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site_name: Deltacloud API
title: Usage
<h2 id="usingapi">Using API</h2>
<h3>Creating an instance</h3>
<h3>Switching a driver</h3>
<h2 id="clients">Clients</h2>
Instead of dealing with HTTP interface you can use various clients to communicate with Deltacloud server.
<h3>The Deltacloud Ruby client</h3>
You need to install Ruby client seperately to the Deltacloud API server. Assuming you already have Ruby and RubyGems setup, you can install the Deltacloud client by simply typing:
<pre>$ sudo gem install deltacloud-client</pre>
<p>The Deltacloud client consists of a Ruby library (packaged as a ruby gem) which you can use to interact with the Deltacloud server and control your cloud infrastructure across cloud providers. <p>
<p>To use the client, you must require <strong>deltacloud</strong>:</p>
<pre>require 'deltacloud'</pre>
<p>Connect to a Deltacloud provider using these commands:</p>
require 'deltacloud'
api_url = 'http://localhost:3001/api'
api_name = 'mockuser'
api_password = 'mockpassword'
client = api_name, api_password, api_url )
# work with client here
<p>In addition to creating a client, operations may occur within a block included on the initialization.</p>
<pre> api_name, api_password, api_url ) do |client|
# work with client here
<p>In case of a failure, every underlying HTTP transport exceptions will be thrown away and returned back to the caller.</p>
<a class="btn btn-inverse btn-large" style="float: right" href="/ruby-client.html">Work with the Ruby client</a>
<h3>HTTP clients - cURL</h3>
Basically, you interact with the Deltacloud server via HTTP calls, so you can use any HTTP client to talk to Deltacloud using the <a href="/rest-api.html">REST API</a>.
<a href="">cURL</a> is a popular command line tool available on most modern linux distributions. See the following examples to learn how to use cURL to interact with Deltacloud. There is an assumption that the Deltacloud server is running on locahost:3001, and was started with the 'ec2' driver (i.e., deltacloudd -i ec2 ).
Get a listing of all <strong>images</strong> available in the back-end cloud:
curl --user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"
The cURL <strong>--user</strong> option is used to specify the <strong>username:password</strong> credentials for access to the back-end cloud provider (Amazon EC2 in this case).</p>
<p>Create a new <strong>instance</strong> from the image with id 'ami-f51aff9c', in realm 'us-east-1c', with the hardware profile 'c1.medium', in firewall 'default':
curl -X POST -F "keyname=eftah" -F "image_id=ami-f51aff9c"
-F "realm_id=us-east-1c" -F "hwp_id=c1.medium" -F "firewalls1=default"
--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"
<p>Delete a <strong>firewall</strong> called 'develgroup':</p>
curl -X DELETE
--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"
Create a <strong>blob</strong> called 'my_new_blob' within the bucket 'mybucket' from a local file with <strong>HTTP PUT</strong> specifying its content type and setting some some metadata <strong>key:value</strong> pairs:
curl -H 'content-type: text/html' -H 'X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Name:mariosblob'
-H 'X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Version:2.1' --upload-file
--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"
Retrieve <strong>blob metadata</strong> for the blob called 'my_new_blob':
curl -iv -X HEAD
--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"
The <strong>'-iv'</strong> flags will ensure that cURL displays the request and response headers (blob metadata are reported in the response headers with an empty response body).
<h3>Libdeltacloud Client (C library)</h3>
Libdeltacloud is a C/C++ library for accessing the Deltacloud API. It exports convenient structures and functions for manipulating cloud objects through the deltacloud API.
Get the source code:
$ git clone git://
<a href="">Full documentation</a> for the library contains the list of data structures, all documented files with brief descriptions and also the exapmles of working with libdeltacloud.