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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.LOBStreamControl
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package org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ExceptionUtil;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.MessageId;
* This class acts as a layer of blob/clob repository (in memory or file).
* The max bytes of data stored in memory depends on the way this
* class is created. If the class is created with initial data, the buffer
* size is set to the size of the byte array supplied, but no larger than
* MAX_BUF_SIZE. If no initial data is supplied, or if the initial data size
* is less than DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, the buffer size is set to DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE.
* When write increases the data beyond this value a temporary file is created
* and data is moved into that. If truncate reduces the size of the file below
* initial buffer size, the data is moved into memory.
* This class also creates InputStream and OutputStream which can be used to access
* blob data irrespective of if its in memory or in file.
final class LOBStreamControl {
private LOBFile tmpFile;
private byte [] dataBytes = new byte [0];
private boolean isBytes = true;
private final int bufferSize;
private final EmbedConnection conn;
private long updateCount;
private static final int DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE = 4096;
private static final int MAX_BUF_SIZE = 32768;
* Creates an empty LOBStreamControl.
* @param conn Connection for this lob
LOBStreamControl (EmbedConnection conn) {
this.conn = conn;
updateCount = 0;
//default buffer size
bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE;
* Creates a LOBStreamControl and initializes with a bytes array.
* @param conn Connection for this lob
* @param data initial value
LOBStreamControl (EmbedConnection conn, byte [] data)
throws IOException, StandardException {
this.conn = conn;
updateCount = 0;
bufferSize =
Math.min(Math.max(DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, data.length), MAX_BUF_SIZE);
write (data, 0, data.length, 0);
private void init(byte [] b, long len)
throws IOException, StandardException {
Object monitor = findService(
Property.DATABASE_MODULE, conn.getDBName());
final DataFactory df = (DataFactory) findServiceModule(
monitor, DataFactory.MODULE);
try {
AccessController.doPrivileged (new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws IOException {
//create a temporary file
StorageFile lobFile =
df.getStorageFactory().createTemporaryFile("lob", null);
if (df.databaseEncrypted()) {
tmpFile = new EncryptedLOBFile (lobFile, df);
} else {
tmpFile = new LOBFile (lobFile);
return null;
catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw (IOException) pae.getCause();
isBytes = false;
//now this call will write into the file
if (len != 0)
write(b, 0, (int) len, 0);
dataBytes = null;
private long updateData(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len, long pos)
throws StandardException {
if (dataBytes == null) {
if ((int) pos == 0) {
dataBytes = new byte [len];
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, dataBytes, (int) pos, len);
return len;
else {
//invalid postion
throw StandardException.newException(
else {
if (pos > dataBytes.length) {
//invalid postion
throw StandardException.newException(
else {
if (pos + len < dataBytes.length) {
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, dataBytes, (int) pos, len);
else {
byte [] tmpBytes = new byte [len + (int) pos];
System.arraycopy(dataBytes, 0 , tmpBytes, 0, (int) pos);
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, tmpBytes, (int) pos, len);
dataBytes = tmpBytes;
return pos + len;
private void isValidPostion(long pos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
if (pos < 0)
throw StandardException.newException(
if (pos > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(
if (isBytes) {
if (dataBytes == null) {
if (pos != 0)
throw StandardException.newException(
} else if (dataBytes.length < pos)
throw StandardException.newException(
} else {
if (pos > tmpFile.length())
throw StandardException.newException(
private void isValidOffset(int off, int length) throws StandardException {
if (off < 0 || off > length)
throw StandardException.newException(
* Writes one byte.
* @param b byte
* @param pos
* @return new position
* @throws IOException if writing to the LOB file fails
* @throws StandardException if encrypting/decrypting the LOB file fails
synchronized long write(int b, long pos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
if (isBytes) {
if (pos < bufferSize) {
byte [] bytes = {(byte) b};
updateData(bytes, 0, 1, pos);
return pos + 1;
} else {
init(dataBytes, pos);
return tmpFile.getFilePointer();
* Writes {@code len} bytes from the specified byte array to the LOB.
* @param b byte array
* @param off offset from where to read from the byte array
* @param len number of bytes to be written
* @param pos starting position
* @return The position after the bytes have been written to the LOB.
* @throws IOException if writing to the LOB fails
* @throws StandardException if writing to the LOB fails
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code len} is larger than
* {@code b.length - off}
synchronized long write(byte[] b, int off, int len, long pos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
try {
isValidOffset(off, b.length);
} catch (StandardException e) {
if (e.getSQLState().equals(
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (e.getMessage());
throw e;
if (isBytes) {
if (pos + len <= bufferSize)
return updateData(b, off, len, pos);
else {
init(dataBytes, pos);
tmpFile.write(b, off, len);
return tmpFile.getFilePointer();
* Reads one byte.
* @param pos position from where to read
* @return byte
* @throws IOException if reading the LOB file fails
* @throws StandardException if decrypting an encrypted LOB file fails
synchronized int read(long pos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
if (isBytes) {
if (dataBytes.length == pos)
return -1;
return dataBytes [(int) pos] & 0xff;
if (tmpFile.getFilePointer() != pos);
try {
return tmpFile.readByte() & 0xff;
catch (EOFException eof) {
return -1;
private int readBytes(byte [] b, int off, int len, long pos) {
if (pos >= dataBytes.length)
return -1;
int lengthFromPos = dataBytes.length - (int) pos;
int actualLength = len > lengthFromPos ? lengthFromPos : len;
System.arraycopy(dataBytes, (int) pos, b, off, actualLength);
return actualLength;
* Reads bytes starting from 'position' into bytes array.
* starting from 'offset'
* @param buff array into the bytes will be copied
* @param off offset from where the array has to be populated
* @param len number of bytes to read
* @param pos initial position before reading
* @return number new position
* @throws IOException if reading the LOB file fails
* @throws StandardException if decrypting an encrypted LOB file fails
synchronized int read(byte[] buff, int off, int len, long pos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
isValidOffset(off, buff.length);
if (isBytes) {
return readBytes(buff, off, len, pos);
return (buff, off, len);
* returns input stream linked with this object.
* @param pos initial postion
* @return InputStream
InputStream getInputStream(long pos) {
return new LOBInputStream(this, pos);
* returns output stream linked with this object
* @param pos initial postion
* @return OutputStream
OutputStream getOutputStream(long pos) {
return new LOBOutputStream(this, pos);
* Returns length of data.
* @return length
* @throws IOException
long getLength() throws IOException {
if (isBytes)
return dataBytes.length;
return tmpFile.length();
* Resets the size.
* @param size new size should be smaller than existing size
* @throws IOException
synchronized void truncate(long size)
throws IOException, StandardException {
if (isBytes) {
byte [] tmpByte = new byte [(int) size];
System.arraycopy(dataBytes, 0, tmpByte, 0, (int) size);
dataBytes = tmpByte;
} else {
if (size < bufferSize) {
dataBytes = new byte [(int) size];
read(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.length, 0);
isBytes = true;
tmpFile = null;
} else {
* Copies bytes from stream to local storage.
* <p>
* Note that specifying the length as {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} results in
* reading data from the stream until EOF is reached, but no length checking
* will be performed.
* @param inStream the stream to copy from
* @param length number of bytes to be copied, or {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} to
* copy everything until EOF is reached
* @throws IOException if reading or writing a LOB file fails
* @throws StandardException if encrypting or decrypting a LOB file fails
synchronized void copyData(InputStream inStream, long length)
throws IOException, StandardException {
byte [] data = new byte [bufferSize];
long sz = 0;
while (sz < length) {
int len = (int) Math.min (length - sz, bufferSize);
len =, 0, len);
if (len == -1) {
if (length != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
// We reached EOF before all the requested bytes are read.
throw new EOFException(MessageService.getTextMessage(
length, sz));
} else {
// End of data, but no length checking.
write(data, 0, len, sz);
sz += len;
// If we copied until EOF, and we read more data than the length of the
// marker, see if we have a Derby end-of-stream marker.
long curLength = getLength();
if (length == Long.MAX_VALUE && curLength > 2) {
byte[] eos = new byte[3];
// Read the three last bytes, marker is 0xE0 0x00 0x00.
read(eos, 0, 3, curLength -3);
if ((eos[0] & 0xFF) == 0xE0 && (eos[1] & 0xFF) == 0x00 &&
(eos[2] & 0xFF) == 0x00) {
// Remove Derby end-of-stream-marker.
truncate(curLength -3);
* Copies UTF-8 encoded chars from a stream to local storage.
* <p>
* Note that specifying the length as {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} results in
* reading data from the stream until EOF is reached, but no length checking
* will be performed.
* @param utf8Stream the stream to copy from
* @param charLength number of chars to be copied, or {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}
* to copy everything until EOF is reached
* @return The number of characters copied.
* @throws EOFException if EOF is reached prematurely
* @throws IOException thrown on a number of error conditions
* @throws StandardException if reading, writing or truncating the
* {@code LOBStreamControl}-object fails
* @throws UTFDataFormatException if an invalid UTF-8 encoding is detected
synchronized long copyUtf8Data(final InputStream utf8Stream,
final long charLength)
throws IOException, StandardException {
long charCount = 0; // Number of chars read
int offset = 0; // Where to start looking for the start of a char
int read = 0; // Number of bytes read
final byte[] buf = new byte[bufferSize];
while (charCount < charLength) {
int readNow =, 0,
(int)Math.min(buf.length, charLength - charCount));
if (readNow == -1) {
// Count the characters.
while (offset < readNow) {
int c = buf[offset] & 0xFF;
if ((c & 0x80) == 0x00) { // 8th bit not set (top bit)
} else if ((c & 0x60) == 0x40) { // 7th bit set, 6th bit unset
// Found char of two byte width.
offset += 2;
} else if ((c & 0x70) == 0x60) { // 7th & 6th bit set, 5th unset
// Found char of three byte width.
offset += 3;
} else {
// This shouldn't happen, as the data is coming from the
// store and is supposed to be well-formed.
// If it happens, fail and print some internal information.
throw new UTFDataFormatException("Invalid UTF-8 encoding: "
+ Integer.toHexString(c) + ", charCount=" +
charCount + ", offset=" + offset);
offset -= readNow; // Starting offset for next iteration
write(buf, 0, readNow, read);
read += readNow;
// See if an EOF-marker ended the stream. Don't check if we have fewer
// bytes than the marker length.
long curLength = getLength();
if (curLength > 2) {
byte[] eos = new byte[3];
// Read the three last bytes, marker is 0xE0 0x00 0x00.
read(eos, 0, 3, curLength -3);
if ((eos[0] & 0xFF) == 0xE0 && (eos[1] & 0xFF) == 0x00 &&
(eos[2] & 0xFF) == 0x00) {
// Remove Derby end-of-stream-marker.
truncate(curLength -3);
if (charLength != Long.MAX_VALUE && charCount != charLength) {
throw new EOFException(MessageService.getTextMessage(
charLength, charCount));
return charCount;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
private void deleteFile(final StorageFile file) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
return null;
* Invalidates all the variables and closes file handle if open.
* @throws IOException if closing the file fails
void free() throws IOException {
dataBytes = null;
if (tmpFile != null) {
tmpFile = null;
* Close and release all resources held by a temporary file. The file will
* also be deleted from the file system and removed from the list of
* {@code LOBFile}s in {@code EmbedConnection}.
* @param file the temporary file
* @throws IOException if the file cannot be closed or deleted
private void releaseTempFile(LOBFile file) throws IOException {
// Remove the file from the list of open files *first*, then close it.
// Why? This code may be called from finalize(), and may end up running
// at the same time the transaction is committed or rolled back. If two
// threads call RandomAccessFile.close() at the same time, Java 5 could
// fail (see DERBY-6092). By removing it from the list before closing
// it, we make sure that EmbedConnection.clearLOBMapping() won't see
// it if we get to the file first. Conversely, if clearLOBMapping()
// gets to it first, the call to removeLobFile() will block until
// clearLOBMapping() is done, so we won't attempt to close the file
// until after clearLOBMapping() is done, rather than at the same time.
// Calling close() concurrently is safe on Java 6 and newer, after the
// fix for .
* Replaces a block of bytes in the middle of the LOB with a another block
* of bytes, which may be of a different size.
* <p>
* The new byte array may not be be of same length as the original,
* thus it may result in resizing the total lob.
* @param buf byte array which will be written inplace of old block
* @param stPos inclusive starting position of current block
* @param endPos exclusive end position of current block
* @return Current position after write.
* @throws IOException if writing to the temporary file fails
* @throws StandardException
synchronized long replaceBytes (byte [] buf, long stPos, long endPos)
throws IOException, StandardException {
long length = getLength();
if (isBytes) {
long finalLength = length - endPos + stPos + buf.length;
if (finalLength > bufferSize) {
byte [] tmpBytes = dataBytes;
init (tmpBytes, stPos);
write (buf, 0, buf.length, getLength());
if (endPos < length)
write (tmpBytes, (int) endPos,
(int) (length - endPos), getLength());
else {
byte [] tmpByte = new byte [(int) finalLength];
System.arraycopy (dataBytes, 0, tmpByte, 0, (int) stPos);
System.arraycopy (buf, 0, tmpByte, (int) stPos, (int) buf.length);
if (endPos < length)
System.arraycopy (dataBytes, (int) endPos, tmpByte,
(int) (stPos + buf.length), (int) (length - endPos));
dataBytes = tmpByte;
else {
//save over file handle and
//create new file with 0 size
byte tmp [] = new byte [0];
LOBFile oldFile = tmpFile;
init (tmp, 0);
byte [] tmpByte = new byte [1024];
long sz = stPos;;
while (sz != 0) {
int readLen = (int) Math.min (1024, sz);
int actualLength = (tmpByte, 0, readLen);
if (actualLength == -1)
tmpFile.write (tmpByte, 0, actualLength);
sz -= actualLength;
tmpFile.write (buf); (endPos);
int rdLen;
if (endPos < length) {
do {
rdLen = (tmpByte, 0, 1024);
if (rdLen == -1)
tmpFile.write (tmpByte, 0, rdLen);
}while (true);
return stPos + buf.length;
* Returns the running sequence number to check if the lob is updated since
* last access.
* @return The current update sequence number.
long getUpdateCount() {
return updateCount;
* Privileged startup. Must be private so that user code
* can't call this entry point.
private static Object findServiceModule( final Object serviceModule, final String factoryInterface)
throws StandardException
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
public Object run()
throws StandardException
return Monitor.findServiceModule( serviceModule, factoryInterface );
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae)
throw StandardException.plainWrapException( pae );
* Privileged service lookup. Must be private so that user code
* can't call this entry point.
private static Object findService( final String factoryInterface, final String serviceName )
return AccessController.doPrivileged
new PrivilegedAction<Object>()
public Object run()
return Monitor.findService( factoryInterface, serviceName );