blob: a72e768001d01c6dd7ad8b8dd516025c2dc4f28a [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Working with IBM SBC instances
Scenario: Get list of all instances
Given I enter instances collection
And I am authorized with my credentials
When I request HTML response
Then result should be valid HTML
When I request XML response
Then result should be valid XML
And result should contain 3 instances
And name of these instances should be
| Win2008 |
| EricTest1 |
| EricTest2 |
And each instance should have properties set to
| state | RUNNING |
Scenario: Get details about instance 48151
Given I enter instances collection
And I am authorized with my credentials
And I choose instance with id 48151
When I request HTML response
Then result should be valid HTML
When I request XML response
Then result should be valid XML
And result should contain one instance
And instance should be in RUNNING state
And instance should have defined actions
| reboot |
| destroy |
And attribute id should be set to 48151
#TODO: And the property realm should have attribute realm set to 41
#TODO: And the property image should have attribute id set to 20006009
Scenario: Restart instance 48151
Given I enter instances collection
And I am authorized with my credentials
And I choose instance with id 48151
When I request XML response
Then result should be valid XML
And result should contain one instance
And attribute id should be set to 48151
Then I want to reboot this instance
And I follow reboot link in actions
And instance should be in RUNNING state