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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.catalog.GetProcedureColumns
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package org.apache.derby.catalog;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeUtilities;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSetMetaData;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.RoutineAliasInfo;
<P>Use of VirtualTableInterface to provide support for
<P>This class is called from a Query constructed in
<P>The VTI will return columns 3-14, an extra column to the specification
METHOD_ID is returned to distinguish between overloaded methods.
<LI><B>PROCEDURE_CAT</B> String => procedure catalog (may be null)
<LI><B>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</B> String => procedure schema (may be null)
<LI><B>PROCEDURE_NAME</B> String => procedure name
<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column/parameter name
<LI><B>COLUMN_TYPE</B> Short => kind of column/parameter:
<LI> procedureColumnUnknown - nobody knows
<LI> procedureColumnIn - IN parameter
<LI> procedureColumnInOut - INOUT parameter
<LI> procedureColumnOut - OUT parameter
<LI> procedureColumnReturn - procedure return value
<LI> procedureColumnResult - result column in ResultSet
<LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> int => SQL type from java.sql.Types
<LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => SQL type name, for a UDT type the
type name is fully qualified
<LI><B>PRECISION</B> int => precision
<LI><B>LENGTH</B> int => length in bytes of data
<LI><B>SCALE</B> short => scale
<LI><B>RADIX</B> short => radix
<LI><B>NULLABLE</B> short => can it contain NULL?
<LI> procedureNoNulls - does not allow NULL values
<LI> procedureNullable - allows NULL values
<LI> procedureNullableUnknown - nullability unknown
<LI><B>REMARKS</B> String => comment describing parameter/column
<LI><B>METHOD_ID</B> Short => Derby extra column (overloading)
<LI><B>PARAMETER_ID</B> Short => Derby extra column (output order)
public class GetProcedureColumns extends org.apache.derby.vti.VTITemplate
private int translate(int val) {
if (!isFunction) { return val; }
switch (val) {
case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnUnknown:
return DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnUnknown;
case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn:
return DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnIn;
case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut:
return DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnInOut;
case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnOut:
return DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnOut;
case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn:
return DatabaseMetaData.functionReturn;
return DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnUnknown;
private boolean isProcedure;
private boolean isFunction;
private int rowCount;
private int returnedTableColumnCount;
private TypeDescriptor tableFunctionReturnType;
// state for procedures.
private RoutineAliasInfo procedure;
private int paramCursor;
private short method_count;
private short param_number;
private TypeDescriptor sqlType;
private String columnName;
private short columnType;
private final short nullable;
public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
return metadata;
// Instantiates the vti given a class name and methodname.
// @exception SQLException Thrown if there is a SQL error.
public GetProcedureColumns(AliasInfo aliasInfo, String aliasType) throws SQLException
int functionParamCursor = -2;
// compile time aliasInfo will be null.
if (aliasInfo != null) {
isProcedure = aliasType.equals("P");
isFunction = aliasType.equals("F");
procedure = (RoutineAliasInfo) aliasInfo;
method_count = (short) procedure.getParameterCount();
rowCount = procedure.getParameterCount();
if ( procedure.isTableFunction() ) {
tableFunctionReturnType = procedure.getReturnType();
returnedTableColumnCount = tableFunctionReturnType.getRowColumnNames().length;
rowCount += returnedTableColumnCount;
functionParamCursor = -1;
if (aliasType == null) {
nullable = 0;
if (isFunction) {
nullable = (short) DatabaseMetaData.functionNullable;
sqlType = procedure.getReturnType();
columnName = ""; // COLUMN_NAME is VARCHAR NOT NULL
columnType = (short) DatabaseMetaData.functionReturn;
paramCursor = functionParamCursor;
nullable = (short) DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullable;
paramCursor = -1;
public boolean next() throws SQLException {
if (++paramCursor >= rowCount)
return false;
if ( procedure.isTableFunction() && ( paramCursor >= procedure.getParameterCount() ) ) {
int idx = paramCursor - procedure.getParameterCount();
sqlType = tableFunctionReturnType.getRowTypes()[ idx ];
columnName = tableFunctionReturnType.getRowColumnNames()[ idx ];
columnType = (short) DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnResult;
else if (paramCursor > -1) {
sqlType = procedure.getParameterTypes()[paramCursor];
columnName = procedure.getParameterNames()[paramCursor];
columnType =
param_number = (short) paramCursor;
return true;
// Get the value of the specified data type from a column.
// @exception SQLException Thrown if there is a SQL error.
public String getString(int column) throws SQLException
switch (column)
case 1: // COLUMN_NAME:
return columnName;
case 4: //_TYPE_NAME:
return sqlType.getTypeName();
case 10: // REMARKS:
return null;
return super.getString(column); // throw exception
// Get the value of the specified data type from a column.
// @exception SQLException Thrown if there is a SQL error.
public int getInt(int column) throws SQLException
switch (column)
case 3: // DATA_TYPE:
if (sqlType != null) {
return sqlType.getJDBCTypeId();
return java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT;
case 5: // PRECISION:
if (sqlType != null)
int type = sqlType.getJDBCTypeId();
if (DataTypeDescriptor.isNumericType(type))
return sqlType.getPrecision();
else if (type == Types.DATE || type == Types.TIME
|| type == Types.TIMESTAMP)
return DataTypeUtilities.getColumnDisplaySize(type, -1);
return sqlType.getMaximumWidth();
// No corresponding SQL type
return 0;
case 6: // LENGTH (in bytes):
if (sqlType != null)
return sqlType.getMaximumWidthInBytes();
// No corresponding SQL type
return 0;
return super.getInt(column); // throw exception
// Get the value of the specified data type from a column.
// @exception SQLException Thrown if there is a SQL error.
public short getShort(int column) throws SQLException
switch (column)
case 2: // COLUMN_TYPE:
return columnType;
case 7: // SCALE:
if (sqlType != null)
return (short)sqlType.getScale();
// No corresponding SQL type
return 0;
case 8: // RADIX:
if (sqlType != null)
int sqlTypeID = sqlType.getJDBCTypeId();
if (sqlTypeID == java.sql.Types.REAL ||
sqlTypeID == java.sql.Types.FLOAT ||
sqlTypeID == java.sql.Types.DOUBLE)
return 2;
return 10;
// No corresponding SQL type
return 0;
case 9: // NULLABLE:
return nullable;
case 11: // METHOD_ID:
return method_count;
case 12: // PARAMETER_ID:
return param_number;
return super.getShort(column); // throw exception
public void close()
** Metadata
private static final ResultColumnDescriptor[] columnInfo = {
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR, false, 128),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("COLUMN_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("DATA_TYPE", Types.INTEGER, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR, false, 22),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("PRECISION", Types.INTEGER, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("LENGTH", Types.INTEGER, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("SCALE", Types.SMALLINT, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("RADIX", Types.SMALLINT, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("NULLABLE", Types.SMALLINT, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("REMARKS", Types.VARCHAR, true, 22),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("METHOD_ID", Types.SMALLINT, false),
EmbedResultSetMetaData.getResultColumnDescriptor("PARAMETER_ID", Types.SMALLINT, false),
private static final ResultSetMetaData metadata =
new EmbedResultSetMetaData(columnInfo);