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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.vti.DeferModification
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package org.apache.derby.vti;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* This interface is implemented by a read/write VTI class that wants to control when
* modifications to the VTI are deferred, or to be notified that a it is to be modified.
* Consider the following statement:<br>
* SET cost = cost + 10
* WHERE cost < 15
* Updating a column that is used in the WHERE clause might or might not give the VTI implementation trouble;
* the update might cause the same row to be selected more than once. This problem can be solved by building the
* complete list of rows to be updated and the new column values before updating any rows. The updates are applied
* after the list is built. This process is called "deferred update".
* By default, updates on a VTI are deferred when the VTI ResultSet
* is scrollable (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE or TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE), and one or more of the following is true.
*<li>One or more of the columns in the SET clause is also used in the WHERE
* clause and the VTI ResultSet is sensitive. We do not defer updates
* when the ResultSet is TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE because it is not necessary.
*<li>The where clause contains a subselect on a VTI from the same class as the
* target VTI. We do not look at the VTI parameters, just the VTI class name.
* By default, deletes on a VTI are deferred in a similar situation: when the VTI ResultSet
* the where clause contains a subselect on a VTI from the same class as the
* target VTI. We do not look at the VTI parameters, just the VTI class name.
* By default, inserts into a VTI are deferred when the same VTI class is used as both
* the source and target. It does not depend on the scrollability of the
* VTI ResultSet because inserts can be deferred without scrolling the ResultSet.
* If these defaults are not appropriate then the class implementing the VTI should also implement
* this interface (org.apache.derby.vti.DeferModification).
* (A read/write VTI is implemented by a class that implements the java.sql.PreparedStatement interface,
* often by extending the UpdatableVTITemplate interface. @see UpdatableVTITemplate).
* Update and delete statement deferral is implemented by scrolling the VTI's ResultSet. Therefore,
* updates and deletes on a VTI are never deferred unless the VTI's ResultSets are scrollable, even
* if the DeferModification interface methods return <b>true</b>.
* Therefore for an update or delete to be deferred the VTI getResultSetType() method must return
* ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE or TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE and the VTI must produce scrollable
* java.sql.ResultSets that implement the getRow() and absolute() methods. If your VTI is implemented as
* an extension to UpdatableVTITemplate then you must override the getResultSetMethod:
* UpdatableVTITemplate.getResultSetType()
* throws an exception. If your VTI's ResultSets are implemented as extensions to VTITemplate then you must
* override the getRow() and absolute() methods: VTITemplate.getRow() and absolute() throw exceptions.
* This interface is not used when the VTI is referenced only in a subselect; it is only used when a
* VTI appears as the target of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
public interface DeferModification
public static final int INSERT_STATEMENT = 1;
public static final int UPDATE_STATEMENT = 2;
public static final int DELETE_STATEMENT = 3;
* This method is called during preparation of an insert, update, or delete statement with this VTI
* as the target. It indicates whether the statement should be deferred irregardless of the other clauses
* in the statement. If alwaysDefer returns <b>true</b> then the other methods in this interface
* are not called. (At least not for this statement type).
* @return <b>true</b> if the statement type should always be deferred on this VTI,
* <b>false</b> other criteria (see below) should be examined to determine
* whether to defer the modification.
* @exception SQLException on an unexpected condition.
public boolean alwaysDefer( int statementType)
throws SQLException;
* This method is called during preparation of an update or delete statement on the virtual
* table if getResultSetType() returns ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE or TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE and
* alwaysDefer( statementType) returns <b>false</b>.
* ColumnRequiresDefer is called once for each column that is being updated,
* or each column in a DELETE where clause until
* it returns <b>true</b> or until all the columns have been exhausted.
* @param columnName the name of one of the columns being updated
* @param inWhereClause indicates whether the column also appears in the where clause
* @return <b>true</b> if the update must be deferred
* <b>false</b> if this column does not require a deferred update
* @exception SQLException a parameter is invalid or there is another unexpected failure.
public boolean columnRequiresDefer( int statementType,
String columnName,
boolean inWhereClause)
throws SQLException;
* This method is called during preparation of an insert, update, or delete statement that has this virtual
* table as its target and that has a sub-select. It is invoked once for each regular table in a sub-select,
* if it has not already been determined that the statement should be deferred or that the VTI does not support
* deferral.
* @param statementType the statement type: INSERT_STATEMENT, UPDATE_STATEMENT, or DELETE_STATEMENT.
* @param schemaName the schema of the table in the sub-select.
* @param tableName the name of the table in the sub-select.
* @return <b>true</b> if the modification must be deferred
* <b>false</b> if this source table does not necessitate a deferred modification
* @exception SQLException a parameter is invalid or there is another unexpected failure.
public boolean subselectRequiresDefer( int statementType,
String schemaName,
String tableName)
throws SQLException;
* This method is called during preparation of an insert, update, or delete statement that has this virtual
* table as its target and that has a sub-select. It is invoked once for each virtual table in the sub-select,
* if it has not already been determined that the statement should be deferred or that the VTI does not support
* deferral.
* @param statementType the statement type: INSERT_STATEMENT, UPDATE_STATEMENT, or DELETE_STATEMENT.
* @param VTIClassName the name of the class implementing the VTI in the sub-select.
* @return <b>true</b> if the modification must be deferred
* <b>false</b> if this source table does not necessitate a deferred modification
* @exception SQLException a parameter is invalid or there is another unexpected failure.
public boolean subselectRequiresDefer( int statementType,
String VTIClassName)
throws SQLException;
* This VTI method is called by Derby when a VTI modification (insert, update, or delete)
* is executed. It is called after the VTI has been instantiated but before any rows are read,
* inserted, updated, or deleted.
* @param deferred <b>true</b> if the modification will be deferred, <b>false</b> if not.
* @exception SQLException thrown on an unexpected failure
public void modificationNotify( int statementType,
boolean deferred)
throws SQLException;