blob: bb9247b031f421bbb021f42d9a270b3313d72c9e [file] [log] [blame]
ij> --
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- tests for synonym support
-- When we decide to convert this test to junit test, the converted tests can
-- go in existing
set schema APP;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- negative tests
-- Create a synonym to itself. Error.
create synonym syn for syn;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'SYN' cannot be created for 'APP.SYN' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> create synonym syn for APP.syn;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'SYN' cannot be created for 'APP.SYN' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> create synonym APP.syn for syn;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'APP.SYN' cannot be created for 'APP.SYN' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> create synonym APP.syn for APP.syn;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'APP.SYN' cannot be created for 'APP.SYN' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> -- Create a simple synonym loop. Error.
create synonym synonym1 for synonym;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'SYNONYM1' resolved to the object 'APP.SYNONYM' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym synonym for synonym1;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'SYNONYM' cannot be created for 'SYNONYM1' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> drop synonym synonym1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Create a larger synonym loop.
create synonym ts1 for ts;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS1' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts2 for ts1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS2' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts3 for ts2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS3' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts4 for ts3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS4' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts5 for ts4;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS5' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts6 for ts5;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'TS6' resolved to the object 'APP.TS' which is currently undefined.
ij> create synonym ts for ts6;
ERROR 42916: Synonym 'TS' cannot be created for 'TS6' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
ij> drop synonym App.ts1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym "APP".ts2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym TS3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym ts4;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym ts5;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym app.ts6;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Synonyms and table/view share same namespace. Negative tests for this.
create table table1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into table1 values (1,1), (2,2);
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create view view1 as select i, j from table1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym table1 for t1;
ERROR X0Y68: Table/View 'TABLE1' already exists.
ij> create synonym APP.Table1 for t1;
ERROR X0Y68: Table/View 'TABLE1' already exists.
ij> create synonym app.TABLE1 for "APP"."T";
ERROR X0Y68: Table/View 'TABLE1' already exists.
ij> create synonym APP.VIEW1 for v1;
ERROR X0Y68: Table/View 'VIEW1' already exists.
ij> create synonym "APP"."VIEW1" for app.v;
ERROR X0Y68: Table/View 'VIEW1' already exists.
ij> -- Synonyms can't be created on temporary tables
declare global temporary table session.t1 (c1 int) not logged;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym synForTemp for session.t1;
ERROR XCL51: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
ij> create synonym synForTemp for session."T1";
ERROR XCL51: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
ij> -- Synonyms can't be created in session schemas
create synonym session.table1 for APP.table1;
ERROR XCL51: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
ij> -- Creating a table or a view when a synonym of that name is present. Error.
create synonym myTable for table1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table myTable(i int, j int);
ERROR X0Y32: Table/View 'MYTABLE' already exists in Schema 'APP'.
ij> create view myTable as select * from table1;
ERROR X0Y32: Table/View 'MYTABLE' already exists in Schema 'APP'.
ij> -- Positive test cases
-- Using synonym in DML
select * from myTable;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> insert into myTable values (3,3), (4,4);
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from mytable;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
3 |3
4 |4
ij> update myTable set i=3 where j=4;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from mytable;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
3 |3
3 |4
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
3 |3
3 |4
ij> delete from myTable where i> 2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from "APP"."MYTABLE";
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> select * from APP.table1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> -- Try some cursors
get cursor c1 as 'select * from myTable';
ij> next c1;
I |J
1 |1
ij> next c1;
I |J
2 |2
ij> close c1;
ij> -- Try updatable cursors
autocommit off;
ij> get cursor c2 as 'select * from myTable for update';
ij> next c2;
I |J
1 |1
ij> update myTable set i=5 where current of c2;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> close c2;
ij> autocommit on;
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
5 |1
2 |2
ij> -- Try updatable cursors, with synonym at the top, base table inside.
autocommit off;
ij> get cursor c2 as 'select * from app.table1 for update';
ij> next c2;
I |J
5 |1
ij> update myTable set i=6 where current of c2;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> close c2;
ij> autocommit on;
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
ij> -- trigger tests
create table table2 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Should fail
create trigger tins after insert on myTable referencing new_table as new for each statement insert into table2 select i,j from table1;
ERROR 42Y55: 'CREATE TRIGGER' cannot be performed on 'MYTABLE' because it does not exist.
ij> -- Should pass
create trigger tins after insert on table1 referencing new_table as new for each statement insert into table2 select i,j from table1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop trigger tins;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create trigger triggerins after insert on table2 referencing new_table as new for each statement insert into myTable select i,j from new;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from myTable;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
ij> insert into table2 values (5, 5);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from myTable;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
5 |5
ij> drop table table2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Try referential constraints. Synonyms should not be allowed there.
create table primaryTab (i int not null primary key, j int, c char(10));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym synPrimary for primaryTab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Should fail
create table foreignTab(i int, j int CONSTRAINT SYNPK_F references synPrimary(i));
ERROR X0Y46: Constraint 'SYNPK_F' is invalid: referenced table SYNPRIMARY does not exist.
ij> create table foreignTab(i int, j int references primaryTab(i));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table foreignTab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table primaryTab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym synPrimary;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Tests with non existant schemas
-- Implicitly creates junkSchema
create synonym junkSchema.syn1 for table2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'SYN1' resolved to the object 'JUNKSCHEMA.TABLE2' which is currently undefined.
ij> select * from junkSchema.syn1;
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'JUNKSCHEMA.TABLE2' does not exist.
ij> set schema junkSchema;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table table2(c char(10));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from syn1;
ij> set schema APP;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Should resolve to junkSchema.table2
select * from junkSchema.syn1;
ij> drop table junkSchema.table2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Should fail. Need to drop synonym first
drop schema junkSchema restrict;
ERROR X0Y54: Schema 'JUNKSCHEMA' cannot be dropped because it is not empty.
ij> drop synonym junkSchema.syn1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop schema junkSchema restrict;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Test with target schema missing
create synonym mySynonym for notPresent.t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'MYSYNONYM' resolved to the object 'NOTPRESENT.T1' which is currently undefined.
ij> select * from mySynonym;
ERROR 42Y07: Schema 'NOTPRESENT' does not exist
ij> create table notPresent.t1(j int, c char(10));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into notPresent.t1 values (100, 'satheesh');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Should resolve now
select * from mySynonym;
J |C
100 |satheesh
ij> drop table notPresent.t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym mySynonym;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Positive test case with three levels of synonym chaining
create schema synonymSchema;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym synonymSchema.mySynonym1 for APP.table1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym APP.mySynonym2 for "SYNONYMSCHEMA"."MYSYNONYM1";
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym mySynonym for mySynonym2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
5 |5
ij> select * from mySynonym;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
5 |5
ij> insert into mySynonym values (6,6);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into mySynonym select * from mySynonym where i<2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from mySynonym;
I |J
6 |1
2 |2
5 |5
6 |6
ij> update mySynonym set j=5;
4 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update mySynonym set j=4 where i=5;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> delete from mySynonym where j=6;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 02000: No row was found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE; or the result of a query is an empty table.
ij> select * from mySynonym;
I |J
6 |5
2 |5
5 |4
6 |5
ij> select * from table1;
I |J
6 |5
2 |5
5 |4
6 |5
ij> -- cursor on mySynonym
get cursor c1 as 'select * from mySynonym';
ij> next c1;
I |J
6 |5
ij> next c1;
I |J
2 |5
ij> next c1;
I |J
5 |4
ij> close c1;
ij> -- More negative tests to check dependencies
select * from mySynonym;
I |J
6 |5
2 |5
5 |4
6 |5
ij> drop synonym mySynonym;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Previously compiled cached statement should get invalidated
select * from mySynonym;
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'MYSYNONYM' does not exist.
ij> -- drop and recreate schema test
create schema testSchema;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym multiSchema for testSchema.testtab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 01522: The newly defined synonym 'MULTISCHEMA' resolved to the object 'TESTSCHEMA.TESTTAB' which is currently undefined.
ij> select * from multiSchema;
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'TESTSCHEMA.TESTTAB' does not exist.
ij> create table testSchema.testtab(i int, c char(10));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into testSchema.testtab values (1, 'synonym');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from multiSchema;
I |C
1 |synonym
ij> drop table testSchema.testtab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop schema testSchema restrict;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create schema testSchema;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table testSchema.testtab(j int, c1 char(10), c2 char(20));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into testSchema.testtab values (1, 'synonym', 'test');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from multiSchema;
J |C1 |C2
1 |synonym |test
ij> drop synonym multiSchema;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table testSchema.testtab;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop view view1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table table1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- DERBY-1784
create schema test1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create schema test2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table test1.t1 ( id bigint not null );
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into test1.t1 values 1;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym test2.t1 for test1.t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> set schema test1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select from t1;
ij> set schema test2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select id from t1;
ij> select id from test2.t1;
ij> select from t1;
ij> select from test2.t1;
ij> -- DERBY-1894
-- ORDER BY clause with column qualifed by a synonym name where it is declared in
-- a different schema than the underlying table.
select from t1 order by id;
ij> select from t1 order by;
ij> select as c1 from t1 order by c1;
ij> select from t1 where > 0 order by;
ij> select from t1 where > 0 group by;
ij> select from t1 where > 0 group by having > 0 order by;
ij> select from t1;
ij> select from test2.t1;
ij> select from test2.t1 where > 0;
ij> select from test2.t1 where > 0 order by;
ij> select from test2.t1 order by id;
ij> select from test2.t1 order by;
ij> select from test2.t1 where > 0 order by;
ij> select from test2.t1 where > 0 group by;
ij> select from test2.t1 where > 0 group by having > 0 order by;
ij> select from t1 w1 order by id;
ij> select from t1 w1 order by;
ij> select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 order by idcolumn1, idcolumn2;
1 |1
ij> select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 order by t1.idcolumn1, t1.idcolumn2;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select from (select from t1) t1 order by;
ij> select from (select from t1 a, t1 b where t1 order by;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.ID' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.ID' is not a column in the target table.
ij> create table t2 (id bigint not null, name varchar(20));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym s1 for test2.t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym s2 for test2.t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into s2 values (1, 'John');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into s2 values (2, 'Yip');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into s2 values (3, 'Jane');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select, from s1, s2 where order by,;
1 |John
ij> select from s2 where in (select from s1) order by;
ij> select from s2 where exists (select from s1) order by;
ij> select from s2 where exists (select from s1 where order by;
ij> -- should fail
select from t1 w1 order by;
ERROR 42X10: 'TEST2.W1' is not an exposed table name in the scope in which it appears.
ij> select from t1 w1 order by;
ERROR 42X10: 'TEST1.W1' is not an exposed table name in the scope in which it appears.
ij> select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 group by idcolumn1, idcolumn2 order by idcolumn1, idcolumn2;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'IDCOLUMN1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'IDCOLUMN1' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 group by t1.idcolumn1, t1.idcolumn2 order by t1.idcolumn1, t1.idcolumn2;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select as c1 from t1 where c1 > 0 order by c1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'C1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'C1' is not a column in the target table.
ij> drop synonym s1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym s2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table test2.t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table test1.t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> set schema app;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table A (id integer);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into A values 29;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym B for A;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select from a;
ij> select from b;
ij> select from b as b;
ij> select from (select from b) as b;
ij> select from (select from b as b) as b;
ij> drop synonym B;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table A;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create view v1 as select * from t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 values (1, 10);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym s1 for t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym sv1 for v1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- should fail
select t1.i from s1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select v1.i from sv1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'V1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'V1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select sv1.i from sv1 as w1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'SV1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'SV1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 where s1.k = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'S1.K' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'S1.K' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 where w1.i = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'W1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'W1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select * from s1 where w1.i = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'W1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'W1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 as w1 where w1.i = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'S1.J' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'S1.J' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select w1.j from s1 as w1 where s1.i = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'S1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'S1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 where t1.i = 1;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 group by t1.j;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.J' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.J' is not a column in the target table.
ij> select s1.j from s1 group by s1.j having t1.j > 0;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.J' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.J' is not a column in the target table.
ij> insert into s1 (t1.i) values 100;
ERROR 42X55: Table name 'T1' should be the same as 'S1'.
ij> update s1 set t1.i=1;
ERROR 42X55: Table name 'T1' should be the same as 'S1'.
ij> delete from s1 where t1.i=100;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> -- ok
select s1.i from s1;
ij> select s1.i from s1 as s1;
ij> select s1.i from s1 where i = 1;
ij> select s1.i from s1 where s1.i = 1;
ij> select s1.i from s1 as s1 where i = 1;
ij> select w1.i from s1 as w1 where w1.i = 1;
ij> select sv1.i from sv1;
ij> select sv1.i from sv1 as sv1;
ij> select sv1.i from sv1 where i = 1;
ij> select sv1.i from sv1 where sv1.i = 1;
ij> select sv1.i from sv1 as sv1 where i = 1;
ij> select wv1.i from sv1 as wv1 where wv1.i = 1;
ij> select s1.i, s1.i from s1;
I |I
1 |1
ij> select sv1.i, sv1.i from sv1;
I |I
1 |1
ij> select * from s1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from s1 where i = 1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from s1 where s1.i = 1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from s1 as s1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from s1 as w1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from sv1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from sv1 as sv1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from sv1 as w1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from sv1 where i = 1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select * from sv1 where sv1.i = 1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select s1.i from (select s1.i from s1) as s1;
ij> select sv1.i from (select sv1.i from sv1) as sv1;
ij> create table t2 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t2 values (1, 100), (1, 100), (2, 200);
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create view v2 as select * from t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym s2 for t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym sv2 for v2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select s2.j from s2 group by s2.j order by s2.j;
ij> select s2.j from s2 group by s2.j having s2.j > 100 order by s2.j;
ij> select s1.i, s1.j from (select s1.i, s2.j from s1,s2 where s1.i=s2.i) as s1;
I |J
1 |100
1 |100
ij> select sv2.j from sv2 group by sv2.j order by sv2.j;
ij> select sv2.j from sv2 group by sv2.j having sv2.j > 100 order by sv2.j;
ij> select sv1.i, sv1.j from (select sv1.i, sv2.j from sv1,sv2 where sv1.i=sv2.i) as sv1;
I |J
1 |100
1 |100
ij> select max(s2.i) from s2;
ij> select max(sv2.i) from sv2;
ij> select * from s1 inner join s2 on (s1.i = s2.i);
I |J |I |J
1 |10 |1 |100
1 |10 |1 |100
ij> select * from sv1 inner join sv2 on (sv1.i = sv2.i);
I |J |I |J
1 |10 |1 |100
1 |10 |1 |100
ij> select s1.* from s1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> select sv1.* from sv1;
I |J
1 |10
ij> create table t3 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t3 values (10, 0), (11, 0), (12, 0);
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create synonym s3 for t3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into s1 (s1.i, s1.j) values (2, 20);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into app.s1 (s1.i, s1.j) values (3, 30);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into app.s1 (app.s1.i, s1.j) values (4, 40);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into app.s1 (app.s1.i, app.s1.j) values (5, 50);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update s1 set s1.j = 1;
5 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update app.s1 set s1.j = 2;
5 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update app.s1 set app.s1.j = 3;
5 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update s1 set s1.j = 4 where s1.i = 3;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update app.s1 set app.s1.j = 5 where app.s1.i = 4;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> delete from s1 where s1.i = 4;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> delete from app.s1 where app.s1.i = 5;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> update app.s1 set s1.j = s1.i, s1.i = s1.j;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from s1;
I |J
3 |1
3 |2
4 |3
ij> update app.s1 set s1.j = s1.i, s1.i = s1.j;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from s1;
I |J
1 |3
2 |3
3 |4
ij> delete from s1;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- should fail
insert into s1 (s1.i) select s1.i from s3;
ERROR 42X04: Column 'S1.I' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'S1.I' is not a column in the target table.
ij> -- ok
insert into s1 (s1.i) select s3.i from s3;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into s1 select * from s3;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from s1;
I |J
10 |NULL
11 |NULL
12 |NULL
10 |0
11 |0
12 |0
ij> -- clean up
drop synonym s3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym sv2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym s2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym s1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop synonym sv1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop view v2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop view v1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table t3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted