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= Contact us!
== Contact us
Typical points of contact are listed below. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have questions related to the Apache DB project!
=== Product Support
If you have questions or comments about the software or documentation on this site, please subscribe to the appropriate mailing list listed link:mail.html[here].
=== Security Issues
If you would like to report a security issue with any of our products, you may contact[].
=== The DB Project
If after reviewing the material on[this site], you have
questions regarding DB or the link:management.html[Project Management Committee],
you may post them to the link:mail.html[General mailing list].
**Proposing a New Subproject**
See our link:newproject.html[DB Subproject Proposals] page.
=== The DB Website(s)
Most of the DB Website is maintained by the individual subprojects. Any comments regarding a product's web pages should be directed to the appropriate subproject.
The portion of the Web site under *site* is managed as a joint
effort by the subprojects and the DB Project Management Committee. Comments
regarding these pages can be directed to the General mailing list, or to the
[DB Webmaster's]( mail box.
If you are unsure where to post, contact the[DB Webmaster], who will direct you to the appropriate
=== The Apache Software Foundation
The DB Project is an effort of the[Apache Software Foundation]. The address for general
ASF correspondence and licensing questions is
You can find more contact information for the Apache Software Foundation on the[contact page of the main Apache site].