;
private int transferData(Reader source, int tz)
throws IOException, SQLException {
if (tz < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Buffer size must be 1 or greater: " + tz);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(source);
char[] bridge = new char[tz];
int total = 0;
int read;
while ((read =, 0, tz)) != -1) {
this.clob.setString(total +1L, String.copyValueOf(bridge, 0, read));
total += read;
return total;
* Inserts data into the test Clob, referenced by {@code this.clob}.
* @param token a token to insert into the Clob, cannot be {@code null} but
* the empty string is accepted
* @param pre number of characters to insert before the token, using the
* repeating alphabet stream (latin lower-case)
* @param post number of characters to insert after the token, using the
* repeating alphabet stream (latin lower-case)
* @param mode insertion mode; SET_STRING, SET_ASCII_STREAM or
* @throws IOException if inserting data fails for some reason
* @throws SQLException if inserting data fails for some reason
private void insertDataWithToken(String token,
long pre, long post, int mode)
throws IOException, SQLException {
long total = 0;
switch (mode) {
case SET_STRING: {
Reader charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(pre);
total += transferData(charIn, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.clob.setString(pre +1, token);
total += token.length();
charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(post);
total += transferData(charIn, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
OutputStream asciiOut = this.clob.setAsciiStream(1L);
InputStream asciiIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(pre);
total += transferData(asciiIn, asciiOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
byte[] tokenBytes = token.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
asciiOut.write(tokenBytes, 0, tokenBytes.length);
total += tokenBytes.length;
asciiIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(post);
total += transferData(asciiIn, asciiOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
Writer charOut = this.clob.setCharacterStream(1L);
Reader charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(pre);
total += transferData(charIn, charOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
total += token.length();
charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(post);
total += transferData(charIn, charOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
} default:
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown insertion mode: " + mode);
assertEquals("Invalid length after insertion",
pre + post + token.length(), this.clob.length());
* Decorator creating the neccessary test data.
private static class ClobTestSetup extends BaseJDBCTestSetup {
ClobTestSetup(Test test) {
protected void setUp() throws SQLException {
Connection con = getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.execute("create table ClobTestData (" +
"id int unique, dClob CLOB)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into ClobTestData values (1, '')");
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception {
Connection con = getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.execute("drop table ClobTestData");
} // End inner class ClobTestSetup