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= Subproject Proposals
== Subproject Proposals
Not every software product is suited for life at DB. Before proposing a new
subproject, it is important to read this document carefully and determine
whether your product is a good fit.
=== Criteria
Here are some best practices that we will expect to find in a successful
proposal. This is not a checklist, but guidelines to help communicate what is
expected of a DB subproject.
Before submitting a proposal, be sure to study the guidelines that
link:guidelines.html[govern DB subprojects]. These guidelines explain our system
of Meritocracy, which is the core of the DB Project. If the product
developers do not wish to adopt this system, then they should **not** donate
their code to the Project, and should look elsewhere for hosting.
DB is a Project of the link:[Apache Software Foundation].
A prime purpose of the ASF is to ensure that the Apache projects continue to
exist beyond the participation of individual volunteers. Accordingly, a prime
criteria required of any new subproject is that it already enjoys -- or has a
high potential for attracting -- an active community of developers and users.
Proposals for non-established products have been accepted, most often when
the proposal was tendered by experienced open source developers, who
understand what it means to build a community.
A design document, developer and user documentation, example code, and a
working implementation all help to increase the likelihood of acceptance.
Well-documented products tend to build stronger communities than products
that rely source code and JavaDocs alone.
**Core Developers**.
To considered, a product must have at least 3 active developers who are
already involved with the codebase. This is an absolute minimum, and it is
helpful for there to more than three developers. It is **very** helpful for
at least one of the developers making the proposal to already be active in a
DB subproject or other open source initiative.
At DB, the core developers of a product (the link:roles.html[Committers]) manage
the codebases and make the day-to-day development decisions. We are only
interested in products that can guided by their own development communities.
DB provides the infrastructure, and some essential guidelines, but the
Committers must take responsibility for developing and releasing their own
**Alignment with existing Apache subprojects**.
Products that are already used by existing subprojects make attractive
candidates, since bringing such a codebase into the Apache fold tends to
benefit both communities. Products with dependencies on existing Apache
products are also attractive for the same reason.
DB products are generally server-side software solutions written for the Java
platform. Proposals for products outside this venue will have greater
difficulty in being accepted.
=== Warning Signs
These are anti-patterns that we have found detrimental to the success of a
proposal. Some of these are lesson learned from the school of hard-knocks,
others are taken from proposals which have been rejected in the past. All
will raise a red flag, making it unlikely that a proposal will be accepted.
**Orphaned products**.
Products which have lost their corporate sponsor (for whatever reason) do
**not** make good candidates. These products will lack a development
community and won't have the support needed to succeed under the DB umbrella.
For example, we have seen proposals that contain paragraphs like this:
FooProduct is currently a production quality product, and in
fact is being used by a live website. It was developed as a
product by FooCompany, with the intention that we would sell
it. However, due to various economic factors such as the
decline in FooProduct's intended market and the
recent difficulties in obtaining venture capital, we have
decided that at this time it is not feasible for us to
continue in that direction.
The alleged quality of a product is not the prime criteria. To be accepted,
we must believe that a product will attract volunteers to extend and maintain
it over the long term. A product like this, arriving with no volunteer
developers or open source community, does not further
link:index.html#DB_Mission[DB's mission], and would not be accepted.
We generally recommend that an orphaned product start with an independent
host, and consider making a proposal after it has started to build a
**Inexperience with open source**.
We often receive proposals that start with "We will open our software if you
choose to accept it." This is the wrong way to approach the proposal process.
A closed source project does not have an open community, and so we have no
way to tell if the developers can work in an open source environment.
Products that have lived on their own and have started to develop their own
community, have a much better chance of being accepted.
If the product's developers have not worked with open source before, it is
recommended that they spend some time contributing to an existing open source
project before trying to manage one of their own. Since DB subprojects are
managed by their own Committers, it is important that a new product supported
by people who understand how open source works.
**Homogenous developers**.
Apache communities attract developers with diverse backgrounds. Products with
a tightly-knit team of developers may have difficulty shepherding new
developers into the fold. It is vital that we believe the developers will
discuss development issues openly with the community, and **not** make
decisions behind closed doors. We are especially wary of products with
developers who all share a common employer or geographic location.
**Reliance on salaried developers**.
DB has strong ties to the business community. Many of our developers are
encouraged by their employers to work open source projects as part of their
regular job. We feel that this is a Good Thing, and corporations should be
entitled to contribute to open source, same as anyone else. However, we are
wary of products which rely strongly on developers who only work on open
source products when they are paid to do so. A product at DB must continue to
exist beyond the participation of individual volunteers. We believe the best
indicator of success is when developers volunteer their own time to work open
source projects.
**No ties to other Apache products**.
Products **without** a tie to any existing Apache product, and that have
strong dependencies on alternatives to Apache products, do not make good
candidates. Many Apache products are related through common licenses,
technologies, and through their volunteers. Products without licensing,
technology, or volunteers in common will have trouble attracting a strong
**A fascination with the Apache brand**. The[Apache Software License] is quite liberal
and allows for the code to used in commercial products. This can induce
people to donate a commercial codebase to the ASF, allow it developed as open
source for a time, and then convert it back to commercial use. While this
would legal under the Apache Software License, we are wary of proposals that
seem to be more interested in exposure than community.
=== Subproject Alternatives
=== Who Decides
Final acceptance is based the rules defined in the
link:management.html[Project Management Committee Bylaws] which state that
"Creation of a new subproject requires approval by 3/4 vote of the PMC." The
proposal for a new subproject must submitted to the DB General
link:mail.html[mailing list], where the PMC conducts business. All discussion
regarding the proposal will occur the General list, including the final vote.