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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.derbynet.NetworkServerControlApiTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.derbynet;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.PrivilegedFileOpsForTests;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.Derby;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.NetworkServerTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SecurityManagerSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SystemPropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
public class NetworkServerControlApiTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
private static final String NON_ASCII_USER = "bj\u00F8rn";
private static final String NON_ASCII_PASSWORD = "l\u00F8yndom";
private static final String POLICY_FILE_NAME =
public NetworkServerControlApiTest(String name) {
/** Test NetworkServerControl API.
* Right now it tests only the trace command for DERBY-3110.
* TODO: Add tests for other API calls.
* Test other commands. These should all give a helpful error and the
* usage message
public void test_01_WrongUsage() throws Exception
final String nsc = "org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl";
// we'll assume that we get the full message if we get 'Usage'
// because sometimes, the message gets returned with carriage return,
// and sometimes it doesn't, checking for two different parts...
final String usage = "Usage: ";
// no arguments
String[] cmd = new String[] {nsc};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"No command given.", usage}, cmd, 1);
// some option but no command
cmd = new String[] {nsc, "-h", "localhost"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"No command given.", usage}, cmd, 1);
// unknown command
cmd = new String[] {nsc, "unknowncmd"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"Command unknowncmd is unknown.", usage}, cmd, 1);
// unknown option
cmd = new String[] {nsc, "-unknownarg"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"Argument -unknownarg is unknown.", usage}, cmd, 1);
// wrong number of arguments
cmd = new String[] {nsc, "ping", "arg1"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"Invalid number of arguments for command ping.", usage}, cmd, 1);
* @throws Exception
public void test_02_TraceCommands() throws Exception
NetworkServerControl nsctrl = NetworkServerTestSetup.getNetworkServerControl();
String derbySystemHome = getSystemProperty("derby.system.home");
// now try on a directory where we don't have permission
// this won't actually cause a failure until we turn on tracing.
// assume we don't have permission to write to root.
// attempt to turn on tracing to location where we don't have permisson
try {
fail("Should have gotten an exception turning on tracing");
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected exception
// make sure we can still ping;
* Test tracing with system properties if we have no permission
* to write to the trace directory. Make sure we can still
* get a connection. Trace directory set to "/" in test setup.
public void xtestTraceSystemPropertiesNoPermission() throws SQLException{
// our connection should go through fine and there should be an
// exception in the derby.log.
//access denied ( \\ read). I verified
// this manually when creating this fixture but do not know
// how to check in the test.
Connection conn = getConnection();
* Test tracing with system properties when we have permissions
* to write to the trace directory.
* Check that the tracing file is there.
public void xtestTraceSystemPropertiesHasPermission() throws SQLException{
String derbysystemhome = getSystemProperty("derby.system.home");
assertEquals(getSystemProperty("derby.drda.traceDirectory"),derbysystemhome + "/trace");
Connection conn = getConnection();
* Run the shutdown command with credentials that contain non-ASCII
* characters. Regression test case for DERBY-6457.
public void xtestShutdownWithNonASCIICredentials() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl control =
// Verify that the server is up.
// Shut down the server with the default credentials, which contain
// This call used to hang forever before DERBY-6457 was fixed.
// Verify that the server is down.
NetworkServerTestSetup.pingForServerUp(control, null, false);
* Test NetworkServerControl ping command.
* @throws Exception
public void test_03_Ping() throws Exception
String currentHost = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getHostName();
NetworkServerControl nsctrl = NetworkServerTestSetup.getNetworkServerControl();;
// Note:Cannot test ping with unknown host because it fails in
// InetAddress.getByName()
nsctrl = new NetworkServerControl(privInetAddressGetByName(currentHost), 9393);
try {;
fail("Should not have been able to ping on port 9393");
}catch (Exception e){
// expected exception
* Wraps InitAddress.getByName in privilege block.
* @param host host to resolve
* @return InetAddress of host
private InetAddress privInetAddressGetByName(final String host)
throws UnknownHostException {
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<InetAddress>() {
public InetAddress run() throws UnknownHostException {
return InetAddress.getByName(host);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw (UnknownHostException) pae.getCause();
private boolean fileExists(String filename) {
return PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.exists(new File(filename));
* Add decorators to a test run. Context is established in the reverse order
* that decorators are declared here. That is, decorators compose in reverse
* order. The order of the setup methods is:
* <ul>
* <li>Copy security policy to visible location.</li>
* <li>Install a security manager.</li>
* <li>Run the tests.</li>
* </ul>
private static Test decorateTest()
Test test = TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(
new BaseTestSuite(NetworkServerControlApiTest.class));
// Install a security manager using the initial policy file.
return new SecurityManagerSetup(test, POLICY_FILE_NAME);
public static Test suite()
BaseTestSuite suite =
new BaseTestSuite("NetworkServerControlApiTest");
// Need derbynet.jar in the classpath!
if (!Derby.hasServer())
return suite;
suite = decorateSystemPropertyTests(suite);
return suite;
private static BaseTestSuite decorateSystemPropertyTests(
BaseTestSuite suite) {
Properties traceProps = new Properties();
suite.addTest(new SystemPropertyTestSetup(TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(
new NetworkServerControlApiTest("xtestTraceSystemPropertiesNoPermission")),
Properties traceProps2 = new Properties();
traceProps2.put("derby.drda.traceDirectory",getSystemProperty("derby.system.home") + "/trace");
suite.addTest(new SystemPropertyTestSetup(TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(
new NetworkServerControlApiTest("xtestTraceSystemPropertiesHasPermission")),
return suite;
* Decorate a test case that will attempt to shut down a network server
* using the supplied credentials. The network server will run with
* authentication enabled.
* @param testName name of the test case to decorate
* @param user the user that should attempt to shut down the server
* @param password the password to be used when shutting down the server
* @return the decorated test case
private static Test decorateShutdownTest(String testName,
String user, String password) {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "true");
props.setProperty("derby.authentication.provider", "BUILTIN");
props.setProperty("derby.user." + user, password);
Test test = new NetworkServerControlApiTest(testName);
test = TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(test);
test = new SystemPropertyTestSetup(test, props, true);
test = TestConfiguration.changeUserDecorator(test, user, password);
return test;
// test fixtures from maxthreads
public void test_04_MaxThreads_0() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] maxthreadsCmd1 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "0","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
// test maxthreads 0
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]
{"Max threads changed to 0."}, maxthreadsCmd1, 0);
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 0, maxValue);
public void test_05_MaxThreads_Neg1() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] maxthreadsCmd2 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "-1", "-h", "localhost", "-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
String host = TestUtil.getHostName();
maxthreadsCmd2[4] = host;
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Max threads changed to 0."}, maxthreadsCmd2, 0);
//test maxthreads -1
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 0, maxValue);
* Calling with -12 should fail.
* @throws Exception
public void test_06_MaxThreads_Neg12() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
String[] maxthreadsCmd3 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "-12","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
//test maxthreads -12
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{
"Invalid value, -12, for maxthreads.",
"Usage: NetworkServerControl <commands>",
"start [-h <host>] [-p <port number>] [-noSecurityManager] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"shutdown [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>] [-user <username>] [-password <password>]",
"ping [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"sysinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"runtimeinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"logconnections { on|off } [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"maxthreads <max>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"timeslice <milliseconds>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"trace { on|off } [-s <session id>][-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"tracedirectory <trace directory>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
}, maxthreadsCmd3, 1);
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 0, maxValue);
public void test_07_MaxThreads_2147483647() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] maxthreadsCmd4 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "2147483647","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Max threads changed to 2147483647."}, maxthreadsCmd4, 0);
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 2147483647, maxValue);
public void test_08_MaxThreads_9000() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] maxthreadsCmd5 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "9000","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Max threads changed to 9000."}, maxthreadsCmd5, 0);
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 9000, maxValue);
* Calling with 'a' causes a NFE which results in an error.
* @throws Exception
public void test_09_MaxThreads_Invalid() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] maxthreadsCmd5 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "10000","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Max threads changed to 10000."}, maxthreadsCmd5, 0);
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 10000, maxValue);
String[] maxthreadsCmd6 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"maxthreads", "a"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Invalid value, a, for maxthreads.",
"Usage: NetworkServerControl <commands>",
"start [-h <host>] [-p <port number>] [-noSecurityManager] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"shutdown [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>] [-user <username>] [-password <password>]",
"ping [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"sysinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"runtimeinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"logconnections { on|off } [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"maxthreads <max>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"timeslice <milliseconds>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"trace { on|off } [-s <session id>][-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"tracedirectory <trace directory>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",}, maxthreadsCmd6, 1);
maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 10000, maxValue);
public void test_10_MaxThreadsCallable_0() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 0, maxValue);
public void test_11_MaxThreadsCallable_Neg1() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 0, maxValue);
* Test should throw an exception.
* @throws Exception
public void test_12_MaxThreadsCallable_Neg12() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception with 'DRDA_InvalidValue.U:Invalid value, -2, for maxthreads.'");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals("DRDA_InvalidValue.U:Invalid value, -2, for maxthreads.", e.getMessage());
public void test_13_MaxThreadsCallable_2147483647() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 2147483647, maxValue);
public void test_14_MaxThreadsCallable_9000() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int maxValue = server.getMaxThreads();
assertEquals("Fail! Max threads value incorrect!", 9000, maxValue);
// timeslice test fixtures
public void test_15_TimeSlice_0() throws Exception {
int value = 0;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd1 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "0","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Time slice changed to 0."}, timesliceCmd1, 0);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_16_TimeSlice_Neg1() throws Exception {
int value = 0;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd2 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "-1", "-h", "localhost", "-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
String host = TestUtil.getHostName();
timesliceCmd2[4] = host;
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Time slice changed to 0."}, timesliceCmd2, 0);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_17_TimeSlice_Neg12() throws Exception {
int value = 0;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd3 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "-12","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Invalid value, -12, for timeslice.",
"Usage: NetworkServerControl <commands> ",
"start [-h <host>] [-p <port number>] [-noSecurityManager] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"shutdown [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>] [-user <username>] [-password <password>]",
"ping [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"sysinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"runtimeinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"logconnections { on|off } [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"maxthreads <max>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"timeslice <milliseconds>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"trace { on|off } [-s <session id>][-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"tracedirectory <trace directory>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]"}, timesliceCmd3, 1);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_18_TimeSlice_2147483647() throws Exception {
int value = 2147483647;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd4 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "2147483647","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Time slice changed to 2147483647."}, timesliceCmd4, 0);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_19_TimeSlice_9000() throws Exception {
int value = 9000;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd5 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "9000","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Time slice changed to 9000."}, timesliceCmd5, 0);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_20_TimeSlice_a() throws Exception {
int value = 8000;
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
String[] timesliceCmd5 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "8000","-p", String.valueOf(TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort())};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Time slice changed to 8000."}, timesliceCmd5, 0);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
String[] timesliceCmd6 = new String[]{"org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl",
"timeslice", "a"};
assertExecJavaCmdAsExpected(new String[]{"Invalid value, a, for timeslice.",
"Usage: NetworkServerControl <commands> ",
"start [-h <host>] [-p <port number>] [-noSecurityManager] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"shutdown [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>] [-user <username>] [-password <password>]",
"ping [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"sysinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"runtimeinfo [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"logconnections { on|off } [-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"maxthreads <max>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"timeslice <milliseconds>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"trace { on|off } [-s <session id>][-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]",
"tracedirectory <trace directory>[-h <host>][-p <port number>] [-ssl <ssl mode>]"}, timesliceCmd6, 1);
timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_21_TimeSliceCallable_0() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int value = 0;
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_22_TimeSliceCallable_Neg1() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int value = 0;
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_23_TimeSliceCallable_Neg2() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int value = 0;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("Invalid value") != -1);
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_24_TimeSliceCallable_2147483647() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int value = 2147483647;
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);
public void test_25_TimeSliceCallable_9000() throws Exception {
NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getPort());
int value = 9000;
int timeSliceValue = server.getTimeSlice();
assertEquals(value, timeSliceValue);