blob: a79cbc07317f1ab83f88676ab39293207fe99c1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jdo.impl.fostore;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.jdo.JDOHelper;
import javax.jdo.JDOUserException;
import javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Freezer;
import org.apache.jdo.sco.SCOCollection;
import org.apache.jdo.sco.SCOMap;
import org.apache.jdo.state.StateManagerInternal;
import org.apache.jdo.util.I18NHelper;
// Transcribers for non-primitives. ObjectTranscriber is, like the primitive
// transcribers, a singleton. Lexically within it is an AbstractTranscriber,
// which is the base of other transcribers for e.g. Bytes and arrays.
* Transcribes all non-primitive, non-String values. This includes immutable
* types (e.g. Boolean). Values which are object references are represented
* by their OID's, except for values which are Collections. These are
* represented out 'inline', that is, information about the kind of collection
* is first transcribed (e.g., hashtable vs. vector, etc.) and then the values
* in the collection themselves are transcribed.
* @author Dave Bristor
* @version 1.0.1
class ObjectTranscriber extends FOStoreTranscriber {
// PM on whose behalf we are storing an object, and potentially an object
// graph. Used to get an OID for a PersistenceCapable. Set by
// storeObject.
private PersistenceManagerInternal pm;
// Offsets of provisonal OID's stored. The ArrayList is created and
// destroyed by one of the storeObject methods.
protected ArrayList offsets;
// A different transcriber for each immutable object type
private static HashMap transcribers = new HashMap();
// Support for transcribing arrays of PersistenceCapables.
private static /*final*/ ObjArrayTranscriber objArrayTranscriber;
// Support for transcribing SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents
private static /*final*/ DateTranscriber dateTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ ArrayListTranscriber arrayListTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ VectorTranscriber vectorTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ HashSetTranscriber hashSetTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ TreeSetTranscriber treeSetTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ LinkedListTranscriber linkedListTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ HashMapTranscriber hashMapTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ HashtableTranscriber hashtableTranscriber;
private static /*final*/ TreeMapTranscriber treeMapTranscriber;
/** I18N support. */
private static final I18NHelper msg = I18NHelper.getInstance(I18N.NAME);
/** Logger */
static final Log logger = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(
"org.apache.jdo.impl.fostore"); // NOI18N
/** Default value for allow nulls in SCO collections and maps. */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_NULLS = true;
/** Default value for element, key, and value types in SCO collections
* and maps. */
private static final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "java.lang.Object"; // NOI18N
// We would like to do this static-ally, but member classes cannot be
// created in a static block in the class of which they are members.
ObjectTranscriber() {
objArrayTranscriber = new ObjArrayTranscriber();
dateTranscriber = new DateTranscriber();
arrayListTranscriber = new ArrayListTranscriber();
vectorTranscriber = new VectorTranscriber();
hashSetTranscriber = new HashSetTranscriber();
treeSetTranscriber = new TreeSetTranscriber();
linkedListTranscriber = new LinkedListTranscriber();
hashMapTranscriber = new HashMapTranscriber();
hashtableTranscriber = new HashtableTranscriber();
treeMapTranscriber = new TreeMapTranscriber();
// Keep this list in sync with the list in in (No code
// should assume that, but it makes keeping both lists up-to-date just
// that much easier.)
// Immutables
transcribers.put(Boolean.class, new ImmutableBooleanTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Character.class, new ImmutableCharacterTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Byte.class, new ImmutableByteTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Short.class, new ImmutableShortTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Integer.class, new ImmutableIntegerTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Long.class, new ImmutableLongTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Float.class, new ImmutableFloatTranscriber());
transcribers.put(Double.class, new ImmutableDoubleTranscriber());
// String
transcribers.put(String.class, new ImmutableStringTranscriber());
// Collections for which we don't have an SCO equivalent
// Maps for which we don't have an SCO equivalent
//transcribers.put(TreeMap.class, new TreeMapTranscriber());
// Numbers
transcribers.put(BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimalTranscriber());
transcribers.put(BigInteger.class, new BigIntegerTranscriber());
// BitSet
transcribers.put(BitSet.class, new BitSetTranscriber());
// Locale
transcribers.put(Locale.class, new LocaleTranscriber());
// Arrays of primitives & String
new BooleanArrayTranscriber());
new CharArrayTranscriber());
new ByteArrayTranscriber());
new ShortArrayTranscriber());
new IntArrayTranscriber());
new LongArrayTranscriber());
new FloatArrayTranscriber());
new DoubleArrayTranscriber());
new StringArrayTranscriber());
// Simple SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents
transcribers.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date.class, dateTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.Date.class, dateTranscriber);
transcribers.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate.class, dateTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.sql.Date.class, dateTranscriber);
// Calendars use date as their representation,
transcribers.put(java.util.Calendar.class, dateTranscriber);
// Collection SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents
transcribers.put(java.util.ArrayList.class, arrayListTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.Vector.class, vectorTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.HashSet.class, hashSetTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.TreeSet.class, treeSetTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.LinkedList.class, linkedListTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.HashMap.class, hashMapTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.Hashtable.class, hashtableTranscriber);
transcribers.put(java.util.TreeMap.class, treeMapTranscriber);
// We can't treat this in the "normal" fashion; when we try we get a
// NullPointerException in creating the Immutable* transcribers.
static ObjectTranscriber getInstance() {
return FOStoreTranscriber.objectTranscriber;
* Stores an object on the given FOStoreOutput by delegating to the other
* storeObject method after stashing away pm.
// XXX PERF syncronized to protect from MT access to the "offsets" field,
// but we do *not* want synchronization here.
synchronized int[] storeObject(Object value, FOStoreOutput out,
PersistenceManagerInternal pm) throws IOException {
// pm could be null if, for example, value is-a String. = pm;
offsets = new ArrayList();
int rc[] = storeObject(value, out);
offsets = null; // Allow GC to reclaim.
return rc;
* Stores an object on the given FOStoreOutput. An object is always
* stored by first storing it's CLID. If the value is null, instead of
* the OID, we write CLID.nullOID, followed by an integer 0...this is OK,
* because metadata will tell us type of thing that is null. If it's not
* null...well, it writes the object's CLID and value.
* @return null if there were no provisional OID's stored while storing
* this object, otherwise an array of offsets into the given output
* stream. The array will have at least one element.
// This MUST be kept in sync with fetchObject!!
synchronized protected int[] storeObject(Object value, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
if (null == value) {
// Object's value is null
} else {
// Value is not null, class could be 'known', as per above table
Class cls = value.getClass();
AbstractTranscriber t = (AbstractTranscriber)transcribers.get(cls);
if (null != t) {
// If we've got an AbstractTranscriber it *must* be a known
// type.
CLID.writeForKnown(cls, out);, out);
} else if (value instanceof PersistenceCapable) {
// The value is-a PersistenceCapable. Write it's OID.
OID oid = (OID)pm.getInternalObjectId(value);
if (oid.isProvisional()) {
offsets.add(new Integer(out.getPos()));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("FOT.sO: " + oid + " pos=" + // NOI18N
} else if (cls.isArray()) {
// It could be an "unknown" array, that is, one not directly
// supported by the above table of transcribers.
// For now, at least, we only support arrays of the above, and
// of PersistenceCapable objects, by storing OIDs.
// XXX TBD Model: Add ability to embed PC objects.
Class componentType = cls.getComponentType();
if (isSupportedArrayType(componentType)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("FOT.sO: objArray " + cls.getName()); // NOI18N
out.writeUTF(componentType.getName());, out);
} else {
throw new FOStoreUnsupportedException(
msg.msg("EXC_UnsupportedArrayType", // NOI18N
} else {
// What IS this thing???
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "storeObject", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_NoTranscriberForClass", cls)); // NOI18N
int size = 0;
if (null != offsets) {
size = offsets.size();
int rc[] = null;
if (size > 0) {
rc = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rc[i] = ((Integer)offsets.get(i)).intValue();
return rc;
// Putting this declaration and static block here is probably heresy by
// someone's Java coding standards. But! This is *only* used by
// isSupportedArrayType, and Java does not support function-local statics
// (which good ol' C does). If (when?) Java does support that capability,
// move these into that function.
private static final HashSet supported = new HashSet();
private static boolean initSupported = false;
// This would be a static block, except that Java does not support static
// blocks inside inner classes. It is called from ObjectTranscriber().
private void initSupported() {
if (! initSupported) {
initSupported = true;
// String
// Returns true if cls is one we can support as an element of an array
private boolean isSupportedArrayType(Class cls) {
boolean rc =
if ( !rc) {
rc = supported.contains(cls);
return rc;
* Retrieves an object from the given DataInput by delegating to the other
* fetchObject method after stashing away pm
Object fetchObject(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum,
PersistenceManagerInternal pm)
throws IOException, Exception { = pm;
return fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum);
* Retrieves an object from the given DataInput. If it is an SCO, then the
* SCO's owner is set to the given owner.
// This MUST be kept in sync with storeObject!
protected Object fetchObject(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws IOException, Exception {
Object rc = null;
CLID clid =;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OT.fetchObject: " + clid); // NOI18N
if (CLID.nullCLID.equals(clid)) {
// Object's value is null
} else if (CLID.forOID.equals(clid)) {
// Object is-a PersistenceCapable. Return a hollow PC.
OID oid =;
FOStorePMF pmf = (FOStorePMF)pm.getPersistenceManagerFactory();
rc = pm.getStateManager(oid, oid.getPCClass(pmf)).getObject();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OT.fetchObject: " + oid); // NOI18N
} else if (CLID.forOIDArray.equals(clid)) {
String clsName = in.readUTF();
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
loadClass(clsName, obj));
rc = objArrayTranscriber.fetch(in, owner, fieldNum);
} else {
// Object could be of a 'known' type. Note that this doesn't use
// the above table!
Class cls = CLID.getKnownType(clid);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OT.fetchObject known: " + cls.getName()); // NOI18N
if (null != cls) {
AbstractTranscriber t =
if (null != t) {
rc = t.fetch(in, owner, fieldNum);
} else {
throw new FOStoreUnsupportedException(
msg.msg("EXC_ClassNotTranscribable", cls)); // NOI18N
return rc;
* Skips an object's bytes from the given DataInput.
protected void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
* Skips an object's bytes from the given DataInput.
// This MUST be kept in sync with storeObject!
protected void skipObject(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
CLID clid =;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OT.skip: " + clid); // NOI18N
if (CLID.nullCLID.equals(clid)) {
// Object's value is null
} else if (CLID.forOID.equals(clid)) {
// Object is-a PersistenceCapable. Read OID bytes only.
} else if (CLID.forOIDArray.equals(clid)) {
in.readUTF(); // clsName
} else {
// Object could be of a 'known' type. Note that this doesn't use
// the above table!
Class cls = CLID.getKnownType(clid);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OT.skipObject known: " + cls.getName()); // NOI18N
if (null != cls) {
AbstractTranscriber t =
if (null != t) {
} else {
throw new FOStoreUnsupportedException(
msg.msg("EXC_ClassNotTranscribable", cls)); // NOI18N
* An AbstractTranscriber knows how to transcribe one (and only one) kind
* of object. This is abstract class instead of interface to avoid
* 'publicity' of methods.
abstract class AbstractTranscriber implements Transcriber {
abstract void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException;
abstract Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception;
abstract void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException;
// Following are Transcribers for immutables.
abstract class ImmutableTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception{
return fetch(in);
// Immutables *never* need owner, nor fieldNum
abstract Object fetch(DataInput in) throws Exception;
abstract void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException;
class ImmutableBooleanTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Boolean(in.readBoolean());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableCharacterTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Character(in.readChar());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableByteTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Byte(in.readByte());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableShortTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Short(in.readShort());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableIntegerTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Integer(in.readInt());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableLongTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Long(in.readLong());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableFloatTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Float(in.readFloat());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableDoubleTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return new Double(in.readDouble());
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
class ImmutableStringTranscriber extends ImmutableTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
public Object fetch(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return in.readUTF();
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
// Following are Transcribers for arrays
// Each is similar: write/read the size of the array, followed by the
// elements.
* Abstract class which provides support for transcribing arrays of any
* type. For each type of array, there should be a subclass.
* @see ObjectTranscriber.IntArrayTranscriber
// Note that lack of symmetry between store/storeElement and
// fetch/fetchElements. This is intentional.
// We can have the array indexing loop in store, and have storeElement
// just write out the data value immediately, whereby subclasses don't
// have to each implement the loop. We cannot, however, do the same with
// the fetch methods, because the subclass itself has to create the array
// of the appropriate type, and then read the values using type-specific
// methods.
// So what you can say about the abstract methods, is that they do the
// type-specific things.
// Note too that this uses java.lang.reflect.Array. It may be that we
// have a big loss of performance here, and that we'd be better off by
// having each array transcriber type do all the work itself, and pay the
// costs of code size and maintenance.
abstract class ArrayTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
private Object owner;
private int fieldNum;
protected Object getOwner() {
return owner;
protected int getFieldNum() {
return fieldNum;
* Stores the entire array by delegating the storing of each element
* to the storeElement method, which is implemented by a subclass.
final void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
try {
int length = Array.getLength(value);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ ".store: length=" + length // NOI18N
+ " starting at=" + out.getPos()); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
storeElement(value, out, i);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "store", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "store", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
* Stores a single element of an array.
* @param value An array of some type. The type of the array is
* conditional on the class which is implementing this method.
* @param out Where the value should be stored
* @param index Index into the value which should be stored.
abstract void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
* Fetches the entire array by delegating to fetchElements.
final Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
this.owner = owner;
this.fieldNum = fieldNum;
Object rc = null;
try {
int length = in.readInt();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ ".fetch: length=" + length); // NOI18N
rc = fetchElements(in, length);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "fetch", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "fetch", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
return rc;
* Skips the entire array by delegating to skipElements.
final void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
try {
int length = in.readInt();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ ".skip: length=" + length); // NOI18N
skipElements(in, length);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "skip", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "skip", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_ShouldNotHappen", ex)); // NOI18N
* Creates an array of some type and returns it, after reading in all
* the array's element's values. The type of the array that should be
* created is conditional on the class which is implementing this
* method.
* @param in Place from where the array's values should be read
* @param length Length of the array to create.
abstract Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws Exception, IllegalArgumentException,
* Skips an array of some type after skipping all the array's element's values.
* @param in Place from where the array's values should be read
* @param length Length of the array.
abstract void skipElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException;
// Following are Transcribers for arrays of individual types.
class BooleanArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeBoolean(Array.getBoolean(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws Exception, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
boolean rc[] = new boolean[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readBoolean();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class CharArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeChar(Array.getChar(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
char rc[] = new char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readChar();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class ByteArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeByte(Array.getByte(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
byte rc[] = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readByte();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class ShortArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeShort(Array.getShort(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
short rc[] = new short[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readShort();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class IntArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeInt(Array.getInt(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
int rc[] = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readInt();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class LongArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeLong(Array.getLong(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
long rc[] = new long[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readLong();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class FloatArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeFloat(Array.getFloat(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
float rc[] = new float[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readFloat();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class DoubleArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeDouble(Array.getDouble(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
double rc[] = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readDouble();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class StringArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
out.writeUTF((String)Array.get(value, index));
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
String rc[] = new String[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rc[i] = in.readUTF();
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
class ObjArrayTranscriber extends ArrayTranscriber {
private Class componentType;
void setComponentType(Class componentType) {
this.componentType = componentType;
void storeElement(Object value, FOStoreOutput out, int index)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
Object o = Array.get(value, index);
storeObject(o, out);
Object fetchElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws Exception {
if (null == componentType) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "fetchElements", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_NullComponentType")); // NOI18N
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("PCAT.fetchElements: componentType=" // NOI18N
+ componentType.getName());
Object rc = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Array.set(rc, i, fetchObject(in, getOwner(), getFieldNum()));
return rc;
void skipElements(DataInput in, int length)
throws IOException {
if (null == componentType) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
this.getClass(), "skipElements", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_NullComponentType")); // NOI18N
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("PCAT.skipElements: componentType=" // NOI18N
+ componentType.getName());
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Following are Transcribers for Collections.
// Each is similar: write/read out the size of the collection, then its
// elements.
* Transcribe Collections.
abstract class CollectionTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
* Writes information for Collections, particularly for SCO
* Collections.
* @param obj Collection (possibly SCO) for which information in
* written.
* @param out Output to which information is written.
* @throws IOException if there are problems writing information.
protected void writeInfo(Collection obj, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
if ((obj instanceof SCOCollection)) {
SCOCollection sco = (SCOCollection)obj;
} else {
/** Store the elements of the collection. Freeze the elements,
* then iterate over them.
protected void storeCollection(Collection obj, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
FOStoreTranscriberFactory factory =
FOStoreTranscriber t;
Iterator iterator = null;
if (obj instanceof SCOCollection) {
iterator = ((SCOCollection)obj).frozenIterator();
} else {
iterator = obj.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object elem =;
t = (FOStoreTranscriber)factory.getTranscriber(elem.getClass())[0];
t.storeObject(elem, out);
* Skips elements of a Collection.
* @param in Place from where the array's values should be read
* @throws IOException if there are problems writing information.
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int size = in.readInt();
in.readUTF(); // elementType
in.readBoolean(); // allowNulls
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
* Transcribe ArrayLists.
class ArrayListTranscriber extends CollectionTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
ArrayList obj = (ArrayList)value;
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
storeCollection(obj, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class elementType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList rc =
new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList(
elementType, allowNulls, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rc.addInternal(fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum));
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
// Sigh: ArrayList and Vector are sooooo close, yet different, and these
// methods are small, so that it's hardly worth it to abstract out the
// differences. You wind up with more lines of code than by keeping them
// completely separate!
* Transcribe Vectors
class VectorTranscriber extends CollectionTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Vector obj = (Vector)value;
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
FOStoreTranscriberFactory factory =
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object o = obj.elementAt(i);
FOStoreTranscriber t =
t.storeObject(o, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class elementType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector rc =
new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector(
elementType, allowNulls);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rc.addInternal(fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum));
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
* Transcribe LinkedList.
class LinkedListTranscriber extends CollectionTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
LinkedList obj = (LinkedList)value;
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
storeCollection(obj, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class elementType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList rc =
new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList(
elementType, allowNulls);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rc.addInternal(fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum));
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
* Transcribe TreeSets.
class TreeSetTranscriber extends CollectionTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
TreeSet obj = (TreeSet)value;
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
Comparator c = obj.comparator();
if (c != null) {
} else {
storeCollection(obj, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class elementType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
boolean nonNullComparator = in.readBoolean();
Comparator c = null;
if (nonNullComparator) {
String clsName = in.readUTF();
Class cls = loadClass(clsName, obj);
c = (Comparator) cls.newInstance();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeSet rc = new
elementType, allowNulls, c);
Object[] frozen = new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object elem = fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum);
frozen[i] = elem;
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int size = in.readInt();
in.readUTF(); // elementType
in.readBoolean(); // allowNulls
boolean nonNullComparator = in.readBoolean();
if (nonNullComparator) {
in.readUTF(); // clsName
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
* Transcribe HashSets.
// XXX TBD Model: Use elementType, allowNulls when available.
class HashSetTranscriber extends CollectionTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
HashSet obj = (HashSet)value;
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
storeCollection(obj, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class elementType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet rc =
new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet(
elementType, allowNulls);
Object[] frozen = new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object elem = fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum);
frozen[i] = elem;
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
* Transcribe Maps.
abstract class MapTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void storeMap(Map obj, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
int size = obj.size();
writeInfo(obj, out);
writeExtras(obj, out);
FOStoreTranscriberFactory factory =
FOStoreTranscriber tk, tv;
Iterator iterator;
if (obj instanceof SCOMap) {
iterator = ((SCOMap)obj).frozenIterator();
} else {
iterator = Freezer.frozenIterator(obj, obj.size());
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry mapEntry = (Map.Entry);
Object key = mapEntry.getKey();
Object value = mapEntry.getValue();
tk = (FOStoreTranscriber)factory.getTranscriber(key.getClass())[0];
tv = (FOStoreTranscriber)factory.getTranscriber(value.getClass())[0];
tk.storeObject(key, out);
tv.storeObject(value, out);
void writeExtras(Map obj, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
// the basic Map doesn't have any extras; see TreeMap
Object fetchMap(SCOMap rc, int size, DataInput in, Object owner,
int fieldNum) throws Exception {
Map.Entry[] frozen = new Map.Entry[size];
Map absoluteMap = Freezer.createAbsoluteOrderMap();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object key = fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum);
Object val = fetchObject(in, owner, fieldNum);
absoluteMap.put(key, val);
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
protected void writeInfo(Map obj, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
if (obj instanceof SCOMap) {
SCOMap map = (SCOMap) obj;
} else {
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int size = in.readInt();
in.readUTF(); // keyType
in.readUTF(); // valueType
in.readBoolean(); // allowNulls
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
skipObject(in); // key
skipObject(in); // value
* Transcribe HashMaps.
class HashMapTranscriber extends MapTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
storeMap((Map)value, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class keyType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
Class valueType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashMap rc = new
keyType, valueType, allowNulls, size);
return fetchMap(rc, size, in, owner, fieldNum);
* Transcribe Hashtable, including sco.Hashtable
class HashtableTranscriber extends MapTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
storeMap((Map)value, out);
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class keyType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
Class valueType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Hashtable rc = new
keyType, valueType, allowNulls);
return fetchMap(rc, size, in, owner, fieldNum);
* Transcribe TreeMap, including sco.TreeMap.
class TreeMapTranscriber extends MapTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
storeMap((Map)value, out);
void writeExtras(Map obj, FOStoreOutput out)
throws IOException {
Comparator c = ((SortedMap)obj).comparator();
if (c != null) {
} else {
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
int size = in.readInt();
Class keyType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
Class valueType = loadClass(in.readUTF(), obj);
boolean allowNulls = in.readBoolean();
boolean nonNullComparator = in.readBoolean();
Comparator c = null;
if (nonNullComparator) {
String clsName = in.readUTF();
Class cls = loadClass(clsName, obj);
c = (Comparator) cls.newInstance();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeMap rc = new
keyType, valueType, allowNulls, c);
return fetchMap (rc, size, in, owner, fieldNum);
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int size = in.readInt();
in.readUTF(); // keyType
in.readUTF(); // valueType
in.readBoolean(); // allowNulls
boolean nonNullComparator = in.readBoolean();
if (nonNullComparator) {
in.readUTF(); // clsName
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
skipObject(in); // key
skipObject(in); // value
* Transcribe Date.
class DateTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
boolean sqlDate = false;
if (value instanceof java.sql.Date ||
value instanceof org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate) {
sqlDate = true;
Date date = (Date)value;
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
org.apache.jdo.sco.SCO rc = null;
boolean sqlDate = in.readBoolean();
if (sqlDate) {
rc = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate(in.readLong());
} else {
rc = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date(in.readLong());
rc.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
in.readBoolean(); // sqlDate
in.readLong(); // time
* Transcribe Calendar.
class CalendarTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Calendar calendar = (Calendar)value;
TimeZone tz = calendar.getTimeZone();
String tzid = tz.getID();
Date date = ((Calendar)value).getTime();
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
Calendar rc = null;
String className = in.readUTF();
Object obj = ((StateManagerInternal)owner).getObject();
Class c = loadClass(className, obj);
rc = (Calendar)c.newInstance();
String tzid = in.readUTF();
org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date date =
new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date(in.readLong());
date.setOwner(owner, fieldNum);
return rc;
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
in.readInt(); // type
in.readLong(); // time
* Transcribe BigDecimal.
// We use the string representation instead of some other alternatives
// (e.g. serialization) because BigDecimal's javadoc says toString is
// compatible with the String constructor, which I take to mean that no
// information is lost.
class BigDecimalTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal)value;
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
return new BigDecimal(in.readUTF());
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
* Transcribe BigInteger.
// Ditto the comments above for BigDecimal.
class BigIntegerTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
BigInteger val = (BigInteger)value;
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
return new BigInteger(in.readUTF());
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
* Transcribe BitSet.
class BitSetTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
final static int BYTE = 8;
final static byte LEAST_SIGNIFICANT = 1;
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
BitSet bitSet = (BitSet)value;
int length = bitSet.length() / BYTE;
// if necessary, enlarge buffer
if (bitSet.length() % BYTE > 0) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
// set bits in byte array according to BitSet object
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
byte b = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < BYTE; j++) {
int index = i * BYTE + j;
if (index < bitSet.length() && bitSet.get(index)) {
buffer[i] = b;
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
int length = in.readInt();
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
BitSet rc = new BitSet(length * BYTE);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
byte b = buffer[i];
// set bits in BitSet according to byte array values
for (int j = 0; j < BYTE; j++) {
int index = i * BYTE + j;
byte pos = (byte)(LEAST_SIGNIFICANT << j);
if ((b & pos) != 0) {
return rc;
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int length = in.readInt();
* Transcribe Locale.
class LocaleTranscriber extends AbstractTranscriber {
void store(Object value, FOStoreOutput out) throws IOException {
Locale val = (Locale)value;
Object fetch(DataInput in, Object owner, int fieldNum)
throws Exception {
String language = in.readUTF();
String country = in.readUTF();
String variant = in.readUTF();
return new Locale(language, country, variant);
void skip(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
in.readUTF(); // language
in.readUTF(); // country
in.readUTF(); // variant
* Returns a class for the given name.
* @param name Name of the Class to return.
* @throws JDOFatalUserException if the named Class cannot be loaded.
private Class loadClass(String name, Object obj) {
Class rc = null;
try {
rc = pm.loadClass(name, obj.getClass().getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new JDOUserException(
msg.msg("EXC_CannotLoadClass", name)); // NOI18N
return rc;