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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.SelectNode
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contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Limits;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CostEstimate;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptimizableList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptimizablePredicateList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizer;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptimizerFactory;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptimizerPlan;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.RequiredRowOrdering;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Visitor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.Authorizer;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.JBitSet;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
* A SelectNode represents the result set for any of the basic DML
* operations: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. (A RowResultSetNode
* will be used for an INSERT with a VALUES clause.) For INSERT - SELECT,
* any of the fields in a SelectNode can be used (the SelectNode represents
* the SELECT statement in the INSERT - SELECT). For UPDATE and
* DELETE, there will be one table in the fromList, and the groupByList
* fields will be null. For both INSERT and UPDATE,
* the resultColumns in the selectList will contain the names of the columns
* being inserted into or updated.
class SelectNode extends ResultSetNode
* List of tables in the FROM clause of this SELECT
FromList fromList;
FromTable targetTable;
/** Aggregates in the SELECT list. */
private List<AggregateNode> selectAggregates;
/** Aggregates in the WHERE clause. */
private List<AggregateNode> whereAggregates;
/** Aggregates in the HAVING clause. */
private List<AggregateNode> havingAggregates;
* The ValueNode for the WHERE clause must represent a boolean
* expression. The binding phase will enforce this - the parser
* does not have enough information to enforce it in all cases
* (for example, user methods that return boolean).
ValueNode whereClause;
ValueNode originalWhereClause;
* List of result columns in GROUP BY clause
GroupByList groupByList;
* List of windows.
WindowList windows;
/** Full plan for this SELECT as specified in an optimizer override */
OptimizerPlan overridingPlan;
* List of window function calls (e.g. ROW_NUMBER, AVG(i), DENSE_RANK).
List<WindowFunctionNode> windowFuncCalls;
/** User specified a group by without aggregates and we turned
* it into a select distinct
private boolean wasGroupBy;
boolean orderByQuery ;
QueryExpressionClauses qec = new QueryExpressionClauses();
/* PredicateLists for where clause */
PredicateList wherePredicates;
/* SubqueryLists for select where and having clauses */
SubqueryList selectSubquerys;
SubqueryList whereSubquerys;
SubqueryList havingSubquerys;
/* Whether or not we are only binding the target list */
private boolean bindTargetListOnly;
private boolean isDistinct;
private boolean orderByAndDistinctMerged;
boolean originalWhereClauseHadSubqueries;
/* Copy of fromList prior to generating join tree */
private FromList preJoinFL;
ValueNode havingClause;
private int nestingLevel;
SelectNode(ResultColumnList selectList,
FromList fromList,
ValueNode whereClause,
GroupByList groupByList,
ValueNode havingClause,
WindowList windowDefinitionList,
OptimizerPlan overridingPlan,
ContextManager cm) throws StandardException {
* Consider adding selectAggregates and whereAggregates
setResultColumns( selectList );
if (getResultColumns() != null) {
this.fromList = fromList;
this.whereClause = whereClause;
this.originalWhereClause = whereClause;
this.groupByList = groupByList;
this.havingClause = havingClause;
// This initially represents an explicit <window definition list>, as
// opposed to <in-line window specifications>, see 2003, 6.10 and 6.11.
// <in-line window specifications> are added later, see right below for
// in-line window specifications used in window functions in the SELECT
// column list and in genProjectRestrict for such window specifications
// used in window functions in ORDER BY. = windowDefinitionList;
this.overridingPlan = overridingPlan;
bindTargetListOnly = false;
this.originalWhereClauseHadSubqueries = false;
if (this.whereClause != null){
CollectNodesVisitor<SubqueryNode> cnv =
new CollectNodesVisitor<SubqueryNode>(
SubqueryNode.class, SubqueryNode.class);
if (!cnv.getList().isEmpty()){
this.originalWhereClauseHadSubqueries = true;
if (getResultColumns() != null) {
// Collect simply contained window functions (note: *not*
// any inside nested SELECTs) used in result columns, and
// check them for any <in-line window specification>s.
CollectNodesVisitor<WindowFunctionNode> cnvw =
new CollectNodesVisitor<WindowFunctionNode>(WindowFunctionNode.class,
windowFuncCalls = cnvw.getList();
for (int i=0; i < windowFuncCalls.size(); i++) {
WindowFunctionNode wfn =
// Some window function, e.g. ROW_NUMBER() contains an inline
// window specification, so we add it to our list of window
// definitions.
if (wfn.getWindow() instanceof WindowDefinitionNode) {
// Window function call contains an inline definition, add
// it to our list of windows.
windows = addInlinedWindowDefinition(windows, wfn);
} else {
// a window reference, bind it later.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
wfn.getWindow() instanceof WindowReferenceNode);
private WindowList addInlinedWindowDefinition (WindowList wl,
WindowFunctionNode wfn) {
WindowDefinitionNode wdn = (WindowDefinitionNode)wfn.getWindow();
if (wl == null) {
// This is the first window we see, so initialize list.
wl = new WindowList(getContextManager());
WindowDefinitionNode equiv = wdn.findEquivalentWindow(wl);
if (equiv != null) {
// If the window is equivalent an existing one, optimize
// it away.
} else {
// remember this window for posterity
return wl;
* Convert this object to a String. See comments in
* for how this should be done for tree printing.
* @return This object as a String
public String toString()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
return "isDistinct: "+ isDistinct + "\n"+
return "";
String statementToString()
return "SELECT";
void makeDistinct()
isDistinct = true;
void clearDistinct()
isDistinct = false;
boolean hasDistinct()
return isDistinct;
* Prints the sub-nodes of this object. See for
* how tree printing is supposed to work.
* @param depth The depth of this node in the tree
void printSubNodes(int depth)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (selectSubquerys != null)
printLabel(depth, "selectSubquerys: ");
selectSubquerys.treePrint(depth + 1);
printLabel(depth, "fromList: ");
if (fromList != null)
fromList.treePrint(depth + 1);
if (whereClause != null)
printLabel(depth, "whereClause: ");
whereClause.treePrint(depth + 1);
if ((wherePredicates != null) &&wherePredicates.size() > 0)
printLabel(depth, "wherePredicates: ");
wherePredicates.treePrint(depth + 1);
if (whereSubquerys != null)
printLabel(depth, "whereSubquerys: ");
whereSubquerys.treePrint(depth + 1);
if (groupByList != null) {
printLabel(depth, "groupByList:");
groupByList.treePrint(depth + 1);
if (havingClause != null) {
printLabel(depth, "havingClause:");
havingClause.treePrint(depth + 1);
printQueryExpressionSuffixClauses(depth, qec);
if (preJoinFL != null)
printLabel(depth, "preJoinFL: ");
preJoinFL.treePrint(depth + 1);
if (windows != null)
printLabel(depth, "windows: ");
windows.treePrint(depth + 1);
* Return the fromList for this SelectNode.
* @return FromList The fromList for this SelectNode.
FromList getFromList()
return fromList;
* Find colName in the result columns and return underlying columnReference.
* Note that this function returns null if there are more than one FromTable
* for this SelectNode and the columnReference needs to be directly under
* the resultColumn. So having an expression under the resultSet would cause
* returning null.
* @param colName Name of the column
* @return ColumnReference ColumnReference to the column, if found
ColumnReference findColumnReferenceInResult(String colName)
throws StandardException
if (fromList.size() != 1)
return null;
// This logic is similar to SubQueryNode.singleFromBaseTable(). Refactor
FromTable ft = (FromTable) fromList.elementAt(0);
if (! ((ft instanceof ProjectRestrictNode) &&
((ProjectRestrictNode) ft).getChildResult() instanceof FromBaseTable) &&
!(ft instanceof FromBaseTable))
return null;
// Loop through the result columns looking for a match
for (ResultColumn rc : getResultColumns())
if (! (rc.getExpression() instanceof ColumnReference))
return null;
ColumnReference crNode = (ColumnReference) rc.getExpression();
if (crNode.getColumnName().equals(colName))
return (ColumnReference) crNode.getClone();
return null;
* Return the whereClause for this SelectNode.
* @return ValueNode The whereClause for this SelectNode.
ValueNode getWhereClause()
return whereClause;
* Return the wherePredicates for this SelectNode.
* @return PredicateList The wherePredicates for this SelectNode.
PredicateList getWherePredicates()
return wherePredicates;
* Return the selectSubquerys for this SelectNode.
* @return SubqueryList The selectSubquerys for this SelectNode.
SubqueryList getSelectSubquerys()
return selectSubquerys;
* Return the whereSubquerys for this SelectNode.
* @return SubqueryList The whereSubquerys for this SelectNode.
SubqueryList getWhereSubquerys()
return whereSubquerys;
* Bind the tables in this SelectNode. This includes getting their
* TableDescriptors from the DataDictionary and numbering the FromTables.
* NOTE: Because this node represents the top of a new query block, we bind
* both the non VTI and VTI tables under this node in this method call.
* @param dataDictionary The DataDictionary to use for binding
* @param fromListParam FromList to use/append to.
* @return ResultSetNode
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode bindNonVTITables(DataDictionary dataDictionary,
FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
int fromListSize = fromList.size();
wherePredicates = new PredicateList(getContextManager());
preJoinFL =
new FromList(getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(),
/* Set the nesting level in the fromList */
if (fromListParam.size() == 0)
nestingLevel = 0;
nestingLevel = ((FromTable) fromListParam.elementAt(0)).getLevel() + 1;
/* Splice a clone of our FromList on to the beginning of fromListParam, before binding
* the tables, for correlated column resolution in VTIs.
for (int index = 0; index < fromListSize; index++)
fromListParam.insertElementAt(fromList.elementAt(index), 0);
// Now bind our from list
fromList.bindTables(dataDictionary, fromListParam);
/* Restore fromListParam */
for (int index = 0; index < fromListSize; index++)
// if an explicit join plan is requested, bind it
if ( overridingPlan != null )
overridingPlan.bind( dataDictionary, getLanguageConnectionContext(), getCompilerContext() );
return this;
* Bind the expressions in this SelectNode. This means binding the
* sub-expressions, as well as figuring out what the return type is
* for each expression.
* @param fromListParam FromList to use/append to.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindExpressions(FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
// Don't add USAGE privilege on user-defined types.
boolean wasSkippingTypePrivileges = getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( true );
int fromListParamSize = fromListParam.size();
int fromListSize = fromList.size();
int numDistinctAggs;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(fromList != null && getResultColumns() != null,
"Both fromList and resultColumns are expected to be non-null");
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null) {
/* NOTE - a lot of this code would be common to bindTargetExpression(),
* so we use a private boolean to share the code instead of duplicating
* it. bindTargetExpression() is responsible for toggling the boolean.
if (! bindTargetListOnly)
/* Bind the expressions in FromSubquerys, JoinNodes, etc. */
fromList.bindExpressions( fromListParam );
selectSubquerys = new SubqueryList(getContextManager());
selectAggregates = new ArrayList<AggregateNode>();
/* Splice our FromList on to the beginning of fromListParam, before binding
* the expressions, for correlated column resolution.
for (int index = 0; index < fromListSize; index++)
fromListParam.insertElementAt(fromList.elementAt(index), index);
// In preparation for resolving window references in expressions, we
// make the FromList carry the set of explicit window definitions.
// E.g. "select row_number () from r, .. from t window r as ()"
// Here the expression "row_number () from r" needs to be bound to r's
// definition. Window functions can also in-line window specifications,
// no resolution is necessary. See also
// WindowFunctionNode.bindExpression.
/* We're done if we're only binding the target list.
* (After we restore the fromList, of course.)
if (bindTargetListOnly)
for (int index = 0; index < fromListSize; index++)
whereAggregates = new ArrayList<AggregateNode>();
whereSubquerys = new SubqueryList(getContextManager());
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
if (whereClause != null)
cc.beginScope( CompilerContext.WHERE_SCOPE );
cc.pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV);
int previousReliability = orReliability( CompilerContext.WHERE_CLAUSE_RESTRICTION );
whereClause = whereClause.bindExpression(fromListParam,
cc.setReliability( previousReliability );
/* RESOLVE - Temporarily disable aggregates in the HAVING clause.
** (We may remove them in the parser anyway.)
** RESOLVE - Disable aggregates in the WHERE clause. Someday
** Aggregates will be allowed iff they are in a subquery
** of the having clause and they correlate to an outer
** query block. For now, aggregates are not supported
** in the WHERE clause at all.
** Note: a similar check is made in JoinNode.
if (whereAggregates.size() > 0)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_NO_AGGREGATES_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE);
/* If whereClause is a parameter, (where ?/where -?/where +?), then we should catch it and throw exception
if (whereClause.isParameterNode())
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_UNTYPED_PARAMETER_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE );
whereClause = whereClause.checkIsBoolean();
cc.endScope( CompilerContext.WHERE_SCOPE );
checkNoWindowFunctions(whereClause, "WHERE");
if (havingClause != null)
int previousReliability = orReliability( CompilerContext.HAVING_CLAUSE_RESTRICTION );
havingAggregates = new ArrayList<AggregateNode>();
havingSubquerys = new SubqueryList(getContextManager());
fromListParam, havingSubquerys, havingAggregates);
havingClause = havingClause.checkIsBoolean();
checkNoWindowFunctions(havingClause, "HAVING");
cc.setReliability( previousReliability );
/* Restore fromList */
for (int index = 0; index < fromListSize; index++)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(fromListParam.size() == fromListParamSize,
"fromListParam.size() = " + fromListParam.size() +
", expected to be restored to " + fromListParamSize);
SanityManager.ASSERT(fromList.size() == fromListSize,
"fromList.size() = " + fromList.size() +
", expected to be restored to " + fromListSize);
/* If query is grouped, bind the group by list. */
if (groupByList != null)
// We expect zero aggregates, so initialize the holder array
// with zero capacity.
ArrayList<AggregateNode> groupByAggregates = new ArrayList<AggregateNode>(0);
groupByList.bindGroupByColumns(this, groupByAggregates);
** There should be no aggregates in the Group By list.
** We don't expect any, but just to be on the safe side
** we will check under sanity.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"Unexpected aggregate list generated by GROUP BY clause");
checkNoWindowFunctions(groupByList, "GROUP BY");
/* If ungrouped query with aggregates in SELECT list, verify
* that all result columns are valid aggregate expressions -
* no column references outside of an aggregate.
* If grouped query with aggregates in SELECT list, verify that all
* result columns are either grouping expressions or valid
* grouped aggregate expressions - the only column references
* allowed outside of an aggregate are columns in expressions in
* the group by list.
if (groupByList != null || selectAggregates.size() > 0)
VerifyAggregateExpressionsVisitor visitor =
new VerifyAggregateExpressionsVisitor(groupByList);
** RESOLVE: for now, only one distinct aggregate is supported
** in the select list.
numDistinctAggs = numDistinctAggregates(selectAggregates);
if (groupByList == null && numDistinctAggs > 1)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_USER_AGGREGATE_MULTIPLE_DISTINCTS);
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null) {
bindOffsetFetch(qec.getOffset(i), qec.getFetchFirst(i));
getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( wasSkippingTypePrivileges );
* Bind the expressions in this ResultSetNode if it has tables. This means binding the
* sub-expressions, as well as figuring out what the return type is for
* each expression.
* @param fromListParam FromList to use/append to.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindExpressionsWithTables(FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
/* We have tables, so simply call bindExpressions() */
* Bind the expressions in the target list. This means binding the
* sub-expressions, as well as figuring out what the return type is
* for each expression. This is useful for EXISTS subqueries, where we
* need to validate the target list before blowing it away and replacing
* it with a SELECT true.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindTargetExpressions(FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
* With a FromSubquery in the FromList we cannot bind target expressions
* at this level (DERBY-3321)
CollectNodesVisitor<FromSubquery> cnv =
new CollectNodesVisitor<FromSubquery>(
FromSubquery.class, FromSubquery.class);
if (!cnv.getList().isEmpty()){
bindTargetListOnly = false;
} else {
bindTargetListOnly = true;
bindTargetListOnly = false;
* Bind the result columns of this ResultSetNode when there is no
* base table to bind them to. This is useful for SELECT statements,
* where the result columns get their types from the expressions that
* live under them.
* @param fromListParam FromList to use/append to.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindResultColumns(FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
/* We first bind the resultColumns for any FromTable which
* needs its own binding, such as JoinNodes.
* We pass through the fromListParam without adding our fromList
* to it, since the elements in our fromList can only be correlated
* with outer query blocks.
/* Only 1012 elements allowed in select list */
if (getResultColumns().size() > Limits.DB2_MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_SELECT_LIST)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS);
// DERBY-4407: A derived table must have at least one column.
if (getResultColumns().size() == 0)
throw StandardException.newException(
* Bind the result columns for this ResultSetNode to a base table.
* This is useful for INSERT and UPDATE statements, where the
* result columns get their types from the table being updated or
* inserted into.
* If a result column list is specified, then the verification that the
* result column list does not contain any duplicates will be done when
* binding them by name.
* @param targetTableDescriptor The TableDescriptor for the table being
* updated or inserted into
* @param targetColumnList For INSERT statements, the user
* does not have to supply column
* names (for example, "insert into t
* values (1,2,3)". When this
* parameter is null, it means that
* the user did not supply column
* names, and so the binding should
* be done based on order. When it
* is not null, it means do the binding
* by name, not position.
* @param statement Calling DMLStatementNode (Insert or Update)
* @param fromListParam FromList to use/append to.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindResultColumns(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor,
FromVTI targetVTI, ResultColumnList targetColumnList,
DMLStatementNode statement, FromList fromListParam)
throws StandardException
/* We first bind the resultColumns for any FromTable which
* needs its own binding, such as JoinNodes.
* We pass through the fromListParam without adding our fromList
* to it, since the elements in our fromList can only be correlated
* with outer query blocks.
targetColumnList, statement,
* Push an expression into this SELECT (and possibly down into
* one of the tables in the FROM list). This is useful when
* trying to push predicates into unflattened views or
* derived tables.
* @param predicate The predicate that we attempt to push
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void pushExpressionsIntoSelect(Predicate predicate)
throws StandardException
wherePredicates.pullExpressions(getReferencedTableMap().size(), predicate.getAndNode());
* Verify that a SELECT * is valid for this type of subquery.
* @param outerFromList The FromList from the outer query block(s)
* @param subqueryType The subquery type
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void verifySelectStarSubquery(FromList outerFromList, int subqueryType)
throws StandardException
for (ResultColumn rc : getResultColumns()) {
if (!(rc instanceof AllResultColumn)) {
/* Select * currently only valid for EXISTS/NOT EXISTS. NOT EXISTS
* does not appear prior to preprocessing.
if (subqueryType != SubqueryNode.EXISTS_SUBQUERY) {
throw StandardException.newException(
/* If the AllResultColumn is qualified, then we have to verify that
* the qualification is a valid exposed name. NOTE: The exposed
* name can come from an outer query block.
String fullTableName = ((AllResultColumn)rc).getFullTableName();
if (fullTableName != null) {
if (fromList.getFromTableByName
(fullTableName, null, true) == null &&
(fullTableName, null, true) == null) {
if (fromList.getFromTableByName
(fullTableName, null, false) == null &&
(fullTableName, null, false) == null) {
throw StandardException.newException(
* Determine whether or not the specified name is an exposed name in
* the current query block.
* @param name The specified name to search for as an exposed name.
* @param schemaName Schema name, if non-null.
* @param exactMatch Whether or not we need an exact match on specified schema and table
* names or match on table id.
* @return The FromTable, if any, with the exposed name.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
FromTable getFromTableByName(String name, String schemaName, boolean exactMatch)
throws StandardException
return fromList.getFromTableByName(name, schemaName, exactMatch);
* Check for (and reject) ? parameters directly under the ResultColumns.
* This is done for SELECT statements.
* @exception StandardException Thrown if a ? parameter found
* directly under a ResultColumn
void rejectParameters() throws StandardException
public void pushQueryExpressionSuffix() {
* Push the order by list down from the cursor node
* into its child result set so that the optimizer
* has all of the information that it needs to
* consider sort avoidance.
* @param orderByList The order by list
void pushOrderByList(OrderByList orderByList)
// remember that there was an order by list
orderByQuery = true;
* Push down the offset and fetch first parameters to this node.
* @param offset the OFFSET, if any
* @param fetchFirst the OFFSET FIRST, if any
* @param hasJDBClimitClause true if the clauses were added by (and have the semantics of) a JDBC limit clause
void pushOffsetFetchFirst( ValueNode offset, ValueNode fetchFirst, boolean hasJDBClimitClause )
* Put a ProjectRestrictNode on top of each FromTable in the FromList.
* ColumnReferences must continue to point to the same ResultColumn, so
* that ResultColumn must percolate up to the new PRN. However,
* that ResultColumn will point to a new expression, a VirtualColumnNode,
* which points to the FromTable and the ResultColumn that is the source for
* the ColumnReference.
* (The new PRN will have the original of the ResultColumnList and
* the ResultColumns from that list. The FromTable will get shallow copies
* of the ResultColumnList and its ResultColumns. ResultColumn.expression
* will remain at the FromTable, with the PRN getting a new
* VirtualColumnNode for each ResultColumn.expression.)
* We then project out the non-referenced columns. If there are no referenced
* columns, then the PRN's ResultColumnList will consist of a single ResultColumn
* whose expression is 1.
* @param numTables The number of tables in the DML Statement
* @param gbl The outer group by list, if any
* @param fl The from list, if any
* @return The generated ProjectRestrictNode atop the original FromTable.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode preprocess(int numTables,
GroupByList gbl,
FromList fl)
throws StandardException
ResultSetNode newTop = this;
/* Put the expression trees in conjunctive normal form.
* NOTE - This needs to occur before we preprocess the subqueries
* because the subquery transformations assume that any subquery operator
* negation has already occurred.
whereClause = normExpressions(whereClause);
// DERBY-3257. We need to normalize the having clause as well, because
// preProcess expects CNF.
havingClause = normExpressions(havingClause);
* This method determines if (1) the query is a LOJ, and (2) if the LOJ is a candidate for
* reordering (i.e., linearization). The condition for LOJ linearization is:
* 1. either LOJ or ROJ in the fromList, i.e., no INNER, NO FULL JOINs
* 2. ON clause must be equality join between left and right operands and in CNF (i.e., AND is allowed)
boolean anyChange = fromList.LOJ_reorderable(numTables);
if (anyChange)
FromList afromList = new FromList(
/* Preprocess the fromList. For each FromTable, if it is a FromSubquery
* then we will preprocess it, replacing the FromSubquery with a
* ProjectRestrictNode. If it is a FromBaseTable, then we will generate
* the ProjectRestrictNode above it.
fromList.preprocess(numTables, groupByList, whereClause);
/* selectSubquerys is always allocated at bind() time */
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(selectSubquerys != null,
"selectSubquerys is expected to be non-null");
/* Preprocess the RCL after the from list so that
* we can flatten/optimize any subqueries in the
* select list.
fromList, whereSubquerys,
/* Preprocess the expressions. (This is necessary for subqueries.
* This is also where we do tranformations such as for LIKE.)
* NOTE: We do this after preprocessing the fromList so that, for
* quantified subqueries, the join expression with the outer
* expression will be pushable (to be pushable, the ColumnReference
* has to point to a VirtualColumnNode, and not to a BaseColumnNode).
if (whereClause != null)
// DERBY-3301
// Mark subqueries that are part of the where clause as such so
// that we can avoid flattening later, particularly for nested
// WHERE EXISTS subqueries.
if (whereSubquerys != null){
whereClause = whereClause.preprocess(numTables,
fromList, whereSubquerys,
/* Preprocess the group by list too. We need to compare
* expressions in the group by list with the select list and we
* can't rewrite one and not the other.
if (groupByList != null)
groupByList.preprocess(numTables, fromList, whereSubquerys, wherePredicates);
if (havingClause != null) {
// DERBY-3257
// Mark subqueries that are part of the having clause as
// such so we can avoid flattenning later. Having subqueries
// cannot be flattened because we cannot currently handle
// column references at the same source level.
// DERBY-3257 required we normalize the having clause which
// triggered flattening because SubqueryNode.underTopAndNode
// became true after normalization. We needed another way to
// turn flattening off. Perhaps the long term solution is
// to avoid this restriction all together but that was beyond
// the scope of this bugfix.
havingClause = havingClause.preprocess(
numTables, fromList, havingSubquerys, wherePredicates);
/* Pull apart the expression trees */
if (whereClause != null)
wherePredicates.pullExpressions(numTables, whereClause);
whereClause = null;
/* RESOLVE - Where should we worry about expression pull up for
* expensive predicates?
// Flatten any flattenable FromSubquerys or JoinNodes
if (wherePredicates != null && wherePredicates.size() > 0 && fromList.size() > 0)
// Perform various forms of transitive closure on wherePredicates
if (fromList.size() > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null)
// Remove constant columns from order by list. Constant
// columns are ones that have equality comparisons with
// constant expressions (e.g. x = 3)
** It's possible for the order by list to shrink to
** nothing as a result of removing constant columns. If
** this happens, get rid of the list entirely.
if (obl.size() == 0)
qec.setOrderByList(i, null);
/* A valid group by without any aggregates or a having clause
* is equivalent to a distinct without the group by. We do the transformation
* in order to simplify the group by code.
if (groupByList != null &&
havingClause == null &&
selectAggregates.isEmpty() &&
isDistinct = true;
groupByList = null;
wasGroupBy = true;
/* Consider distinct elimination based on a uniqueness condition.
* In order to do this:
* o All top level ColumnReferences in the select list are
* from the same base table. (select t1.c1, t2.c2 + t3.c3 is
* okay - t1 is the table of interest.)
* o If the from list is a single table then the columns in the
* select list plus the columns in the where clause that are
* in = comparisons with constants or parameters must be a
* superset of any unique index.
* o If the from list has multiple tables then at least 1 table
* meet the following - the set of columns in = comparisons
* with constants or parameters is a superset of any unique
* index on the table. All of the other tables must meet
* the following - the set of columns in = comparisons with
* constants, parameters or join columns is a superset of
* any unique index on the table. If the table from which
* the columns in the select list are coming from is in this
* later group then the rule for it is to also include
* the columns in the select list in the set of columns that
* needs to be a superset of the unique index. Whew!
if (isDistinct && groupByList == null)
int distinctTable = getResultColumns().allTopCRsFromSameTable();
if (distinctTable != -1)
if (fromList.returnsAtMostSingleRow(getResultColumns(),
whereClause, wherePredicates,
isDistinct = false;
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
/* If we were unable to eliminate the distinct and we have
* an order by then we can consider eliminating the sort for
* the order by. All of the columns in the order by list must
* be ascending in order to do this. There are 2 cases:
* o The order by list is an in order prefix of the columns
* in the select list. In this case the output of the
* sort from the distinct will be in the right order
* so we simply eliminate the order by list.
* o The order by list is a subset of the columns in the
* the select list. In this case we need to reorder the
* columns in the select list so that the ordering columns
* are an in order prefix of the select list and put a PRN
* above the select so that the shape of the result set
* is as expected.
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (isDistinct && obl != null && obl.allAscending())
/* Order by list currently restricted to columns in select
* list, so we will always eliminate the order by here.
if (obl.isInOrderPrefix(getResultColumns()))
qec.setOrderByList(i, null);
/* Order by list is not an in order prefix of the
* select list so we must reorder the columns in the
* the select list to match the order by list and
* generate the PRN above us to preserve the expected
* order.
newTop = genProjectRestrictForReordering();
setResultColumns( obl.reorderRCL(getResultColumns()) );
qec.setOrderByList(i, null);
orderByAndDistinctMerged = true;
* Push predicates that are pushable.
* NOTE: We pass the wherePredicates down to the new PRNs here,
* so they can pull any clauses and possibily push them down further.
* NOTE: We wait until all of the FromTables have been preprocessed
* until we attempt to push down predicates, because we cannot push down
* a predicate if the immediate source of any of its column references
* is not a ColumnReference or a VirtualColumnNode.
/* Set up the referenced table map */
setReferencedTableMap( new JBitSet(numTables) );
int flSize = fromList.size();
for (int index = 0; index < flSize; index++)
getReferencedTableMap().or(((FromTable) fromList.elementAt(index)).
/* Copy the referenced table map to the new tree top, if necessary */
if (newTop != this)
newTop.setReferencedTableMap((JBitSet) getReferencedTableMap().clone());
if (qec.getOrderByList(0) != null) { // only relevant for first one
// Collect window function calls and in-lined window definitions
// contained in them from the orderByList.
CollectNodesVisitor<WindowFunctionNode> cnvw =
new CollectNodesVisitor<WindowFunctionNode>(
for (WindowFunctionNode wfn : cnvw.getList()) {
if (wfn.getWindow() instanceof WindowDefinitionNode) {
// Window function call contains an inline definition, add
// it to our list of windows.
windows = addInlinedWindowDefinition(windows, wfn);
} else {
// a window reference, should be bound already.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"a window reference, should be bound already");
return newTop;
* Peform the various types of transitive closure on the where clause.
* The 2 types are transitive closure on join clauses and on search clauses.
* Join clauses will be processed first to maximize benefit for search clauses.
* @param numTables The number of tables in the query
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
private void performTransitiveClosure(int numTables)
throws StandardException
// Join clauses
wherePredicates.joinClauseTransitiveClosure(numTables, fromList, getCompilerContext());
// Search clauses
wherePredicates.searchClauseTransitiveClosure(numTables, fromList.hashJoinSpecified());
/** Put the expression trees in conjunctive normal form
* @param boolClause clause to normalize
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
private ValueNode normExpressions(ValueNode boolClause)
throws StandardException
/* For each expression tree:
* o Eliminate NOTs (eliminateNots())
* o Ensure that there is an AndNode on top of every
* top level expression. (putAndsOnTop())
* o Finish the job (changeToCNF())
if (boolClause != null)
boolClause = boolClause.eliminateNots(false);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (!(boolClause.verifyEliminateNots()) )
"boolClause in invalid form: " + boolClause);
boolClause = boolClause.putAndsOnTop();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (! ((boolClause instanceof AndNode) &&
(boolClause.verifyPutAndsOnTop())) )
"boolClause in invalid form: " + boolClause);
boolClause = boolClause.changeToCNF(true);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (! ((boolClause instanceof AndNode) &&
(boolClause.verifyChangeToCNF())) )
"boolClause in invalid form: " + boolClause);
return boolClause;
* Add a new predicate to the list. This is useful when doing subquery
* transformations, when we build a new predicate with the left side of
* the subquery operator and the subquery's result column.
* @param predicate The predicate to add
* @return ResultSetNode The new top of the tree.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode addNewPredicate(Predicate predicate)
throws StandardException
return this;
* Evaluate whether or not the subquery in a FromSubquery is flattenable.
* Currently, a FSqry is flattenable if all of the following are true:
* o Subquery is a SelectNode. (ie, not a RowResultSetNode or a UnionNode)
* o It contains a single table in its FROM list.
* o It contains no subqueries in the SELECT list.
* o It does not contain a group by or having clause
* o It does not contain aggregates.
* o It is not a DISTINCT.
* o It does not have an ORDER BY clause (pushed from FromSubquery).
* @param fromList The outer from list
* @return boolean Whether or not the FromSubquery is flattenable.
boolean flattenableInFromSubquery(FromList fromList)
if (isDistinct)
return false;
if (this.fromList.size() > 1)
return false;
/* Don't flatten (at least for now) if selectNode's SELECT list contains a subquery */
if ((selectSubquerys != null) &&
(selectSubquerys.size() > 0))
return false;
/* Don't flatten if selectNode contains a group by or having clause */
if ((groupByList != null) || (havingClause != null))
return false;
/* Don't flatten if select list contains something that isn't cloneable.
if (! getResultColumns().isCloneable())
return false;
/* Don't flatten if selectNode contains an aggregate */
if ((selectAggregates != null) &&
(selectAggregates.size() > 0))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
// Don't flatten if selectNode now has an order by or offset/fetch
// clause
if ((qec.getOrderByList(i) != null) &&
(qec.getOrderByList(i).size() > 0)) {
return false;
if ((qec.getOffset(i) != null) ||
(qec.getFetchFirst(i) != null)) {
return false;
return true;
* Replace this SelectNode with a ProjectRestrictNode,
* since it has served its purpose.
* @param origFromListSize The size of the original FROM list, before
* generation of join tree.
* @return ResultSetNode new ResultSetNode atop the query tree.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode genProjectRestrict(int origFromListSize)
throws StandardException
boolean[] eliminateSort = new boolean[qec.size()];
ResultSetNode prnRSN;
prnRSN = new ProjectRestrictNode(
fromList.elementAt(0), /* Child ResultSet */
getResultColumns(), /* Projection */
whereClause, /* Restriction */
wherePredicates,/* Restriction as PredicateList */
selectSubquerys,/* Subquerys in Projection */
whereSubquerys, /* Subquerys in Restriction */
** If we have aggregates OR a select list we want
** to generate a GroupByNode. In the case of a
** scalar aggregate we have no grouping columns.
** JRESOLVE: what about correlated aggregates from another
** block.
if (((selectAggregates != null) && (selectAggregates.size() > 0))
|| (groupByList != null))
List<AggregateNode> aggs = selectAggregates;
if (havingAggregates != null && !havingAggregates.isEmpty()) {
aggs = havingAggregates;
GroupByNode gbn = new GroupByNode(prnRSN,
gbn.considerPostOptimizeOptimizations(originalWhereClause != null);
groupByList = null;
prnRSN = gbn.getParent();
// Remember whether or not we can eliminate the sort.
for (int i=0; i < eliminateSort.length; i++ ) {
eliminateSort[i] = eliminateSort[i] || gbn.getIsInSortedOrder();
if (windows != null) {
// Now we add a window result set wrapped in a PRN on top of what
// we currently have.
if (windows.size() > 1) {
throw StandardException.newException(
WindowDefinitionNode wn = windows.elementAt(0);
WindowResultSetNode wrsn = new WindowResultSetNode(
prnRSN = wrsn.getParent();
// if it is distinct, that must also be taken care of.
if (isDistinct)
// We first verify that a distinct is valid on the
// RCL.
/* See if we can push duplicate elimination into the store
* via a hash scan. This is possible iff:
* o A single table query
* o We haven't merged the order by and distinct sorts.
* (Results do not have to be in a particular order.)
* o All entries in the select's RCL are ColumnReferences.
* o No predicates (This is because we currently do not
* differentiate between columns referenced in the select
* list and columns referenced in other clauses. In other
* words, the store will do duplicate elimination based on
* all referenced columns.)
* RESOLVE - We can change this to be all referenced columns
* have to be in the select list. In that case, we need to
* refine which predicates are allowed. Basically, all predicates
* must have been pushed down to the index/table scan.(If we make
* this change, then we need to verify that non of the columns in
* the predicates are correlated columns.)
* o NOTE: The implementation of isPossibleDistinctScan() will return
* false if there is an IndexRowToBaseRow above the
* FromBaseTable. This is because all of a table's columns must come
* from the same conglomerate in order to get consistent data.
boolean distinctScanPossible = false;
if (origFromListSize == 1 && !orderByAndDistinctMerged)
boolean simpleColumns = true;
HashSet<BaseColumnNode> distinctColumns = new HashSet<BaseColumnNode>();
int size = getResultColumns().size();
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
BaseColumnNode bc = getResultColumns().getResultColumn(i).getBaseColumnNode();
if (bc == null) {
simpleColumns = false;
if (simpleColumns && prnRSN.isPossibleDistinctScan(distinctColumns)) {
distinctScanPossible = true;
if (!distinctScanPossible)
/* We can't do a distinct scan. Determine if we can filter out
* duplicates without a sorter.
boolean inSortedOrder = isOrderedResult(getResultColumns(), prnRSN, !(orderByAndDistinctMerged));
prnRSN = new DistinctNode(
prnRSN, inSortedOrder, null, getContextManager());
prnRSN.setCostEstimate( getCostEstimate().cloneMe() );
// Remember whether or not we can eliminate the sort.
for (int i=0; i < eliminateSort.length; i++) {
eliminateSort[i] = eliminateSort[i] || inSortedOrder;
/* Generate the OrderByNode if a sort is still required for
* the order by.
for (int i=0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null) {
if (obl.getSortNeeded())
prnRSN = new OrderByNode(prnRSN,
prnRSN.setCostEstimate( getCostEstimate().cloneMe() );
// There may be columns added to the select projection list
// a query like:
// select a, b from t group by a,b order by a+b
// the expr a+b is added to the select list.
int orderBySelect = this.getResultColumns().getOrderBySelect();
if (orderBySelect > 0)
// Keep the same RCL on top, since there may be references
// to its result columns above us, i.e. in this query:
// select sum(j),i from t group by i having i
// in (select i from t order by j)
ResultColumnList topList = prnRSN.getResultColumns();
ResultColumnList newSelectList =
topList.genVirtualColumnNodes(prnRSN, newSelectList);
prnRSN = new ProjectRestrictNode(
// Do this only after the main ORDER BY; any extra added by
// IntersectOrExceptNode should sit on top of us.
ValueNode offset = qec.getOffset(i);
ValueNode fetchFirst = qec.getFetchFirst(i);
if (offset != null || fetchFirst != null) {
// Keep the same RCL on top, since there may be references to
// its result columns above us.
ResultColumnList topList = prnRSN.getResultColumns();
ResultColumnList newSelectList = topList.copyListAndObjects();
topList.genVirtualColumnNodes(prnRSN, newSelectList);
prnRSN = new RowCountNode(
if (wasGroupBy &&
getResultColumns().numGeneratedColumnsForGroupBy() > 0 &&
windows == null) // windows handling already added a PRN which
// obviates this.
// This case takes care of columns generated for group by's which
// will need to be removed from the final projection. Note that the
// GroupByNode does remove generated columns but in certain cases
// we dispense with a group by and replace it with a distinct instead.
// So in a query like:
// select c1 from t group by c1, c2
// we would have added c2 to the projection list which will have to be
// projected out.
// Keep the same RCL on top, since there may be
// references to its result columns above us, e.g. in this query:
// select sum(j),i from t group by i having i
// in (select i from t group by i,j )
ResultColumnList topList = prnRSN.getResultColumns();
ResultColumnList newSelectList = topList.copyListAndObjects();
topList.genVirtualColumnNodes(prnRSN, newSelectList);
prnRSN = new ProjectRestrictNode(
for (int i=0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (!(obl != null && obl.getSortNeeded()) && orderByQuery)
// Remember whether or not we can eliminate the sort.
eliminateSort[i] = true;
/* If we were able to eliminate the sort during optimization then
* we must tell the underlying tree. At minimum, this means no
* group fetch on an index under an IndexRowToBaseRow since that
* that could lead to incorrect results. (Bug 2347.)
if (eliminateSort[i])
/* Set the cost of this node in the generated node */
prnRSN.setCostEstimate( getCostEstimate().cloneMe() );
return prnRSN;
* Is the result of this node an ordered result set. An ordered result set
* means that the results from this node will come in a known sorted order.
* This means that the data is ordered according to the order of the elements in the RCL.
* Today, the data is considered ordered if:
* o The RCL is composed entirely of CRs or ConstantNodes
* o The underlying tree is ordered on the CRs in the order in which
* they appear in the RCL, taking equality predicates into account.
* Future Enhancements:
* o The prefix will not be required to be in order. (We will need to
* reorder the RCL and generate a PRN with an RCL in the expected order.)
* @return boolean Whether or not this node returns an ordered result set.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
private boolean isOrderedResult(ResultColumnList resultColumns,
ResultSetNode newTopRSN,
boolean permuteOrdering)
throws StandardException
/* Not ordered if RCL contains anything other than a ColumnReference
* or a ConstantNode.
int numCRs = 0;
for (ResultColumn rc : resultColumns)
if (rc.getExpression() instanceof ColumnReference)
else if (! (rc.getExpression() instanceof ConstantNode))
return false;
// Corner case, all constants
if (numCRs == 0)
return true;
ColumnReference[] crs = new ColumnReference[numCRs];
// Now populate the CR array and see if ordered
int crsIndex = 0;
for (ResultColumn rc : resultColumns)
if (rc.getExpression() instanceof ColumnReference)
crs[crsIndex++] = (ColumnReference) rc.getExpression();
return newTopRSN.isOrderedOn(crs, permuteOrdering, (List<FromBaseTable> ) null);
* Ensure that the top of the RSN tree has a PredicateList.
* @param numTables The number of tables in the query.
* @return ResultSetNode A RSN tree with a node which has a PredicateList on top.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode ensurePredicateList(int numTables)
throws StandardException
return this;
* Optimize this SelectNode. This means choosing the best access path
* for each table, among other things.
* @param dataDictionary The DataDictionary to use for optimization
* @param predicateList The predicate list to optimize against
* @param outerRows The number of outer joining rows
* @return ResultSetNode The top of the optimized tree
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode optimize(DataDictionary dataDictionary,
PredicateList predicateList,
double outerRows)
throws StandardException
Optimizer opt;
/* Optimize any subquerys before optimizing the underlying result set */
/* selectSubquerys is always allocated at bind() time */
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(selectSubquerys != null,
"selectSubquerys is expected to be non-null");
// If we have more than 1 ORDERBY columns, we may be able to
// remove duplicate columns, e.g., "ORDER BY 1, 1, 2".
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null && obl.size() > 1) {
/* If this select node is the child of an outer node that is
* being optimized, we can get here multiple times (once for
* every permutation that is done for the outer node). With
* DERBY-805, we can add optimizable predicates to the WHERE
* list as part of this method; thus, before proceeding we
* need go through and remove any opt predicates that we added
* to our WHERE list the last time we were here; if we don't
* do that, we'll end up with the same predicates in our
* WHERE list multiple times, which can lead to incorrect
* optimization.
if (wherePredicates != null)
// Iterate backwards because we might be deleting entries.
for (int i = wherePredicates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (wherePredicates.elementAt(i).isScopedForPush())
/* Get a new optimizer */
/* With DERBY-805 we take any optimizable predicates that
* were pushed into this node and we add them to the list of
* predicates that we pass to the optimizer, thus allowing
* the optimizer to use them when choosing an access path
* for this SELECT node. We do that by adding the predicates
* to our WHERE list, since the WHERE predicate list is what
* we pass to the optimizer for this select node (see below).
* We have to pass the WHERE list directly (as opposed to
* passing a copy) because the optimizer is only created one
* time; it then uses the list we pass it for the rest of the
* optimization phase and finally for "modifyAccessPaths()".
* Since the optimizer can update/modify the list based on the
* WHERE predicates (such as by adding internal predicates or
* by modifying the actual predicates themselves), we need
* those changes to be applied to the WHERE list directly for
* subsequent processing (esp. for modification of the access
* path). Note that by adding outer opt predicates directly
* to the WHERE list, we're changing the semantics of this
* SELECT node. This is only temporary, though--once the
* optimizer is done with all of its work, any predicates
* that were pushed here will have been pushed even further
* down and thus will have been removed from the WHERE list
* (if it's not possible to push them further down, then they
* shouldn't have made it this far to begin with).
if (predicateList != null)
if (wherePredicates == null) {
wherePredicates = new PredicateList(getContextManager());
int sz = predicateList.size();
for (int i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// We can tell if a predicate was pushed into this select
// node because it will have been "scoped" for this node
// or for some result set below this one.
Predicate pred = (Predicate)predicateList.getOptPredicate(i);
if (pred.isScopedToSourceResultSet())
// If we're pushing the predicate down here, we have to
// remove it from the predicate list of the node above
// this select, in order to keep in line with established
// push 'protocol'.
opt = getOptimizer(fromList,
qec.getOrderByList(0), // use first one
/* Optimize this SelectNode */
while (opt.getNextPermutation())
while (opt.getNextDecoratedPermutation())
/* When we're done optimizing, any scoped predicates that
* we pushed down the tree should now be sitting again
* in our wherePredicates list. Put those back in the
* the list from which we received them, to allow them
* to be "pulled" back up to where they came from.
if (wherePredicates != null)
for (int i = wherePredicates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Predicate pred = (Predicate)wherePredicates.getOptPredicate(i);
if (pred.isScopedForPush())
/* Get the cost */
setCostEstimate( opt.getOptimizedCost() );
/* Update row counts if this is a scalar aggregate */
if ((selectAggregates != null) && (selectAggregates.size() > 0))
getCostEstimate().setEstimatedRowCount((long) outerRows);
selectSubquerys.optimize(dataDictionary, getCostEstimate().rowCount());
if (whereSubquerys != null && whereSubquerys.size() > 0)
whereSubquerys.optimize(dataDictionary, getCostEstimate().rowCount());
if (havingSubquerys != null && havingSubquerys.size() > 0) {
havingSubquerys.optimize(dataDictionary, getCostEstimate().rowCount());
// dispose of the optimizer we created above
if ( optimizerTracingIsOn() ) { getOptimizerTracer().traceEndQueryBlock(); }
return this;
* Get an optimizer to use for this SelectNode. Only get it once -
* subsequent calls return the same optimizer.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
private Optimizer getOptimizer(
OptimizableList optList,
OptimizablePredicateList predList,
DataDictionary dataDictionary,
RequiredRowOrdering requiredRowOrdering,
OptimizerPlan overridingPlan)
throws StandardException
if (getOptimizer() == null)
/* Get an optimizer. */
OptimizerFactory optimizerFactory = getLanguageConnectionContext().getOptimizerFactory();
return getOptimizer();
* Modify the access paths according to the decisions the optimizer
* made. This can include adding project/restrict nodes,
* index-to-base-row nodes, etc.
* @param predList A list of optimizable predicates that should
* be pushed to this ResultSetNode, as determined by optimizer.
* @return The modified query tree
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode modifyAccessPaths(PredicateList predList)
throws StandardException
// Take the received list of predicates and propagate them to the
// predicate list for this node's optimizer. Then, when we call
// optimizer.modifyAccessPaths(), the optimizer will have the
// predicates and can push them down as necessary, according
// the join order that it has chosen.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(getOptimizer() != null,
"SelectNode's optimizer not expected to be null when " +
"modifying access paths.");
getOptimizerImpl().addScopedPredicatesToList(predList, getContextManager());
return modifyAccessPaths();
* Modify the access paths according to the choices the optimizer made.
* @return A QueryTree with the necessary modifications made
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
ResultSetNode modifyAccessPaths() throws StandardException
int origFromListSize = fromList.size();
ResultColumnList leftRCList;
ResultColumnList rightRCList;
ResultSetNode leftResultSet;
ResultSetNode rightResultSet;
** Modify the access path for each Optimizable, as necessary
** This should be the same optimizer we got above.
// Load the costEstimate for the final "best" join order.
setCostEstimate( getOptimizer().getFinalCost() );
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
// When we optimized this select node, we may have added pushable
// outer predicates to the wherePredicates list for this node
// (see the optimize() method above). When we did so, we said
// that all such predicates should have been removed from the
// where list by the time optimization was completed. So we
// check that here, just to be safe. NOTE: We do this _after_
// calling optimizer.modifyAccessPaths(), because it's only in
// that call that the scoped predicates are officially pushed
// and thus removed from the list.
if (wherePredicates != null)
for (int i = wherePredicates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Predicate pred =
if (pred.isScopedForPush())
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Found scoped predicate " +
pred.binaryRelOpColRefsToString() +
" in WHERE list when no scoped predicates were" +
" expected.");
if (whereSubquerys != null && whereSubquerys.size() > 0)
if (havingSubquerys != null && havingSubquerys.size() > 0) {
/* Build a temp copy of the current FromList for sort elimination, etc. */
/* Now we build a JoinNode tree from the bottom up until there is only
* a single entry in the fromList and that entry points to the top of
* the JoinNode tree.
* While there is still more than 1 entry in the list, create a JoinNode
* which points to the 1st 2 entries in the list. This JoinNode becomes
* the new 1st entry in the list and the 2nd entry is deleted. The
* old 1st and 2nd entries will get shallow copies of their
* ResultColumnLists. The JoinNode's ResultColumnList will be the
* concatenation of the originals from the old 1st and 2nd entries.
* The virtualColumnIds will be updated to reflect there new positions
* and each ResultColumn.expression will be replaced with a new
* VirtualColumnNode.
while (fromList.size() > 1)
/* Get left's ResultColumnList, assign shallow copy back to it
* and create new VirtualColumnNodes for the original's
* ResultColumn.expressions.
leftResultSet = fromList.elementAt(0);
leftRCList = leftResultSet.getResultColumns();
leftRCList.genVirtualColumnNodes(leftResultSet, leftResultSet.getResultColumns());
/* Get right's ResultColumnList, assign shallow copy back to it,
* create new VirtualColumnNodes for the original's
* ResultColumn.expressions and increment the virtualColumnIds.
* (Right gets appended to left, so only right's ids need updating.)
rightResultSet = fromList.elementAt(1);
rightRCList = rightResultSet.getResultColumns();
rightRCList.genVirtualColumnNodes(rightResultSet, rightResultSet.getResultColumns());
/* Concatenate the 2 ResultColumnLists */
/* Now we're finally ready to generate the JoinNode and have it
* replace the 1st 2 entries in the FromList.
new JoinNode(leftResultSet,
//user supplied optimizer overrides,
return genProjectRestrict(origFromListSize);
* Get the final CostEstimate for this SelectNode.
* @return The final CostEstimate for this SelectNode, which is
* the final cost estimate for the best join order of
* this SelectNode's optimizer.
CostEstimate getFinalCostEstimate()
throws StandardException
return getOptimizer().getFinalCost();
Determine if this select is updatable or not, for a cursor.
boolean isUpdatableCursor(DataDictionary dd) throws StandardException
TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor;
if (isDistinct)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select has distinct");
return false;
if ((selectAggregates == null) || (selectAggregates.size() > 0))
return false;
if (groupByList != null || havingClause != null)
return false;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(fromList!=null, "select must have from tables");
if (fromList.size() != 1)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select has more than one from table");
return false;
targetTable = (FromTable)(fromList.elementAt(0));
if (targetTable instanceof FromVTI) {
return ((FromVTI) targetTable).isUpdatableCursor();
if (! (targetTable instanceof FromBaseTable))
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select has non base table as target table");
return false;
if (! targetTable.columnsAreUpdatable())
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"cursor select has no updatable result columns");
return false;
/* Get the TableDescriptor and verify that it is not for a
* view or a system table.
* NOTE: We need to use the base table name for the table.
* Simplest way to get it is from a FromBaseTable. We
* know that targetTable is a FromBaseTable because of check
* just above us.
* NOTE: We also need to use the base table's schema name; otherwise
* we will think it is the default schema Beetle 4417
targetTableDescriptor = getTableDescriptor(
if (targetTableDescriptor.getTableType() == TableDescriptor.SYSTEM_TABLE_TYPE)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select is on system table");
return false;
if (targetTableDescriptor.getTableType() == TableDescriptor.VIEW_TYPE)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select is on view");
return false;
if ((getSelectSubquerys() != null) &&
(getSelectSubquerys().size() != 0))
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select has subquery in SELECT list");
return false;
if ((getWhereSubquerys() != null) &&
(getWhereSubquerys().size() != 0))
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG("DumpUpdateCheck","cursor select has subquery in WHERE clause");
return false;
return true;
Assumes that isCursorUpdatable has been called, and that it
is only called for updatable cursors.
FromTable getCursorTargetTable()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"must call isUpdatableCursor() first, and must be updatable");
return targetTable;
* Search to see if a query references the specifed table name.
* @param name Table name (String) to search for.
* @param baseTable Whether or not name is for a base table
* @return true if found, else false
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
boolean referencesTarget(String name, boolean baseTable)
throws StandardException
if (fromList.referencesTarget(name, baseTable) ||
(selectSubquerys != null && selectSubquerys.referencesTarget(name, baseTable)) ||
(whereSubquerys != null && whereSubquerys.referencesTarget(name, baseTable))
return true;
return false;
* Return whether or not this ResultSetNode contains a subquery with a
* reference to the specified target table.
* @param name The table name.
* @param baseTable Whether or not table is a base table.
* @return boolean Whether or not a reference to the table was found.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
boolean subqueryReferencesTarget(String name, boolean baseTable)
throws StandardException
if ((selectSubquerys != null && selectSubquerys.referencesTarget(name, baseTable)) ||
(whereSubquerys != null && whereSubquerys.referencesTarget(name, baseTable))
return true;
return false;
* Bind any untyped null nodes to the types in the given ResultColumnList.
* @param bindingRCL The ResultColumnList with the types to bind to.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void bindUntypedNullsToResultColumns(ResultColumnList bindingRCL)
throws StandardException
* Decrement (query block) level (0-based) for
* all of the tables in this ResultSet tree.
* This is useful when flattening a subquery.
* @param decrement The amount to decrement by.
void decrementLevel(int decrement)
/* Decrement the level in the tables */
/* Decrement the level in any CRs in predicates
* that are interesting to transitive closure.
wherePredicates.decrementLevel(fromList, decrement);
* Determine whether or not this subquery,
* the SelectNode is in a subquery, can be flattened
* into the outer query block based on a uniqueness condition.
* A uniqueness condition exists when we can guarantee
* that at most 1 row will qualify in each table in the
* subquery. This is true if every table in the from list is
* (a base table and the set of columns from the table that
* are in equality comparisons with expressions that do not
* include a column from the same table is a superset of any unique index
* on the table) or an ExistsBaseTable.
* @param additionalEQ Whether or not the column returned
* by this select, if it is a ColumnReference,
* is in an equality comparison.
* @return Whether or not this subquery can be flattened based
* on a uniqueness condition.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
boolean uniqueSubquery(boolean additionalEQ)
throws StandardException
ColumnReference additionalCR = null;
ResultColumn rc = getResultColumns().elementAt(0);
/* Figure out if we have an additional ColumnReference
* in an equality comparison.
if (additionalEQ &&
rc.getExpression() instanceof ColumnReference)
additionalCR = (ColumnReference) rc.getExpression();
/* ColumnReference only interesting if it is
* not correlated.
if (additionalCR.getCorrelated())
additionalCR = null;
return fromList.returnsAtMostSingleRow((additionalCR == null) ? null : getResultColumns(),
whereClause, wherePredicates,
* Get the lock mode for the target of an update statement
* (a delete or update). The update mode will always be row for
* CurrentOfNodes. It will be table if there is no where clause.
* @see
* @return The lock mode
int updateTargetLockMode()
/* Do row locking if there is a restriction */
return fromList.updateTargetLockMode();
* Return whether or not this ResultSet tree is guaranteed to return
* at most 1 row based on heuristics. (A RowResultSetNode and a
* SELECT with a non-grouped aggregate will return at most 1 row.)
* @return Whether or not this ResultSet tree is guaranteed to return
* at most 1 row based on heuristics.
boolean returnsAtMostOneRow()
return (groupByList == null &&
selectAggregates != null &&
* Return true if the node references SESSION schema tables (temporary or permanent)
* @return true if references SESSION schema tables, else false
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public boolean referencesSessionSchema()
throws StandardException
if (fromList.referencesSessionSchema() ||
(selectSubquerys != null && selectSubquerys.referencesSessionSchema()) ||
(whereSubquerys != null && whereSubquerys.referencesSessionSchema()))
return true;
return false;
* Accept the visitor for all visitable children of this node.
* @param v the visitor
* @exception StandardException on error
void acceptChildren(Visitor v)
throws StandardException
if (fromList != null)
fromList = (FromList)fromList.accept(v);
if (whereClause != null)
whereClause = (ValueNode)whereClause.accept(v);
if (wherePredicates != null)
wherePredicates = (PredicateList)wherePredicates.accept(v);
if (havingClause != null) {
havingClause = (ValueNode)havingClause.accept(v);
// visiting these clauses was added as part of DERBY-6263. a better fix might be to fix the
// visitor rather than skip it.
if ( !(v instanceof HasCorrelatedCRsVisitor) )
if (selectSubquerys != null)
selectSubquerys = (SubqueryList) selectSubquerys.accept( v );
if (whereSubquerys != null)
whereSubquerys = (SubqueryList) whereSubquerys.accept( v );
if (groupByList != null) {
groupByList = (GroupByList) groupByList.accept( v );
for (int i = 0; i < qec.size(); i++) {
final OrderByList obl = qec.getOrderByList(i);
if (obl != null) {
qec.setOrderByList(i, (OrderByList)obl.accept(v));
final ValueNode offset = qec.getOffset(i);
if (offset != null) {
qec.setOffset(i, (ValueNode)offset.accept(v));
final ValueNode fetchFirst = qec.getFetchFirst(i);
if (fetchFirst != null) {
qec.setFetchFirst(i, (ValueNode)fetchFirst.accept(v));
if (preJoinFL != null)
preJoinFL = (FromList) preJoinFL.accept( v );
if (windows != null)
windows = (WindowList) windows.accept( v );
* @return true if there are aggregates in the select list.
boolean hasAggregatesInSelectList()
return !selectAggregates.isEmpty();
* Used by SubqueryNode to avoid flattening of a subquery if a window is
* defined on it. Note that any inline window definitions should have been
* collected from both the selectList and orderByList at the time this
* method is called, so the windows list is complete. This is true after
* preprocess is completed.
* @return true if this select node has any windows on it
boolean hasWindows()
return windows != null;
static void checkNoWindowFunctions(QueryTreeNode clause,
String clauseName)
throws StandardException {
// Clause cannot contain window functions except inside subqueries
HasNodeVisitor visitor = new HasNodeVisitor(WindowFunctionNode.class,
if (visitor.hasNode()) {
throw StandardException.newException(
* {@inheritDoc}
* A no-op for SelectNode.
void replaceOrForbidDefaults(TableDescriptor ttd,
ResultColumnList tcl,
boolean allowDefaults)
throws StandardException
boolean hasOffsetFetchFirst() {
return qec.hasOffsetFetchFirst();