blob: c3cd08faca19d13d96708d4734af1c97d00641f0 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes since the migration from commons-sql to DdlUtils:
* Replaced 'commons-sql' with 'DdlUtils' in the doc and the build file
* Package names have been changed from org.apache.commons.sql to org.apache.ddlutils
* New mailing lists and
* Documentation is now in Forrest format ( using Forrest 0.7
* JIRA for the project has been created at
* Ant tasks have been revamped to be more user-friendly
* DdlUtils now can import data from XML files into the database
* Large scale restructuring of the SqlBuilder part into a platform and a sql builer part
* Simplification of the public API (eg. see the "Api Usage" documentation part)
* Update and fix of the Javadoc