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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.MatchingClauseNode
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package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.DefaultInfoImpl;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ClassName;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultDescription;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.IgnoreFilter;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Visitor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ConstantAction;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.NoPutResultSet;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
* Node representing a WHEN MATCHED or WHEN NOT MATCHED clause
* in a MERGE statement.
public class MatchingClauseNode extends QueryTreeNode
private static final String CURRENT_OF_NODE_NAME = "$MERGE_CURRENT";
// Filled in by the constructor.
private ValueNode _matchingRefinement;
private ResultColumnList _updateColumns;
private ResultColumnList _insertColumns;
private ResultColumnList _insertValues;
// Filled in at bind() time.
// the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement of this WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clause
private DMLModStatementNode _dml;
// the columns in the temporary conglomerate which drives the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
private ResultColumnList _thenColumns;
// Filled in at generate() time.
private int _clauseNumber;
private String _actionMethodName;
private String _resultSetFieldName;
private String _rowMakingMethodName;
* Constructor called by factory methods.
private MatchingClauseNode
ValueNode matchingRefinement,
ResultColumnList updateColumns,
ResultColumnList insertColumns,
ResultColumnList insertValues,
ContextManager cm
throws StandardException
super( cm );
_matchingRefinement = matchingRefinement;
_updateColumns = updateColumns;
_insertColumns = insertColumns;
_insertValues = insertValues;
/** Make a WHEN MATCHED ... THEN UPDATE clause */
static MatchingClauseNode makeUpdateClause
ValueNode matchingRefinement,
ResultColumnList updateColumns,
ContextManager cm
throws StandardException
return new MatchingClauseNode( matchingRefinement, updateColumns, null, null, cm );
/** Make a WHEN MATCHED ... THEN DELETE clause */
static MatchingClauseNode makeDeleteClause
ValueNode matchingRefinement,
ContextManager cm
throws StandardException
return new MatchingClauseNode( matchingRefinement, null, null, null, cm );
/** Make a WHEN NOT MATCHED ... THEN INSERT clause */
static MatchingClauseNode makeInsertClause
ValueNode matchingRefinement,
ResultColumnList insertColumns,
ResultColumnList insertValues,
ContextManager cm
throws StandardException
return new MatchingClauseNode( matchingRefinement, null, insertColumns, insertValues, cm );
/** Return true if this is a WHEN MATCHED ... UPDATE clause */
boolean isUpdateClause() { return (_updateColumns != null); }
/** Return true if this is a WHEN NOT MATCHED ... INSERT clause */
boolean isInsertClause() { return (_insertValues != null); }
/** Return true if this is a WHEN MATCHED ... DELETE clause */
boolean isDeleteClause() { return !( isUpdateClause() || isInsertClause() ); }
* Return the list of columns which form the rows of the ResultSet which drive
ResultColumnList getThenColumns() { return _thenColumns; }
// bind() BEHAVIOR CALLED BY MergeNode
/** Bind this WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clause against the parent MergeNode */
void bind
DataDictionary dd,
MergeNode mergeNode,
FromList fullFromList,
FromBaseTable targetTable
throws StandardException
// Although the SQL Standard allows subqueries in the WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clauses,
// we don't support them yet. That is because code-generation for those clauses breaks
// if they contain subqueries. That, in turn, is because we don't completely optimize those
// clauses. If we improve Derby so that we do completely optimize the WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clauses,
// then we can consider enabling subqueries in them.
_thenColumns = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
if ( isDeleteClause() ) { bindDelete( dd, fullFromList, targetTable ); }
if ( isUpdateClause() ) { bindUpdate( dd, mergeNode, fullFromList, targetTable ); }
if ( isInsertClause() ) { bindInsert( dd, mergeNode, fullFromList, targetTable ); }
/** Bind the optional refinement condition in the MATCHED clause */
void bindRefinement( MergeNode mergeNode, FromList fullFromList ) throws StandardException
if ( _matchingRefinement != null )
FromList fromList = fullFromList;
// For an INSERT action, the WHEN NOT MATCHED refinement can only
// mention columns in the source table.
if ( isInsertClause() )
fromList = new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() );
fromList.addElement( fullFromList.elementAt( MergeNode.SOURCE_TABLE_INDEX ) );
mergeNode.bindExpression( _matchingRefinement, fromList );
/** Collect the columns mentioned by expressions in this MATCHED clause */
void getColumnsInExpressions
MergeNode mergeNode,
HashMap<String,ColumnReference> drivingColumnMap
throws StandardException
if ( _matchingRefinement != null )
mergeNode.getColumnsInExpression( drivingColumnMap, _matchingRefinement, ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN );
if ( isUpdateClause() )
TableName targetTableName = mergeNode.getTargetTable().getTableName();
// Get all columns mentioned on both sides of SET operators in WHEN MATCHED ... THEN UPDATE clauses.
// We need the left side because UPDATE needs before and after images of columns.
// We need the right side because there may be columns in the expressions there.
for ( ResultColumn rc : _updateColumns )
mergeNode.getColumnsInExpression( drivingColumnMap, rc.getExpression(), ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN );
ColumnReference leftCR = new ColumnReference( rc.getName(), targetTableName, getContextManager() );
mergeNode.addColumn( drivingColumnMap, leftCR, ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
else if ( isInsertClause() )
// get all columns mentioned in the VALUES subclauses of WHEN NOT MATCHED ... THEN INSERT clauses
for ( ResultColumn rc : _insertValues )
mergeNode.getColumnsInExpression( drivingColumnMap, rc.getExpression(), ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN );
else if ( isDeleteClause() )
// add all of the THEN columns
mergeNode.getColumnsFromList( drivingColumnMap, _thenColumns, ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
/** Bind a WHEN MATCHED ... THEN UPDATE clause */
private void bindUpdate
DataDictionary dd,
MergeNode mergeNode,
FromList fullFromList,
FromBaseTable targetTable
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList setClauses = realiasSetClauses( targetTable );
bindSetClauses( mergeNode, fullFromList, targetTable, setClauses );
TableName tableName = targetTable.getTableNameField();
FromList selectFromList = fullFromList;
SelectNode selectNode = new SelectNode
null, // where clause
null, // group by list
null, // having clause
null, // window list
null, // optimizer plan override
_dml = new UpdateNode( tableName, selectNode, this, getContextManager() );
// Don't add USAGE privilege on user-defined types.
boolean wasSkippingTypePrivileges = getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( true );
// Split the update row into its before and after images.
ResultColumnList beforeColumns = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
ResultColumnList afterColumns = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
ResultColumnList fullUpdateRow = getBoundSelectUnderUpdate().getResultColumns();
// the full row is the before image, the after image, and a row location
int rowSize = fullUpdateRow.size() / 2;
// split the row into before and after images
for ( int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++ )
ResultColumn origBeforeRC = fullUpdateRow.elementAt( i );
ResultColumn origAfterRC = fullUpdateRow.elementAt( i + rowSize );
ResultColumn beforeRC = origBeforeRC.cloneMe();
ResultColumn afterRC = origAfterRC.cloneMe();
beforeColumns.addResultColumn( beforeRC );
afterColumns.addResultColumn( afterRC );
buildThenColumnsForUpdate( fullFromList, targetTable, fullUpdateRow, beforeColumns, afterColumns );
getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( wasSkippingTypePrivileges );
* <p>
* Due to discrepancies in how names are resolved by SELECT and UPDATE,
* we have to force the left side of SET clauses to use the same table identifiers
* as the right sides of the SET clauses.
* </p>
private ResultColumnList realiasSetClauses
FromBaseTable targetTable
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList rcl = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
for ( int i = 0; i < _updateColumns.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn setRC = _updateColumns.elementAt( i );
TableName tableName = targetTable.getTableName();
ColumnReference newTargetColumn = new ColumnReference
newTargetColumn.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
ResultColumn newRC = new ResultColumn
rcl.addResultColumn( newRC );
return rcl;
* <p>
* Get the bound SELECT node under the dummy UPDATE node.
* This may not be the source result set of the UPDATE node. That is because a ProjectRestrictNode
* may have been inserted on top of it by DEFAULT handling. This method
* exists to make the UPDATE actions of MERGE statements behave like ordinary
* UPDATE statements in this situation. The behavior is actually wrong. See
* DERBY-6414. Depending on how that bug is addressed, we may be able
* to remove this method eventually.
* </p>
private ResultSetNode getBoundSelectUnderUpdate()
throws StandardException
ResultSetNode candidate = _dml.resultSet;
while ( candidate != null )
if ( candidate instanceof SelectNode ) { return candidate; }
else if ( candidate instanceof SingleChildResultSetNode )
candidate = ((SingleChildResultSetNode) candidate).getChildResult();
else { break; }
// don't understand what's going on
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.NOT_IMPLEMENTED );
/** Bind the SET clauses of an UPDATE action */
private void bindSetClauses
MergeNode mergeNode,
FromList fullFromList,
FromTable targetTable,
ResultColumnList setClauses
throws StandardException
// needed to make the UpdateNode bind
setClauses.replaceOrForbidDefaults( targetTable.getTableDescriptor(), _updateColumns, true );
bindExpressions( setClauses, fullFromList );
// For column resolution later on, columns on the left side
// of SET operators are associated with the TARGET table.
for ( int i = 0; i < _updateColumns.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn rc = _updateColumns.elementAt( i );
ColumnReference cr = rc.getReference();
cr.setMergeTableID( ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET );
// Now associate the columns on the right side of SET operators.
List<ColumnReference> colRefs = getColumnReferences( _updateColumns );
for ( ColumnReference cr : colRefs )
mergeNode.associateColumn( fullFromList, cr, ColumnReference.MERGE_UNKNOWN );
* <p>
* Construct the row in the temporary table which drives an UPDATE action.
* Unlike a DELETE, whose temporary row is just a list of copied columns, the
* temporary row for UPDATE may contain complex expressions which must
* be code-generated later on.
* </p>
private void buildThenColumnsForUpdate
FromList fullFromList,
FromTable targetTable,
ResultColumnList fullRow,
ResultColumnList beforeRow,
ResultColumnList afterValues
throws StandardException
TableDescriptor td = targetTable.getTableDescriptor();
HashSet<String> changedColumns = getChangedColumnNames();
HashSet<String> changedGeneratedColumns = getChangedGeneratedColumnNames( td, changedColumns );
_thenColumns = fullRow.copyListAndObjects();
// Here we set up for the evaluation of expressions in the temporary table
// which drives the INSERT action. If we were actually generating the dummy SELECT
// for the DML action, the work would normally be done there. But we don't generate
// that SELECT. So we do the following here:
// 1) If a column has a value specified in the WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clause, then we use it.
// There is some special handling to make the DEFAULT value work for identity columns.
// 2) Otherwise, if the column has a default, then we plug it in.
for ( int i = 0; i < _thenColumns.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn origRC = _thenColumns.elementAt( i );
boolean isAfterColumn = (i >= beforeRow.size());
// skip the final RowLocation column of an UPDATE
boolean isRowLocation = isRowLocation( origRC );
ValueNode origExpr = origRC.getExpression();
if ( isRowLocation ) { continue; }
String columnName = origRC.getName();
ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor( columnName );
boolean changed = false;
// This handles the case that a GENERATED BY DEFAULT identity column is being
// set to the keyword DEFAULT. This causes the UPDATE action of a MERGE statement
// to have the same wrong behavior as a regular UPDATE statement. See derby-6414.
if ( cd.isAutoincrement() && (origRC.getExpression() instanceof NumericConstantNode) )
DataValueDescriptor numericValue = ((NumericConstantNode) origRC.getExpression()).getValue();
if ( numericValue == null )
ResultColumn newRC = makeAutoGenRC( targetTable, origRC, i+1 );
newRC.setVirtualColumnId( origRC.getVirtualColumnId() );
_thenColumns.setElementAt( newRC, i );
// VirtualColumnNodes are skipped at code-generation time. This can result in
// NPEs when evaluating generation expressions. Replace VirtualColumnNodes with
// UntypedNullConstantNodes, except for identity columns, which require special
// handling below.
if ( !origRC.isAutoincrement() && (origRC.getExpression() instanceof VirtualColumnNode) )
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
// Generated columns need special handling. The value needs to be recalculated
// under the following circumstances:
// 1) It's the after image of the column
// 2) AND the statement causes the value to change.
// Otherwise, the value should be set to whatever is in the row coming out
// of the driving left join.
if ( cd.hasGenerationClause() )
if ( isAfterColumn && changedGeneratedColumns.contains( columnName ) )
// Set the expression to something that won't choke ResultColumnList.generateEvaluatedRow().
// The value will be a Java null at execution time, which will cause the value
// to be re-generated.
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
ColumnReference cr = new ColumnReference
( columnName, targetTable.getTableName(), getContextManager() );
origRC.setExpression( cr );
// remove the column descriptor in order to turn off hasGenerationClause()
origRC.setColumnDescriptor( null, null );
if ( isAfterColumn )
for ( int ic = 0; ic < beforeRow.size(); ic++ )
ResultColumn icRC = beforeRow.elementAt( ic );
if ( columnName.equals( icRC.getName() ) )
ResultColumn newRC = null;
// replace DEFAULT for a generated or identity column
ResultColumn valueRC = afterValues.elementAt( ic );
if ( valueRC.wasDefaultColumn() || (valueRC.getExpression() instanceof UntypedNullConstantNode ) )
if ( !cd.isAutoincrement() )
// Eliminate column references under identity columns. They
// will mess up the code generation.
ValueNode expr = origRC.getExpression();
if ( expr instanceof ColumnReference )
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
newRC = makeAutoGenRC( targetTable, origRC, i+1 );
newRC = valueRC.cloneMe();
newRC.setType( origRC.getTypeServices() );
newRC.setVirtualColumnId( origRC.getVirtualColumnId() );
_thenColumns.setElementAt( newRC, i );
changed = true;
// plug in defaults if we haven't done so already
if ( !changed )
DefaultInfoImpl defaultInfo = (DefaultInfoImpl) cd.getDefaultInfo();
if ( (defaultInfo != null) && !defaultInfo.isGeneratedColumn() && !cd.isAutoincrement() )
_thenColumns.setDefault( origRC, cd, defaultInfo );
changed = true;
// set the result column name correctly for buildThenColumnSignature()
ResultColumn finalRC = _thenColumns.elementAt( i );
finalRC.setName( cd.getColumnName() );
// Turn off the autogenerated bit for identity columns so that
// ResultColumnList.generateEvaluatedRow() doesn't try to compile
// code to generate values for the before images in UPDATE rows.
// This logic will probably need to be revisited as part of fixing derby-6414.
} // end loop through _thenColumns
/** Get the names of the columns explicitly changed by SET clauses */
private HashSet<String> getChangedColumnNames()
throws StandardException
HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
for ( int i = 0; i < _updateColumns.size(); i++ )
String columnName = _updateColumns.elementAt( i ).getName();
result.add( columnName );
return result;
* <p>
* Get the names of the generated columns which are changed
* by the UPDATE statement. These are the generated columns which
* match one of the following conditions:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Are explicitly mentioned on the left side of a SET clause.</li>
* <li>Are built from other columns which are explicitly mentioned on the left side of a SET clause.</li>
* </ul>
private HashSet<String> getChangedGeneratedColumnNames
TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor,
HashSet<String> changedColumnNames // columns which are explicitly mentioned on the left side of a SET clause
throws StandardException
HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
for ( ColumnDescriptor cd : targetTableDescriptor.getColumnDescriptorList() )
if ( !cd.hasGenerationClause() ) { continue; }
if ( changedColumnNames.contains( cd.getColumnName() ) )
result.add( cd.getColumnName() );
String[] referencedColumns = cd.getDefaultInfo().getReferencedColumnNames();
for ( String referencedColumnName : referencedColumns )
if ( changedColumnNames.contains( referencedColumnName ) )
result.add( referencedColumnName );
return result;
/** Bind a WHEN MATCHED ... THEN DELETE clause */
private void bindDelete
DataDictionary dd,
FromList fullFromList,
FromBaseTable targetTable
throws StandardException
// Don't add any privileges until we bind the DELETE.
IgnoreFilter ignorePermissions = new IgnoreFilter();
getCompilerContext().addPrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
FromBaseTable deleteTarget = new FromBaseTable
( targetTable.getTableNameField(), null, null, null, getContextManager() );
FromList dummyFromList = new FromList( getContextManager() );
dummyFromList.addFromTable( deleteTarget );
dummyFromList.bindTables( dd, new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() ) );
CurrentOfNode currentOfNode = CurrentOfNode.makeForMerge
( CURRENT_OF_NODE_NAME, deleteTarget, getContextManager() );
FromList fromList = new FromList( getContextManager() );
fromList.addFromTable( currentOfNode );
SelectNode selectNode = new SelectNode
fromList, /* FROM list */
null, /* WHERE clause */
null, /* GROUP BY list */
null, /* having clause */
null, /* window list */
null, /* optimizer plan override */
_dml = new DeleteNode( targetTable.getTableNameField(), selectNode, this, getContextManager() );
// ready to add permissions
getCompilerContext().removePrivilegeFilter( ignorePermissions );
* <p>
* Construct the signature of the temporary table which drives the
* </p>
private void buildThenColumnsForDelete()
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList dmlSignature = _dml.resultSet.getResultColumns();
for ( int i = 0; i < dmlSignature.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn origRC = dmlSignature.elementAt( i );
ResultColumn newRC;
ValueNode expression = origRC.getExpression();
if ( expression instanceof ColumnReference )
ColumnReference cr = (ColumnReference) ((ColumnReference) expression).getClone();
newRC = new ResultColumn( cr, cr, getContextManager() );
newRC = origRC.cloneMe();
_thenColumns.addResultColumn( newRC );
/** Bind a WHEN NOT MATCHED ... THEN INSERT clause */
private void bindInsert
DataDictionary dd,
MergeNode mergeNode,
FromList fullFromList,
FromBaseTable targetTable
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList selectList = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
for ( int i = 0; i < _insertValues.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn rc = _insertValues.elementAt( i );
selectList.addResultColumn( rc.cloneMe() );
selectList.replaceOrForbidDefaults( targetTable.getTableDescriptor(), _insertColumns, true );
bindExpressions( selectList, fullFromList );
bindInsertValues( fullFromList, targetTable );
// the VALUES clause may not mention columns in the target table
FromList sourceTableFromList = new FromList( getOptimizerFactory().doJoinOrderOptimization(), getContextManager() );
sourceTableFromList.addElement( fullFromList.elementAt( MergeNode.SOURCE_TABLE_INDEX ) );
bindExpressions( _insertValues, sourceTableFromList );
SelectNode selectNode = new SelectNode
selectList, // select list
null, // where clause
null, // group by list
null, // having clause
null, // window list
null, // optimizer plan override
_dml = new InsertNode
this, // in NOT MATCHED clause
null, // targetProperties
null, // order by cols
null, // offset
null, // fetch first
false, // has JDBC limit clause
buildThenColumnsForInsert( fullFromList, targetTable, _dml.resultSet.getResultColumns(), _insertColumns, _insertValues );
/** Bind the values in the INSERT list */
private void bindInsertValues
FromList fullFromList,
FromTable targetTable
throws StandardException
TableDescriptor td = targetTable.getTableDescriptor();
// construct a full insert column list if insert columns weren't specified
if ( _insertColumns == null ) { _insertColumns = buildFullColumnList( td ); }
if ( _insertColumns.size() != _insertValues.size() )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_DB2_INVALID_COLS_SPECIFIED );
// forbid illegal values for identity columns
for ( int i = 0; i <_insertValues.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn rc = _insertValues.elementAt( i );
String columnName = _insertColumns.elementAt( i ).getName();
ValueNode expr = rc.getExpression();
ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor( columnName );
// if the column isn't in the table, this will be sorted out when we bind
// the InsertNode
if ( cd == null ) { continue; }
// DEFAULT is the only value allowed for a GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY column
if ( cd.isAutoincAlways() && !(expr instanceof DefaultNode) )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_AI_CANNOT_MODIFY_AI, columnName );
// NULL is illegal as the value for any identity column
if ( cd.isAutoincrement() && (expr instanceof UntypedNullConstantNode) )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_NULL_INTO_NON_NULL, columnName );
// needed to make the SelectNode bind
_insertValues.replaceOrForbidDefaults( targetTable.getTableDescriptor(), _insertColumns, true );
bindExpressions( _insertValues, fullFromList );
* <p>
* Build the full column list for a table.
* </p>
private ResultColumnList buildFullColumnList( TableDescriptor td )
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList result = new ResultColumnList( getContextManager() );
ColumnDescriptorList cdl = td.getColumnDescriptorList();
int cdlSize = cdl.size();
for ( int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++ )
ColumnDescriptor colDesc = cdl.elementAt( index );
ColumnReference columnRef = new ColumnReference( colDesc.getColumnName(), null, getContextManager() );
ResultColumn resultColumn = new ResultColumn
result.addResultColumn( resultColumn );
return result;
* <p>
* Construct the row in the temporary table which drives an INSERT action.
* Unlike a DELETE, whose temporary row is just a list of copied columns, the
* temporary row for INSERT may contain complex expressions which must
* be code-generated later on.
* </p>
private void buildThenColumnsForInsert
FromList fullFromList,
FromTable targetTable,
ResultColumnList fullRow,
ResultColumnList insertColumns,
ResultColumnList insertValues
throws StandardException
// Don't add USAGE privilege on user-defined types just because we're
// building the THEN columns.
boolean wasSkippingTypePrivileges = getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( true );
TableDescriptor td = targetTable.getTableDescriptor();
_thenColumns = fullRow.copyListAndObjects();
// Here we set up for the evaluation of expressions in the temporary table
// which drives the INSERT action. If we were actually generating the dummy SELECT
// for the DML action, the work would normally be done there. But we don't generate
// that SELECT. So we do the following here:
// 1) If a column has a value specified in the WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clause, then we use it.
// There is some special handling to make the DEFAULT value work for identity columns.
// 2) Otherwise, if the column has a default, then we plug it in.
for ( int i = 0; i < _thenColumns.size(); i++ )
ResultColumn origRC = _thenColumns.elementAt( i );
String columnName = origRC.getName();
ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor( columnName );
boolean changed = false;
// VirtualColumnNodes are skipped at code-generation time. This can result in
// NPEs when evaluating generation expressions. Replace VirtualColumnNodes with
// UntypedNullConstantNodes, except for identity columns, which require special
// handling below.
if ( !origRC.isAutoincrement() && (origRC.getExpression() instanceof VirtualColumnNode) )
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
if ( cd.hasGenerationClause() )
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
for ( int ic = 0; ic < insertColumns.size(); ic++ )
ResultColumn icRC = insertColumns.elementAt( ic );
if ( columnName.equals( icRC.getName() ) )
ResultColumn newRC = null;
// replace DEFAULT for a generated or identity column
ResultColumn valueRC = insertValues.elementAt( ic );
if ( valueRC.wasDefaultColumn() || (valueRC.getExpression() instanceof UntypedNullConstantNode ) )
if ( !cd.isAutoincrement() )
// Eliminate column references under identity columns. They
// will mess up the code generation.
ValueNode expr = origRC.getExpression();
if ( expr instanceof ColumnReference )
origRC.setExpression( new UntypedNullConstantNode( getContextManager() ) );
newRC = makeAutoGenRC( targetTable, origRC, i+1 );
newRC = valueRC.cloneMe();
newRC.setType( origRC.getTypeServices() );
newRC.setVirtualColumnId( origRC.getVirtualColumnId() );
_thenColumns.setElementAt( newRC, i );
changed = true;
// plug in defaults if we haven't done so already
if ( !changed )
DefaultInfoImpl defaultInfo = (DefaultInfoImpl) cd.getDefaultInfo();
if ( (defaultInfo != null) && !defaultInfo.isGeneratedColumn() && !cd.isAutoincrement() )
_thenColumns.setDefault( origRC, cd, defaultInfo );
changed = true;
// set the result column name correctly for buildThenColumnSignature()
ResultColumn finalRC = _thenColumns.elementAt( i );
finalRC.setName( cd.getColumnName() );
} // end loop through _thenColumns
getCompilerContext().skipTypePrivileges( wasSkippingTypePrivileges );
* <p>
* Make a ResultColumn for an identity column which is being set to the DEFAULT
* value. This special ResultColumn will make it through code generation so that it
* will be calculated when the INSERT/UPDATE action is run.
* </p>
private ResultColumn makeAutoGenRC
FromTable targetTable,
ResultColumn origRC,
int virtualColumnID
throws StandardException
String columnName = origRC.getName();
ColumnReference autoGenCR = new ColumnReference( columnName, targetTable.getTableName(), getContextManager() );
ResultColumn autoGenRC = new ResultColumn( autoGenCR, null, getContextManager() );
VirtualColumnNode autoGenVCN = new VirtualColumnNode( targetTable, autoGenRC, virtualColumnID, getContextManager() );
ResultColumn newRC = new ResultColumn( autoGenCR, autoGenVCN, getContextManager() );
// set the type so that buildThenColumnSignature() will function correctly
newRC.setType( origRC.getTypeServices() );
return newRC;
/** Boilerplate for binding a list of ResultColumns against a FromList */
private void bindExpressions( ResultColumnList rcl, FromList fromList )
throws StandardException
CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
boolean wasSkippingTypePrivileges = cc.skipTypePrivileges( true );
cc.setReliability( previousReliability | CompilerContext.SQL_IN_ROUTINES_ILLEGAL );
try {
new SubqueryList( getContextManager() ),
new ArrayList<AggregateNode>()
// Restore previous compiler state
cc.setReliability( previousReliability );
cc.skipTypePrivileges( wasSkippingTypePrivileges );
* <p>
* Forbid subqueries in WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clauses.
* </p>
private void forbidSubqueries()
throws StandardException
forbidSubqueries( _matchingRefinement );
forbidSubqueries( _updateColumns );
forbidSubqueries( _insertColumns );
forbidSubqueries( _insertValues );
private void forbidSubqueries( ResultColumnList rcl )
throws StandardException
if ( rcl != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < rcl.size(); i++ )
forbidSubqueries( rcl.elementAt( i ) );
private void forbidSubqueries( ValueNode expr )
throws StandardException
if ( expr != null )
CollectNodesVisitor<SubqueryNode> getSubqueries =
new CollectNodesVisitor<SubqueryNode>(SubqueryNode.class);
expr.accept( getSubqueries );
if ( getSubqueries.getList().size() > 0 )
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_NO_SUBQUERIES_IN_MATCHED_CLAUSE );
// optimize() BEHAVIOR
* <p>
* Optimize the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE action.
* </p>
void optimize() throws StandardException
// generate() BEHAVIOR
ConstantAction makeConstantAction( ActivationClassBuilder acb )
throws StandardException
// generate the clause-specific refinement
String refinementName = null;
if ( _matchingRefinement != null )
MethodBuilder userExprFun = acb.newUserExprFun();
_matchingRefinement.generateExpression( acb, userExprFun );
// we are done modifying userExprFun, complete it.
refinementName = userExprFun.getName();
return getGenericConstantActionFactory().getMatchingClauseConstantAction
private int getClauseType()
if ( isUpdateClause() ) { return ConstantAction.WHEN_MATCHED_THEN_UPDATE; }
else if ( isInsertClause() ) { return ConstantAction.WHEN_NOT_MATCHED_THEN_INSERT; }
else { return ConstantAction.WHEN_MATCHED_THEN_DELETE; }
* <p>
* Build the signature of the row which will go into the temporary table.
* </p>
private ResultDescription buildThenColumnSignature()
throws StandardException
ResultColumnDescriptor[] cells = _thenColumns.makeResultDescriptors();
return getLanguageConnectionContext().getLanguageFactory().getResultDescription( cells, "MERGE" );
* <p>
* Generate a method to invoke the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE action. This method
* will be called at runtime by MatchingClauseConstantAction.executeConstantAction().
* </p>
void generate
ActivationClassBuilder acb,
ResultColumnList selectList,
ResultSetNode generatedScan,
HalfOuterJoinNode hojn,
int clauseNumber
throws StandardException
_clauseNumber = clauseNumber;
adjustMatchingRefinement( selectList, generatedScan );
generateInsertUpdateRow( acb, selectList, generatedScan, hojn );
_actionMethodName = "mergeActionMethod_" + _clauseNumber;
MethodBuilder mb = acb.getClassBuilder().newMethodBuilder
// now generate the action into this method
_dml.generate( acb, mb );
* <p>
* Re-map ColumnReferences in constraints to point into the row from the
* temporary table. This is where the row will be stored when constraints
* are being evaluated.
* </p>
private void remapConstraints()
throws StandardException
if( isDeleteClause()) { return; }
ValueNode checkConstraints = isInsertClause() ?
((InsertNode) _dml).checkConstraints :
((UpdateNode) _dml).checkConstraints;
if ( checkConstraints != null )
List<ColumnReference> colRefs = getColumnReferences( checkConstraints );
for ( ColumnReference cr : colRefs )
cr.getSource().setResultSetNumber( NoPutResultSet.TEMPORARY_RESULT_SET_NUMBER );
* <p>
* Adds a field to the generated class to hold the ResultSet of "then" rows
* which drive the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE action. Generates code to push
* the contents of that field onto the stack.
* </p>
void generateResultSetField( ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb )
throws StandardException
_resultSetFieldName = "mergeResultSetField_" + _clauseNumber;
// make the field public so we can stuff it at execution time
LocalField resultSetField = acb.newFieldDeclaration( Modifier.PUBLIC, ClassName.NoPutResultSet, _resultSetFieldName );
// At runtime, MatchingClauseConstantAction.executeConstantAction()
// will stuff the resultSetField with the temporary table which collects
// the rows relevant to this action. We want to push the value of resultSetField
// onto the stack, where it will be the ResultSet argument to the constructor
// of the actual INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE action.
mb.getField( resultSetField );
* <p>
* Generate a method to build a row for the temporary table for INSERT/UPDATE actions.
* The method stuffs each column in the row with the result of the corresponding
* expression built out of columns in the current row of the driving left join.
* The method returns the stuffed row.
* </p>
private void generateInsertUpdateRow
ActivationClassBuilder acb,
ResultColumnList selectList,
ResultSetNode generatedScan,
HalfOuterJoinNode hojn
throws StandardException
// point expressions in the temporary row at the columns in the
// result column list of the driving left join.
adjustThenColumns( selectList, generatedScan, hojn );
_rowMakingMethodName = "mergeRowMakingMethod_" + _clauseNumber;
MethodBuilder mb = acb.getClassBuilder().newMethodBuilder
_thenColumns.generateEvaluatedRow( acb, mb, false, true );
* <p>
* Point the column references in the matching refinement at the corresponding
* columns returned by the driving left join.
* </p>
private void adjustMatchingRefinement
ResultColumnList selectList,
ResultSetNode generatedScan
throws StandardException
if ( _matchingRefinement != null )
useGeneratedScan( selectList, generatedScan, _matchingRefinement );
* <p>
* Point the column references in the temporary row at the corresponding
* columns returned by the driving left join.
* </p>
private void adjustThenColumns
ResultColumnList selectList,
ResultSetNode generatedScan,
HalfOuterJoinNode hojn
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList leftJoinResult = generatedScan.getResultColumns();
useGeneratedScan( selectList, generatedScan, _thenColumns );
// For an UPDATE action, the final column in the temporary row is the
// RowLocation. Point it at the last column in the row returned by the left join.
int lastRCSlot = _thenColumns.size() - 1;
ResultColumn lastRC = _thenColumns.elementAt( lastRCSlot );
if ( isRowLocation( lastRC ) )
ResultColumn lastLeftJoinRC = leftJoinResult.elementAt( leftJoinResult.size() - 1 );
ValueNode value = lastLeftJoinRC.getExpression();
String columnName = lastLeftJoinRC.getName();
ColumnReference rowLocationCR = new ColumnReference
( columnName, hojn.getTableName(), getContextManager() );
rowLocationCR.setSource( lastLeftJoinRC );
ResultColumn rowLocationRC = new ResultColumn( columnName, rowLocationCR, getContextManager() );
_thenColumns.removeElementAt( lastRCSlot );
_thenColumns.addResultColumn( rowLocationRC );
* <p>
* Point a node's ColumnReferences into the row returned by the driving left join.
* </p>
private void useGeneratedScan
ResultColumnList selectList,
ResultSetNode generatedScan,
QueryTreeNode node
throws StandardException
ResultColumnList leftJoinResult = generatedScan.getResultColumns();
for ( ColumnReference cr : getColumnReferences( node ) )
ResultColumn leftJoinRC = leftJoinResult.elementAt( getSelectListOffset( selectList, cr ) - 1 );
cr.setSource( leftJoinRC );
* <p>
* Find a column reference in the SELECT list of the driving left join
* and return its 1-based offset into that list. Returns -1 if the column
* can't be found.
* </p>
private int getSelectListOffset( ResultColumnList selectList, ValueNode thenExpression )
throws StandardException
int selectCount = selectList.size();
if ( thenExpression instanceof ColumnReference )
ColumnReference thenCR = (ColumnReference) thenExpression;
String thenCRName = thenCR.getColumnName();
int thenCRMergeTableID = getMergeTableID( thenCR );
// loop through the SELECT list to find this column reference
for ( int sidx = 0; sidx < selectCount; sidx++ )
ResultColumn selectRC = selectList.elementAt( sidx );
ValueNode selectExpression = selectRC.getExpression();
ColumnReference selectCR = selectExpression instanceof ColumnReference ?
(ColumnReference) selectExpression : null;
if ( selectCR != null )
if (
( getMergeTableID( selectCR ) == thenCRMergeTableID) &&
thenCRName.equals( selectCR.getColumnName() )
return sidx + 1;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"Can't find select list column corresponding to " + thenCR.getSQLColumnName() +
" with merge table id = " + thenCRMergeTableID
else if ( thenExpression instanceof CurrentRowLocationNode )
// There is only one RowLocation in the SELECT list, the row location for the
// tuple from the target table. The RowLocation is always the last column in
// the SELECT list.
return selectCount;
return -1;
/** Find the MERGE table id of the indicated column */
private int getMergeTableID( ColumnReference cr )
int mergeTableID = cr.getMergeTableID();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
( (mergeTableID == ColumnReference.MERGE_SOURCE) || (mergeTableID == ColumnReference.MERGE_TARGET) ),
"Column " + cr.getSQLColumnName() + " has illegal MERGE table id: " + mergeTableID
return mergeTableID;
// Visitable BEHAVIOR
* Accept the visitor for all visitable children of this node.
* @param v the visitor
* @exception StandardException on error
void acceptChildren(Visitor v)
throws StandardException
super.acceptChildren( v );
if ( _matchingRefinement != null ) { _matchingRefinement.accept( v ); }
if ( _updateColumns != null ) { _updateColumns.accept( v ); }
if ( _insertColumns != null ) { _insertColumns.accept( v ); }
if ( _insertValues != null ) { _insertValues.accept( v ); }
if ( _dml != null ) { _dml.accept( v ); }
* Prints the sub-nodes of this object. See for
* how tree printing is supposed to work.
* @param depth The depth of this node in the tree
void printSubNodes( int depth )
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
super.printSubNodes( depth );
if ( _matchingRefinement != null )
printLabel( depth, "matchingRefinement: " );
_matchingRefinement.treePrint( depth + 1 );
if ( _updateColumns != null )
printLabel( depth, "updateColumns: " );
_updateColumns.treePrint( depth + 1 );
if ( _insertColumns != null )
printLabel( depth, "insertColumns: " );
_insertColumns.treePrint( depth + 1 );
if ( _insertValues != null )
printLabel( depth, "insertValues: " );
_insertValues.treePrint( depth + 1 );
* Convert this object to a String. See comments in
* for how this should be done for tree printing.
* @return This object as a String
public String toString()
if ( isUpdateClause() ) { return "UPDATE"; }
else if ( isInsertClause() ) { return "INSERT"; }
else { return "DELETE"; }
/** Get a list of column references in an expression */
private List<ColumnReference> getColumnReferences( QueryTreeNode expression )
throws StandardException
CollectNodesVisitor<ColumnReference> getCRs =
new CollectNodesVisitor<ColumnReference>(ColumnReference.class);
return getCRs.getList();
/** Return true if the ResultColumn represents a RowLocation */
private boolean isRowLocation( ResultColumn rc ) throws StandardException
if ( rc.getExpression() instanceof CurrentRowLocationNode ) { return true; }
DataTypeDescriptor dtd = rc.getTypeServices();
if ( (dtd != null) && (dtd.getTypeId().isRefTypeId()) ) { return true; }
return false;
public boolean referencesSessionSchema() throws StandardException {
return referencesSessionSchema(_matchingRefinement)
|| referencesSessionSchema(_updateColumns)
|| referencesSessionSchema(_insertColumns)
|| referencesSessionSchema(_insertValues);
private static boolean referencesSessionSchema(QueryTreeNode node)
throws StandardException {
return node != null && node.referencesSessionSchema();