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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbedPooledConnection
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package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ExceptionSeverity;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
/* import impl class */
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util;
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.BrokeredConnection;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.BrokeredConnectionControl;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.EngineConnection;
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedCallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
/* -- New jdbc 20 extension types --- */
import javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener;
import javax.sql.ConnectionEvent;
import javax.sql.StatementEvent;
import javax.sql.StatementEventListener;
A PooledConnection object is a connection object that provides hooks for
connection pool management.
<P>This is Derby's implementation of a PooledConnection for use in
the following environments:
<LI> JDBC 4.2 - Java SE 8 </LI>
<LI> JDBC 4.1 - Java SE 7 </LI>
<LI> JDBC 4.0 - Java SE 6 </LI>
class EmbedPooledConnection implements javax.sql.PooledConnection, BrokeredConnectionControl
/** the connection string */
private String connString;
* The list of {@code ConnectionEventListener}s. It is initially {@code
* null} and will be initialized lazily when the first listener is added.
private ArrayList<ConnectionEventListener> eventListener;
* List of statement event listeners. The list is copied on each write,
* ensuring that it can be safely iterated over even if other threads or
* the listeners fired in the same thread add or remove listeners.
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<StatementEventListener>
statementEventListeners =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<StatementEventListener>();
* The number of iterators going through the list of connection event
* listeners at the current time. Only one thread may be iterating over the
* list at any time (because of synchronization), but a single thread may
* have multiple iterators if for instance an event listener performs
* database calls that trigger a new event.
private int eventIterators;
EmbedConnection realConnection;
int defaultIsolationLevel;
private boolean defaultReadOnly;
BrokeredConnection currentConnectionHandle;
// set up once by the data source
final BasicEmbeddedDataSource40 dataSource;
private final String username;
private final String password;
True if the password was passed in on the connection request, false if it came from the data source property.
private final boolean requestPassword;
protected boolean isActive;
* getter function for isActive
* @return boolean is isActive is true
public boolean isActive() {
return isActive;
EmbedPooledConnection(BasicEmbeddedDataSource40 ds, String u, String p,
boolean requestPassword) throws SQLException
dataSource = ds;
username = u;
password = p;
this.requestPassword = requestPassword;
isActive = true;
// open the connection up front in order to do authentication
String getUsername()
if (username == null || username.equals(""))
return Property.DEFAULT_USER_NAME;
return username;
String getPassword()
if (password == null)
return "";
return password;
Create an object handle for a database connection.
@return a Connection object
@exception SQLException - if a database-access error occurs.
public synchronized Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
// RealConnection is not null if the app server yanks a local
// connection from one client and give it to another. In this case,
// the real connection is ready to be used. Otherwise, set it up
if (realConnection == null)
// first time we establish a connection
// Need to do this in case the connection is forcibly removed without
// first being closed. Must be performed after resetRealConnection(),
// otherwise closing the logical connection may fail if the transaction
// is not idle.
// now make a brokered connection wrapper and give this to the user
// we reuse the EmbedConnection(ie realConnection).
Connection c = getNewCurrentConnectionHandle();
return c;
final void openRealConnection() throws SQLException {
// first time we establish a connection
Connection rc = dataSource.getConnection(username, password, requestPassword);
this.realConnection = (EmbedConnection) rc;
defaultIsolationLevel = rc.getTransactionIsolation();
defaultReadOnly = rc.isReadOnly();
if (currentConnectionHandle != null)
final Connection getNewCurrentConnectionHandle() throws SQLException {
Connection applicationConnection = currentConnectionHandle =
return applicationConnection;
In this case the Listeners are *not* notified. JDBC 3.0 spec section 11.4
private void closeCurrentConnectionHandle() throws SQLException {
if (currentConnectionHandle != null)
ArrayList<ConnectionEventListener> tmpEventListener = eventListener;
eventListener = null;
try {
} finally {
eventListener = tmpEventListener;
currentConnectionHandle = null;
void resetRealConnection() throws SQLException {
// ensure any outstanding changes from the previous
// user are rolledback.
// clear any warnings that are left over
// need to reset transaction isolation, autocommit, readonly, holdability states
if (realConnection.getTransactionIsolation() != defaultIsolationLevel) {
if (!realConnection.getAutoCommit())
if (realConnection.isReadOnly() != defaultReadOnly)
if (realConnection.getHoldability() != ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT)
// reset any remaining state of the connection
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"real connection should have been idle at this point");
Close the Pooled connection.
@exception SQLException - if a database-access error occurs.
public synchronized void close() throws SQLException
if (!isActive)
try {
if (realConnection != null) {
if (!realConnection.isClosed())
} finally {
realConnection = null; // make sure I am not accessed again.
isActive = false;
eventListener = null;
Add an event listener.
public final synchronized void addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener)
if (!isActive)
if (listener == null)
if (eventListener == null) {
eventListener = new ArrayList<ConnectionEventListener>();
} else if (eventIterators > 0) {
// DERBY-3401: Someone is iterating over the ArrayList, and since
// we were able to synchronize on this, that someone is us. Clone
// the list of listeners in order to prevent invalidation of the
// iterator.
eventListener =
new ArrayList<ConnectionEventListener>(eventListener);
Remove an event listener.
public final synchronized void removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener)
if (listener == null || eventListener == null) {
if (eventIterators > 0) {
// DERBY-3401: Someone is iterating over the ArrayList, and since
// we were able to synchronize on this, that someone is us. Clone
// the list of listeners in order to prevent invalidation of the
// iterator.
eventListener =
new ArrayList<ConnectionEventListener>(eventListener);
* class specific method
// called by ConnectionHandle when it needs to forward things to the
// underlying connection
public synchronized EngineConnection getRealConnection()
throws SQLException
return realConnection;
* @return The underlying language connection.
public synchronized LanguageConnectionContext getLanguageConnection()
throws SQLException
return realConnection.getLanguageConnection();
// my conneciton handle has caught an error (actually, the real connection
// has already handled the error, we just need to nofity the listener an
// error is about to be thrown to the app).
public synchronized void notifyError(SQLException exception)
// only report fatal error to the connection pool manager
if (exception.getErrorCode() < ExceptionSeverity.SESSION_SEVERITY)
// tell my listeners an exception is about to be thrown
* Fire all the {@code ConnectionEventListener}s registered. Callers must
* synchronize on {@code this} to prevent others from modifying the list of
* listeners.
* @param exception the exception that caused the event, or {@code null} if
* it is a close event
private void fireConnectionEventListeners(SQLException exception) {
if (eventListener != null && !eventListener.isEmpty()) {
ConnectionEvent event = new ConnectionEvent(this, exception);
try {
for (ConnectionEventListener l : eventListener) {
if (exception == null) {
} else {
} finally {
final void checkActive() throws SQLException {
if (!isActive)
throw Util.noCurrentConnection();
** BrokeredConnectionControl api
Returns true if isolation level has been set using either JDBC api or SQL
public boolean isIsolationLevelSetUsingSQLorJDBC() throws SQLException {
if (realConnection != null)
return getLanguageConnectionContext( realConnection ).isIsolationLevelSetUsingSQLorJDBC();
return false;
Reset the isolation level flag used to keep state in
BrokeredConnection. It will get set to true when isolation level
is set using JDBC/SQL. It will get reset to false at the start
and the end of a global transaction.
public void resetIsolationLevelFlag() throws SQLException {
getLanguageConnectionContext( realConnection ).resetIsolationLevelFlagUsedForSQLandJDBC();
/** @see BrokeredConnectionControl#isInGlobalTransaction() */
public boolean isInGlobalTransaction() {
return false;
Notify the control class that a SQLException was thrown
during a call on one of the brokered connection's methods.
public void notifyException(SQLException sqle) {
Allow control over setting auto commit mode.
public void checkAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException {
Are held cursors allowed.
public int checkHoldCursors(int holdability, boolean downgrade)
throws SQLException
return holdability;
Allow control over creating a Savepoint (JDBC 3.0)
public void checkSavepoint() throws SQLException {
Allow control over calling rollback.
public void checkRollback() throws SQLException {
Allow control over calling commit.
public void checkCommit() throws SQLException {
/** @see BrokeredConnectionControl#checkClose() */
public void checkClose() throws SQLException {
if (realConnection != null) {
Close called on BrokeredConnection. If this call
returns true then getRealConnection().close() will be called.
Notify listners that connection is closed.
Don't close the underlying real connection as
it is pooled.
public synchronized boolean closingConnection() throws SQLException {
//DERBY-2142-Null out the connection handle BEFORE notifying listeners.
//At time of the callback the PooledConnection must be
//disassociated from its previous logical connection.
//If not there is a risk that the Pooled
//Connection could be returned to the pool, ready for pickup by a
//new thread. This new thread then might obtain a java.sql.Connection
//whose reference might get assigned to the currentConnectionHandle
//field, meanwhile the previous thread completes the close making
//the newly assigned currentConnectionHandle null, resulting in an NPE.
currentConnectionHandle = null;
// tell my listeners I am closed
return false;
No need to wrap statements for PooledConnections.
public Statement wrapStatement(Statement s) throws SQLException {
return s;
* Call the setBrokeredConnectionControl method inside the
* EmbedPreparedStatement class to set the BrokeredConnectionControl
* variable to this instance of EmbedPooledConnection
* This will then be used to call the onStatementErrorOccurred
* and onStatementClose events when the corresponding events
* occur on the PreparedStatement
* @param ps PreparedStatment to be wrapped
* @param sql String
* @param generatedKeys Object
* @return returns the wrapped PreparedStatement
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public PreparedStatement wrapStatement(PreparedStatement ps, String sql, Object generatedKeys) throws SQLException {
EmbedPreparedStatement ps_ = (EmbedPreparedStatement)ps;
return (PreparedStatement)ps_;
* Call the setBrokeredConnectionControl method inside the
* EmbedCallableStatement class to set the BrokeredConnectionControl
* variable to this instance of EmbedPooledConnection
* This will then be used to call the onStatementErrorOccurred
* and onStatementClose events when the corresponding events
* occur on the CallableStatement
* @param cs CallableStatment to be wrapped
* @param sql String
* @return returns the wrapped CallableStatement
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public CallableStatement wrapStatement(CallableStatement cs, String sql) throws SQLException {
EmbedCallableStatement cs_ = (EmbedCallableStatement)cs;
return (CallableStatement)cs_;
* Get the string representation of this pooled connection.
* A pooled connection is assigned a separate id from a physical
* connection. When a container calls PooledConnection.toString(),
* it gets the string representation of this id. This is useful for
* developers implementing connection pools when they are trying to
* debug pooled connections.
* @return a string representation of the uniquie id for this pooled
* connection.
public String toString()
if ( connString == null )
String physicalConnString = isActive ?
realConnection.toString() : "<none>";
connString =
this.getClass().getName() + "@" + this.hashCode() + " " +
"Physical Connection = " + physicalConnString;
return connString;
* These methods are from the BrokeredConnectionControl interface.
* These methods are needed to provide StatementEvent support for
* derby.
* Raise the statementClosed event for all the listeners when the
* corresponding events occurs
* @param statement the {@code PreparedStatement} that was closed
public void onStatementClose(PreparedStatement statement) {
if (!statementEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
StatementEvent event = new StatementEvent(this, statement);
for (StatementEventListener l : statementEventListeners) {
* Raise the statementErrorOccurred event for all the listeners when the
* corresponding events occurs
* @param statement the {@code PreparedStatement} in which the
* error occurred
* @param sqle the {@code SQLException} that was thrown
public void onStatementErrorOccurred(PreparedStatement statement,
SQLException sqle) {
if (!statementEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
StatementEvent event = new StatementEvent(this, statement, sqle);
for (StatementEventListener l : statementEventListeners) {
// JDBC 4.0 methods
* Removes the specified {@code StatementEventListener} from the list of
* components that will be notified when the driver detects that a
* {@code PreparedStatement} has been closed or is invalid.
* @param listener the component which implements the
* {@code StatementEventListener} interface that was previously registered
* with this {@code PooledConnection} object
public void removeStatementEventListener(StatementEventListener listener) {
if (listener != null) {
* Registers a {@code StatementEventListener} with this
* {@code PooledConnection} object. Components that wish to be notified when
* {@code PreparedStatement}s created by the connection are closed or are
* detected to be invalid may use this method to register a
* {@code StatementEventListener} with this {@code PooledConnection} object.
* @param listener an component which implements the
* {@code StatementEventListener} interface that is to be registered with
* this {@code PooledConnection} object
public void addStatementEventListener(StatementEventListener listener) {
if (isActive && listener != null) {
* Gets the LanguageConnectionContext for this connection.
private static LanguageConnectionContext getLanguageConnectionContext( final EmbedConnection conn )
return AccessController.doPrivileged
new PrivilegedAction<LanguageConnectionContext>()
public LanguageConnectionContext run()
return conn.getLanguageConnection();