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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.MergeNode
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package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ClassName;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.IgnoreFilter;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Visitor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.Authorizer;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ConstantAction;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.IdUtil;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
* <p>
* A MergeNode represents a MERGE statement. The statement looks like
* this...
* </p>
* <pre>
* MERGE INTO targetTable
* USING sourceTable
* ON searchCondition
* matchingClause1 ... matchingClauseN
* </pre>
* <p>
* ...where each matching clause looks like this...
* </p>
* <pre>
* WHEN MATCHED [ AND matchingRefinement ] THEN DELETE
* </pre>
* <p>
* ...or
* </p>
* <pre>
* WHEN MATCHED [ AND matchingRefinement ] THEN UPDATE SET col1 = expr1, ... colM = exprM
* </pre>
* <p>
* ...or
* </p>
* <pre>
* WHEN NOT MATCHED [ AND matchingRefinement ] THEN INSERT columnList VALUES valueList
* </pre>
* <p>
* The Derby compiler essentially rewrites this statement into a driving left join
* followed by a series of DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT actions. The left join looks like
* this:
* </p>
* <pre>
* SELECT selectList FROM sourceTable LEFT OUTER JOIN targetTable ON searchCondition
* </pre>
* <p>
* The selectList of the driving left join consists of the following:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>All of the columns mentioned in the searchCondition.</li>
* <li>All of the columns mentioned in the matchingRefinement clauses.</li>
* <li>All of the columns mentioned in the SET clauses and the INSERT columnLists and valueLists.</li>
* <li>All additional columns needed for the triggers and foreign keys fired by the DeleteResultSets
* and UpdateResultSets constructed for the WHEN MATCHED clauses.</li>
* <li>All additional columns needed to build index rows and evaluate generated columns
* needed by the UpdateResultSets constructed for the WHEN MATCHED...THEN UPDATE clauses.</li>
* <li>A trailing targetTable.RowLocation column.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The driving left join's selectList then looks like this...
* </p>
* <pre>
* sc1, ..., scN, tc1, ..., tcM, targetTable.RowLocation
* </pre>
* <p>
* Where sc1...scN are the columns we need from the source table (in alphabetical
* order) and tc1...tcM are the columns we need from the target table (in alphabetical
* order).
* </p>
* <p>
* The matchingRefinement expressions are bound and generated against the
* FromList of the driving left join. Dummy DeleteNode, UpdateNode, and InsertNode
* statements are independently constructed in order to bind and generate the DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT
* actions.
* </p>
* <p>
* At execution time, the targetTable.RowLocation column is used to determine
* whether a given driving row matches. The row matches iff targetTable.RowLocation is not null.
* The driving row is then assigned to the
* first DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT action to which it applies. The relevant columns from
* the driving row are extracted and buffered in a temporary table (the "then" rows) specific to that
* DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT action. After the driving left join has been processed,
* the DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT actions are run in order, each taking its corresponding
* temporary table as its source ResultSet.
* </p>
* <p>
* Name resolution was a particularly thorny problem. This is because name resolution
* behaves differently for SELECTs and UPDATEs. In particular, while processing UPDATEs,
* the compiler throws away name resolution information; this happens as a consequence
* of work done on DERBY-1043. In the end, I had to invent more name resolution machinery
* in order to compensate for the differences in the handling of SELECTs and UPDATEs.
* If we are to allow subqueries in matching refinement clauses and in the values expressions
* of INSERT and UPDATE actions, then we probably need to remove this special name
* resolution machinery. And that, in turn, probably means revisiting DERBY-1043.
* </p>
* <p>
* The special name resolution machinery involves marking source and target column references
* in order to make it clear which table they belong to. This is done in associateColumn(). The markers
* are consulted at code-generation time in order to resolve column references when we
* generate the expressions needed to populate the rows which go into the temporary tables.
* That resolution happens in MatchingClauseNode.getSelectListOffset().
* </p>
public final class MergeNode extends DMLModStatementNode
public static final int SOURCE_TABLE_INDEX = 0;
public static final int TARGET_TABLE_INDEX = 1;
private static final String TARGET_ROW_LOCATION_NAME = "###TargetRowLocation";
// Filled in by the constructor.
private FromBaseTable _targetTable;
private FromTable _sourceTable;
private ValueNode _searchCondition;
private QueryTreeNodeVector<MatchingClauseNode> _matchingClauses;
// Filled in at bind() time.
private ResultColumnList _selectList;
private FromList _leftJoinFromList;
private HalfOuterJoinNode _hojn;
// Filled in at generate() time.
private ConstantAction _constantAction;
private CursorNode _leftJoinCursor;
* <p>
* Constructor for a MergeNode.
* </p>
public MergeNode
FromTable targetTable,
FromTable sourceTable,
ValueNode searchCondition,
QueryTreeNodeVector<MatchingClauseNode> matchingClauses,
ContextManager cm
throws StandardException
super( null, null, cm );
if ( !( targetTable instanceof FromBaseTable) ) { notBaseTable(); }
else { _targetTable = (FromBaseTable) targetTable; }
_sourceTable = sourceTable;
_searchCondition = searchCondition;
_matchingClauses = matchingClauses;
/** Get the target table for the MERGE statement */
FromBaseTable getTargetTable() { return _targetTable; }
* <p>
* Associate a column with the SOURCE or TARGET table. This is
* part of the special name resolution machinery which smooths over
* the differences between name resolution for SELECTs and UPDATEs.
* </p>
void associateColumn( FromList fromList, ColumnReference cr, int mergeTableID )
throws StandardException
if ( mergeTableID != ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN ) { cr.setMergeTableID( mergeTableID ); }
// we have to figure out which table the column is in
String columnsTableName = cr.getTableName();
if ( ((FromTable) fromList.elementAt( SOURCE_TABLE_INDEX )).getMatchingColumn( cr ) != null )
cr.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_SOURCE );
else if ( ((FromTable) fromList.elementAt( TARGET_TABLE_INDEX )).getMatchingColumn( cr ) != null )
cr.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
// Don't raise an error if a column in another table is referenced and we
// don't know how to handle it here. If the column is not in the SOURCE or TARGET
// table, then it will be caught by other bind-time logic. Columns which ought
// to be associated, but aren't, will be caught later on by MatchingClauseNode.getMergeTableID().
/** Boilerplate for binding an expression against a FromList */
void bindExpression( ValueNode value, FromList fromList )
throws StandardException
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
cc.setReliability( previousReliability | CompilerContext.SQL_IN_ROUTINES_ILLEGAL );
cc.pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV );
try {
// this adds SELECT priv on referenced columns and EXECUTE privs on referenced routines
new SubqueryList( getContextManager() ),
new ArrayList<AggregateNode>()
// Restore previous compiler state
cc.setReliability( previousReliability );
* <p>
* Add the columns in the matchingRefinement clause to the evolving map.
* This is called when we're building the SELECT list for the driving left join.
* </p>
void getColumnsInExpression
( HashMap<String,ColumnReference> map, ValueNode expression, int mergeTableID )
throws StandardException
if ( expression == null ) { return; }
List<ColumnReference> colRefs = getColumnReferences( expression );
getColumnsFromList( map, colRefs, mergeTableID );
* <p>
* Add a list of columns to the the evolving map.
* This is called when we're building the SELECT list for the driving left join.
* </p>
void getColumnsFromList
( HashMap<String,ColumnReference> map, ResultColumnList rcl, int mergeTableID )
throws StandardException
List<ColumnReference> colRefs = getColumnReferences( rcl );
getColumnsFromList( map, colRefs, mergeTableID );
// bind() BEHAVIOR
public void bindStatement() throws StandardException
DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
// source table must be a vti or base table
if (
!(_sourceTable instanceof FromVTI) &&
!(_sourceTable instanceof FromBaseTable)
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_SOURCE_NOT_BASE_OR_VTI );
// source and target may not have the same correlation names
if ( getExposedName( _targetTable ).equals( getExposedName( _sourceTable ) ) )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_SAME_EXPOSED_NAME );
// don't allow derived column lists right now
// synonyms not allowed
// Don't add any privileges until we bind the matching clauses.
IgnoreFilter ignorePermissions = new IgnoreFilter();
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
FromList dfl = new FromList( getContextManager() );
FromTable dflSource = cloneFromTable( _sourceTable );
FromBaseTable dflTarget = (FromBaseTable) cloneFromTable( _targetTable );
dfl.addFromTable( dflSource );
dfl.addFromTable( dflTarget );
dfl.bindTables( dd, new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() ) );
// target table must be a base table
if ( !targetIsBaseTable( dflTarget ) ) { notBaseTable(); }
// ready to add permissions
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
FromList dummyFromList = cloneFromList( dd, dflTarget );
FromBaseTable dummyTargetTable = (FromBaseTable) dummyFromList.elementAt( TARGET_TABLE_INDEX );
mcn.bind( dd, this, dummyFromList, dummyTargetTable );
// window function not allowed
SelectNode.checkNoWindowFunctions(mcn, "matching clause");
// aggregates not allowed
bindLeftJoin( dd );
static void checkNoAggregates(QueryTreeNode clause)
throws StandardException {
// Clause cannot contain window aggregates except inside subqueries
HasNodeVisitor visitor = new HasNodeVisitor(AggregateNode.class,
if (visitor.hasNode()) {
throw StandardException.newException(
/** Get the exposed name of a FromTable */
private String getExposedName( FromTable ft ) throws StandardException
return ft.getTableName().getTableName();
public boolean referencesSessionSchema() throws StandardException {
return _sourceTable.referencesSessionSchema()
|| _targetTable.referencesSessionSchema()
|| _searchCondition.referencesSessionSchema()
|| _matchingClauses.referencesSessionSchema();
* Because of name resolution complexities, we do not allow derived column lists
* on source or target tables. These lists arise in queries like the following:
* </p>
* <pre>
* merge into t1 r( x )
* using t2 on r.x = t2.a
* when matched then delete;
* merge into t1
* using t2 r( x ) on t1.a = r.x
* when matched then delete;
* </pre>
private void forbidDerivedColumnLists() throws StandardException
if ( (_sourceTable.getResultColumns() != null) || (_targetTable.getResultColumns() != null) )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_NO_DCL_IN_MERGE );
/** Neither the source nor the target table may be a synonym */
private void forbidSynonyms() throws StandardException
if ( _sourceTable instanceof FromBaseTable )
((FromBaseTable) _sourceTable).getTableNameField().cloneMe());
private void forbidSynonyms(TableName tableName) throws StandardException
TableName synonym = resolveTableToSynonym( tableName );
if ( synonym != null )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_NO_SYNONYMS_IN_MERGE );
/** Throw a "not base table" exception */
private void notBaseTable() throws StandardException
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_TARGET_NOT_BASE_TABLE );
/** Return true if the target table is a base table */
private boolean targetIsBaseTable( FromBaseTable targetTable ) throws StandardException
FromBaseTable fbt = targetTable;
TableDescriptor desc = fbt.getTableDescriptor();
if ( desc == null ) { return false; }
switch( desc.getTableType() )
case TableDescriptor.BASE_TABLE_TYPE:
return true;
return false;
/** Return true if the source table is a base table, view, or table function */
private boolean sourceIsBase_or_VTI() throws StandardException
if ( _sourceTable instanceof FromVTI ) { return true; }
if ( !( _sourceTable instanceof FromBaseTable) ) { return false; }
FromBaseTable fbt = (FromBaseTable) _sourceTable;
TableDescriptor desc = fbt.getTableDescriptor();
if ( desc == null ) { return false; }
switch( desc.getTableType() )
case TableDescriptor.BASE_TABLE_TYPE:
case TableDescriptor.SYSTEM_TABLE_TYPE:
return true;
return false;
* Bind the driving left join select.
* Stuffs the left join SelectNode into the resultSet variable.
private void bindLeftJoin( DataDictionary dd ) throws StandardException
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
try {
cc.setReliability( previousReliability | CompilerContext.SQL_IN_ROUTINES_ILLEGAL );
// Don't add any privileges until we bind the matching refinement clauses.
IgnoreFilter ignorePermissions = new IgnoreFilter();
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
_hojn = new HalfOuterJoinNode
_leftJoinFromList = _hojn.makeFromList( true, true );
_leftJoinFromList.bindTables( dd, new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() ) );
if ( !sourceIsBase_or_VTI() )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_SOURCE_NOT_BASE_OR_VTI );
FromList topFromList = new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() );
topFromList.addFromTable( _hojn );
// ready to add permissions
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
// preliminary binding of the matching clauses to resolve column
// references. this ensures that we can add all of the columns from
// the matching refinements to the SELECT list of the left join.
// we re-bind the matching clauses when we're done binding the left join
// because, at that time, we have result set numbers needed for
// code generation.
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
mcn.bindRefinement( this, _leftJoinFromList );
ResultColumnList selectList = buildSelectList();
// save a copy so that we can remap column references when generating the temporary rows
_selectList = selectList.copyListAndObjects();
resultSet = new SelectNode
null, // where clause
null, // group by list
null, // having clause
null, // window list
null, // optimizer plan override
// Wrap the SELECT in a CursorNode in order to finish binding it.
_leftJoinCursor = new CursorNode
// We're only interested in privileges related to the ON clause.
// Otherwise, the driving left join should not contribute any
// privilege requirements.
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
// ready to add permissions again
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
// now figure out what privileges are needed for the ON clause
// Restore previous compiler state
cc.setReliability( previousReliability );
/** Create a FromList for binding a WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clause */
private FromList cloneFromList( DataDictionary dd, FromBaseTable targetTable )
throws StandardException
FromList dummyFromList = new FromList( getContextManager() );
FromBaseTable dummyTargetTable = new FromBaseTable
FromTable dummySourceTable = cloneFromTable( _sourceTable );
dummyTargetTable.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
dummySourceTable.setMergeTableID ( ColumnReference.MERGE_SOURCE );
dummyFromList.addFromTable( dummySourceTable );
dummyFromList.addFromTable( dummyTargetTable );
// Don't add any privileges while binding the tables.
IgnoreFilter ignorePermissions = new IgnoreFilter();
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
dummyFromList.bindTables( dd, new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() ) );
// ready to add permissions
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
return dummyFromList;
/** Clone a FromTable to avoid binding the original */
private FromTable cloneFromTable( FromTable fromTable ) throws StandardException
if ( fromTable instanceof FromVTI )
FromVTI source = (FromVTI) fromTable;
return new FromVTI
else if ( fromTable instanceof FromBaseTable )
FromBaseTable source = (FromBaseTable) fromTable;
return new FromBaseTable
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_SOURCE_NOT_BASE_OR_VTI );
* <p>
* Add the privileges required by the ON clause.
* </p>
private void addOnClausePrivileges() throws StandardException
// add SELECT privilege on columns
for ( ColumnReference cr : getColumnReferences( _searchCondition ) )
addColumnPrivilege( cr );
// add EXECUTE privilege on routines
for ( StaticMethodCallNode routine : getRoutineReferences( _searchCondition ) )
addRoutinePrivilege( routine );
// add USAGE privilege on CASTs to user-defined types
for ( CastNode value : getCastNodes( _searchCondition ) )
addUDTUsagePriv( value );
* <p>
* Add SELECT privilege on the indicated column.
* </p>
private void addColumnPrivilege( ColumnReference cr )
throws StandardException
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
ResultColumn rc = cr.getSource();
if ( rc != null )
ColumnDescriptor colDesc = rc.getColumnDescriptor();
if ( colDesc != null )
cc.pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV );
cc.addRequiredColumnPriv( colDesc );
* <p>
* Add EXECUTE privilege on the indicated routine.
* </p>
private void addRoutinePrivilege( StaticMethodCallNode routine )
throws StandardException
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
cc.pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.EXECUTE_PRIV );
cc.addRequiredRoutinePriv( );
/** Get a list of CastNodes in an expression */
private List<CastNode> getCastNodes( QueryTreeNode expression )
throws StandardException
CollectNodesVisitor<CastNode> getCNs =
new CollectNodesVisitor<CastNode>(CastNode.class);
return getCNs.getList();
/** Get a list of routines in an expression */
private List<StaticMethodCallNode> getRoutineReferences( QueryTreeNode expression )
throws StandardException
CollectNodesVisitor<StaticMethodCallNode> getSMCNs =
new CollectNodesVisitor<StaticMethodCallNode>(StaticMethodCallNode.class);
return getSMCNs.getList();
/** Build the select list for the left join */
private ResultColumnList buildSelectList() throws StandardException
HashMap<String,ColumnReference> drivingColumnMap = new HashMap<String,ColumnReference>();
getColumnsInExpression( drivingColumnMap, _searchCondition, ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN );
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
mcn.getColumnsInExpressions( this, drivingColumnMap );
int mergeTableID = mcn.isDeleteClause() ? ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET : ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN;
getColumnsFromList( drivingColumnMap, mcn.getThenColumns(), mergeTableID );
ResultColumnList selectList = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
// add all of the columns from the source table which are mentioned
(FromTable) _leftJoinFromList.elementAt( SOURCE_TABLE_INDEX ),
// add all of the columns from the target table which are mentioned
(FromTable) _leftJoinFromList.elementAt( TARGET_TABLE_INDEX ),
addTargetRowLocation( selectList );
return selectList;
/** Add the target table's row location to the left join's select list */
private void addTargetRowLocation( ResultColumnList selectList )
throws StandardException
// tell the target table to generate a row location column
_targetTable.setRowLocationColumnName( TARGET_ROW_LOCATION_NAME );
TableName fromTableName = _targetTable.getTableName();
ColumnReference cr = new ColumnReference
( TARGET_ROW_LOCATION_NAME, fromTableName, getContextManager() );
cr.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
ResultColumn rowLocationColumn = new ResultColumn( (String) null, cr, getContextManager() );
selectList.addResultColumn( rowLocationColumn );
* <p>
* Add to an evolving select list the columns from the indicated table.
* </p>
private void addColumns
FromTable fromTable,
HashMap<String,ColumnReference> drivingColumnMap,
ResultColumnList selectList,
int mergeTableID
throws StandardException
String[] columnNames = getColumns( mergeTableID, drivingColumnMap );
TableName tableName = fromTable.getTableName();
for ( int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++ )
ColumnReference cr = new ColumnReference
( columnNames[ i ], tableName, getContextManager() );
cr.setMergeTableID( mergeTableID );
ResultColumn rc = new ResultColumn( (String) null, cr, getContextManager() );
selectList.addResultColumn( rc );
/** Get the column names from the table with the given table number, in sorted order */
private String[] getColumns( int mergeTableID, HashMap<String,ColumnReference> map )
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
for ( ColumnReference cr : map.values() )
if ( cr.getMergeTableID() == mergeTableID ) { set.add( cr.getColumnName() ); }
String[] retval = new String[ set.size() ];
set.toArray( retval );
Arrays.sort( retval );
return retval;
/** Get a list of column references in an expression */
private List<ColumnReference> getColumnReferences( QueryTreeNode expression )
throws StandardException
CollectNodesVisitor<ColumnReference> getCRs =
new CollectNodesVisitor<ColumnReference>(ColumnReference.class);
return getCRs.getList();
/** Add a list of columns to the the evolving map */
private void getColumnsFromList
( HashMap<String,ColumnReference> map, List<ColumnReference> colRefs, int mergeTableID )
throws StandardException
for ( ColumnReference cr : colRefs )
addColumn( map, cr, mergeTableID );
/** Add a column to the evolving map of referenced columns */
void addColumn
HashMap<String,ColumnReference> map,
ColumnReference cr,
int mergeTableID
throws StandardException
if ( cr.getTableName() == null )
cr = cr.bindExpression(
new SubqueryList(getContextManager()),
new ArrayList<AggregateNode>());
TableName tableName = cr.getQualifiedTableName();
cr = new ColumnReference( cr.getColumnName(), tableName, getContextManager() );
associateColumn( _leftJoinFromList, cr, mergeTableID );
String key = makeDCMKey( cr.getTableName(), cr.getColumnName() );
ColumnReference mapCR = map.get( key );
if ( mapCR != null )
mapCR.setMergeTableID( cr.getMergeTableID() );
map.put( key, cr );
/** Make a HashMap key for a column in the driving column map of the LEFT JOIN */
private String makeDCMKey( String tableName, String columnName )
return IdUtil.mkQualifiedName( tableName, columnName );
// optimize() BEHAVIOR
public void optimizeStatement() throws StandardException
// Don't add any privileges during optimization.
IgnoreFilter ignorePermissions = new IgnoreFilter();
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
/* First optimize the left join */
// No need to set lockMode in the master MergeNode. The individual
// actions and the driving left-join will set their own lock modes.
// now optimize the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE actions
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
// ready to add permissions again
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
// generate() BEHAVIOR
void generate( ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb )
throws StandardException
int clauseCount = _matchingClauses.size();
/* generate the parameters */
acb.pushGetResultSetFactoryExpression( mb );
// arg 1: the driving left join
_leftJoinCursor.generate( acb, mb );
// dig up the actual result set which was generated and which will drive the MergeResultSet
ScrollInsensitiveResultSetNode sirs = (ScrollInsensitiveResultSetNode) _leftJoinCursor.resultSet;
ResultSetNode generatedScan = sirs.getChildResult();
ConstantAction[] clauseActions = new ConstantAction[ clauseCount ];
for ( int i = 0; i < clauseCount; i++ )
MatchingClauseNode mcn = _matchingClauses.elementAt(i);
mcn.generate( acb, _selectList, generatedScan, _hojn, i );
clauseActions[ i ] = mcn.makeConstantAction( acb );
_constantAction = getGenericConstantActionFactory().getMergeConstantAction( clauseActions );
( VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getMergeResultSet", ClassName.ResultSet, 1 );
public ConstantAction makeConstantAction() throws StandardException
return _constantAction;
// Visitable BEHAVIOR
* Accept the visitor for all visitable children of this node.
* @param v the visitor
* @exception StandardException on error
void acceptChildren(Visitor v)
throws StandardException
if ( _leftJoinCursor != null )
_leftJoinCursor.acceptChildren( v );
super.acceptChildren( v );
_targetTable.accept( v );
_sourceTable.accept( v );
_searchCondition.accept( v );
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
mcn.accept( v );
* Prints the sub-nodes of this object. See for
* how tree printing is supposed to work.
* @param depth The depth of this node in the tree
void printSubNodes( int depth )
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
super.printSubNodes( depth );
printLabel( depth, "targetTable: " );
_targetTable.treePrint( depth + 1 );
printLabel( depth, "sourceTable: " );
_sourceTable.treePrint( depth + 1 );
if ( _searchCondition != null )
printLabel( depth, "searchCondition: " );
_searchCondition.treePrint( depth + 1 );
for ( MatchingClauseNode mcn : _matchingClauses )
printLabel( depth, mcn.toString() );
mcn.treePrint( depth + 1 );
String statementToString()
return "MERGE";