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* Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.UrlLocaleTest
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* i18n governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.i18n;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Locale;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.LocaleTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
public class UrlLocaleTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
public UrlLocaleTest(String name) {
* Shutdown on tearDown to make sure all databases can be removed.
* @throws Exception
* @see org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase#tearDown()
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Reregister driver for any subsequent tests
String driverClass =
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(driverClass);
* Test valid territory settings on URL
public void testURLLocale() throws SQLException, MalformedURLException {
// check this current database was created with the default locale
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("call checkRDefaultLoc()");
// create a swiss database
String url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("swissdb");
url += ";create=true;territory=fr_CH";
Connection locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Statement locStatement = locConn.createStatement();
locStatement.executeUpdate("call checkDatabaseLoc('fr_CH')");
//-- create a Hindi in India database (hi_IN)
url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("hindi");
url += ";create=true;territory=hi_IN";
locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
locStatement = locConn.createStatement();
locStatement.executeUpdate("call checkDatabaseLoc('hi_IN')");
//- now try one with a variant
// -- create a English in Israel database for JavaOS en_IL_JavaOS
url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("Israel");
url += ";create=true;territory=en_IL_JavaOS";
locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
locStatement = locConn.createStatement();
locStatement.executeUpdate("call checkDatabaseLoc('en_IL_JavaOS')");
// now try with just a language - we support this
// as some vms do.
url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("bacon");
url += ";create=true;territory=da";
locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
locStatement = locConn.createStatement();
locStatement.executeUpdate("call checkDatabaseLoc('da')");
* Test invalid territory settings
public void testUrlLocaleNegative() throws SQLException {
//Connection without territory specified in territory attribute
String url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("fail1");
url += ";create=true;territory=";
//- database will not have been created so this connection will fail
url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("fail1");
try {
fail("Database connect " + url + " should fail because db does not exist");
} catch (SQLException se ) {
assertSQLState("XJ004", se);
//Invalid territory specification
* Test valid message resolution for an unknown Locale.
* converted from i18n/messageLocale.sql
* This test case must run in a decorator that sets the locale to one
* that is not recognized by Derby.
public void messageLocale_unknown() throws SQLException {
String url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("rrTTdb");
url += ";create=true";
Connection locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Statement s = locConn.createStatement();
// check this current database was created with the default locale rr_TT
s.executeUpdate("call checkDefaultLoc()");
// check database Locale
s.executeUpdate("call checkDatabaseLoc('rr_TT')");
// Expect an error in English because rr_TT has no translated messages.
// Language is determined by choosing a random word (that we hope
// won't change) in the current
try {
s.executeUpdate("create table t1 oops (i int)");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("42X01", se);
assertTrue("Expected English Message with \"Encountered\" " ,
(se.getMessage().indexOf("Encountered") != -1));
// Setup for warning
s.executeUpdate("create table t2 (i int)");
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_a on t2(i)");
// Expect WARNING to also be English. Index is a duplicate
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_b on t2(i)");
SQLWarning sqlw = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState("01504", sqlw);
assertTrue("Expected English warning",
sqlw.getMessage().indexOf("duplicate") != -1);
* Test valid message resolution for German Locale.
* converted from i18n/messageLocale.sql
* This test case must run in a decorator that sets the default locale
* to Locale.GERMANY.
public void messageLocale_Germany() throws SQLException {
//create a database with a locale that has a small
// number of messages. Missing ones will default to
// the locale of the default locale: German;
String url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("qqPPdb");
url += ";create=true;territory=qq_PP_testOnly";
Connection locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Statement s = locConn.createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t2 (i int)");
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_a on t2(i)");
// Error that is in qq_PP messages
try {
s.executeUpdate("create table t1 oops (i int)");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("42X01", se);
assertTrue("Expected qq_PP Message with \"Encountered\" " ,
(se.getMessage().indexOf("Encountered") != -1));
// Expect WARNING to be in German (default) because there is no
//qq_PP message. Index is a duplicate
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_b on t2(i)");
SQLWarning sqlw = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState("01504", sqlw);
assertTrue("Expected German warning with Duplikat",
sqlw.getMessage().indexOf(" Duplikat") != -1);
// Error from default German Locale as it does not exist in qq_PP
// from default locale (German);
try {
s.executeUpdate("drop table t3");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("42Y55", se);
assertTrue("Expected German Message with vorhanden" ,
(se.getMessage().indexOf("vorhanden") != -1));
//Now all English messages
url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("enUSdb");
url += ";create=true;territory=en_US";
locConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
s = locConn.createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create table t2 (i int)");
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_a on t2(i)");
try {
s.executeUpdate("create table t1 oops (i int)");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("42X01", se);
assertTrue("Expected English message with \"Encountered\" " ,
(se.getMessage().indexOf("Encountered") != -1));
// Expect WARNING to be in English because it is English db
// Even though German default Locale still
s.executeUpdate("create index i2_b on t2(i)");
sqlw = s.getWarnings();
assertSQLState("01504", sqlw);
assertTrue("Expected English warning with duplicate",
sqlw.getMessage().indexOf("duplicate") != -1);
try {
s.executeUpdate("drop table t3");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("42Y55", se);
assertTrue("Expected English Message with performed" ,
(se.getMessage().indexOf("performed") != -1));
private void checkInvalidTerritoryFormat(String territory) {
try {
String url = getReadWriteJDBCURL("fail3");
url += ";create=true;territory=" + territory;
fail("connection without territory: " + url + "should have failed");
} catch (SQLException se ) {
assertSQLState("XJ041", se);
assertSQLState("XBM0X", se.getNextException());
* Get JDBC URL for database to be accessed in the read-write directory
* @param dbname short database name to be created
* @return the JDBC URL for the database
private static String getReadWriteJDBCURL(String dbname)
return TestConfiguration.getCurrent().
* Create procedures to test current territory value
private static void createLocaleProcedures(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("create procedure checkDatabaseLoc(in locale " +
"char(12)) parameter style java language java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.i18n." +
s.executeUpdate("create procedure checkRDefaultLoc() parameter " +
"style java language java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.i18n." +
s.executeUpdate("create procedure checkDefaultLoc() parameter " +
"style java language java external name " +
"'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.i18n." +
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite();
suite.addTest(new LocaleTestSetup(
new UrlLocaleTest("messageLocale_unknown"),
new Locale("rr", "TT")));
suite.addTest(new LocaleTestSetup(
new UrlLocaleTest("messageLocale_Germany"),
Test tsuite = new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite) {
* Creates the table used in the test cases.
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
tsuite = new SupportFilesSetup(tsuite);
return tsuite;