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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.BinaryRelationalOperatorNode
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package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;
import java.sql.Types;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ClassName;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.ExpressionClassBuilderInterface;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.Orderable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.JBitSet;
* This class represents the 6 binary operators: LessThan, LessThanEquals,
* Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan and GreaterThanEquals.
class BinaryRelationalOperatorNode
extends BinaryComparisonOperatorNode
implements RelationalOperator
// Allowed kinds
final static int K_EQUALS = 0;
final static int K_GREATER_EQUALS = 1;
final static int K_GREATER_THAN = 2;
final static int K_LESS_EQUALS = 3;
final static int K_LESS_THAN = 4;
final static int K_NOT_EQUALS = 5;
* This class is used to hold logically different objects for
* space efficiency. {@code kind} represents the logical object
* type. See also {@link ValueNode#isSameNodeKind}.
final int kind;
/* RelationalOperator Interface */
private int relOpType;
// Visitor for finding base tables beneath optimizables and column
// references. Created once and re-used thereafter.
private BaseTableNumbersVisitor btnVis;
// Bit sets for holding base tables beneath optimizables and
// column references. Created once and re-used thereafter.
JBitSet optBaseTables;
JBitSet valNodeBaseTables;
/* If this BinRelOp was created for an IN-list "probe predicate"
* then we keep a pointer to the original IN-list. This serves
* two purposes: 1) if this field is non-null then we know that
* this BinRelOp is for an IN-list probe predicate; 2) if the
* optimizer chooses a plan for which the probe predicate is
* not usable as a start/stop key then we'll "revert" the pred
* back to the InListOperatorNode referenced here. NOTE: Once
* set, this variable should *only* ever be accessed via the
* isInListProbeNode() or getInListOp() methods--see comments
* in the latter method for more.
private InListOperatorNode inListProbeSource = null;
* Constructor.
* DERBY-6185 Query against view with {@code "where name LIKE
* 'Col1' ESCAPE '\' "} failed.
* Argument {@code forQueryRewrite} can be true only if this node has been
* added by an internal rewrite of the query. This allows binding to
* be more liberal when checking it against allowed syntax.
* This parameter will be passed FALSE when a new instance of the node
* is being created(which is the majority of the cases). But when an
* existing node is getting cloned, the value of this parameter should
* be passed as the originalNode.getForQueryRewrite(). Examples of this
* can be found in Predicate.Java and
* @param kind The kind of operator
* @param leftOperand The left operand
* @param rightOperand The right operand
* @param forQueryRewrite See method description
* @param cm The context manager
int kind,
ValueNode leftOperand,
ValueNode rightOperand,
boolean forQueryRewrite,
ContextManager cm) throws StandardException
this.kind = kind;
* Same as constructor above except takes a third argument that is
* an InListOperatorNode. This version is used during IN-list
* preprocessing to create a "probe predicate" for the IN-list.
* See InListOperatorNode.preprocess() for more.
* DERBY-6185 (Query against view with "where name LIKE
* 'Col1' ESCAPE '\' " failed)
* 4th argument forQueryRewrite can be true only if this node has been
* added by an internal rewrite of the query. This allows binding to
* be more liberal when checking it against allowed syntax.
* This parameter will be passed FALSE when a new instance of the node
* is being created(which is the majority of the cases). But when an
* existing node is getting cloned, the value of this parameter should
* be passed as the originalNode.getForQueryRewrite(). Examples of this
* can be found in Predicate.Java and
int kind,
ValueNode leftOperand,
ValueNode rightOperand,
InListOperatorNode inListOp,
boolean forQueryRewrite,
ContextManager cm) throws StandardException
this.kind = kind;
this.inListProbeSource = inListOp;
private void constructorMinion() {
this.relOpType = getRelOpType(this.kind);
btnVis = null;
private static String getMethodName(int kind) {
String methodName = "";
switch (kind) {
case K_EQUALS:
methodName = "equals";
methodName = "greaterOrEquals";
methodName = "greaterThan";
methodName = "lessOrEquals";
methodName = "lessThan";
methodName = "notEquals";
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"Constructor for BinaryRelationalOperatorNode" +
" called with wrong nodeType = " + kind);
return methodName;
private static String getOperatorName(int kind) {
String operatorName = "";
switch (kind) {
case K_EQUALS:
operatorName = "=";
operatorName = ">=";
operatorName = ">";
operatorName = "<=";
operatorName = "<";
operatorName = "<>";
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"Constructor for BinaryRelationalOperatorNode " +
"called with wrong nodeType = " + kind);
return operatorName;
private int getRelOpType(int op) {
switch (op) {
case K_EQUALS:
return RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP;
return RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP;
return RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP;
return RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP;
return RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP;
return RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"Constructor for BinaryRelationalOperatorNode " +
"called with wrong operator type = " + kind);
return 0;
* If this rel op was created for an IN-list probe predicate then return
* the underlying InListOperatorNode. Will return null if this rel
* op is a "legitimate" relational operator (as opposed to a disguised
* IN-list). With the exception of nullability checking via the
* isInListProbeNode() method, all access to this.inListProbeSource
* MUST come through this method, as this method ensures that the
* left operand of the inListProbeSource is set correctly before
* returning it.
protected InListOperatorNode getInListOp()
if (inListProbeSource != null)
/* Depending on where this probe predicate currently sits
* in the query tree, this.leftOperand *may* have been
* transformed, replaced, or remapped one or more times
* since inListProbeSource was last referenced. Since the
* leftOperand of the IN list should be the same regardless
* of which "version" of the operation we're looking at
* (i.e. the "probe predicate" version (this node) vs the
* original version (inListProbeSource)), we have to make
* sure that all of the changes made to this.leftOperand
* are reflected in inListProbeSource's leftOperand, as
* well. In doing so we ensure the caller of this method
* will see an up-to-date version of the InListOperatorNode--
* and thus, if the caller references the InListOperatorNode's
* leftOperand, it will see the correct information. One
* notable example of this is at code generation time, where
* if this probe predicate is deemed "not useful", we'll
* generate the underlying InListOperatorNode instead of
* "this". For that to work correctly, the InListOperatorNode
* must have the correct leftOperand. DERBY-3253.
* That said, since this.leftOperand will always be "up-to-
* date" w.r.t. the current query tree (because this probe
* predicate sits in the query tree and so all relevant
* transformations will be applied here), the simplest way
* to ensure the underlying InListOperatorNode also has an
* up-to-date leftOperand is to set it to this.leftOperand.
return inListProbeSource;
/** @see RelationalOperator#getColumnOperand */
public ColumnReference getColumnOperand(
Optimizable optTable,
int columnPosition)
FromTable ft = (FromTable) optTable;
// When searching for a matching column operand, we search
// the entire subtree (if there is one) beneath optTable
// to see if we can find any FromTables that correspond to
// either of this op's column references.
ColumnReference cr;
boolean walkSubtree = true;
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() == columnPosition)
/* We've found the correct column - return it */
return cr;
walkSubtree = false;
if (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() == columnPosition)
/* We've found the correct column - return it */
return cr;
/* Neither side is the column we're looking for */
return null;
/** @see RelationalOperator#getColumnOperand */
public ColumnReference getColumnOperand(Optimizable optTable)
ColumnReference cr;
boolean walkSubtree = true;
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(
cr, (FromTable)optTable, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct.
return cr;
walkSubtree = false;
if (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr,
(FromTable)optTable, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct
return cr;
/* Neither side is the column we're looking for */
return null;
* @see RelationalOperator#getExpressionOperand
public ValueNode getExpressionOperand(
int tableNumber,
int columnPosition,
Optimizable ft)
ColumnReference cr;
boolean walkSubtree = true;
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() == columnPosition)
** We've found the correct column -
** return the other side
return rightOperand;
walkSubtree = false;
if (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, false, walkSubtree))
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() == columnPosition)
** We've found the correct column -
** return the other side
return leftOperand;
return null;
* @see RelationalOperator#getOperand
public ValueNode getOperand(ColumnReference cRef,
int refSetSize, boolean otherSide)
// Following call will initialize/reset the btnVis,
// valNodeBaseTables, and optBaseTables fields of this object.
initBaseTableVisitor(refSetSize, true);
// We search for the column reference by getting the *base*
// table number for each operand and checking to see if
// that matches the *base* table number for the cRef
// that we're looking for. If so, then we the two
// reference the same table so we go on to check
// column position.
try {
// Use optBaseTables for cRef's base table numbers.
// Use valNodeBaseTables for operand base table nums.
ColumnReference cr;
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeBaseTables.getFirstSetBit() != -1)
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() ==
** We've found the correct column -
** return the appropriate side.
if (otherSide)
return rightOperand;
return leftOperand;
if (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeBaseTables.getFirstSetBit() != -1)
** The table is correct, how about the column position?
if (cr.getSource().getColumnPosition() ==
** We've found the correct column -
** return the appropriate side
if (otherSide)
return leftOperand;
return rightOperand;
} catch (StandardException se) {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Failed when trying to " +
"find base table number for column reference check:", se);
return null;
* @see RelationalOperator#generateExpressionOperand
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public void generateExpressionOperand(
Optimizable optTable,
int columnPosition,
ExpressionClassBuilderInterface acbi,
MethodBuilder mb)
throws StandardException
ExpressionClassBuilder acb = (ExpressionClassBuilder) acbi;
FromBaseTable ft;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(optTable instanceof FromBaseTable);
ft = (FromBaseTable) optTable;
ValueNode exprOp = getExpressionOperand(
ft.getTableNumber(), columnPosition, ft);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (exprOp == null)
"ColumnReference for correct column (columnPosition = " +
columnPosition +
", exposed table name = " + ft.getExposedName() +
") not found on either side of BinaryRelationalOperator");
exprOp.generateExpression(acb, mb);
/** @see RelationalOperator#selfComparison
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public boolean selfComparison(ColumnReference cr)
throws StandardException
ValueNode otherSide;
JBitSet tablesReferenced;
** Figure out which side the given ColumnReference is on,
** and look for the same table on the other side.
if (leftOperand == cr)
otherSide = rightOperand;
else if (rightOperand == cr)
otherSide = leftOperand;
otherSide = null;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
"ColumnReference not found on either side of binary comparison.");
tablesReferenced = otherSide.getTablesReferenced();
/* Return true if the table we're looking for is in the bit map */
return tablesReferenced.get(cr.getTableNumber());
/** @see RelationalOperator#usefulStartKey */
public boolean usefulStartKey(Optimizable optTable)
** Determine whether this operator is a useful start operator
** with knowledge of whether the key column is on the left or right.
int columnSide = columnOnOneSide(optTable);
if (columnSide == NEITHER)
return false;
return usefulStartKey(columnSide == LEFT);
* Return true if a key column for the given table is found on the
* left side of this operator, false if it is found on the right
* side of this operator.
* NOTE: This method assumes that a key column will be found on one
* side or the other. If you don't know whether a key column exists,
* use the columnOnOneSide() method (below).
* @param optTable The Optimizable table that we're looking for a key
* column on.
* @return true if a key column for the given table is on the left
* side of this operator, false if one is found on the right
* side of this operator.
protected boolean keyColumnOnLeft(Optimizable optTable)
ColumnReference cr;
boolean left = false;
/* Is the key column on the left or the right? */
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(
cr, (FromTable)optTable, false, true))
/* The left operand is the key column */
left = true;
// Else the right operand must be the key column.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (!left)
(rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference) &&
(FromTable)optTable, false, true),
"Key column not found on either side.");
return left;
/* Return values for columnOnOneSide */
protected static final int LEFT = -1;
protected static final int NEITHER = 0;
protected static final int RIGHT = 1;
* Determine whether there is a column from the given table on one side
* of this operator, and if so, which side is it on?
* @param optTable The Optimizable table that we're looking for a key
* column on.
* @return LEFT if there is a column on the left, RIGHT if there is
* a column on the right, NEITHER if no column found on either
* side.
protected int columnOnOneSide(Optimizable optTable)
ColumnReference cr;
boolean left = false;
boolean walkSubtree = true;
/* Is a column on the left */
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(
cr, (FromTable)optTable, false, walkSubtree))
/* Key column found on left */
return LEFT;
walkSubtree = false;
if (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(
cr, (FromTable)optTable, false, walkSubtree))
/* Key column found on right */
return RIGHT;
return NEITHER;
/** @see RelationalOperator#usefulStopKey */
public boolean usefulStopKey(Optimizable optTable)
** Determine whether this operator is a useful start operator
** with knowledge of whether the key column is on the left or right.
int columnSide = columnOnOneSide(optTable);
if (columnSide == NEITHER)
return false;
return usefulStopKey(columnSide == LEFT);
* Determine whether this comparison operator is a useful stop key
* with knowledge of whether the key column is on the left or right.
* @param left true means the key column is on the left, false means
* it is on the right.
* @return true if this is a useful stop key
/** @see RelationalOperator#generateAbsoluteColumnId */
public void generateAbsoluteColumnId(MethodBuilder mb,
Optimizable optTable)
// Get the absolute column position for the column
int columnPosition = getAbsoluteColumnPosition(optTable);
/** @see RelationalOperator#generateRelativeColumnId */
public void generateRelativeColumnId(MethodBuilder mb,
Optimizable optTable)
// Get the absolute column position for the column
int columnPosition = getAbsoluteColumnPosition(optTable);
// Convert the absolute to the relative 0-based column position
columnPosition = optTable.convertAbsoluteToRelativeColumnPosition(
* Get the absolute 0-based column position of the ColumnReference from
* the conglomerate for this Optimizable.
* @param optTable The Optimizable
* @return The absolute 0-based column position of the ColumnReference
private int getAbsoluteColumnPosition(Optimizable optTable)
ColumnReference cr;
ConglomerateDescriptor bestCD;
int columnPosition;
if (keyColumnOnLeft(optTable))
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
bestCD = optTable.getTrulyTheBestAccessPath().
** Column positions are one-based, store is zero-based.
columnPosition = cr.getSource().getColumnPosition();
** If it's an index, find the base column position in the index
** and translate it to an index column position.
if (bestCD != null && bestCD.isIndex())
columnPosition = bestCD.getIndexDescriptor().
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(columnPosition > 0,
"Base column not found in index");
// return the 0-based column position
return columnPosition - 1;
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public void generateQualMethod(ExpressionClassBuilderInterface acbi,
MethodBuilder mb,
Optimizable optTable)
throws StandardException
ExpressionClassBuilder acb = (ExpressionClassBuilder) acbi;
/* Generate a method that returns the expression */
MethodBuilder qualMethod = acb.newUserExprFun();
** Generate the expression that's on the opposite side
** of the key column
if (keyColumnOnLeft(optTable))
rightOperand.generateExpression(acb, qualMethod);
leftOperand.generateExpression(acb, qualMethod);
/* push an expression that evaluates to the GeneratedMethod */
acb.pushMethodReference(mb, qualMethod);
/** @see RelationalOperator#generateOrderedNulls */
public void generateOrderedNulls(MethodBuilder mb)
/** @see RelationalOperator#orderedNulls */
public boolean orderedNulls()
return false;
/** @see RelationalOperator#isQualifier
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public boolean isQualifier(Optimizable optTable, boolean forPush)
throws StandardException
/* If this rel op is for an IN-list probe predicate then we never
* treat it as a qualifer. The reason is that if we treat it as
* a qualifier then we could end up generating it as a qualifier,
* which would lead to the generation of an equality qualifier
* of the form "col = <val>" (where <val> is the first value in
* the IN-list). That would lead to wrong results (missing rows)
* because that restriction is incorrect.
if (isInListProbeNode())
return false;
FromTable ft;
ValueNode otherSide = null;
JBitSet tablesReferenced;
ColumnReference cr;
boolean found = false;
boolean walkSubtree = true;
ft = (FromTable) optTable;
if (leftOperand instanceof ColumnReference)
** The left operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) leftOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, forPush, walkSubtree))
otherSide = rightOperand;
found = true;
walkSubtree = false;
if ( ( ! found) && (rightOperand instanceof ColumnReference) )
** The right operand is a column reference.
** Is it the correct column?
cr = (ColumnReference) rightOperand;
if (valNodeReferencesOptTable(cr, ft, forPush, walkSubtree))
otherSide = leftOperand;
found = true;
/* Have we found a ColumnReference on either side? */
if ( ! found)
** Neither side is a ColumnReference to the table we're looking
** for, so it can't be a Qualifier
return false;
** One side is a ColumnReference to the correct table. It is a
** Qualifier if the other side does not refer to the table we are
** optimizing.
return !valNodeReferencesOptTable(otherSide, ft, forPush, true);
* @see RelationalOperator#getOrderableVariantType
* @exception StandardException thrown on error
public int getOrderableVariantType(Optimizable optTable)
throws StandardException
/* The Qualifier's orderable is on the opposite side from
* the key column.
if (keyColumnOnLeft(optTable))
return rightOperand.getOrderableVariantType();
return leftOperand.getOrderableVariantType();
/** @see RelationalOperator#compareWithKnownConstant */
public boolean compareWithKnownConstant(Optimizable optTable, boolean considerParameters)
ValueNode node = keyColumnOnLeft(optTable) ? rightOperand : leftOperand;
if (considerParameters)
return (node instanceof ConstantNode) ||
((node.requiresTypeFromContext()) &&
(((ParameterNode)node).getDefaultValue() != null));
return node instanceof ConstantNode;
* @see RelationalOperator#getCompareValue
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public DataValueDescriptor getCompareValue(Optimizable optTable)
throws StandardException
/* The value being compared to is on the opposite side from
** the key column.
ValueNode node = keyColumnOnLeft(optTable) ? rightOperand : leftOperand;
if (node instanceof ConstantNode)
return ((ConstantNode)node).getValue();
else if (node.requiresTypeFromContext())
ParameterNode pn;
if (node instanceof UnaryOperatorNode)
pn = ((UnaryOperatorNode)node).getParameterOperand();
pn = (ParameterNode) (node);
return pn.getDefaultValue();
return null;
* Return 50% if this is a comparison with a boolean column, a negative
* selectivity otherwise.
protected double booleanSelectivity(Optimizable optTable)
throws StandardException
TypeId typeId = null;
double retval = -1.0d;
int columnSide;
columnSide = columnOnOneSide(optTable);
if (columnSide == LEFT)
typeId = leftOperand.getTypeId();
else if (columnSide == RIGHT)
typeId = rightOperand.getTypeId();
if (typeId != null && (typeId.getJDBCTypeId() == Types.BIT ||
typeId.getJDBCTypeId() == Types.BOOLEAN))
retval = 0.5d;
return retval;
* The methods generated for this node all are on Orderable.
* Overrides this method
* in BooleanOperatorNode for code generation purposes.
String getReceiverInterfaceName() {
return ClassName.DataValueDescriptor;
* See if the node always evaluates to true or false, and return a Boolean
* constant node if it does.
* @return a node representing a Boolean constant if the result of the
* operator is known; otherwise, this operator node
ValueNode evaluateConstantExpressions() throws StandardException {
if (leftOperand instanceof ConstantNode &&
rightOperand instanceof ConstantNode) {
ConstantNode leftOp = (ConstantNode) leftOperand;
ConstantNode rightOp = (ConstantNode) rightOperand;
DataValueDescriptor leftVal = leftOp.getValue();
DataValueDescriptor rightVal = rightOp.getValue();
if (!leftVal.isNull() && !rightVal.isNull()) {
int comp =;
switch (relOpType) {
return newBool(comp == 0);
return newBool(comp != 0);
return newBool(comp > 0);
return newBool(comp >= 0);
return newBool(comp < 0);
return newBool(comp <= 0);
return this;
* Create a Boolean constant node with a specified value.
* @param b the value of the constant
* @return a node representing a Boolean constant
private ValueNode newBool(boolean b) throws StandardException {
return new BooleanConstantNode(b, getContextManager());
* Returns the negation of this operator; negation of Equals is NotEquals.
BinaryOperatorNode getNegation(ValueNode leftOperand,
ValueNode rightOperand)
throws StandardException
BinaryOperatorNode negation;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(getTypeServices() != null,
"dataTypeServices is expected to be non-null");
/* xxxRESOLVE: look into doing this in place instead of allocating a new node */
negation = new BinaryRelationalOperatorNode(getNegationNode(),
leftOperand, rightOperand,
return negation;
/* map current node to its negation */
private int getNegationNode()
switch (this.kind)
case K_EQUALS:
return K_NOT_EQUALS;
return K_LESS_THAN;
return K_EQUALS;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"getNegationNode called with invalid node type: " +
return -1;
* Return an equivalent node with the operands swapped, and possibly with
* the operator type changed in order to preserve the meaning of the
* expression.
BinaryOperatorNode getSwappedEquivalent() throws StandardException {
BinaryOperatorNode newNode = new BinaryRelationalOperatorNode(
return newNode;
* Return the node type that must be used in order to construct an
* equivalent expression if the operands are swapped. For symmetric
* operators ({@code =} and {@code <>}), the same node type is returned.
* Otherwise, the direction of the operator is switched in order to
* preserve the meaning (for instance, a node representing less-than will
* return the node type for greater-than).
* @return a node type that preserves the meaning of the expression if
* the operands are swapped
private int getKindForSwap() {
switch (this.kind) {
case K_EQUALS:
return K_EQUALS;
return K_LESS_THAN;
return K_NOT_EQUALS;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
"Invalid operator type: " + kind);
return -1;
* is this is useful start key? for example a predicate of the from
* <em>column Lessthan 5</em> is not a useful start key but is a useful stop
* key. However <em>5 Lessthan column </em> is a useful start key.
* @param columnOnLeft is true if the column is the left hand side of the
* binary operator.
protected boolean usefulStartKey(boolean columnOnLeft)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
return true;
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
return false;
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
// col > 1
return columnOnLeft;
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
// col < 1
return !columnOnLeft;
return false;
/** @see RelationalOperator#usefulStopKey */
protected boolean usefulStopKey(boolean columnOnLeft)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
return true;
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
return false;
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
// col > 1
return !columnOnLeft;
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
// col < 1
return columnOnLeft;
return false;
/** @see RelationalOperator#getStartOperator */
public int getStartOperator(Optimizable optTable)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
return ScanController.GE;
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
return ScanController.GT;
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("!= cannot be a start operator");
return ScanController.NA;
return ScanController.NA;
/** @see RelationalOperator#getStopOperator */
public int getStopOperator(Optimizable optTable)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
return ScanController.GT;
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
return ScanController.GE;
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("!= cannot be a stop operator");
return ScanController.NA;
return ScanController.NA;
/** @see RelationalOperator#generateOperator */
public void generateOperator(MethodBuilder mb,
Optimizable optTable)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
mb.push(keyColumnOnLeft(optTable) ?
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
mb.push(keyColumnOnLeft(optTable) ?
/** @see RelationalOperator#generateNegate */
public void generateNegate(MethodBuilder mb, Optimizable optTable)
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
/** @see RelationalOperator#getOperator */
public int getOperator()
return relOpType;
/** return the selectivity of this predicate.
@Override @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
public double selectivity(Optimizable optTable)
throws StandardException
double retval = booleanSelectivity(optTable);
if (retval >= 0.0d)
return retval;
switch (relOpType)
case RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP:
return 0.1;
case RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.LESS_EQUALS_RELOP:
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_EQUALS_RELOP:
if (getBetweenSelectivity())
return 0.5d;
/* fallthrough -- only */
case RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_RELOP:
return 0.33;
return 0.0;
/** @see RelationalOperator#getTransitiveSearchClause */
public RelationalOperator getTransitiveSearchClause(ColumnReference otherCR)
throws StandardException
return new BinaryRelationalOperatorNode(kind,
public boolean equalsComparisonWithConstantExpression(Optimizable optTable)
if (relOpType != EQUALS_RELOP)
return false;
boolean retval = false;
ValueNode comparand = null;
int side = columnOnOneSide(optTable);
if (side == LEFT)
retval = rightOperand.isConstantExpression();
else if (side == RIGHT)
retval = leftOperand.isConstantExpression();
return retval;
/** @see ValueNode#isRelationalOperator */
boolean isRelationalOperator()
/* If this rel op is for a probe predicate then we do not call
* it a "relational operator"; it's actually a disguised IN-list
* operator.
return !isInListProbeNode();
/** @see ValueNode#isBinaryEqualsOperatorNode */
boolean isBinaryEqualsOperatorNode()
/* If this rel op is for a probe predicate then we do not treat
* it as an "equals operator"; it's actually a disguised IN-list
* operator.
return !isInListProbeNode() &&
(relOpType == RelationalOperator.EQUALS_RELOP);
* @see ValueNode#isInListProbeNode
* It's okay for this method to reference inListProbeSource directly
* because it does not rely on the contents of inListProbeSource's
* leftOperand, and a caller of this method cannot gain access to
* inListProbeSource's leftOperand through this method.
boolean isInListProbeNode()
return (inListProbeSource != null);
/** @see ValueNode#optimizableEqualityNode */
boolean optimizableEqualityNode(Optimizable optTable,
int columnNumber,
boolean isNullOkay)
throws StandardException
if (relOpType != EQUALS_RELOP)
return false;
/* If this rel op is for a probe predicate then we do not treat
* it as an equality node; it's actually a disguised IN-list node.
if (isInListProbeNode())
return false;
ColumnReference cr = getColumnOperand(optTable,
if (cr == null)
return false;
if (selfComparison(cr))
return false;
if (implicitVarcharComparison())
return false;
return true;
* Return whether or not this binary relational predicate requires an implicit
* (var)char conversion. This is important when considering
* hash join since this type of equality predicate is not currently
* supported for a hash join.
* @return Whether or not an implicit (var)char conversion is required for
* this binary relational operator.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
private boolean implicitVarcharComparison()
throws StandardException
TypeId leftType = leftOperand.getTypeId();
TypeId rightType = rightOperand.getTypeId();
if (leftType.isStringTypeId() && !rightType.isStringTypeId())
return true;
if (rightType.isStringTypeId() && (!leftType.isStringTypeId()))
return true;
return false;
/* @see BinaryOperatorNode#genSQLJavaSQLTree
* @see BinaryComparisonOperatorNode#genSQLJavaSQLTree
ValueNode genSQLJavaSQLTree() throws StandardException
if (relOpType == EQUALS_RELOP)
return this;
return super.genSQLJavaSQLTree();
* Take a ResultSetNode and return a column reference that is scoped for
* for the received ResultSetNode, where "scoped" means that the column
* reference points to a specific column in the RSN. This is used for
* remapping predicates from an outer query down to a subquery.
* For example, assume we have the following query:
* select * from
* (select i,j from t1 union select i,j from t2) X1,
* (select a,b from t3 union select a,b from t4) X2
* where X1.j = X2.b;
* Then assume that this BinaryRelationalOperatorNode represents the
* "X1.j = X2.b" predicate and that the childRSN we received as a
* parameter represents one of the subqueries to which we want to push
* the predicate; let's say it's:
* select i,j from t1
* Then what we want to do in this method is map one of the operands
* X1.j or X2.b (depending on the 'whichSide' parameter) to the childRSN,
* if possible. Note that in our example, "X2.b" should _NOT_ be mapped
* because it doesn't apply to the childRSN for the subquery "select i,j
* from t1"; thus we should leave it as it is. "X1.j", however, _does_
* need to be scoped, and so this method will return a ColumnReference
* pointing to "T1.j" (or whatever the corresponding column in T1 is).
* ASSUMPTION: We should only get to this method if we know that
* exactly one operand in the predicate to which this operator belongs
* can and should be mapped to the received childRSN.
* @param whichSide The operand are we trying to scope (LEFT or RIGHT)
* @param parentRSNsTables Set of all table numbers referenced by
* the ResultSetNode that is _parent_ to the received childRSN.
* We need this to make sure we don't scope the operand to a
* ResultSetNode to which it doesn't apply.
* @param childRSN The result set node to which we want to create
* a scoped predicate.
* @param whichRC If not -1 then this tells us which ResultColumn
* in the received childRSN we need to use for the scoped predicate;
* if -1 then the column position of the scoped column reference
* will be stored in this array and passed back to the caller.
* @return A column reference scoped to the received childRSN, if possible.
* If the operand is a ColumnReference that is not supposed to be scoped,
* we return a _clone_ of the reference--this is necessary because the
* reference is going to be pushed to two places (left and right children
* of the parentRSN) and if both children are referencing the same
* instance of the column reference, they'll interfere with each other
* during optimization.
ValueNode getScopedOperand(int whichSide,
JBitSet parentRSNsTables, ResultSetNode childRSN,
int [] whichRC) throws StandardException
ResultColumn rc;
ColumnReference cr =
whichSide == LEFT
? (ColumnReference)leftOperand
: (ColumnReference)rightOperand;
/* When we scope a predicate we only scope one side of it--the
* side that is to be evaluated against childRSN. We figure out
* if "cr" is that side by using table numbers, as seen below.
* This means that for every scoped predicate there will be one
* operand that is scoped and one operand that is not scoped.
* When we get here for the operand that will not be scoped,
* we'll just return a clone of that operand. So in the example
* mentioned above, the scoped predicate for the left child of
* X1 would be
* T1.j <scoped> = X2.b <clone>
* That said, the first thing we need to do is see if this
* ColumnReference is supposed to be scoped for childRSN. We
* do that by figuring out what underlying base table the column
* reference is pointing to and then seeing if that base table
* is included in the list of table numbers from the parentRSN.
JBitSet crTables = new JBitSet(parentRSNsTables.size());
BaseTableNumbersVisitor btnVisitor =
new BaseTableNumbersVisitor(crTables);
/* If the column reference in question is not intended for
* the received result set node, just leave the operand as
* it is (i.e. return a clone). In the example mentioned at
* the start of this method, this will happen when the operand
* is X2.b and childRSN is either "select i,j from t1" or
* "select i,j from t2", in which case the operand does not
* apply to childRSN. When we get here and try to map the
* "X1.j" operand, though, the following "contains" check will
* return true and thus we can go ahead and return a scoped
* version of that operand.
if (!parentRSNsTables.contains(crTables))
return (ColumnReference)cr.getClone();
/* Find the target ResultColumn in the received result set. At
* this point we know that we do in fact need to scope the column
* reference for childRSN, so go ahead and do it. The way in
* which we get the scope target column differs depending on
* if childRSN corresponds to the left or right child of the
* UNION node. Before explaining that, though, note that it's
* not good enough to just search for the target column by
* name. The reason is that it's possible the name provided
* for the column reference to be scoped doesn't match the
* name of the actual underlying column. Ex.
* select * from
* (select i,j from t1 union select i,j from t2) X1 (x,y),
* (select a,b from t3 union select a,b from t4) X2
* where X1.x = X2.b;
* If we were scoping "X1.x" and we searched for "x" in the
* childRSN "select i,j from t1" we wouldn't find it.
* It is similarly incorrect to search for the target column
* by position (DERBY-1633). This is a bit more subtle, but
* if the child to which we're scoping is a subquery whose RCL
* does not match the column ordering of the RCL for cr's source
* result set, then searching by column position can yield the
* wrong results, as well. For a detailed example of how this
* can happen, see the fix description attached to DERBY-1633.
* So how do we find the target column, then? As mentioned
* above, the way in which we get the scope target column
* differs depending on if childRSN corresponds to the left
* or right child of the parent UNION node. And that said,
* we can tell if we're scoping a left child by looking at
* "whichRC" argument: if it is -1 then we know we're scoping
* to the left child of a Union; otherwise we're scoping to
* the right child.
if (whichRC[0] == -1)
* For the left side we start by figuring out what the source
* result set and column position for "cr" are. Then, since
* a) cr must be pointing to a result column in the parentRSN's
* ResultColumnList, b) we know that the parent RSN is a
* SetOperatorNode (at least for now, since we only get here
* for Union nodes), and c) SetOpNode's RCLs are built from the
* left child's RCL (see bindResultColumns() in SetOperatorNode),
* we know that if we search the child's RCL for a reference
* whose source result column is the same as cr's source result
* column, we'll find a match. Once found, the position of the
* matching column w.r.t childRSN's RCL will be stored in the
* whichRC parameter.
// Find the source result set and source column position of cr.
int [] sourceColPos = new int[] {-1};
ResultSetNode sourceRSN = cr.getSourceResultSet(sourceColPos);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
/* We assumed that if we made it here "cr" was pointing
* to a base table somewhere down the tree. If that's
* true then sourceRSN won't be null. Make sure our
* assumption was correct.
SanityManager.ASSERT(sourceRSN != null,
"Failed to find source result set when trying to " +
"scope column reference '" + cr.getTableName() +
"." + cr.getColumnName());
// Now search for the corresponding ResultColumn in childRSN.
rc = childRSN.getResultColumns()
.getResultColumn(sourceColPos[0], sourceRSN, whichRC);
* For the right side the story is slightly different. If we were
* to search the right child's RCL for a reference whose source
* result column was the same as cr's, we wouldn't find it. This
* is because cr's source result column comes from the left child's
* RCL and thus the right child doesn't know about it. That said,
* though, for set operations like UNION, the left and right RCL's
* are correlated by position--i.e. the operation occurs between
* the nth column in the left RCL and the nth column in the right
* RCL. So given that we will already have found the scope target
* in the left child's RCL at the position in whichRC, we know that
* that scope target for the right child's RCL is simply the
* whichRC'th column in that RCL.
rc = childRSN.getResultColumns().getResultColumn(whichRC[0]);
// rc shouldn't be null; if there was no matching ResultColumn at all,
// then we shouldn't have made it this far.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(rc != null,
"Failed to locate scope target result column when trying to " +
"scope operand '" + cr.getTableName() + "." +
cr.getColumnName() + "'.");
/* If the ResultColumn we found has an expression that is a
* ColumnReference, then that column reference has all of the
* info we need.
* It is, however, possible that the ResultColumn's expression
* is NOT a ColumnReference. For example, the expression would
* be a constant expression if childRSN represented something
* like:
* select 1, 1 from t1
* In this case the expression does not directly reference a
* column in the underlying result set and is therefore
* "scoped" as far as it can go. This means that the scoped
* predicate will not necessarily have column references on
* both sides, even though the predicate that we're scoping
* will. That's not a problem, though, since a predicate with
* a column reference on one side and a non-ColumnReference
* on the other is still valid.
if (rc.getExpression() instanceof ColumnReference)
/* We create a clone of the column reference and mark
* the clone as "scoped" so that we can do the right
* thing when it comes time to remap the predicate;
* see Predicate.remapScopedPred() for more.
ColumnReference cRef = (ColumnReference)
return cRef;
/* Else just return rc's expression. This means the scoped
* predicate will have one operand that is _not_ a column
* reference--but that's okay, so long as we account for
* that when pushing/remapping the scoped predicate down
* the query tree (see esp. "isScopedToSourceResultSet()"
* in
return rc.getExpression();
* Determine whether or not the received ValueNode (which will
* usually be a ColumnReference) references either the received
* optTable or else a base table in the subtree beneath that
* optTable.
* @param valNode The ValueNode that has the reference(s).
* @param optTable The table/subtree node to which we're trying
* to find a reference.
* @param forPush Whether or not we are searching with the intent
* to push this operator to the target table.
* @param walkOptTableSubtree Should we walk the subtree beneath
* optTable to find base tables, or not? Will be false if we've
* already done it for the left operand and now we're here
* for the right operand.
* @return True if valNode contains a reference to optTable or
* to a base table in the subtree beneath optTable; false
* otherwise.
private boolean valNodeReferencesOptTable(ValueNode valNode,
Optimizable optTable, boolean forPush, boolean walkOptTableSubtree)
// Following call will initialize/reset the btnVis,
// valNodeBaseTables, and optBaseTables fields of this object.
boolean found = false;
try {
// Find all base tables beneath optTable and load them
// into this object's optBaseTables map. This is the
// list of table numbers we'll search to see if the
// value node references any tables in the subtree at
// or beneath optTable.
if (walkOptTableSubtree)
buildTableNumList(optTable, forPush);
// Now get the base table numbers that are in valNode's
// subtree. In most cases valNode will be a ColumnReference
// and this will return a single base table number.
// And finally, see if there's anything in common.
found = (valNodeBaseTables.getFirstSetBit() != -1);
} catch (StandardException se) {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Failed when trying to " +
"find base table numbers for reference check:", se);
return found;
* Initialize the fields used for retrieving base tables in
* subtrees, which allows us to do a more extensive search
* for table references. If the fields have already been
* created, then just reset their values.
* @param numTablesInQuery Used for creating JBitSets that
* can hold table numbers for the query.
* @param initOptBaseTables Whether or not we should clear out
* or initialize the optBaseTables bit set.
private void initBaseTableVisitor(int numTablesInQuery,
boolean initOptBaseTables)
if (valNodeBaseTables == null)
valNodeBaseTables = new JBitSet(numTablesInQuery);
if (initOptBaseTables)
if (optBaseTables == null)
optBaseTables = new JBitSet(numTablesInQuery);
// Now create the visitor. We give it valNodeBaseTables
// here for sake of creation, but this can be overridden
// (namely, by optBaseTables) by the caller of this method.
if (btnVis == null)
btnVis = new BaseTableNumbersVisitor(valNodeBaseTables);
* Create a set of table numbers to search when trying to find
* which (if either) of this operator's operands reference the
* received target table. At the minimum this set should contain
* the target table's own table number. After that, if we're
* _not_ attempting to push this operator (or more specifically,
* the predicate to which this operator belongs) to the target
* table, we go on to search the subtree beneath the target
* table and add any base table numbers to the searchable list.
* @param ft Target table for which we're building the search
* list.
* @param forPush Whether or not we are searching with the intent
* to push this operator to the target table.
private void buildTableNumList(Optimizable ft, boolean forPush)
throws StandardException
// Start with the target table's own table number. Note
// that if ft is an instanceof SingleChildResultSet, its
// table number could be negative.
if (ft.getTableNumber() >= 0)
if (forPush)
// nothing else to do.
// Add any table numbers from the target table's
// reference map.
// The table's reference map is not guaranteed to have
// all of the tables that are actually used--for example,
// if the table is a ProjectRestrictNode or a JoinNode
// with a subquery as a child, the ref map will contain
// the number for the PRN above the subquery, but it
// won't contain the table numbers referenced by the
// subquery. So here we go through and find ALL base
// table numbers beneath the target node.
boolean isSameNodeKind(ValueNode o) {
return super.isSameNodeKind(o) &&
((BinaryRelationalOperatorNode)o).kind == kind;