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<site label="DdlUtils" xmlns="">
<about label="About">
<index label="Home" href="index.html" description="Welcome to DdlUtils"/>
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<mail-lists label="Mailing lists" href="mail-lists.html" description="Info about DdlUtils' mailing lists"/>
<jira label="Bug database (JIRA)" href="ext:ddlutils/jira"/>
<download label="How to get">
<binaries label="Binaries &amp; Source" href="download.html" description="Where to get binaries and source"/>
<svn-view label="View source repository" href="ext:ddlutils/svn-view" description="View the source repository (SVN)) online"/>
<svn-info label="Source repository info" href="svn-info.html" description="Info about getting DdlUtils from the source repository"/>
<documentation label="Documentation">
<index label="Summary" href="documentation.html"/>
<database-support label="Support for databases">
<general-info label="General info" href="database-support.html" description="General info about database support"/>
<axion-support label="Axion" href="databases/axion.html" description="Support for the Axion database"/>
<db2-support label="DB2" href="databases/db2.html" description="Support for the DB2 database"/>
<derby-support label="Derby/Cloudscape" href="databases/derby.html" description="Support for the Derby/Cloudscape databases"/>
<firebird-support label="Firebird" href="databases/firebird.html" description="Support for the Firebird database"/>
<hsqldb-support label="HSQLDB" href="databases/hsqldb.html" description="Support for the HSQLDB database"/>
<interbase-support label="Interbase" href="databases/interbase.html" description="Support for the Interbase database"/>
<maxdb-support label="MaxDB/SapDB" href="databases/maxdb.html" description="Support for the MaxDB/SapDB databases"/>
<mckoi-support label="McKoi" href="databases/mckoi.html" description="Support for the McKoi database"/>
<mysql-support label="MySql" href="databases/mysql.html" description="Support for the MySQL database"/>
<oracle-support label="Oracle" href="databases/oracle.html" description="Support for the Oracle database"/>
<postgresql-support label="PostgreSQL" href="databases/postgresql.html" description="Support for the PostgreSQL database"/>
<sqlserver-support label="SQL Server" href="databases/sqlserver.html" description="Support for the SQL Server database"/>
<sybase-support label="Sybase" href="databases/sybase.html" description="Support for the Sybase database"/>
<schema label="The XML schema format" href="ext:ddlutils/schemadoc/" description="The schema format"/>
<ant-tasks label="The Ant tasks" href="ext:ddlutils/antdoc/" description="How to use the Ant tasks"/>
<api-usage label="Using the API" href="api-usage.html" description="How to use DdlUtils in your code"/>
<javadoc label="Javadoc" href="ext:ddlutils/javadoc" description="The API documentation"/>
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<all_sitePDF label="Full PDF" href="wholesite.pdf"/>
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<jira-changelog href=""/>
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<model href="index.html?org/apache/ddlutils/model/package-summary.html"/>
<converter href="org/apache/ddlutils/io/converters/SqlTypeConverter.html"/>
<schemadoc href="schema/"/>
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<dynabean href="apidocs/index.html?org/apache/commons/beanutils/DynaBean.html"/>
<cloudscape href="">
<manual href=""/>
<db2 href="">
<manual href=""/>
<jdbc-mappings href=""/>
<derby href="">
<manual href="manuals/index.html"/>
<eclipse href=""/>
<firebird href=""/>
<hsqldb href="">
<sql-syntax href="doc/guide/ch09.html"/>
<idea href=""/>
<interbase href=""/>
<jakarta href="">
<commons href="commons/">
<dbcp href="dbcp/">
<javadoc href="apidocs/"/>
<java href="">
<guide href="">
<types href=""/>
<spec href=""/>
<api href="j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/">
<databaseMetaData-getTables href="java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getTables(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String[])"/>
<maxdb href="">
<manual href=""/>
<mckoi href="">
<manual href="docindex.html"/>
<mysql href="">
<manual href=""/>
<netbeans href="">
<subversion-profile href=""/>
<ojb href=""/>
<oracle href="">
<otn href="technology/index.html"/>
<postgresql href="">
<manual href="docs/7.4/interactive/index.html"/>
<sapdb href="">
<manual href="pdf/reference_72_73eng.pdf"/>
<sqlserver href="">
<manual-2000 href=""/>
<sqlserver href=""/>
<ase href=""/>
<manual-archive href=";pt=group-asarc"/>
<manual href=""/>
<subclipse href=""/>
<svn href=""/>
<svn-up href=""/>
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<torque href="">
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