blob: 3a0571f5a6f47f3ecfb95a7dc137433944c1b8fb [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: Deltacloud API
title: How Can I Contribute?
<h2 id="contribute">Contribute to Deltacloud</h2>
Deltacloud project is a free open source software licensed under the <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> license. The developers community is open to anyone who wants to contribute. Contributors are required to sign an individual contributor <a href="">license agreement</a>. Do not hesitate to <a href="/contact.html">contact us</a> if you have any questions about contributing to the Deltacloud project.
<h3>How can I contribute?</h3>
<ul class="nav nav-list">
<li class="nav-header"></li>
<a href="/send-patch.html">Send a patch</a>
<a href="/write-new-driver.html">Write a provider driver</a>
<a href="#bug">Report a bug</a>
<a href="#idea">Propose an idea</a>
<a href="#documentation">Write a documentation</a>
<h3>Overview of the Deltacloud directory structure</h3>
<p>The following list contains paths to the most interesting files and directories for developers. It is intended as an aid to orientation in the project files for developers - for example to quickly identify where the Deltacloud cloud provider drivers are stored:</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="span1"></div>
<div class="span10 offset1">
|-d-->tests Contains Cucumber tests
|-d-->site Files for this website
|-d-->client Contains the Deltacloud ruby client
|-d-->clients Contains other Deltacloud clients (e.g. java)
|-d--> server
|-d-->bin Contains the Deltacloud executable deltacloudd
|-d-->views Contains haml views for each collection
|-d-->tests Contains unit tests for drivers
|-d-->sinatra Contains rabbit DSL and various helpers
|-d-->models Definition of each collection model
|-d-->drivers Contains the drivers for each cloud provider
|-d-->helpers Various helper methods used by the drivers
|-d-->base_driver Contains the Deltacloud base driver
|-f-->server.rb Contains the sinatra routes
<h3 id="bug">Reporting a bug</h3>
We track bugs in <a href="">Apache JIRA</a>. If you find a problem with Deltacloud, check if it is already known to the Deltacloud developers or <a href="!default.jspa">report it</a>.
<h3 id="idea">Propose an idea</h3>
Our <a href="">Teambox</a> page is a place where we keep the latest task lists and where you can add comments or suggest new features for the project.
<h3 id="documentation">Writing a documentation</h3>