blob: f260c058f7aba2aba3e4492acea85108378b369e [file] [log] [blame]
* Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4.StatementTest
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLTimeoutException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.RowUtil;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi.BatchUpdateTest;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi.SetQueryTimeoutTest;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi.Wrapper41Statement;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.SQLStateConstants;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Tests for new methods added for Statement in JDBC4.
public class StatementTest
extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
/** Default statement used by the tests. */
private Statement stmt = null;
* Create a new test with the given name.
* @param name name of the test.
public StatementTest(String name) {
* Create default connection and statement.
* @throws SQLException if setAutoCommit, createStatement or
* BaseJDBCTestCase.getConnection fails.
protected void setUp()
throws SQLException {
// Create a default statement.
stmt = createStatement();
assertFalse("First statement must be open initially",
* Close default connection and statement if necessary.
* @throws SQLException if a database access exception occurs.
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception {
// Close default statement
if (stmt != null) {
stmt = null;
* Check that <code>isClosed</code> returns <code>true</code> after
* the statement has been explicitly closed.
public void testIsClosedBasic()
throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from stmtTable");
assertFalse("Statement should still be open", stmt.isClosed());
assertFalse("Statement should be open after ResultSet has been " +
"closed", stmt.isClosed());
assertTrue("Statement should be closed, close() has been called",
* Test that creating two statements on the same connection does not
* cause side effects on the statements.
public void testIsClosedWithTwoStatementsOnSameConnection()
throws SQLException {
// Create a second statement on the default connection.
Statement stmt2 = createStatement();
assertFalse("Second statement must be open initially",
assertFalse("First statement should not be closed when " +
"creating a second statement", stmt.isClosed());
ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery("select count(*) from stmtTable");
assertFalse("Second statement should be open after call to " +
"execute()", stmt2.isClosed());
assertFalse("First statement should be open after call to " +
"second statment's execute()", stmt.isClosed());
assertTrue("Second statement should be closed, close() has " +
"been called!", stmt2.isClosed());
assertFalse("First statement should be open after call to " +
"second statment's close()", stmt.isClosed());
* Test that the two statements created on the connection are closed
* when the connection itself is closed.
public void testIsClosedWhenClosingConnection()
throws SQLException {
// Create an extra statement for good measure.
Statement stmt2 = createStatement();
assertFalse("Second statement must be open initially",
// Exeute something on it, as opposed to the default statement.
stmt2.execute("select count(*) from stmtTable");
assertFalse("Second statement should be open after call to " +
"execute()", stmt2.isClosed());
// Close the connection. We must commit/rollback first, or else a
// "Invalid transaction state" exception is raised.
Connection con = getConnection();
assertTrue("Connection should be closed after close()",
assertTrue("First statement should be closed, as parent " +
"connection has been closed", stmt.isClosed());
assertTrue("Second statement should be closed, as parent " +
"connection has been closed", stmt2.isClosed());
* Check the state of the statement when the connection is first attempted
* closed when in an invalid transaction state, then closed after a
* commit. According to the JDBC 4 API documentation: </i>"It is strongly
* recommended that an application explictly commits or rolls back an
* active transaction prior to calling the close method. If the close
* method is called and there is an active transaction,
* the results are implementation-defined."</i>
* Derby throws an exception and keeps the connection open.
public void testIsClosedWhenClosingConnectionInInvalidState()
throws SQLException {
stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from stmtTable");
// Connection should now be in an invalid transaction state.
Connection con = stmt.getConnection();
try {
fail("Invalid transaction state exception was not thrown");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
String expectedState =
assertSQLState(expectedState, sqle);
assertFalse("Statement should still be open, because " +
"Connection.close() failed", stmt.isClosed());
assertFalse("Connection should still be open", con.isClosed());
// Do a commit here, since we do a rollback in another test.
assertTrue("Connection should be closed after close()",
assertTrue("Statement should be closed, because " +
"the connection has been closed", stmt.isClosed());
assertTrue("Statement should still be closed", stmt.isClosed());
* Execute a query on a statement after the parent connection has been
* closed.
public void testStatementExecuteAfterConnectionClose()
throws SQLException {
Connection con = stmt.getConnection();
assertTrue("Connection should be closed after close()",
try {
stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from stmtTable");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertEquals("Unexpected SQL state for performing " +
"operations on a closed statement.",
assertTrue("Statement should be closed, because " +
"the connection has been closed", stmt.isClosed());
public void testIsWrapperForStatement() throws SQLException {
public void testIsNotWrapperForPreparedStatement() throws SQLException {
public void testIsNotWrapperForCallableStatement() throws SQLException {
public void testIsNotWrapperForResultSet() throws SQLException {
public void testUnwrapStatement() throws SQLException {
Statement stmt2 = stmt.unwrap(Statement.class);
assertSame("Unwrap returned wrong object.", stmt, stmt2);
public void testUnwrapPreparedStatement() {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = stmt.unwrap(PreparedStatement.class);
fail("Unwrap didn't fail.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ128", e);
public void testUnwrapCallableStatement() {
try {
CallableStatement cs = stmt.unwrap(CallableStatement.class);
fail("Unwrap didn't fail.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ128", e);
public void testUnwrapResultSet() throws SQLException {
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.unwrap(ResultSet.class);
fail("Unwrap didn't fail.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("XJ128", e);
* Tests isPoolable, setPoolable, and the default poolability.
public void testPoolable() throws SQLException {
assertFalse("Statement cannot be poolable by default",
assertTrue("Statement must be poolable", stmt.isPoolable());
assertFalse("Statement cannot be poolable", stmt.isPoolable());
* Test that Statement.setQueryTimeout() causes statements to
* raise SQLTimeoutException per the JDBC 4.1 spec clarification.
public void test_jdbc4_1_queryTimeoutException() throws Exception
SQLException se = null;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement
"select columnnumber from sys.syscolumns c, sys.systables t\n" +
"where t.tablename = 'SYSTABLES'\n" +
"and t.tableid = c.referenceid\n" +
"and mod( delay_st( 5, c.columnnumber ), 3 ) = 0"
println( "Testing timeout exception for a " + ps.getClass().getName() );
SetQueryTimeoutTest.StatementExecutor executor =
new SetQueryTimeoutTest.StatementExecutor( ps, true, 1 );
se = executor.getSQLException();
assertNotNull( se );
assertEquals( SQLTimeoutException.class.getName(), se.getClass().getName() );
* Test the closeOnCompletion() and isCloseOnCompletion() methods
* when using ResultSets which close implicitly.
public void testCompletionClosure_jdbc4_1_implicitRSClosure() throws Exception
Connection conn = getConnection();
conn.setHoldability( ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT );
conn.setAutoCommit( true );
PreparedStatement ps;
ResultSet rs;
Wrapper41Statement wrapper;
ps = conn.prepareStatement( "values ( 1 )" );
println( "Testing implicit closure WITH autocommit on a " + ps.getClass().getName() );
wrapper = new Wrapper41Statement( ps );
rs = ps.executeQuery();;;
assertTrue( rs.isClosed() );
assertTrue( ps.isClosed() );
conn.setAutoCommit( false );
// now retry the experiment with an explicit commit
ps = conn.prepareStatement( "values ( 1 )" );
println( "Testing implicit closure WITHOUT autocommit on a " + ps.getClass().getName() );
wrapper = new Wrapper41Statement( ps );
rs = ps.executeQuery();;;
assertFalse( rs.isClosed() );
assertFalse( ps.isClosed() );
assertTrue( rs.isClosed() );
assertTrue( ps.isClosed() );
* Test the large update methods added by JDBC 4.2.
public void testLargeUpdate_jdbc4_2() throws Exception
Connection conn = getConnection();
largeUpdate_jdbc4_2( conn );
public static void largeUpdate_jdbc4_2( Connection conn )
throws Exception
// This test makes use of a debug entry point which is a NOP
// in an insane production build.
if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) { return; }
else { println( "Running largeUpdate_jdbc4_2() on debug code." ); }
"create procedure setRowCountBase( newBase bigint )\n" +
"language java parameter style java no sql\n" +
"external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4.StatementTest.setRowCountBase'\n"
"create table bigintTable( col1 int generated always as identity, col2 bigint )"
StatementWrapper sw = new StatementWrapper( conn.createStatement() );
largeUpdateTest( sw, (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE );
largeUpdateTest( sw, 0L);
largeBatchTest( sw, (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE );
largeBatchTest( sw, 0L);
largeMaxRowsTest( sw, ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1L );
largeBatchUpdateExceptionTest( sw, ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1L );
private static void largeUpdateTest( StatementWrapper sw, long rowCountBase )
throws Exception
// This test makes use of a debug entry point which is a NOP
// in an insane production build.
if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) { return; }
else { println( "Running largeUpdateTest() on debug code." ); }
// poke the rowCountBase into the engine. all returned row counts will be
// increased by this amount
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), false, rowCountBase );
largeUpdateTest( sw, rowCountBase, 1L );
largeUpdateTest( sw, rowCountBase, 3L );
private static void largeUpdateTest( StatementWrapper sw, long rowCountBase, long rowCount )
throws Exception
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append( "insert into bigintTable( col2 ) values " );
for ( long i = 0L; i < rowCount; i++ )
if ( i > 0L ) { buffer.append( ", " ); }
buffer.append( "( " + i + " )" );
String text = buffer.toString();
long expectedResult = rowCountBase + rowCount;
vetUpdateSize( sw, (int) expectedResult,
sw.getWrappedStatement().executeUpdate( text ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, (int) expectedResult,
sw.getWrappedStatement().executeUpdate( text, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, (int) expectedResult,
sw.getWrappedStatement().executeUpdate( text, new int[] { 1 } ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, (int) expectedResult,
sw.getWrappedStatement().executeUpdate( text, new String[] { "COL1" } ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, expectedResult, sw.executeLargeUpdate( text ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, expectedResult, sw.executeLargeUpdate( text, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, expectedResult, sw.executeLargeUpdate( text, new int[] { 1 } ), expectedResult );
vetUpdateSize( sw, expectedResult, sw.executeLargeUpdate( text, new String[] { "COL1" } ), expectedResult );
private static void vetUpdateSize( StatementWrapper sw, int expected, int actual, long longAnswer )
throws Exception
assertEquals( expected, actual );
assertEquals( expected, sw.getWrappedStatement().getUpdateCount() );
assertEquals( longAnswer, sw.getLargeUpdateCount() );
private static void vetUpdateSize( StatementWrapper sw, long expected, long actual, long longAnswer )
throws Exception
assertEquals( expected, actual );
assertEquals( (int) expected, sw.getWrappedStatement().getUpdateCount() );
assertEquals( longAnswer, sw.getLargeUpdateCount() );
private static void largeBatchTest( StatementWrapper sw, long rowCountBase )
throws Exception
// This test makes use of a debug entry point which is a NOP
// in an insane production build.
if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) { return; }
println( "Large batch test with rowCountBase = " + rowCountBase );
// poke the rowCountBase into the engine. all returned row counts will be
// increased by this amount
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), false, rowCountBase );
long[] expectedResult = new long[] { rowCountBase + 1L, rowCountBase + 1L, rowCountBase + 2L };
createBatch( sw );
assertEquals( sw.getWrappedStatement().executeBatch(), squashLongs( expectedResult ) );
createBatch( sw );
assertEquals( sw.executeLargeBatch(), expectedResult );
private static void createBatch( StatementTest.StatementWrapper sw )
throws Exception
truncate( sw );
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "insert into bigintTable( col2 ) values ( 1 )" );
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "update bigintTable set col2 = 2" );
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "insert into bigintTable( col2 ) values ( 3 ), ( 4 )" );
private static void largeMaxRowsTest( StatementWrapper sw, long maxRows )
throws Exception
// This test makes use of a debug entry point which is a NOP
// in an insane production build.
if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) { return; }
println( "Large max rows test with maxRows = " + maxRows );
long expectedRowCount = 3L;
truncate( sw );
sw.getWrappedStatement().execute( "insert into bigintTable( col2 ) values ( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 4 ), ( 5 )" );
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), usingDerbyNetClient(), maxRows - expectedRowCount );
sw.setLargeMaxRows( maxRows );
ResultSet rs = sw.getWrappedStatement().executeQuery( "select * from bigintTable" );
int rowCount = 0;
while( ) { rowCount++; }
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), usingDerbyNetClient(), 0L );
assertEquals( expectedRowCount, rowCount );
assertEquals( maxRows, sw.getLargeMaxRows() );
private static void largeBatchUpdateExceptionTest( StatementWrapper sw, long rowCountBase )
throws Exception
// This test makes use of a debug entry point which is a NOP
// in an insane production build.
if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) { return; }
println( "Large batch update exception test with rowCountBase = " + rowCountBase );
sw.getWrappedStatement().execute( "create table intTable( col1 int generated always as identity, col2 int )" );
// poke the rowCountBase into the engine. all returned row counts will be
// increased by this amount
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), false, rowCountBase );
// Create a batch of statements. The last one will die on an overflow condition.
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "insert into intTable( col2 ) values ( 1 )" );
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "insert into intTable( col2 ) values ( 1 )" );
sw.getWrappedStatement().addBatch( "update intTable set col2 = 2147483647 + 1" );
if ( usingEmbedded() )
"22003", sw.getWrappedStatement(),
new long[] { rowCountBase + 1L, rowCountBase + 1L }
else if ( usingDerbyNetClient() )
"XJ208", sw.getWrappedStatement(),
new long[] { rowCountBase + 1L, rowCountBase + 1L, -3 }
setRowCountBase( sw.getWrappedStatement(), false, 0L );
public static void setRowCountBase
( Statement stmt, boolean onClient, long rowCountBase )
throws Exception
if ( onClient )
ClientStatement.setFetchedRowBase( rowCountBase );
stmt.execute( "call setRowCountBase( " + rowCountBase + " )" );
private static void truncate( StatementTest.StatementWrapper sw )
throws Exception
sw.getWrappedStatement().execute( "truncate table bigintTable" );
private static int[] squashLongs( long[] longs )
int count = (longs == null) ? 0 : longs.length;
int[] ints = new int[ count ];
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { ints[ i ] = (int) longs[ i ]; }
return ints;
* Create test suite for StatementTest.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("StatementTest suite");
// Decorate test suite with a TestSetup class.
suite.addTest(new StatementTestSetup(
new BaseTestSuite(StatementTest.class)));
new StatementTestSetup(new BaseTestSuite(StatementTest.class))));
return suite;
* <p>
* This wrapper is used to expose JDBC 4.2 methods which can run on
* VM rev levels lower than Java 8.
* </p>
public static class StatementWrapper
private Statement _wrappedStatement;
public StatementWrapper( Statement wrappedStatement )
_wrappedStatement = wrappedStatement;
public Statement getWrappedStatement() { return _wrappedStatement; }
// New methods added by JDBC 4.2
public long[] executeLargeBatch() throws SQLException
return ((long[]) invoke
new Class[] {},
new Object[] {}
public long executeLargeUpdate( String sql ) throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] { String.class },
new Object[] { sql }
public long executeLargeUpdate( String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE },
new Object[] { sql, autoGeneratedKeys }
public long executeLargeUpdate( String sql, int[] columnIndexes ) throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] { String.class, columnIndexes.getClass() },
new Object[] { sql, columnIndexes }
public long executeLargeUpdate( String sql, String[] columnNames ) throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] { String.class, columnNames.getClass() },
new Object[] { sql, columnNames }
public long getLargeMaxRows() throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] {},
new Object[] {}
public long getLargeUpdateCount() throws SQLException
return ((Long) invoke
new Class[] {},
new Object[] {}
public void setLargeMaxRows( long max ) throws SQLException
new Class[] { Long.TYPE },
new Object[] { max }
// Reflection minion
protected Object invoke( String methodName, Class[] argTypes, Object[] argValues )
throws SQLException
try {
Method method = _wrappedStatement.getClass().getMethod( methodName, argTypes );
return method.invoke( _wrappedStatement, argValues );
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { throw wrap( nsme ); }
catch (SecurityException se) { throw wrap( se ); }
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw wrap( iae ); }
catch (IllegalArgumentException iare) { throw wrap( iare ); }
catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { throw wrap( ite ); }
private SQLException wrap( Throwable t ) { return new SQLException( t.getMessage(), t ); }
/** Set the base which is used for returned row counts and fetched row counters */
public static void setRowCountBase( long newBase )
EmbedResultSet.setFetchedRowBase( newBase );
RowUtil.setRowCountBase( newBase );
} // End class StatementTest