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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4.LoginTimeoutTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLTimeoutException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sql.CommonDataSource;
import javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.sql.XADataSource;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derby.authentication.UserAuthenticator;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.Derby;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.J2EEDataSource;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCClient;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCClientSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCDataSource;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.NetworkServerTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SystemPropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test login timeouts.
public class LoginTimeoutTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase
private static final String[][] SYSTEM_PROPERTIES =
{ "derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "true" },
{ "derby.authentication.provider", LoginTimeoutTest.class.getName() + "$SluggishAuthenticator" },
private static final boolean SUCCEED = true;
private static final boolean FAIL = false;
private static final int LONG_TIMEOUT = 10;
private static final String RUTH = "RUTH";
private static final String RUTH_PASSWORD = "RUTHPASSWORD";
private static final String LOGIN_TIMEOUT = "XBDA0";
private static final String LOGIN_FAILED = "08004";
/** User authenticator which sleeps for a while */
public static final class SluggishAuthenticator implements UserAuthenticator
public static boolean debugPrinting = false;
private static final long MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000L;
public static long secondsToSleep = 2;
public static boolean returnValue = true;
public SluggishAuthenticator() {}
public boolean authenticateUser
String userName,
String userPassword,
String databaseName,
Properties info
throws SQLException
// sleepy...
try {
long sleepTime = secondsToSleep * MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
printText( "SluggishAuthenticator going to sleep for " + sleepTime + " milliseconds." );
Thread.sleep( secondsToSleep * MILLIS_PER_SECOND );
printText( "...SluggishAuthenticator waking up after " + sleepTime + " milliseconds." );
} catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException( e.getMessage(), e ); }
// ...and vacuous.
return returnValue;
private static void printText( String text )
if ( debugPrinting )
BaseTestCase.println( text );
/** Behavior shared by DataSource and DriverManager */
public static interface Connector
public Connection getConnection( String user, String password ) throws SQLException;
public void setLoginTimeout( int seconds ) throws SQLException;
public static final class DriverManagerConnector implements Connector
private BaseJDBCTestCase _test;
public DriverManagerConnector( BaseJDBCTestCase test ) { _test = test; }
public Connection getConnection( String user, String password ) throws SQLException
return _test.openDefaultConnection( user, password );
public void setLoginTimeout( int seconds ) { DriverManager.setLoginTimeout( seconds ); }
public String toString() { return "DriverManagerConnector"; }
public static final class DataSourceConnector implements Connector
private CommonDataSource _dataSource;
public DataSourceConnector( CommonDataSource dataSource )
_dataSource = dataSource;
public Connection getConnection( String user, String password ) throws SQLException
if ( _dataSource instanceof DataSource )
return ((DataSource) _dataSource).getConnection( user, password );
else if ( _dataSource instanceof ConnectionPoolDataSource )
return ((ConnectionPoolDataSource) _dataSource).getPooledConnection( user, password ).getConnection();
else if ( _dataSource instanceof XADataSource )
return ((XADataSource) _dataSource).getXAConnection( user, password ).getConnection();
else { throw new SQLException( "Unknown data source type: " + _dataSource.getClass().getName() ); }
public void setLoginTimeout( int seconds ) throws SQLException
{ _dataSource.setLoginTimeout( seconds ); }
public String toString()
return "DataSourceConnector( " + _dataSource.getClass().getName() + " )";
* Create a test with the given name.
public LoginTimeoutTest(String name) { super(name); }
* Return suite with all tests of the class.
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite();
Test embedded = new BaseTestSuite(
LoginTimeoutTest.class, "embedded LoginTimeoutTest" );
embedded = TestConfiguration.singleUseDatabaseDecorator( embedded );
embedded = new SystemPropertyTestSetup( embedded, systemProperties() );
suite.addTest( embedded );
if (Derby.hasServer() && Derby.hasClient()) {
Test clientServer = new BaseTestSuite(
LoginTimeoutTest.class, "client/server LoginTimeoutTest");
clientServer =
clientServer = new JDBCClientSetup(
clientServer, JDBCClient.DERBYNETCLIENT);
clientServer = new NetworkServerTestSetup(clientServer,
systemPropertiesArray(), new String[]{}, true);
return suite;
private static Properties systemProperties()
Properties props = new Properties();
for ( int i = 0; i < SYSTEM_PROPERTIES.length; i++ )
String[] raw = SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[ i ];
props.put( raw[ 0 ], raw[ 1 ] );
return props;
private static String[] systemPropertiesArray()
String[] result = new String[ SYSTEM_PROPERTIES.length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < SYSTEM_PROPERTIES.length; i++ )
String[] raw = SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[ i ];
result[ i ] = raw[ 0 ] + "=" + raw[ 1 ];
return result;
* Basic test of login timeouts.
public void testBasic() throws Exception
SluggishAuthenticator.debugPrinting = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().isVerbose();
// make sure the database is created in order to eliminate asymmetries
// in running the tests
Connection conn = openDefaultConnection( RUTH, RUTH_PASSWORD );
vetConnector( new DriverManagerConnector( this ), true );
vetConnector( new DataSourceConnector( JDBCDataSource.getDataSource() ), true );
vetConnector( new DataSourceConnector( J2EEDataSource.getConnectionPoolDataSource() ), true );
vetConnector( new DataSourceConnector( J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource() ), true );
if ( usingEmbedded() ) { vetExceptionPassthrough(); }
if ( usingDerbyNetClient() ) { vetServerTimeouts(); }
private void vetConnector( Connector connector, boolean shouldSucceed ) throws Exception
try {
// sometimes this succeeds when we expect not, see DERBY-6250,
// give more time to the slug sleep
if (usingEmbedded())
SluggishAuthenticator.secondsToSleep = 4;
tryTimeout( connector, 1, FAIL && shouldSucceed );
// set back.
if (usingEmbedded())
SluggishAuthenticator.secondsToSleep = 2;
tryTimeout( connector, LONG_TIMEOUT, SUCCEED && shouldSucceed );
tryTimeout( connector, 0, SUCCEED && shouldSucceed );
// revert to default state
connector.setLoginTimeout( 0 );
// set sluggishauthenticator sleep back
SluggishAuthenticator.secondsToSleep = 2;
private void tryTimeout( Connector connector, int timeout, boolean shouldSucceed ) throws Exception
println( "Setting timeout " + timeout + " on " + connector );
connector.setLoginTimeout( timeout );
tryTimeout( connector, shouldSucceed );
private void tryTimeout( Connector connector, boolean shouldSucceed ) throws Exception
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
Connection conn = connector.getConnection( RUTH, RUTH_PASSWORD );
println( " Got a " + conn.getClass().getName() );
if ( !shouldSucceed )
// sometimes the connect succeeds, see DERBY-6250.
// adding more details to fail message.
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
String message ="Should not have been able to connect! \n " +
" connector: " + connector +
" Experiment took " + duration + " milliseconds. \n " +
" seconds sleep time was: " + SluggishAuthenticator.secondsToSleep;
fail( message );
catch (SQLException se)
if ( shouldSucceed ) { fail( "Should have been able to connect!", se ); }
assertTrue( "Didn't expect to see a " + se.getClass().getName(), (se instanceof SQLTimeoutException) );
assertSQLState( LOGIN_TIMEOUT, se );
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
println( " Experiment took " + duration + " milliseconds." );
private void vetExceptionPassthrough() throws Exception
try {
println( "Verifying that exceptions are not swallowed by the embedded login timer." );
// set a long timeout which we won't exceed
DriverManager.setLoginTimeout( LONG_TIMEOUT );
// tell the authenticator to always fail
SluggishAuthenticator.returnValue = false;
try {
Connection conn = openDefaultConnection( RUTH, RUTH_PASSWORD );
fail( "Didn't expect to get a connection!" );
catch (SQLException se) { assertSQLState( LOGIN_FAILED, se ); }
// return to default position
DriverManager.setLoginTimeout( 0 );
SluggishAuthenticator.returnValue = true;
private void vetServerTimeouts() throws Exception
println( "Verifying behavior when timeouts are also set on the server." );
Connection controlConnection = openDefaultConnection( RUTH, RUTH_PASSWORD );
// create a procedure for changing the login timeout on the server
String createProc =
"create procedure setLoginTimeout( timeout int ) language java parameter style java no sql\n" +
"external name '" + getClass().getName() + ".setLoginTimeout'";
println( createProc );
controlConnection.prepareStatement( createProc ).execute();
createProc =
"create procedure setAuthenticatorSleep( seconds int ) language java parameter style java no sql\n" +
"external name '" + getClass().getName() + ".setAuthenticatorSleep'";
controlConnection.prepareStatement( createProc ).execute();
println( createProc );
Connector connector = new DriverManagerConnector( this );
vetServerTimeout( controlConnection, connector, 1, FAIL );
vetServerTimeout( controlConnection, connector, LONG_TIMEOUT, SUCCEED );
vetServerTimeout( controlConnection, connector, 0, SUCCEED );
// reset server timeout to default
setServerTimeout( controlConnection, 0 );
private void vetServerTimeout
( Connection controlConnection, Connector connector, int serverTimeout, boolean shouldSucceed )
throws Exception
setServerTimeout( controlConnection, serverTimeout );
// Sometimes we get an unexpected connection when we expect
// the timeout to work, see DERBY-6250.
// Setting the sleep Authenticator sleep time longer on the server.
// for those cases to make the chance of this occurring smaller.
if (!shouldSucceed)
setServerAuthenticatorSleep(controlConnection, 4);
setServerAuthenticatorSleep(controlConnection, 2);
vetConnector( connector, shouldSucceed );
private void setServerTimeout( Connection conn, int seconds ) throws Exception
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall( "call setLoginTimeout( ? )" );
cs.setInt( 1, seconds );
private void setServerAuthenticatorSleep( Connection conn, int seconds )
throws Exception
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall( "call setAuthenticatorSleep( ? )" );
cs.setInt( 1, seconds );
/** Routine to set the DriverManager login timeout on the server */
public static void setLoginTimeout( int seconds ) throws Exception
DriverManager.setLoginTimeout( seconds );
/** Routine to set the SluggishAuthenticator Sleep
* time on the server */
public static void setAuthenticatorSleep( int seconds ) throws Exception
SluggishAuthenticator.secondsToSleep = seconds ;