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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness;
import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class RunSuite
static final boolean verbose=true;
static String suites; // list of subsuites in this suite
static Vector<String> suitesToRun; // Vector of suites to run
// Properties which may be specified
static String jvmName = "";
static String javaCmd = "java";
static String jvmflags = ""; // jvm flags as one string
static String javaVersion;
static String classpath;
static String classpathServer;
static String testJavaFlags = ""; // formerly systest_javaflags
static String testSpecialProps = "";
static String userdir;
static String framework;
static String runwithibmjvm;
static String excludeJCC;
static boolean useprocess = true;
static boolean skipsed = false;
static String systemdiff = "false";
static String topSuiteName = "";
static String outputdir; // location of output (default is userdir)
static String outcopy = "false"; // true if support files should go to outDir
static String canondir; // location of master dir (default is master)
static String bootcp; // path for j9 bootclasspath setting
static String serverJvm; // path for j9 bootclasspath setting
static String hostName; // needs to be settable for IPV6 testing; localhost otherwise.
static String testEncoding; // setting the encoding.
static String ijdefaultResourcePackage; // for ij tests only
static String debug; // for setting verbose mode to pass down to RunTest
static String timeout; // to allow killing a hanging test
static String shutdownurl; //used mainly by useprocess=false tests
static String reportstderr; // can set to disable (to turn off JIT errors, etc.)
static Properties suiteProperties;
static Properties specialProperties;
// Output variables
static PrintWriter pwOut = null; // for writing suite output
static File outDir; // test out dir
static File runDir; // where the suite/tests are run
static File outFile; // suite output file
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
if ((System.getProperty("") != null) && System.getProperty("").equals("J9"))
javaCmd = "j9";
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
String j9config = System.getProperty("");
if (j9config != null)
if (j9config.equals("foun10"))
else if (j9config.equals("foun11"))
else if (j9config.equals("max"))
else if (j9config.equals("dee"))
String suiteName = args[0];
if ( suiteName == null )
System.out.println("No suite name argument.");
topSuiteName = suiteName;
System.out.println("Top suite: " + suiteName);
// suiteName may be one suite or a list of suites
suitesToRun = new Vector<String>();
// Get properties set in the suite's properties file
suiteProperties = getSuiteProperties(suiteName, true);
// There may be system properties which will override
// the suiteProperties. This will make it easier when you
// do not want to edit the suite props for a special case
// Get any special properties that are not the usual
// expected properties (we separate these from suiteProperties
// to avoid conflicts)
specialProperties =
// Setup the initial output
// Get the current time to write a timestamp
String startTime = CurrentTime.getTime();
pwOut.println("******* Start Suite: " + suiteName +
" " + startTime + " *******");
// Write sysinfo to the output file
if (useprocess) // doesn't work on Mac
SysInfoLog sysLog= new SysInfoLog();
sysLog.exec(jvmName, javaCmd, classpath, framework, pwOut, useprocess);
getSuitesList(suiteName, true);
// Get the current time to write a timestamp
String endTime = CurrentTime.getTime();
pwOut.println("******* End Suite: " + suiteName +
" " + endTime + " *******");
String genrep = System.getProperty("genrep");
boolean isGenrep = true;
if (genrep!=null) isGenrep = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(genrep);
if (isGenrep)
String[] genargs = new String[6];
genargs[0] = args[0];
genargs[1] = jvmName;
genargs[2] = javaCmd;
genargs[3] = classpath;
genargs[4] = framework;
if (useprocess)
genargs[5] = "true";
genargs[5] = "false";
static void getSuitesList(String topparent, boolean isTop)
throws Exception, ClassNotFoundException, IOException
// Get the suite properties if it exists
Properties p;
if ( (suites == null) || (suites.length()==0) )
// There is a single suite, not a list, just add it
if (verbose) System.out.println("Suite to run: " + topparent+":"+topparent);
// Use RunList class to issue the RunTest commands
if (verbose) System.out.println("Now do RunList");
//System.out.println("skipsed: " + skipsed);
RunList rl = new RunList(suitesToRun, runDir, outDir, pwOut,
suiteProperties, specialProperties, topparent);
isTop = false;
// Build the Vector from suites string
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(suites);
String subparent = "";
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
subparent = st.nextToken();
p = getSuiteProperties(subparent, isTop);
if ( (p.getProperty("suites") == null) || (subparent.equals(topparent)) )
//System.out.println("Add to suitesToRun: " + topparent+":"+subparent);
// Use RunList class to issue the RunTest commands
if (verbose) System.out.println("Now do RunList");
//System.out.println("skipsed: " + skipsed);
RunList rl = new RunList(suitesToRun, runDir, outDir, pwOut,
suiteProperties, specialProperties, topparent);
else // This suite also has nested suites
String sublist = p.getProperty("suites");
//System.out.println("list for this SubSuite= " + sublist);
BuildSuitesVector(subparent, sublist);
// Use RunList class to issue the RunTest commands
if (verbose) System.out.println("Now do RunList");
//System.out.println("skipsed: " + skipsed);
RunList rl = new RunList(suitesToRun, runDir, outDir, pwOut,
suiteProperties, specialProperties, subparent);
static void BuildSuitesVector(String parent, String subsuites)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
Properties p;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subsuites);
String child = "";
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
child = st.nextToken();
if (child.equals(parent))
//System.out.println("Add this: " + parent+":"+child);
p = getSuiteProperties(child, false);
if ( p.getProperty("suites") == null )
//System.out.println("Add this: " + parent+":"+child);
String moresuites = p.getProperty("suites");
BuildSuitesVector(child, moresuites);
static Properties getSuiteProperties(String suiteName, boolean isTop)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
// Locate the suite's config file and get the properties
// The file should be in the harness dir or user.dir
String suiteProps = "suites" + '/' + suiteName + ".properties";
userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
InputStream is = RunTest.loadTestResource(suiteProps);
if (is == null)
// Look in userdir
suiteProps = userdir + '/' + suiteName + ".properties";
is = RunTest.loadTestResource(suiteProps);
Properties p = new Properties();
if (is == null)
return p;
// The top level suite may have special properties
// which get propagated to any subsuites
if (isTop == true)
String tmpjvmName=jvmName;
jvmName = p.getProperty("jvm");
if ( (jvmName == null) || (jvmName.length()==0) )
javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
javaVersion = jvmName;
// for j9, we cannot just use java.version.
String javavmVersion;
if (System.getProperty("").equals("J9"))
javavmVersion = (System.getProperty("java.vm.version"));
javavmVersion = javaVersion;
JavaVersionHolder jvh = new JavaVersionHolder(javavmVersion);
String majorVersion = jvh.getMajorVersion();
String minorVersion = jvh.getMinorVersion();
int iminor = jvh.getMinorNumber();
int imajor = jvh.getMajorNumber();
if ( (iminor < 2) && (imajor < 2) )
jvmName = "currentjvm";
jvmName = "jdk" + majorVersion + minorVersion;
if ( tmpjvmName != null)
jvmName= tmpjvmName;
javaCmd = p.getProperty("javaCmd");
jvmflags = p.getProperty("jvmflags");
testJavaFlags = p.getProperty("testJavaFlags");
testSpecialProps = p.getProperty("testSpecialProps");
classpath = p.getProperty("classpath");
classpathServer = p.getProperty("classpathServer");
framework = p.getProperty("framework");
String usepr = p.getProperty("useprocess");
if (usepr != null)
usepr = usepr.toLowerCase();
if (usepr.equals("false"))
useprocess = false;
useprocess = true;
useprocess = true;
String nosed = p.getProperty("skipsed");
if (nosed != null)
nosed = nosed.toLowerCase();
if (nosed.equals("true"))
skipsed = true;
skipsed = false;
skipsed = false;
outputdir = p.getProperty("outputdir");
canondir = p.getProperty("canondir");
bootcp = p.getProperty("bootcp");
hostName = p.getProperty("hostName");
serverJvm = p.getProperty("serverJvm");
systemdiff = p.getProperty("systemdiff");
ijdefaultResourcePackage = p.getProperty("ij.defaultResourcePackage");
outcopy = p.getProperty("outcopy");
debug = p.getProperty("verbose");
reportstderr = p.getProperty("reportstderr");
timeout = p.getProperty("timeout");
shutdownurl = p.getProperty("shutdownurl");
testEncoding = p.getProperty("derbyTesting.encoding");
suites = p.getProperty("suites");
return p;
private static void getSystemProperties()
// Get any properties specified on the command line
// which may not have been specified in the suite prop file
Properties sp = System.getProperties();
String searchCP = sp.getProperty("ij.searchClassPath");
if (searchCP != null)
suiteProperties.put("ij.searchClassPath", searchCP);
String frm = sp.getProperty("framework");
if ( (frm != null) && (!frm.equals("embedded")) )
framework = frm;
suiteProperties.put("framework", framework);
String j = sp.getProperty("jvm");
if (j != null)
suiteProperties.put("jversion", j);
String jcmd = sp.getProperty("javaCmd");
if ((System.getProperty("") != null) && System.getProperty("").equals("J9"))
jcmd = "j9";
if (jcmd != null)
javaCmd = jcmd;
suiteProperties.put("javaCmd", javaCmd);
// get System properties for jvmflags, and put them to the end, thus
// when the time comes to have this converted into actual jvm flags
// the ones given at the command line will overwrite whatever's in the suite
String jflags = sp.getProperty("jvmflags");
if (jvmflags != null && jvmflags.length() > 0)
//DERBY-4680 Make sure ^ does not get appended to jvmflags
if (jflags != null && jflags.length() > 0)
suiteProperties.put("jvmflags", (jvmflags + "^" + jflags));
suiteProperties.put("jvmflags", jvmflags);
if (jflags != null && jflags.length() >0)
suiteProperties.put("jvmflags", jflags);
String testflags = sp.getProperty("testJavaFlags");
if (testflags != null)
if (testJavaFlags == null || testJavaFlags.length() == 0)
testJavaFlags = testflags;
else // add to testJavaFlags
testJavaFlags = testJavaFlags + "^" + testflags;
suiteProperties.put("testJavaFlags", testJavaFlags);
String testprops = sp.getProperty("testSpecialProps");
if (testprops != null)
if (testSpecialProps == null || testSpecialProps.length() == 0)
testSpecialProps = testprops;
else // add to testSpecialProps
testSpecialProps = testSpecialProps + "^" + testprops;
suiteProperties.put("testSpecialProps", testSpecialProps);
String clpth = sp.getProperty("classpath");
if (clpth != null)
classpath = clpth;
suiteProperties.put("classpath", classpath);
String clsrv = sp.getProperty("classpathServer");
if ( (clsrv != null) && (!clsrv.startsWith("${")) )
classpathServer = clsrv;
suiteProperties.put("classpathServer", clsrv);
String usesys = sp.getProperty("usesystem");
if (usesys != null)
suiteProperties.put("usesystem", usesys);
String jarf = sp.getProperty("jarfile");
if (jarf != null)
suiteProperties.put("jarfile", jarf);
String upgtest = sp.getProperty("upgradetest");
if (upgtest != null)
suiteProperties.put("upgradetest", upgtest);
String rep = sp.getProperty("replication");
if (rep != null)
suiteProperties.put("replication", rep);
String encrypt = sp.getProperty("encryption");
if (encrypt != null)
suiteProperties.put("encryption", encrypt);
String encryptAlgorithm = sp.getProperty("testEncryptionAlgorithm");
if (encryptAlgorithm != null)
suiteProperties.put("testEncryptionAlgorithm", encryptAlgorithm);
String jdk12test = sp.getProperty("jdk12test");
if (jdk12test != null)
suiteProperties.put("jdk12test", jdk12test);
String jdk12ex = sp.getProperty("jdk12exttest");
if (jdk12ex != null)
suiteProperties.put("jdk12exttest", jdk12ex);
String runwithibmjvm = sp.getProperty("runwithibmjvm");
if (runwithibmjvm != null)
suiteProperties.put("runwithibmjvm", runwithibmjvm);
String excludeJCC = sp.getProperty("excludeJCC");
if (excludeJCC != null)
suiteProperties.put("excludeJCC", excludeJCC);
String keep = sp.getProperty("keepfiles");
if (keep != null)
suiteProperties.put("keepfiles", keep);
String outd = sp.getProperty("outputdir");
if (outd != null)
outputdir = outd;
suiteProperties.put("outputdir", outputdir);
String canond = sp.getProperty("canondir");
if (canond != null)
canondir = canond;
suiteProperties.put("canondir", canondir);
String j9bootcp = sp.getProperty("bootcp");
if (j9bootcp != null)
bootcp = j9bootcp;
suiteProperties.put("bootcp", bootcp);
String hostname = sp.getProperty("hostName");
if (hostname != null)
suiteProperties.put("hostName", hostname);
String serverJvm = sp.getProperty("serverJvm");
if (serverJvm != null)
suiteProperties.put("serverJvm", serverJvm);
String cmlTestEncoding = sp.getProperty("derbyTesting.encoding");
if (cmlTestEncoding != null)
suiteProperties.put("derbyTesting.encoding", cmlTestEncoding);
String upgradejarpath = sp.getProperty("derbyTesting.jar.path");
if (upgradejarpath != null)
suiteProperties.put("derbyTesting.jar.path", upgradejarpath);
String testout = sp.getProperty("testoutname");
if (testout != null)
suiteProperties.put("testoutname", testout);
String mtdir = sp.getProperty("mtestdir"); // used by multi tests
if (mtdir != null)
suiteProperties.put("mtestdir", mtdir);
String usepr = sp.getProperty("useprocess");
if (usepr != null)
// Some platforms cannot handle process exec
usepr = usepr.toLowerCase();
if (usepr.equals("false"))
useprocess = false;
suiteProperties.put("useprocess", usepr);
String nosed = sp.getProperty("skipsed");
if (nosed != null)
// in some cases (like locales, we may want to skip the Sed)
nosed = nosed.toLowerCase();
if (nosed.equals("true"))
skipsed = true;
suiteProperties.put("skipsed", nosed);
String sysdiff = sp.getProperty("systemdiff");
if (sysdiff != null)
// Use system diff if set to true
sysdiff = sysdiff.toLowerCase();
if (sysdiff.equals("true"))
suiteProperties.put("systemdiff", "true");
String defrespckg = sp.getProperty("ij.defaultResourcePackage");
if (defrespckg != null)
suiteProperties.put("ij.defaultResourcePackage", defrespckg);
String outcpy = sp.getProperty("outcopy");
if (outcpy != null)
suiteProperties.put("outcopy", outcpy);
String topsuite = sp.getProperty("suitename");
if (topsuite != null)
suiteProperties.put("suitename", topsuite);
suiteProperties.put("suitename", topSuiteName);
String dbug = sp.getProperty("verbose");
if (dbug != null)
suiteProperties.put("verbose", dbug);
String reporterr = sp.getProperty("reportstderr");
if (reporterr != null)
suiteProperties.put("reportstderr", reporterr);
String tout = sp.getProperty("timeout");
if (tout != null)
suiteProperties.put("timeout", tout);
private static void setOutput(String suiteName)
throws ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException
boolean status = false;
// Use the defined output directory or user.dir by default
File tmpoutDir;
if ( (outputdir == null) || (outputdir.length()==0) )
tmpoutDir =
new File((new File(userdir)).getCanonicalPath());
tmpoutDir =
new File((new File(outputdir)).getCanonicalPath());
outDir = tmpoutDir;
// runDir is where the suites/tests are run and where
// any support files or scripts will be expected to live
runDir =
new File((new File(userdir)).getCanonicalPath());
// Set the suite property outputdir
suiteProperties.put("outputdir", outDir.getCanonicalPath());
// Define the final suite summary file file
outFile = new File(outDir, suiteName + ".sum");
if (outFile.exists())
status = outFile.delete();
// Define the suite.pass file
File passFile = new File(outDir, suiteName + ".pass");
if (passFile.exists())
status = passFile.delete();
// Define the file
File failFile = new File(outDir, suiteName + ".fail");
if (failFile.exists())
status = failFile.delete();
// Create a PrintWriter for writing env and test info to the diff file
pwOut = new PrintWriter
(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile.getPath()), 4096), true);