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<h3 id="contribute">Contribute to Deltacloud</h3>
<p>Deltacloud project is a free open source software licensed under the <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> license. The developers community is open to anyone who wants to contribute. Contributors are required to sign an individual contributor <a href="">license agreement</a>. Do not hesitate to <a href="contact.html">contact us</a> if you have any questions about contributing to the Deltacloud project. </p>
<h4 id="how">How can I contribute?</h4>
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<a href="send-patch.html">Send a patch</a>
<a href="write-new-driver.html">Write a provider driver</a>
<a href="#bug">Report a bug</a>
<a href="#idea">Propose an idea</a>
<a href="#documentation">Write documentation</a>
<h3>Overview of the Deltacloud directory structure</h3>
<p>The following list contains paths to essential files and directories for developers. It is intended as a help with orientation in the project directory - for example to quickly identify where the Deltacloud cloud provider drivers are stored:</p>
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<div class="span10 offset1">
|-d--&gt;tests Contains Cucumber tests
|-d--&gt;site Files for this website
|-d--&gt;client Contains the Deltacloud ruby client
|-d--&gt;clients Contains other Deltacloud clients (e.g. java)
|-d--&gt; server
|-d--&gt;bin Contains the Deltacloud executable deltacloudd
|-d--&gt;views Contains haml views for each collection
|-d--&gt;tests Contains unit tests for drivers
|-d--&gt;sinatra Contains rabbit DSL and various helpers
|-d--&gt;models Definition of each collection model
|-d--&gt;drivers Contains the drivers for each cloud provider
|-d--&gt;helpers Various helper methods used by the drivers
|-d--&gt;base_driver Contains the Deltacloud base driver
|-f--&gt;server.rb Contains the sinatra routes
<h3 id="bug">Reporting a bug</h3>
<p>We track bugs in <a href="">Apache JIRA</a>. When you discover a problem with Deltacloud functionality, check JIRA if someone has already reported the issue to the Deltacloud developers. Otherwise, <a href="!default.jspa">report it</a>.</p>
<h3 id="idea">Proposing an idea</h3>
<p>Have you found a way how to improve Deltacloud project? Do you miss a feature or a tool, which we could include into Deltacloud? Our <a href="">Teambox</a> page is a place where we keep the latest task lists and where you can add comments or suggest new features for the project.</p>
<h3 id="documentation">Writing documentation</h3>
<p>You can also contribute with a piece of documentation. There are still things which needs to be described. If you found one like that and you are interested in writing a couple of sentences about the particular issue, please, don’t hesitate to do it and <a href="">send us</a> your contribution. We really appreciate your help.</p>
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<strong>Apache Deltacloud</strong> is a top-level project at the <a
href="">Apache Software Foundation</a>,
having graduated from the ASF Incubator in October
2011. Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process, Apache
projects deliver enterprise-grade, freely available software products that
attract large communities of users.
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