blob: 2318739ae22aaf03d366c765b71d7ef403f78884 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- Test multi user lock interaction under isolation level 3. default isolation
-- level has been set as a property to serializable.
-- Test 0: verify isolation level by seeing if a read lock is released or not.
connect 'wombat' as scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(SCANNER)> connect 'wombat' as writer;
ij(WRITER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(WRITER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(WRITER)> run resource '/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/store/createTestProcedures.subsql';
ij(WRITER)> --
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(WRITER)> -- set up
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> autocommit off;
ij(SCANNER)> create table test_0 (a int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into test_0 values (1);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> set connection writer;
ij(WRITER)> autocommit off;
ij(WRITER)> -- scanner should hold read lock on table until end of transaction.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> select * from test_0;
ij(SCANNER)> -- writer should get a lock timeout.
set connection writer;
ij(WRITER)> insert into test_0 values (2);
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(WRITER)> -- scanner should only see the original row.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> select * from test_0;
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> select * from test_0;
ij(SCANNER)> -- cleanup
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> drop table test_0;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> disconnect;
ij> set connection writer;
ij(WRITER)> disconnect;
ij> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 1: make sure a leaf root growing get's the right lock.
-- Test setup - create a 1 page btre, with the page ready to split.
connect 'wombat' as scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(SCANNER)> connect 'wombat' as rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(ROOTGROWER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(ROOTGROWER)> set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> autocommit off;
ij(SCANNER)> create table a (a varchar(1000), b varchar(1000)) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('a',1000), PADSTRING('a',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('c',1000), PADSTRING('c',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> create index a_idx on a (a) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> ;
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> set connection rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> autocommit off;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> commit;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Set up scanner to be doing a row locked covered scan on the index.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> autocommit off;
ij(SCANNER)> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault','1');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> get cursor scan_cursor as
'select a from a where a >= PADSTRING(''a'',1000) and a < PADSTRING(''c'',1000) ';
ij(SCANNER)> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault', '16');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> next scan_cursor;
a &
ij(SCANNER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Before DERBY-2991 the attempt to split the root would time out because the
-- scan had locked the first page.
set connection rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> autocommit off;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('d',1000), PADSTRING('d',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(ROOTGROWER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The scan should continue unaffected.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> next scan_cursor;
b &
ij(SCANNER)> next scan_cursor;
No current row
ij(SCANNER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This insert will block on the previous key lock of the scanner.
set connection rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('ab',1000), PADSTRING('ab',1000));
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(ROOTGROWER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Now the grow root should be allowed (note that cursor scan has locks
-- on the leaf page being grown - just not the scan lock).
-- (Scan locks are no longer used after DERBY-2991.)
set connection rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('d',1000), PADSTRING('d',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(ROOTGROWER)> select a from a;
a &
b &
c &
d &
ij(ROOTGROWER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- cleanup.
set connection rootgrower;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> commit;
ij(ROOTGROWER)> disconnect;
ij> set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> drop table a;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> disconnect;
ij> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 2: make sure previous key locks are gotten correctly.
connect 'wombat' as client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(CLIENT_1)> connect 'wombat' as client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_2)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(CLIENT_2)> set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_1)> create table a (a varchar(1000), b varchar(1000)) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> create index a_idx on a (a) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- the following will not cause a time out, as the previous
-- key insert lock will not conflict with other insert locks, only other
-- select locks, or non insert update locks.
insert into a values (PADSTRING('c',1000), PADSTRING('c',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- the following should NOT cause a time out
insert into a values (PADSTRING('a',1000), PADSTRING('a',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- cleanup.
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_2)> drop table a;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_2)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 3: make sure an exact key insert into unique key index blocks.
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_1)> create table a (a varchar(1000), b varchar(1000));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> create unique index a_idx on a (a) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> insert into a values (PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- the following should cause a time out, as the previous
-- key lock will conflict with client_1's lock on 'b'
insert into a values (PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(CLIENT_2)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 4: make sure that row lock wait in a heap scan works
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_1)> create table test_4 (a int, b varchar(1000), c varchar(1000)) ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> autocommit off;
ij(CLIENT_2)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_2)> -- client_1 will get a single row lock in the heap.
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> insert into test_4 values (1, PADSTRING('a',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> -- client_2 scans table, blocking on a row lock on the client_1 insert row,
-- will get timout message.
set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> select * from test_4;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(CLIENT_2)> -- release the insert lock.
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> -- reader should be able to see row now.
set connection client_2;
ij(CLIENT_2)> select * from test_4;
A |B |C
1 |a &|b &
ij(CLIENT_2)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_2)> -- cleanup
set connection client_1;
ij(CLIENT_1)> drop table test_4;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(CLIENT_1)> commit;
ij(CLIENT_1)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 5: make sure a that a group fetch through a secondary index correctly
-- handles the previous to first key locking. In serializable the
-- scanner should hold the previous to first key lock until end of
-- transaction, thus blocking the attempted insert to the range.
connect 'wombat' as scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(SCANNER)> connect 'wombat' as inserter;
ij(INSERTER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(INSERTER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(INSERTER)> set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> autocommit off;
ij(SCANNER)> create table test_5 (a int, b varchar(1000), c varchar(1000));
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into test_5 values (1, PADSTRING('a',1000), PADSTRING('a',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> insert into test_5 values (2, PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> create index test_5_idx on test_5 (a);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> set connection inserter;
ij(INSERTER)> autocommit off;
ij(INSERTER)> commit;
ij(INSERTER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Set up scanner to be doing a row locked index to base row scan on the index.
-- By using group fetch it will read and release locks on multiple rows from
-- the index and save away row pointers from the index.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault','10');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> get cursor scan_cursor as
'select a, b from test_5 where a <= 2 ';
ij(SCANNER)> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault', '16');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> -- because of group locking will get locks on 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and then will
-- release the locks on 1, 2, 3, and 4. The last one is released on close or
-- on next call emptying the cursor.
next scan_cursor;
A |B
1 |a &
ij(SCANNER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Insert a row previous to all other rows, this should block and back out.
set connection inserter;
ij(INSERTER)> insert into test_5 values (0, PADSTRING('b',1000), PADSTRING('b',1000));
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(INSERTER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The scan should finish fine without blocking.
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> next scan_cursor;
A |B
2 |b &
ij(SCANNER)> next scan_cursor;
No current row
ij(SCANNER)> -- commit the insert
set connection inserter;
ij(INSERTER)> commit;
ij(INSERTER)> -- scanner should now see 1 and 2
set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> close scan_cursor;
ij(SCANNER)> select a from test_5;
ij(SCANNER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- cleanup.
set connection inserter;
ij(INSERTER)> commit;
ij(INSERTER)> disconnect;
ij> set connection scanner;
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> drop table test_5;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(SCANNER)> commit;
ij(SCANNER)> disconnect;
ij> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test 6: test update locks
connect 'wombat' as t6scanner;
ij(T6SCANNER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6SCANNER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(T6SCANNER)> connect 'wombat' as t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(T6UPDATER)> connect 'wombat' as t6writer;
ij(T6WRITER)> set isolation to rr;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> -- by default, holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object is true. Following will set it to false for this connection.
ij(T6WRITER)> run resource '/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/store/LockTableQuery.subsql';
ij(T6WRITER)> --
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
create view lock_table as
cast(username as char(8)) as username,
cast(t.type as char(15)) as trantype,
cast(l.type as char(8)) as type,
cast(lockcount as char(3)) as cnt,
cast(tablename as char(12)) as tabname,
cast(lockname as char(10)) as lockname,
syscs_diag.lock_table l right outer join syscs_diag.transaction_table t
on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' and t.type='UserTransaction';
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> --on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' or l.tableType is null
-- order by
-- tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname
-- lock table with system catalog locks included.
create view full_lock_table as
cast(username as char(8)) as username,
cast(t.type as char(8)) as trantype,
cast(l.type as char(8)) as type,
cast(lockcount as char(3)) as cnt,
cast(tablename as char(12)) as tabname,
cast(lockname as char(10)) as lockname,
syscs_diag.lock_table l right outer join syscs_diag.transaction_table t
on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> -- lock table with no join.
-- DERBY-6183, removing CAST's to avoid background locks causing
-- data trunction warnings.
create view lock_table2 as
lockcount as cnt,
tablename as tabname,
where tableType <> 'S' ;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> -- transaction table with no join.
create view tran_table as
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> -- set up
set connection t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> autocommit off;
ij(T6UPDATER)> create table test_6 (a int, b int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> insert into test_6 values (1,1);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> insert into test_6 values (2,2);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> insert into test_6 values (8,8);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> create index test6_idx on test_6 (a);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6UPDATER)> commit;
ij(T6UPDATER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
ij(T6UPDATER)> --
-- t6updater gets an update lock on row where a=1
get cursor update_cursor as
'select b from test_6 where a=1 for update of b';
ij(T6UPDATER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6UPDATER)> next update_cursor;
ij(T6UPDATER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6UPDATER)> set connection t6scanner;
ij(T6SCANNER)> autocommit off;
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- try to scan the table, should timeout
select * from test_6;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- try to update the table, should timeout
update test_6 set b=99 where a = 1;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- try to update the table, should timeout (previous key is locked)
update test_6 set b=99 where a = 2;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- try to update the table, should go through
update test_6 set b=99 where a = 8;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |2 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |X |TEST_6 |(1,8) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |3 |X |TEST_6 |(1,9) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> commit;
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- try to get an update lock
get cursor update_cursor2 as
'select b from test_6 where a=1 for update of b';
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- should timeout (other transaction has a shared lock on this row)
next update_cursor2;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- should succeed (no other transaction has a shared lock on this row)
get cursor update_cursor3 as
'select b from test_6 where a=8 for update of b';
ij(T6SCANNER)> select type, cnt, mode, tabname, lockname, state from lock_table2 order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
TABLE|1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT
TABLE|1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT
ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT
ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT
ij(T6SCANNER)> next update_cursor3;
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,8) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,9) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> commit;
ij(T6SCANNER)> close update_cursor2;
ij(T6SCANNER)> close update_cursor3;
ij(T6SCANNER)> set connection t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> commit;
ij(T6UPDATER)> close update_cursor;
ij(T6UPDATER)> set connection t6scanner;
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- t6scanner gets a read lock
select b from test_6 where a=1;
ij(T6SCANNER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IS |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |S |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |S |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- should succeed (can get an update lock if there is already a shared lock)
set connection t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> get cursor update_cursor as
'select b from test_6 where a=1 for update of b';
ij(T6UPDATER)> next update_cursor;
ij(T6UPDATER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IS |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |S |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |S |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,3) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |U |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6UPDATER)> commit;
ij(T6UPDATER)> close update_cursor;
ij(T6UPDATER)> set connection t6scanner;
ij(T6SCANNER)> commit;
ij(T6SCANNER)> --
-- t6writer gets a write lock
set connection t6writer;
ij(T6WRITER)> autocommit off;
ij(T6WRITER)> update test_6 set b=77 where a=2;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij(T6WRITER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |2 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |X |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |3 |X |TEST_6 |(1,8) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6WRITER)> set connection t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> get cursor update_cursor as
'select b from test_6 where a=2 for update of b';
ij(T6UPDATER)> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname;
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |1 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|TABLE |2 |IX |TEST_6 |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |1 |X |TEST_6 |(1,7) |GRANT|ACTIVE
APP |UserTransaction|ROW |3 |X |TEST_6 |(1,8) |GRANT|ACTIVE
ij(T6UPDATER)> --
-- should timeout
next update_cursor;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6UPDATER)> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- cleanup.
set connection t6updater;
ij(T6UPDATER)> close update_cursor;
ij(T6UPDATER)> drop table test_6;
ERROR 40XL1: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
ij(T6UPDATER)> commit;
ij(T6UPDATER)> disconnect;
ij> set connection t6scanner;
ij(T6SCANNER)> disconnect;
ij> set connection t6writer;
ij(T6WRITER)> disconnect;
ij> exit;