blob: a7c4d67d98fa24760b65cb62a11e6ca8b60d4255 [file] [log] [blame]
ij> --
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- this test is for basic insert functionality
-- NOTE: drop, create, select from the same table doesn't work yet either.
-- create the tables
create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t2 (k int, l int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- populate t2
insert into t2 values (1, 2);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t2 values (3, 4);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- select * from t2
insert into t1 select * from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (i, j) select * from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (j, i) select * from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |2
3 |4
1 |2
3 |4
2 |1
4 |3
ij> -- drop and recreate t1
drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- select column list from t2
insert into t1 select k, l from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 select l, k from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (i, j) select k, l from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (j, i) select k, l from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |2
3 |4
2 |1
4 |3
1 |2
3 |4
2 |1
4 |3
ij> -- drop and recreate t1
drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- select constants from t2
insert into t1 select 5, 6 from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (i, j) select 5, 6 from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (j, i) select 6, 5 from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
5 |6
5 |6
5 |6
5 |6
5 |6
5 |6
ij> -- drop and recreate t1
drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (i) select 666 from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 (j) select 666 from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1 where i = 666 or j = 666;
I |J
666 |NULL
666 |NULL
NULL |666
NULL |666
ij> -- drop and recreate t1
drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- Negative test cases - column references in values clause
insert into t1 values(1, c1);
ERROR 42X04: Column 'C1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'C1' is not a column in the target table.
ij> insert into t1 values("asdf asdf", 2);
ERROR 42X04: Column 'asdf asdf' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'asdf asdf' is not a column in the target table.
ij> -- Negative test case - syntax error
insert into t1 values;
ERROR 42X80: VALUES clause must contain at least one element. Empty elements are not allowed.
ij> -- Too many values in values clause
insert into t1 values(1,1,1);
ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
ij> -- insert select with too many result columns in select
insert into t1 select 1, 2, 3 from t2;
ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
ij> -- multiple instances of same column in colum list
insert into t1 (i, i) values(2,2);
ERROR 42X13: Column name 'I' appears more than once times in the column list of an INSERT statement.
ij> -- target column list size != source size
insert into t1 (i, j) values(1);
ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
ij> insert into t1 (i) values (1, 2);
ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
ij> -- Negative test cases - column name not specified
insert into t1 select 666 from t2;
ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
ij> -- target table in source - deferred mode
insert into t1 values (1,1);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 values (2,2);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> delete from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t2 select * from t1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> autocommit off;
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> insert into t1 select t1.* from t1, t2;
4 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1 order by 1, 2;
I |J
1 |1
1 |1
1 |1
2 |2
2 |2
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> insert into t1 (i) select (select i from t1 where i = 1) from t2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> insert into t1 (i) select 1 from t2 where 1 = (select i from t1 where i = 1);
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> insert into t1 select * from (select * from t1) a;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> -- bug 5638
insert into t1 select * from t2 union select * from t1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> -- bug 5638
insert into t1 select * from t2 union select * from (select * from t1) a;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> -- single-row deferred insert
insert into t1 select * from t1 where i = 1;
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
1 |1
ij> rollback;
ij> -- zero-row deferred insert - degenerate case
insert into t1 select * from t1 where i = 17;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
ij> rollback;
ij> -- insert-select with ? parameters
prepare i1 as 'insert into t1 (j, i) select 101,102 from t1 where i = ?';
ij> execute i1 using 'values (1)';
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from t1;
I |J
1 |1
2 |2
102 |101
ij> rollback;
ij> autocommit on;
ij> -- test atomicity of multi row inserts
create table atom_test_target (c1 smallint);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table atom_test_source (c1 smallint);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into atom_test_source values 1, 30000,0, 2;
4 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- overflow
insert into atom_test_target select c1 + c1 from atom_test_source;
ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type SMALLINT.
ij> select * from atom_test_target;
ij> -- divide by 0
insert into atom_test_target select c1 / c1 from atom_test_source;
ERROR 22012: Attempt to divide by zero.
ij> select * from atom_test_target;
ij> -- Derby-34
create table tchar( i int, c char(1) for bit data default x'02');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table tchar1 (i int, c char(5) for bit data default x'2020202020',
v varchar(5) for bit data default x'2020',
l long varchar for bit data default x'303030');
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table tchar;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table tchar1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- insert various numeric types into other numeric types
create table i1 (i int, t int, s smallint, l bigint, r real, dp double, dc dec);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table i2 (i int, t int, s smallint, l bigint, r real, dp double, dc dec);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table tab1 (
i integer,
t integer,
s integer,
l bigint,
r real,
dp double,
dc decimal);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i1 values (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i1 values (null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into tab1 values(1,
cast(2 as int),
cast(3 as smallint),
cast(4 as bigint),
cast(5.5 as real),
cast(6.6 as double),
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into tab1 values (null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select i, i, i, i, i, i, i from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select t, t, t, t, t, t, t from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select s, s, s, s, s, s, s from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select l, l, l, l, l, l, l from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select r, r, r, r, r, r, r from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select dp, dp, dp, dp, dp, dp, dp from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, dc from i1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from i2;
I |T |S |L |R |DP |DC
1 |1 |1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 |1
2 |2 |2 |2 |2.0 |2.0 |2
3 |3 |3 |3 |3.0 |3.0 |3
4 |4 |4 |4 |4.0 |4.0 |4
5 |5 |5 |5 |5.5 |5.5 |5
6 |6 |6 |6 |6.6 |6.6 |6
7 |7 |7 |7 |7.0 |7.0 |7
ij> delete from i2;
14 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i2 select i, t, s, l, r, dp, dc from tab1;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from i2;
I |T |S |L |R |DP |DC
1 |2 |3 |4 |5.5 |6.6 |7
ij> -- get the rest
create table i3 (b char(1) for bit data,
bv varchar(1) for bit data,
lbv long varchar for bit data,
c char(10),
cv varchar(10),
lvc long varchar,
dt date,
t time,
ts timestamp);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table i4 (b char (1) for bit data,
bv varchar(1) for bit data,
lbv long varchar for bit data,
c char(10),
cv varchar(10),
lvc long varchar,
dt date,
t time,
ts timestamp);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i3 values (X'11', X'22', X'25', '3', '4', '5', '1990-10-10',
'11:11:11', '1990-11-11 11:11:11');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i3 values (null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i4 select * from i3;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from i4;
11 |22 |25 |3 |4 |5 |1990-10-10|11:11:11|1990-11-11 11:11:11.0
ij> delete from i4;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table tab2 (
c char,
cv varchar(10),
lvc long varchar,
dt date,
t time,
ts timestamp);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into tab2 values ('3', '4', '5', '1990-10-10',
'11:11:11', '1990-11-11 11:11:11');
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into tab2 values (null, null, null, null, null, null);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into i4 (c, cv, lvc, dt, t, ts) select c, cv, lvc, dt, t, ts from tab2;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from i4;
NULL|NULL|NULL |3 |4 |5 |1990-10-10|11:11:11|1990-11-11 11:11:11.0
ij> -- drop the tables
drop table t1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table t2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table atom_test_target;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table atom_test_source;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table i1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table i2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table i3;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table i4;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table tab1;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> drop table tab2;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- test bug 4293, extremely huge insert statement, not using FileImport.
create table POLICY_STATEMENTS (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 long varchar, c5 long varchar, c6 int, c7 int, c8 int, c9 int, c10 int, c11 int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 101,1,null,'All information systems within %%short_company_name%% are the property of %%short_company_name%% and will be used in compliance with %%short_company_name%% policy statements.','This is a specific and clear statement about ownership of corporate assets. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets.',null,1,1,null,null,1),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 102,1,null,'Any personal information placed on %%short_company_name%% information system resources becomes the property of %%short_company_name%%.','This is a specific and clear statement about who owns information residing on corporate assets. Failure to include this statement would lead to confusion over ownership of information residing on corporate assets and would reduce the ability to recover and/or use such information.',null,1,2,null,null,2),
( 103,1,null,'Any attempt to circumvent %%short_company_name%% security policy statements and procedures (i.e., disconnecting or tunneling a protocol through a firewall) is strictly prohibited.','All security policy statements will be followed, and attempts to circumvent them will not be tolerated. Failure to include this policy statement may lead users to incorrectly believe that they can circumvent policies.',null,1,3,null,null,3),
( 104,1,null,'Unauthorized use, destruction, modification, and/or distribution of %%short_company_name%% information or information systems is prohibited.','This defines some of the many restrictions on the use of %%short_company_name%% information systems. Failure to include this policy statement may lead to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions against users who abuse company assets to the unauthorized use of company resources and eliminate the company''s ability to take disciplinary actions to users who abuse company assets.',null,1,4,null,null,4);
356 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select count(*) from POLICY_STATEMENTS;
ij> drop table POLICY_STATEMENTS;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -- DERBY-3310 type conversions in insert
create table U (SNAME varchar(32000), TNAME Varchar(32000), C1 bigint);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into U(SNAME, TNAME, C1) select distinct SCHEMANAME, TABLENAME, 2
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from U;
APP |U |2
ij> drop table U;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create table d3310 (x bigint);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into d3310 select distinct * from (values 2.0, 2.1, 2.2) v;
3 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select * from d3310;
ij> drop table d3310;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted