blob: ae05a3a4021b69936cc037ac1992b760e3b9965e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.ddlutils.platform.firebird;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformInfo;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.AddColumnChange;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.AddPrimaryKeyChange;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.ModelComparator;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.PrimaryKeyChange;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.RemoveColumnChange;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.TableChange;
import org.apache.ddlutils.alteration.TableDefinitionChangesPredicate;
import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Column;
import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Database;
import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table;
import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.CreationParameters;
import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.DefaultTableDefinitionChangesPredicate;
import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.PlatformImplBase;
* The platform implementation for the Firebird database.
* It is assumed that the database is configured with sql dialect 3!
* @version $Revision: 231306 $
public class FirebirdPlatform extends PlatformImplBase
/** Database name of this platform. */
public static final String DATABASENAME = "Firebird";
/** The standard Firebird jdbc driver. */
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver";
/** The subprotocol used by the standard Firebird driver. */
public static final String JDBC_SUBPROTOCOL = "firebirdsql";
* Creates a new Firebird platform instance.
public FirebirdPlatform()
PlatformInfo info = getPlatformInfo();
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.ARRAY, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.BINARY, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.BIT, "SMALLINT", Types.SMALLINT);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.CLOB, "BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT", Types.LONGVARCHAR);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.DISTINCT, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.BLOB, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.DOUBLE, "DOUBLE PRECISION");
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.FLOAT, "DOUBLE PRECISION", Types.DOUBLE);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.JAVA_OBJECT, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.LONGVARBINARY, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.LONGVARCHAR, "BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT");
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.NULL, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.OTHER, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
// This is back-mapped to REAL in the model reader
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.REAL, "FLOAT");
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.REF, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.STRUCT, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.TINYINT, "SMALLINT", Types.SMALLINT);
info.addNativeTypeMapping(Types.VARBINARY, "BLOB", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
info.addNativeTypeMapping("BOOLEAN", "SMALLINT", "SMALLINT");
info.addNativeTypeMapping("DATALINK", "BLOB", "LONGVARBINARY");
info.setDefaultSize(Types.VARCHAR, 254);
info.setDefaultSize(Types.CHAR, 254);
setSqlBuilder(new FirebirdBuilder(this));
setModelReader(new FirebirdModelReader(this));
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getName()
* {@inheritDoc}
protected ModelComparator getModelComparator()
ModelComparator comparator = super.getModelComparator();
return comparator;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected TableDefinitionChangesPredicate getTableDefinitionChangesPredicate()
return new DefaultTableDefinitionChangesPredicate()
public boolean areSupported(Table intermediateTable, List changes)
// Firebird does support adding a primary key, but only if none of the primary
// key columns have been added within the same session
if (super.areSupported(intermediateTable, changes))
HashSet addedColumns = new HashSet();
String[] pkColNames = null;
for (Iterator it = changes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
TableChange change = (TableChange);
if (change instanceof AddColumnChange)
else if (change instanceof AddPrimaryKeyChange)
pkColNames = ((AddPrimaryKeyChange)change).getPrimaryKeyColumns();
else if (change instanceof PrimaryKeyChange)
pkColNames = ((PrimaryKeyChange)change).getNewPrimaryKeyColumns();
if (pkColNames != null)
for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < pkColNames.length; colIdx++)
if (addedColumns.contains(pkColNames[colIdx]))
return false;
return true;
return false;
protected boolean isSupported(Table intermediateTable, TableChange change)
// Firebird cannot add columns to the primary key or drop columns from it but
// since we add/drop the primary key with separate changes anyways, this will
// no problem here
if ((change instanceof RemoveColumnChange) ||
(change instanceof AddColumnChange))
return true;
return super.isSupported(intermediateTable, change);
* Processes the addition of a column to a table.
* @param currentModel The current database schema
* @param params The parameters used in the creation of new tables. Note that for existing
* tables, the parameters won't be applied
* @param change The change object
public void processChange(Database currentModel,
CreationParameters params,
AddColumnChange change) throws IOException
Table changedTable = findChangedTable(currentModel, change);
Column prevColumn = null;
if (change.getPreviousColumn() != null)
prevColumn = changedTable.findColumn(change.getPreviousColumn(), isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn());
change.apply(currentModel, isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn());
* Processes the removal of a column from a table.
* @param currentModel The current database schema
* @param params The parameters used in the creation of new tables. Note that for existing
* tables, the parameters won't be applied
* @param change The change object
public void processChange(Database currentModel,
CreationParameters params,
RemoveColumnChange change) throws IOException
Table changedTable = findChangedTable(currentModel, change);
Column droppedColumn = changedTable.findColumn(change.getChangedColumn(), isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn());
((FirebirdBuilder)getSqlBuilder()).dropColumn(changedTable, droppedColumn);
change.apply(currentModel, isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn());