blob: 50b7f95c08754427f60ca79954ec62d94ac16a5f [file] [log] [blame]
Author: Eric Woods,
Date: 13 May 2011
This document explains how to deploy the DeltaCloud mobile application.
For questions, email DeltaCloud's mailing list at
and I or another developer will respond.
1) Install Apache DeltaCloud 0.3.0
a) Follow instructions here:
b) If you have problems with rack, install a specific version: gem uninstall rack; gem ins -r rack --version '1.1.0'
2) Start the Apache DeltaCloud server by issuing a command like deltacloudd
-i sbc. Verify DeltaCloud is running at http://<host>:3001/api. For
example: http://localhost:3001/api.
3) Deploy the mobile application demo. The mobile application is packaged
as a WAR file. Deploy this WAR using your favorite application server,
such as Apache Tomcat 6.0. The application MUST be deployed on the same
host, but different port, as the DeltaCloud server. Start the server and
verify that the mobile application is running at
http://<host>:<port>/mobiledemo/demo.html where <host> == the DeltaCloud
server's host and <port> != 3001. For example:
4) Access the mobile application either from the same machine (localhost)
or externally. For example:
* jQuery Mobile is the framework used for the native mobile look & feel.
This framework is currently in alpha, so workarounds were necessary to
get the demo working smoothly.
* To view the demo's animations, use Safari or an iOS device. I haven't
tested on Android powered devices, but Firefox does not display the
* For a video of the demo:
* To bypass the restriction of cross-domain calls to the DeltaCloud REST
API, a proxy servlet is used to redirect REST calls from the same domain
(host + port) as the mobile app to the DeltaCloud server, which runs
under a different port. The servlet is configured in the WAR's
web.xml. The proxy servlet is not currently configured to support REST
calls to URLs containing dynamically supplied IDs (e.g. POST
/api/instances/12345/reboot). This is preventing 'reboot', 'destroy',
etc from working. It shouldn't be hard to set up a better proxy.
* To tweak the host/port configuration, refer to demo.html where I set the
dc_server variable. You may also have to tweak the proxy servlet
configuration within web.xml.
* To extract the source code (HTML/JS) from the WAR file, you can use gzip,
or simply change the .war extension to .zip, then use your favorite